Releases: nulib/meadow
- Complete indexing rewrite, in order to support multiple versioned indexes simultaneously required by the upcoming V2 API rollout
- Fixes bug where only 10 controlled term results shown in view and remove batch edit modal
- Adds collection.title.keyword to work index so collection title can be aggregated
- Adds title.keyword to work index so a work's title can be aggregated
- Fixes bug displaying roles on one-by-one batch edit forms
- Index variants for controlled terms in v2 work index
- Fixes bug Digital Collections Collections Page only showing 100 results
- Fixes bug Digital Collections bad display on citation page
Updates include:
- Fix bug causing some AV materials IIIF manifests to not contain URI for streaming content
- Fix bug causing some AV materials IIIF manifests to not contain duration for streaming content
Updates include:
- Fix UI bug on batch editing form where fields may show incorrect controlled term values when editing
- Address bug causing intermittent mime-type error in ingest pipeline
Updates include:
- Make filename-based MIME type checks case-insensitive during ingest sheet validation
- Retain un-ingested files when a partially ingested file set record is deleted
- Change preservation replication region from us-west-1 (N. California) to us-west-2 (Oregon)
Updates include:
• Improved deploy build time
• Added 30-day expiration rule to ingest and uploads S3 buckets
• Fixed some edge-case bugs in the MIME type extractor
• Fixed auto-refresh of IIIF manifest when video work’s poster image changes
• Finished sideloading new preservation and supplemental files for A/V works migrated from AVR
Updates include:
Update front-end and ingest sheet validator to accept any file type as a preservation file
Adds indexing code to support the development of the Digital Collections v2 API
Add additional fields to preservation check report
Accept VOB and MTS files as video
Include mediainfo tech metadata in FileSet GraphQL response
updates included in this release:
Fixes bug in a Work's preservation tab Actions that adjusts dropdown state to false if a click occurs outside the element
Updates and fixes included in this release:
- Pulls latest docker image during CI build
- Adds Elasticsearch (OpenSearch) work and file set mappings for v2 index
- Fixes actions dropdown on work page "Preservation" tab
- Update form elements for metadata fields: Abstract, Caption, Cultural Context, Table of Contents, Notes and Provenance to be textareas instead of inputs
- Improve validation for Related URL metadata field
- Improves the speed and reliability of the EXIF extraction step
- Fixes a bug in indexing if an image has an empty EXIF value
- Fixes a bug where "Work Image" toggle was suppressed on audio works' auxiliary file sets
- Adds some preliminary backend work to support the upcoming v2 Digital Collections API
- Fixes a bug that limited search results, now adding the track_total_hits parameter to the defaultQuery in Reactivesearch