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File metadata and controls

253 lines (197 loc) · 11.2 KB

Warehouse Loading

Pipeline for processing incoming images and patient data files in the data warehouse.

This pipeline takes care of appropriate preprocessing of the image data, create the data warehouse file layout, and split the appropriate training and validation (holdout) sets based on patient IDs.

Running the code

Install the required dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Ensure that relevant AWS credentials are exported to the shell where the script is running. Set the working S3 bucket name with the BUCKET_NAME environment variable

export BUCKET_NAME=my-warehouse-bucket

then run the script directly with the bonobo CLI (installed as part of the requirements):

bonobo run warehouse/

The results of the pipeline will be shown in the terminal, for example:

$ bonobo run warehouse/ --env WAREHOUSE_BUCKET=my-warehouse-bucket
- load_config in=1 out=1 [done]
- load_existing_files in=1 out=1 [done]
- extract_raw_folders in=1 out=5 [done]
- extract_raw_files_from_folder in=5 out=56294 [done]
- process_patient_data in=56294 out=56294 [done]
- process_image in=56294 out=111835 err=2 [done]
- process_dicom_data in=111835 out=55916 [done]
- upload_text_data in=55916 out=55916 [done]
- data_copy in=168129 out=56243 [done]

To run the code, have have AWS programmatic access credentials loaded in the environment for a user that is a member of the relevant ETLGroup IAM group.

Warehouse / Pipeline configuration

The pipeline is configured with a config.json placed at the apex of the relevant bucket. A sample file is provided, and generally requires the following pieces of information filled in:

  • raw_prefixes (list): the list of raw prefixes in the bucket that are allowed to be processed. These are the folders where the raw file uploads happen, and generally have names in the pattern of raw-<aws-username>
  • training_percentage (int): the percentage (0-100) of the patients to split into the training group.
  • sites: this setting has 3 sub-sections, each containing a list of sites that are matched against the medical data files' SubmittingCentre section, to define the data splitting behaviour
    • split (list): sites that are randomly split between training/validation, in a proportion set by the training_percentage value above
    • training (list): all patients going to the training set
    • validation (list): all patients going to the validation set

This configuration file has to be present at the root of the given S3 bucket.

Pipeline overview

The data loader pipeline follows these steps (referring to the specific Python functions in the code):

Data warehouse loader pipeline overview

It translates to:

  • Load the warehouse configuration.
  • Extract the raw files (clinical and images) that potentially need processing. That means first all clinical files, then after them the image files that is seen to need processing (ie. no corresponding files in the processed side of the warehouse).
  • Run those files through the patient data processing (which only does something with them if they are clinical data), and potentially copy clinical data files to a new location as required. This generates the training/validation split information as well, if for a patient/pseudonym it hasn't been done yet.
  • Run the files through the image processing (which only does something with them if they are image files, ie. .dcm). This chaining ensures that the clinical files are always processed before the image files, ensuring that there's available training/validation split information for the given pseudonym, extracted from the image's DICOM headers
  • If images need copied, they are passed on to that step, and DICOM metadata is extracted and uploaded.

To generate the pipeline flow above, install the Python dependencies, Graphviz, and run:

bonobo inspect --graph warehouse/ | dot -o warehouseloader-pipeline.png -T png

Warehouse structure

The warehouse training data is organised into subfolders based on image types, patient ID, and date, as follows:

  • The ct, mri, xray folders hold the DICOM images of the relevant kind.
  • Subfolders within those are organized by the extracted Study Instance UID (unique identifier) and Series Instance UID values of the images.
  • The ...-metadata folders hold the DICOM tags exported as json from the corresponding IMAGE_UUID.dcm.
  • The data folder holds the patient medical data, status_DATE.json files for negative results, and data_DATE.json file/files for positive results. The DATE is formatted as YYYY-MM-DD, such as 2020-04-21.

Extracting submitting centre values

As mentioned above, the pipeline configuration requires a list of hospitals that are assigned to the split/training/validation sets. To extract the current values from the submitted data, run the submittingcentres pipeline, which will print the list of hospitals in the console:

$ bonobo run warehouse/ --env WAREHOUSE_BUCKET=mybucketname
ACME Hospital
Busytown Hospital
 - load_config in=1 out=1 [done]
 - extract_raw_folders in=1 out=2 [done]
 - extract_raw_files_from_folder in=2 out=3042 [done]
 - SubmittingCentreExtractor in=3042 [done]

SubmittingCentre extractor pipeline overview

bonobo inspect --graph warehouse/ | dot -o submittingcentres-pipeline.png -T png

Preprocessing data in the warehouse

There are internal (see dashboard/dashboard/ and external dashboards (see docs/dashboard/, which are based on information in the warehouse. To power those dashboards, a data preprocessing pipeline does the number-crunching and creates summary files to be used.

