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Repo for code of masterthesis on Sentinel 1 imagery with ML


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Code repository for source code of my master's thesis: Updating a conceptual rainfall-runoff model based on radar observation and machine learning. This work was also presented at the EGU23 General Assembly in Vienna, the abstract of which can be found here. Both the poster (Poster_EGU_Olivier_Bonte_22_04.pdf) and the dissertation itself (Thesis_EN_BW_Olivier_Bonte_09_06.pdf) can be found in the docs folder.

After the software setup, code will be described in order of the chapters of the dissertation. To guarantee reproducibility, please follow the order below when executing the notebooks, as each chapter (and its corresponding notebook(s)) depend on previous outputs.

Software setup

Local device

First make sure Anaconda or Miniconda is installed on your local device. Next, either download this repository as ZIP or use git to clone the repository. Open the command-line interface (if the conda.exe is added to the global path, otherwise open the Anaconda Prompt), navigate to the folder where the environment.yml is located and install the new conda environment by typing:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Note that you can also use mamba instead of conda to solve the environment faster (for more info on mamba, see here). The current software environment is optimised for running TensorFlow on GPU for a Windows Native system. To enable GPU-computation on your own device, please adapt the tensorflow related packages as specified in the tensorflow documentation.

Reproducible environemnt in the cloud

Alternatively, there is also the possibility to open this repository in a containerised cloud environment with binder: Binder Launching this environment might take several minutes. This option is recommended for quick inspection of the results of Chapter 4 through 6, but not for execution of the preprocessing and downloading of the satellite data.

Chapter 2 and 3: Preprocessing

Choose one of the three preprocessing options below to obtain the required data. To proceed quickly, follow option 3 and skip the visualisation.

1 Option 1: running the full preprocessing of the data

All source code for executing the preprocessing of data can be found under the /preprocessing_files folder.

1.1 Processing of the forcing data

All processing related to forcing data (rainfaill and potential evaporation) can be run from the /preprocessing_files/forcings_master.ipynb notebook. For when the pywaterinfo API does not work, the possibility is provided here to download the results from preprocessing_files\ via a Zenodo repository. In this notebook, also preprocessing of the delineation of the Zwalm is performed (data retrieved from another Zenodo repository)

1.2 Accessing data via OpenEO

For accessing the satellite data, the OpenEO platform is used. In short, it is an API that allows access to multiple cloud computing backends with multiple interfaces (R, Python, JavaScript and webbased) (for more info see here). A full list of available backends can be found here. For this dissertation, the backend provided by VITO (Terrascope) is used. One can execute following notebooks for data retrieval:

  • preprocessing_files/Sentinel1_OpenEO.ipynb for SAR-imagery calibrated to σ 0
  • preprocessing_files/LAI_OpenEO.ipynb for retrieving LAI-data over the catchment.
  • preprocessing_files/Sentinel1_OpenEO_gamma0.ipynb for processing SAR-data to terrain-flattened γ 0

To use these computational resources, you will need to make an account at VITO. Instructions on how to do so can be found here. Note that this is required so that you can authenticate yourself for OpenID Connect Authentication. Note that even after this registration, it is a possibility that not enough computational resources will be allocated (especially for the computationally expensive γ 0 ). If one wishes to execute even the computationally expensive processes with OpenEO themselves, consider applying for a free trial or network of resources sponsoring through the openEO Platform of ESA. Note that you can check the progress of your batch jobs in the web editor via openeoHUB: connect to VITO backend by clicking Open in openEO Web Editor.

Because of the potential difficulties in acquiring (all) the data via the OpenEO platform, the output of the notebooks can also be acquired via Zenodo. The repository is found here and the notebook for downloading is preprocessing_files/OpenEO_Zenodo.ipynb.

1.3 Processing spatial data to timeseries

The satellite data retrieved above will be transformed to time series data by taking the spatial average per land use category. To execute this processing, execute the following notebook: preprocessing_files/timeseries_master.ipynb (which will execute preprocessing_files/ and preprocessing_files/

2 Option 2: Downloading the API data from Zenodo and only running local processing

Because preprocessing of the data via the API's is not alway straightforward, the options is also provided to download most of the data from Zenodo. To do so, run the /preprocessing_files/all_preprocessing.ipynb notebook. Be aware that downloading the satellite data cubes might take a while (approximately 14 GB of compressed data).

3 Option 3: Only download the preprocessed data

This will be far the fastest option, as the satellite data itself are not downloaded, only the time series output. To execute this option, run the preprocessing_files/all_download.ipynb.

4 Visualisation (optional)

The figures for Chapter 2 are created in Figures/Chapter_data.ipynb. For Chapter 3, they are in Figures/Chapter_SAR.ipynb. Note that the notebooks (especially the second one) won't fully run unless the satellite data have been download. Some extra (interactive) visualisations of the satellite data mostly are given in Figures/Zwalm_OpenEO.ipynb.

Chapter 4: PDM Calibration

All calibration efforts are bundled in the model_training_and_calibration/Final_calibration.ipynb notebook. The parameters obtained in optimisation are added in this repository in the data/Zwalm_PDM_parmeters folder.

Chapter 5: Machine learning methods for the inverse observation operator

The ml_observation_operator/data_exploration.ipynb explores the relations between features and targets. Next, the three inverse observation operators notebooks can be run, which will automatically download the trained models/hyperparameters results from the corresponding Zenodo repository for faster execution:

  • ml_observation_operator/simple_models.ipynb: notebook with all the inverse observation operators models that are not neural networks.
  • ml_observation_operator/ANN.ipynb: notebook which covers the multilayer perceptron structure.
  • ml_observation_operator/LSTM.ipynb: notebook which covers the long short-term memory network.

Chapter 6: Data assimilation with Newtonian nudging

The notebook for this final chapter is data_assimilation/Newtonian_nudging.ipynb.

Overview of Zenodo repositories

The five different Zenodo repositories related to this dissertation are summarised here:

  1. Minimal dataset: contains the data that was not retrieved through the the pywaterinfo or OpenEO API, which are the Vlaamse hydrografische atlas, the land use map and the shapefile of the catchment.
  2. pywaterinfo dataset: all the data retrieved through the pywaterinfo API.
  3. OpenEO dataset: the SAR and LAI data retrieved through the OpenEO API.
  4. Preprocessed dataset: the time series resulting from processing the OpenEO and pywaterinfo datasets.
  5. Inverse observation operator dataset: dataset containing trained models and results of hyperparameter tuning.


Repo for code of masterthesis on Sentinel 1 imagery with ML







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