- Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJaBlwCfg1o
- GitHub Issue: nodejs/website-redesign#30
- Minutes Google Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/148YR77GBZf10B45zFR0BTppbrCT3IghE40I3dxOT1kk/edit
Manil Chowdhury (@chowdhurian) Tierney Cyren (@bnb) Adam Miller (@amiller-gh) Francisco Tomalsky (@tomalsky) Abraham Agiri Jnr. (@codeekage)
- Website Redesign Strategic Initiative Team: @nodejs/website-redesign
- Coordinating "Getting Started" content with NodeSchool content #18
- Website Wireframes #15
- Tech Exploration for In-Browser Node.js Playground #12
@oe is stepping back from managing the @nodejs/website-redesign initiative. @chowdhurian and @amiller-gh are stepping up as co-champions for the initiative.
Welcome @codeekage to the team! Happy to have you!
*Extracted from wr-agenda labelled issues and pull requests from the nodejs org prior to the meeting.
Coordinating "Getting Started" content with NodeSchool content #18
- shouldn't let getting started block us.
- We should start to transition to active content development and high-fidelity mockups – can happen in tandem.
- Should move on the getting started breakout meeting
Website Wireframes #15
- Adam: Made updates to reflect feedback on download and releases flow. Will be live soon.
- The homepage needs an iteration for content. For homepage, the content will inform the layout so we'll need to do that first.
- Homepage will need a space for events that the Foundation can push to, and security notifications
- We need tighter feedback loop (such as a dedicated channel in Node.js Slackers or Twitter DMs) between design iterations and users
Tech Exploration for In-Browser Node.js Playground #12
- See RunKit demo
- Idea from RunKit: Active Nightly Demos?
- Docs run behind nightlies, dedicated "hot features" page?
- Lock RunKit Node.js version down to docs version
- TODO: Manil to split out the current team members by interest in IA, Design, Code.
- TODO: Adam to send out Dribble for breakout meeting.
- TODO: Adam/Tierney to make a list of items we want on Getting Started.
- TODO: Adam to create Node.js Slackers #website-redesign channel.
- TODO: Adam to submit a Node.js extended colour palette for review.
- Node.js Foundation Calendar: https://nodejs.org/calendar
Click +GoogleCalendar
at the bottom right to add to your own Google calendar.