- 5.1.1: 2013-03-17
- Fixed #100: Inconsistent parameter type passed to the next method of scales.
- Fixed #102: valuesChanged event triggered even if values are identical
- Fixed #103: CSS bug related to IE7 and scale ticks
- Fixed #104: Resizing the window breaks label position
- Fixed #105: Tick appear outside of its container
- 5.1.0: 2013-03-23
- Ticks formatting, with a new callback function: format
- 5.0.2: 2013-03-17
- Fixed #93 (theming with scales): ticks and handle values desynchronized on the right
- 5.0.1: 2013-03-07
- Fixed #90 dateRangeSlider displayed outside of the innerbar when setting the range
- 5.0: 2013-02-09
- Scales
- New element in handles, can be used for styling. ui-range-slider-handle-inner
- 4.2.10: 2013-02-08
- Fixed #79: Bar not correctly updated after window resizing, with auto margin on container
- 4.2.9: 2013-01-17
- Technical release: modified manifest to appear in plugins.jquery.com
- 4.2.8: 2013-01-16
- Fixed #73: Can't always set the slider values programatically
- 4.2.7: 2013-01-03
- Fixed #71: Labels not hidden when scrolling with arrows
- 4.2.6: 2012-11-30
- Fixed #59: NaN value in date slider
- 4.2.5: 2012-11-28
- Fixed #58: Date labels are shifted after parent resize, even after calling resize method
- Fixed #35: Event drag (used internally) conflicts with other libraries. Renamed to sliderDrag.
- 4.2.4: 2012-11-19
- Fixed a bug in resize method, when displaying a slider in a previously hidden parent.
- Bug in label positionning
- 4.2.3: 2012-11-16
- Fixed #52 and #53: Labels shown when valueLabels option set to "change"
- Fixed #51: right label display bug in Chrome
- 4.2.2: 2012-11-08
- Fixed #46: Labels swap when they are very close
- Fixed #45: Access to a property of a null object
- Fixed #49: UserValuesChanged event fired when changing values programmatically
- 4.2.1: 2012-10-04
- Fixed wheelmode setter in constructor
- Documentation update
- 4.2: 2012-06-18
- Draggable labels (Issue #28)
- 4.1.2: 2012-06-11
- Fixed #29: range option in constructor is not working
- 4.1.1: 2012-06-07
- Step option is not working in constructor
- 4.1: 2012-05-31
- New theme: iThing
- Bug fixes on IE
- 4.0: 2012-05-26
- Massive rewrite of jQRangeSlider
- Steps !
- Native support of touch devices (tested on iOS and Android)
- Removed min/max values Changing/Changed events. Use valuesChanged or valuesChanging instead.
- Event log in demo
- 3.2: 2012-05-22
- Bug #27, generate better input names for editSlider. Names are based on the element id.
- 3.1.1: 2012-05-07 eonlepapillon
- Fixed bug #22: Event 'userValuesChanged' is not triggered after zooming with wheelmouse
- 3.1: 2012-04-16 [email protected]
- Added the new "userValuesChanged" event that is triggered only on the value changes that were initiated by the user ( e.g. by modifying the range with the mouse).
- 3.0.2: 2012-03-03
- EditSlider: set values on focus lost
- editSlider unit tests
- 3.0.1: 2012-03-02
- Errors in package construction
- 3.0: 2012-03-01
- New type of slider: edit range slider!
- Packaging minified version of individual files
- 2.4: 2012-02-23
- Dual license GPL and MIT
- Small refactoring, allowing to create a modifiable range slider
- 2.3: 2011-11-27
- Issue #14: limit the range with a minimum or maximum range length.
- Added the range option
- New public method for getting / setting bounds
- use strict
- 2.2.1: 2011-11-15
- Issue #12: impossible to drag the left handle to the max value
- 2.2: 2011-09-27
- Issue #11: resize public method added
- 2.1.4: 2011-09-19
- Issue #10: remove z-ordering
- 2.1.3: 2011-09-07
- Issue #8 fix: Problem with minified version
- Script for creating minified package
- 2.1.2: 2011-06-02
- Issue #6: CSS fix
- 2.1.1: 2011-05-20
- Integrated Google Closure compiler and script for generating minified version of jQRangeSlider
- 2.1: 2011-03-28
- Changed helpers name to labels (API change)
- Labels replaced inside the top level parent element
- 2.0.2: 2011-03-23 bugfix
- 2.0.1: 2011-03-17 bugfix
- 2.0: 2011-03-14
- Value helpers
- New events: min/maxValueChanging and min/maxValueChanged
- Bugfixes
- Unit tests
- 1.1.1: 2011-03-04 bugfixes on public methods
- 1.1 : 2011-03-03 Added methods for setting and getting only one value
- 1.0.2: 2011-03-03 Set values fix
- 1.0.1: 2011-03-02 Fix for IE8
- 1.0 : 2010-12-28 Initial release