## Time-stamp: <2011-09-20 15:34:39 vk> ## This file is best viewed with GNU Emacs Org-mode: http://orgmode.org/
Will be developed within the next weeks.
Maildir is a popular standard format to store emails. Many email clients can handle this format including Gnus, mutt, KMail, and Opera Mail.
Many users do have a local mail repository in Maildir format. Accessing e-mails in Maildir folders is fairly easy because each e-mail is one file in a folder.
work in progress
We will probably visualize an e-mail from Maildir like this:
** [[file:~/Maildir/cur/emailfile.txt][Urgent: Serverload too high]] :maildir:Memacs: <2011-07-23 Sat 15:46> :PROPERTIES: :CREATED: <2011-07-23 Sat 15:46> :ID: <[email protected]> :FROM: [email protected] :END: