ODP is an open web based debate portal, where registered users can start debating (for the motion or against the motion) on a provided list of running debates.
- Debate List
- User Profile
- Debate Result
- Application will have ACL based on user roles.
- Application will support Administrator, Moderator, Debater and Guest roles
- Application will only allow registered and logged in users to debate
- Guest users can only read the debates list but cannot participate in any debate
- Moderators will be responsible for maintaining the debate content, manage an altercation, keeping track of user infractions and banning a volatile user
- Administrators can post a new debate topic, close an old topic, add or delete a user, assign user a particular role, choose the winners of a debate, close a running debate and if required open a closed debate
- Debaters will be able to post their views over a debate, they can challenge another debater over any running debate topic, can choose the debate side (for the motion or against the motion) once per debate topic.
- Debates will be one on one, if the participants changes the same debate topic will host a new debate automatically
- Other debaters can vote up or vote down a debater's point of view
- User profile will be visible to all, and it will carry information regarding, debates participated in, debates won, debates lost, points earned
- A user with good number of points will be chosen as moderator by the site administrator
- Debater can suggest a new debate topic
- Debaters should be searchable
- Debate List should be searchable
- Draw the Application Architecture for the Debate Portal
- Class diagram for the Application
- Draw an ER schema OR Database Schema OR Database Diagrams
- Draw a Use Case Diagram