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166 lines (126 loc) · 6.79 KB

File metadata and controls

166 lines (126 loc) · 6.79 KB


Movies Store App

Project Overview

This project is a simple web application showing a list of movies (downloaded from the free MovieLens dataset).

It uses the following libraries / technologies - don't hesitate to refer to the docs if you need to:

  • SQLite as a simple file database with all the movie data
  • NodeJS to run the web server, and more specifically:
  • Bootstrap and jQuery for the client-side web pages
  • Mocha as test framework, with the chai assertion library and chai-http plugin used for the HTTP tests

Project Structure

Here's the (simplified) project structure:

├── app.js              --> the main app
├── movies.db           --> the SQLite movie database
├── lib
│   └── movies.js       --> the main business logic handling movie information, as a plain NodeJS Module
├── routes
│   ├── api.js          --> the Express routes for the REST API layer exposing the movie logic
│   └── index.js        --> the Express routes for the server-side HTML page rendering
├── views
│   ├── index.hbs       --> the template for all movie list pages
│   └── index.js        --> the template for the general site layout
├── public              --> exposed by the web server on the root /
│   └── stylesheets
│       └── style.css   --> the site's custom styles
└── tests
    ├── movies.unit.test.js       --> unit tests for the movies lib
    └── api.test.js    --> API tests

Database structure

The sqlite database in movies.db contains the two following tables (you can browse it with the free SQLite browser for instance):


CREATE TABLE "movies" (
    "title"     TEXT NOT NULL,
    "genres"    TEXT,
    PRIMARY KEY("movieId")

The genres are stored as a |-separated list of strings.


CREATE TABLE "ratings" (
    "userId"     INTEGER,
    "movieId"    INTEGER,
    "rating"     REAL,
    "timestamp"  INTEGER


The following REST API is currently implemented:

  • GET /rest/movies/all
    "title": "Black Butler: Book of the Atlantic (2017)",
    "genres": "Action|Animation|Comedy|Fantasy"
    "title": "No Game No Life: Zero (2017)",
    "genres": "Animation|Comedy|Fantasy"
    "title": "Flint (2017)",
    "genres": "Drama"
    "title": "Bungo Stray Dogs: Dead Apple (2018)",
    "genres": "Action|Animation"
    "title": "Andrew Dice Clay: Dice Rules (1991)",
    "genres": "Comedy"

How to run and test

Run the app

  • Install the dependencies: npm install
  • Run: npm start or directly node app.js. It uses port 3000 by default but you can change this with the PORT environment variable, e.g. PORT=3001 npm start
  • Open the web UI with your browser at http://localhost:3000/

Run the tests

  • Install the dev dependencies: npm install --dev-dependencies
  • Run: npm test or directly mocha tests. It will execute all tests under the ./tests directory, but you can run a specific test file with e.g. mocha tests/movies.unit.test.js


Database and web app

  • Improve the movie service (lib/movies.js), REST API (/routes/api.js) and UI (views/index.hbs) as needed in order to achieve the following:
    • Return the list of genres as an array, and display them as separate labels (e.g. using Bootstrap badge components) in the same table column
    • Return the average rating of each movie in a property called averageRating, rounded to 1 decimal place, and display them in a separate table column
    • Only include movies with at least 20 ratings
    • Return the movies sorted by descending rating

The expected format for a single movie record would then be something like (imaginary values, not necessarily accurate):

  "title": "Black Butler: Book of the Atlantic (2017)",
  "genres": ["Action","Animation","Comedy","Fantasy"],
  "averageRating": 4.6
  • Implement the getMoviesByGenre method and the corresponding GET /rest/movies/byGenre/[GENRE] REST API to return the same data as above, filtered for movies of the given genre
  • BONUS Implement a movie details page at /movie/:id displaying the last 5 ratings for that movie and their date, and make the movie titles in the main pages clickable to access the details page


  • Create new unit and API tests to cover your new developments in new *.test.js files under the tests directory. Feel free to take inspiration from the provided sample test files but do NOT modify these
  • BONUS Use the framework of your choice to produce a test coverage report and save it to a file in the coverage directory, showing at least the %lines covered. You should commit the resulting report files (it may be ignored by default by Git). Please specify the command to run in the scripts section of your package.json, to be run with npm run coverage.
  • BONUS Use the test framework of your choice to implement an integrated UI test that will:
    • Open the landing page and wait for the table data to be loaded
    • Verify that the main table has entries
    • Verify that all entries have a rating
    • If possible, have these tests run via mocha using the mocha tests command. If not, specify the command to run in the scripts section of your package.json, to be run with npm run test-ui.


Simply commit and push your updates using regular Git commands. We expect updates at least to the following files:

  • lib/movies.js
  • routes/api.js
  • views/index.hbs
  • tests/XXXX.test.js - but please do NOT update existing test files

You may install external NodeJS libraries if you wish, in that case:

  • Please make sure these dependencies are added to the repo's package.json
  • But do NOT remove any of the dependencies already declared

Submitting your solution

Please push your changes to the master branch of this repository. You can push one or more commits.

Once you are finished with the task, please click the Complete task link on this screen.