The data processing pipeline runs similarly to the other cases as before:

$ bonobo run warehouse/ --env WAREHOUSE_BUCKET=mybucketname
- list_clinical_files in=1 out=1317 [done]
- load_clinical_files in=1317 out=1317 [done]
- list_image_metadata_files in=1 out=3767 [done]
- load_image_metadata_files in=3767 out=3767 [done]
- get_storage_stats in=1 out=1 [done]
- DataExtractor in=5084 [done]

with the following flow:

Data processor pipeline overview

  • The clinical files, images (image metadata), and storage information is extracted in parallel.
  • All are combined at the end, and uploaded to an "processed" S3 blucket (to <WAREHOUSE_BUCKET>-processed where the value of <WAREHOUSE_BUCKET> is from the environment variables)

To generate the pipeline flow above, install the Python dependencies, Graphviz, and run:

bonobo inspect --graph warehouse/ | dot -o dataprocess-pipeline.png -T png

Running in AWS

Normally these pipelines are run in AWS, following these steps:

  • Log in to AWS, assume the relevant user role you need
  • Navigate to the Elastic Compute Cloud section
  • Select the relevant Cluster to run things on (e.g. "...-dev", "...-staging" or "...-prod" cluster for the different stacks)
  • In the Cluster control panel, select Tasks, and Run new Task
  • Set the following values across the task setup:
    • Launch type: Fargate
    • Task definition: the relevant task definition for the given stack/cluster (eg. warehouse-staging-Pipeline, or warehouse-prod-SubmittingCentres, etc). ...-Pipeline is the loading pipeline's task, ...-SubmittingCentres is the submitting centre extractor, and ...-DataProcessing is the preprocessing step for the dashboards
    • Platform version: select 1.4.0
    • Cluster VPC: select the VPC that is in the given cluster, which you can do by hovering on the VPC value, and the hover text will show the name, e.g. nccid-data-warehouse-prod-VPC. Make sure that the stack value (e.g. prod here) is for the correct cluster/task.
    • Subnets: select at least 1 (but recommended to be be both available) subnets. Here also check that the subnet's name (e.g. nccid-data-warehouse-prod-publicA) has the same stack value as the rest of the setup.
    • Security Group: hit edit, then Select existing security group and select the one warehouse-...-Fargate-... security group in the list, then Save
    • Auto-assign public IP: set to ENABLED (without this, the task won't be able to pull the relevant Docker image to run on).
  • After the required values above, can check the optional values / cross-check:
    • Advanced options / Container overrides / pipeline: check the prefilled values of the Command override, an Environment variable overrides sections. Make sure the command corresponds to the pipeline you expect (from the bin/ folder of the library, and change any of the env vars that you might need. COMMIT is likely the only one you would ever need to change (if you want to run the pipeline from a Pull Request or similar).

Once done, hit Run task, wait for it to be provisioned, then follow the logs, or the metrics in CloudWatch.

Logs and monitoring

You can monitor the logs in the running task, or can find the logs of a given run later on in CloudWatch / Logs / Log groups and the relevant /ecs/warehouse-<stack>-pipeline log group. You can also use infrastructure/tools/ to download a log stream (one run) into a local JSON file, including all log fragments (run the script with -h to see the options available.)

For resource metrics and monitoring, you can visit CloudWatch / Container Insights. When the task is running for a few few minutes, it will show up in Resources and can be selected for monitoring. Or using Performance Monitoring within Container Insights, do the filtering yourself, when the metrics start to flow.

Development and testing

The loader pipelines come with extensive tests, and you can run those by installing tox (through pip install tox), and then running (with a Python 3.6 environment being available, as the pipeline is running on that):

tox -e py36

The tests are included in the tests/ folder, and comprise both unit and integration tests, mocking the Cloud resources as needed. See those files for more information on what's being tested. See pytest for available flags for these test runs.

When changes are made to the pipeline files, can do the formatting and checking steps (using isort, black, and flake8) by running:

tox -e prepare

To see what happens when running these, check the tox.ini configuration.