Buzz API build in Python with Flask.
Before developing in a new terminal session, run
This sets up pre-push hooks and installs dependencies.
There are a couple of ways you can build the project for development and testing;
- Docker containers. Slow and not automatic. Fully featured testing, "as it is deployed".
- Docker and Python Server. A mix of both solutions. DB is in Docker, Python Server serves Flask.
There are two containers at the moment, one for the python server, and one for the database.
To build the containers, run:
To start containers
To restart just the server instead of restarting the server and the db
To check logs:
docker logs buzzserver
docker logs buzzdb
If you want to access the db container from the server container, use the url
If you want to access the server container from the db container, use the url
To install docker on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce
sudo gpasswd -a <your user name here> docker
To access web server:
- Build and start the containers
- The web server should be accessible at localhost:1221
- The db should be accessible at localhost:3301