- by oPromessa, 2017, V2.7.1
- Published on https://github.com/oPromessa/flickr-uploader/
- You're welcome to contribute!
- Feel free to let me know what you're working on for coordinating efforts.
- Follow PEP8 coding guidelines. (see http://pep8online.com/checkresult)
- Temporary coding remarks within code marked with
keyword comment - If using isThisStringUnicode for (something) if test else (other) make sure to break lines with \ correctly. Be careful.
- Use niceprint function to output messages to stdout. Control verbosity. Use logalso for logging.
niceprint(' Always shows') niceprint(' Always shows', verbosity=0) niceprint(' Shows on mode verbose', verbosity=1) niceprint(' IS_UPLOADED:[ERROR#1]', fname='isuploaded', verbosity=2) niceprint(' IS_UPLOADED:[ERROR#1]', fname='isuploaded', verbosity=2, logalso=logging.ERROR)
- Use logging. for CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG messages to stderr.
Three uses and one remark:
- Simply log message at approriate level ``python logging.warning('Status: {!s}'.format('Setup Complete'))
* Control additional specific output to stderr depending on level ```python if LOGGING_LEVEL <= logging.INFO: logging.info('Output for [%s] is: %s', 'uploadResp', xml.etree.ElementTree.tostring(uploadPhotoResp, encoding='utf-8', method='xml')) # <generate any further output>
- Control additional specific output to stdout depending on level
if LOGGING_LEVEL <= logging.INFO: niceprint ('Output for {!s}:'.format('uploadResp')) xml.etree.ElementTree.dump(uploadResp) # <generate any further output>
- Change logging level on the fly...
logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.WARNING) logging.debug('Debug messge not shown!') logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.debug('Debug messge shown!')
- Specific CODING related comments are marked with `CODING keyword
- Prefix coding for some output messages:
Section informative===
Multiprocessing related___
Retry related (check retry function)+++
Exceptions handling related+++ DB
Database Exceptions handling relatedxxx
Error related
- CODING Logging/Messaging groundrules:
- niceprint
- niceprint with verbose count=1
- niceprint with verbose count=2, 3, ...
- logging.critical: Blocking situations
- logging.error: Relevant errors
- Handled Exceptions: Messages controlled via reportError function
- logging.warning: relevant conclusions/situations
- logging.info: relevant output of variables
- logging.debug: entering and exiting functions
- Note: Consider using assertions: check niceassert function.
- Protect all DB access (single processing or multiprocessing) with:
try: # Acquire DB lock if running in multiprocessing mode self.useDBLock( lock, True) cur.execute('SELECT rowid,files_id,path,set_id,md5,tagged,' 'last_modified FROM files WHERE path = ?', (file,)) except lite.Error as e: reportError(Caught=True, CaughtPrefix='+++ DB', CaughtCode='990', CaughtMsg='DB error on SELECT: [{!s}]' .format(e.args[0]), NicePrint=True) finally: # Release DB lock if running in multiprocessing mode self.useDBLock( lock, False)
- As far as my testing goes :) the following errors are handled:
- Flickr reports file not loaded due to error:
5 [flickr:Error: 5: Filetype was not recognised]
- Such files are recorded so that they are not reloaded again.
- Check -b and -c options.
- Flickr reports file not loaded due to error:
8 [flickr:Error: 8: Filesize was too large]
- Database is locked
- error setting video date
- error 502: flickrapi
- error 504: flickrapi
- Flickr reports file not loaded due to error:
- While testing with pytest --flakes Python 2 and 3 compatibility is
achieved by avoiding warnings on lines that contain a
# noqa comment at the end will not issue warnings. Applicable on use of unicode for instance. Please note.
# noqa` must appear as is at the end of the line to be ignored.FILES_DIR = unicode( # noqa '', 'utf-8') if sys.version_info < (3, ) else str('')
- Pypi test install:
pip2.7 install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --extra-index-url https://pypi.org/simple flickr-uploader --prefix=~/apps/Python
Use flickr-uploader==2.8.6a1 to install a specific version (alpha1 in this case) - setup.py install: use --old-and-unmanageable option to copy data files.
python2.7 setup.py install --prefix=~/apps/Python --old-and-unmanageable