This document is to provide guidelines for versioning and releasing software in the TDP Project.
As of April 2023, TDP project includes:
- Stack containing Apache Hadoop Softwares along with building instructions and patches backported by the TOSIT. (TOSIT-IO/hadoop, TOSIT-IO/hive ...)
- Ansible collection which installs said software. (TOSIT-IO/tdp-collection)
- Library which installs Ansible collections exposing a DAG. (TOSIT-IO/tdp-lib)
- A HTTP Server and web UI are built on top of this library. (TOSIT-IO/tdp-server, TOSIT-IO/tdp-ui)
TDP Stack expose a version number that creates a coherent state of its software.
The Stack is composed of 2 digits
- The first one is the major version and should be bumped in the event of a major component change with breaking changes (i.e: Hadoop major version upgrade)
- The second one is the minor version and should be bumped when a component version updates for security and/or new features with no or minor breaking changes
Each software in the stack contains the Apache version it was based plus an appendix reserved for TOSIT users.
For example:
- TDP Stack in version
includes HBase forked from2.1.10
- HBase version is modified by TOSIT to
. In the appendix-1.0
:- The first digit is bumped by TOSIT and contains bugfix and/or backport.
- The second digit is NEVER modified by TOSIT. It is there for any user and vendor to create non cumulative patch to the software. It allows anyone to create its own release of a product without requiring approval from TOSIT association. This patch number is not necessarily cumulative. If appropriate, the content of said patch should be included in the TOSIT repository in the form of a patch that would bump the first digit of the appendix.
Unreleased changes should be tagged -SNAPSHOT
as per Java Standard.
Upgrading the stack for security bumps the last digit of the stack. This upgrade can include an Apache upstream security path and/or a TOSIT patch.
TDP-Collection is tightly coupled to the TDP Stack it installs.
As an example TDP-Collection 1.0 installs TDP Stack 1.1
. When the stack upgrades to 1.2
, it requires collection to upgrade to 2.0
New Features and bugfix in the collection bumps only the second digit as it still installs the same stack.
TDP Collection works with TDP lib by exposing a DAG. A version of TDP Collection defines which version of TDP Lib's DAG it was built for. TDP Lib provides no warranty on backwards nor upwards compatibility.
TDP Lib, Server and UI projects follow SemVer.
Major Version of TDP Lib should be bumped when the interface (the DAG exposed by the collection) have breaking changes.
- Software in the Hadoop ecosystem can be versioned by TOSIT but not integrated in the TDP Stack (e.g: Apache Kafka, Apache Airflow). They should expose a TOSIT version number as a suffix.
- Ansible collections can extend other collection (e.g: observability, extras). They should expose which version of the parent collection they use.
- Stand alone ansible collections must specify which version of the TDP Lib DAG they use.