- Tierney Cyren (@bnb)
- Olivia Hugger (@oe)
- Dhruv Jain (@maddhruv)
- Adam Miller (@amiller-gh)
- Manil (@chowdhurian)
Coordinating "Getting Started" content with NodeSchool content #18
- one person responded, but we may not get the engagement that we're looking
- suggest we need to re-prioritize this task
- looking for a meeting to see if we can get the interactive tooling into our getting started
- there was also an understanding that we would get content from them
- depending on the amount of engagement we can start with content and go from there
- maybe instead of going to Nodeschool, go straight to the Learnyounode repo maintainers
- https://github.com/workshopper/learnyounode
- reiterate having a dedicated meeting with open invitation. "We're using what you have as a foundation. We'd like to have you involved."
- TODO: Tierney creating an issue for dedicated meeting
Website Wireframes #15
- There's been additional feedback from the TSC on the path we should go down for Downloads
- keep pressing the issue of package manager
- TODO: Tierney and Adam will work to meet with the TSC on this discussion
- Feedback around the releases section in the downloads page:
- The full releases section probably isn't useful as a source for downloads, since most downloads of older versions of Node.js are automated deployments and not direct downloads from the site
- The metadata portion of it is interesting and useful, and worth having. Even having it in a truncated but expandable way for each release line would be helpful and a nice addition to the site.
Tech Exploration for In-Browser Node.js Playground #12
- bring back next meeting
- Getting Started will inform what this look like
- to be included in the meeting around Getting Started content and material
- once we have some idea of content and material, reach out to Jenn Schiffer and Runkit, see if it would work on their platform. They would have good feedback
- TODO: invite Jenn to the Getting Started meeting
Voice and tone guidelines #13
- some new content added to PR, re: humour in voice
- waiting on more feedback
- TODO: review to come
Content Structure #4
- suggest that we have a Branding page in the Community section, in a similar vein to what Webpack does: https://webpack.js.org/branding/
- we need consistency to help inform colour palettes, and the correct spelling of Node.js, assets; for the benefit of anyone working in design and community
*Extracted from wr-agenda labelled issues and pull requests from the nodejs org prior to the meeting.
- TODO: Manil to add website-redesign initiative talking points for Collab Summit
- Node.js Foundation Calendar: https://nodejs.org/calendar
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