This example features three services: Writer
, Forwarder
, and SQS reader
Postgres and SNS/SQS are started in (Docker) containers using docker-compose
. SNS/SQS run inside Localstack container, which is an emulation of AWS services.
Creates fake users and persists them in the users
table in the Postgres database.
In the same transaction, it writes messages to the outbox_messages
In the real world, the Writer
could be a business service: user-service
Reads messages from the outbox_messages
table, transforms and publishes them to the SNS topic.
In the real world, the Forwarder
could be a background job of the user-service
, i.e. a cronjob in a Kubernetes cluster.
Reads messages from the queue.
In the real world, the SQS reader
could be another business service, i.e. cart-service
which is interested in the events of the user-service
Open several terminal windows and navigate to the examples/01_sns
cd examples/01_sns
This example uses two docker containers: postgres
and localstack
They expose standard ports 5432 for Postgres and 4566 for Localstack.
Initial pulling of the images may take some time.
docker-compose up -d
without docker-compose
docker run -d --name postgres -e POSTGRES_USER=user -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -e POSTGRES_DB=dbname -p 5432:5432 -v $(pwd)/../../internal/sql/01_outbox_messages.up.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/01_outbox_messages.up.sql -v $(pwd)/../../internal/sql/02_users.up.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/02_users.up.sql postgres:17.2-alpine
docker run -d --name localstack -e SERVICES=sns,sqs -e GATEWAY_LISTEN= -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=eu-central-1 -p 4566:4566 localstack/localstack:4.0.3
Then using docker ps
you should see something like this:
fa956368c4d6 localstack/localstack:4.0.3 "" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes (healthy) 4510-4559/tcp, 5678/tcp,>4566/tcp, :::4566->4566/tcp localstack
92d28e5e57af postgres:17.2-alpine "docker-entrypoint.s…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>5432/tcp, :::5432->5432/tcp postgres
This service will write create fake users and write messages to the outbox table.
go run ./writer
Then you should see similar logs in the terminal:
2024/12/25 21:19:37 INFO user created user="[name=Ilene Eichmann, age=93, id=4ace86a2-7384-48ec-93b1-4301971942aa, created=2024-12-25 19:19:37]"
2024/12/25 21:19:39 INFO user created user="[name=Maximillian Greenfelder, age=34, id=e1d41cec-42f3-4615-8ab5-58e61132cb53, created=2024-12-25 19:19:39]"
This service will forward messages from the outbox table to the SNS topic. It is responsible to create the SNS topic in the Localstack container.
Rut it from another terminal window in the same directory: examples/01_sns
go run ./forwarder
Then you should see similar logs in the terminal:
2024/12/25 20:33:05 INFO forward stats stats="[read: 3, published: 3, acked: 3]"
2024/12/25 20:33:10 INFO forward stats stats="[read: 4, published: 4, acked: 4]"
This service will create a SQS queue, subscribe it to the SNS topic and read messages from the queue.
Rut it from another terminal window in the same directory: examples/01_sns
go run ./sqs_reader
Then you should see similar logs in the terminal:
2024/12/26 16:24:36 Message received:
"id": "00d52294-abd5-4f0a-b33b-b10008c3d79a",
"age": 31,
"name": "Katrine Sawayn",
"quote": "\"Gluten-free green juice kogi helvetica disrupt roof.\" - Jessie Will",
"created_at": "2024-12-26T14:24:35.156516Z",
"event_type": "user_created"
After running the example, you can stop and remove the containers.
docker-compose down -v