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Studying for CSI3105

  • What does “design & analsis of algos” mean?
    • Correctness
    • Does it terminate?
    • Efficiency
    • Limits thereof
    • Pseudocode, no programming
  • Insertion sort
    • This is the one where we start at a position and then swap backwards until it fits into place
    • ~~O(n^2)~~ in the worst case
  • Big O notation
    • Big Omega (which is the less than one)
    • Big Theta (Which is the greater than one)
    • What it means to be each one
  • Barometer instruction
    • One which is executed at least as often as any other one
  • Limit Criterion
    • lim(f(n)/g(n))
      • Goes to 0 if f = O(g)
      • Goes to infty if f = Omega(g)
      • Goes to a real if f = Theta(g)
      • If not exist, dunno
  • The fibonacci numbers
    • Calculating the running time of fib(n)
    • fib(n) is exponential, but fib2(n) is not, because two n-bit numbers can be added together in a linear number of bit operations
  • Divide and conquer algorithms
    • Divide the problem
    • Conquer each subproblem recursively
    • Combine
  • Merge sort
    • If size = 1: do nothing
    • if size >= 2: divide n numbers into two sequences, run merge sort twice, and merge it back into a sorted sequence
  • Computing runtime of merge sort
    • T(n) = c if n=1, or 2T(n/2) + cn if n >= 2
    • Solving by unfolding
      • All steps are outlined in document
    • We find T(n) <= 2cnlog_2(n)
    • Therefore merge sort is Theta(n log_2(n)) if n is a power of 2
  • What is matrix multiplication?
  • Trivial algorithm: triple for loop
  • Strassen algorithm
  • How can we divide and conquer?
    • Split A, B (inputs) into four separate matrices
    • Then compute the quadrants of C as products of these
      • We find no improvement.
    • However the strassen algorithm derives various intermediate matrices and then finds C as a prodcut of these matrices
      • (P_1 through P_7). Their calculations are in the notes.
      • It then derives the quadrants of C to be products of P1 through P7
    • After computing this through unfolding we then calculate that we have O(nlog_2(7) where log2(7) is approx 2.81
  • There is also another algorithm by coppersmith and winograd, but that wasn’t covered, it’s very group theory heavy.
  • Master theorem
    • Let T be a function defined by parts. If
      • T(1) = 1
      • T(n) = a . T(n / b) + n^d where A >= 1, b > 1, d >= 0
        • If d > logb(a) then T(n) = O(n^d)
        • If d = logb(a) then T(n) = O(n^d log(n))
        • if d < logb(a) then T(n) = O(n^{logb(a)})
  • They then use the master theorem on merge sort and strassen and binary search to find results.
  • Selection algo
    • Find kth smallest number in array of n numbers
  • Naive algo:
    • Sort S
    • return the element at position k
    • Runs in O(n log n)
    • Without sorting:
      • find pivot, go through array like quicksort, but instead of then sorting each sub-array, simply use the fact that it’s less than k to continually go inwards.
      • Quickselect
        • Worst case: O(n^2) if you pick bad pivots every time
        • Average case: O(n) because on average a random pivot will be close to median
        • Has a thing where they find a pivot
  • Graphs!
    • Set of vertices and set of edges (V, E)
    • Graph is Undirected if each edge is a 2-set
    • Graph is Directed if each edge is an ordered 2-tuple
      • Facebook friends are undirected
      • Web page links are directed
  • Adjacent edges (u, v)
    • if there is an edge between u and v.
  • Incident vertex v to an edge
    • If one of the vertexes of the edge is v
  • degree of u \in V
    • Equal to the num edges incident to u
  • Outdegree of u \in V
    • Equal to num of edges e such that u is the starting point of e.
  • Indegree of u \in V
    • Num of edges such that u is endpoint of edge
  • Handshaking Lemma
    • Let G = (V, E). Then
      • Sum(deg(u)) forall u = 2|E|
        • proof: each edge counted twice lel
  • How to store a graph
    • Adjacency matrix
      • In O(1) time we get whether two vertices are adjacent
      • Uses n^2 space
      • Finding all neighbours takes O(n) time
    • Adjacency list
      • Uses |V| + |E| space
      • Finding all neighbours of a vertex takes O(1 + deg(u)) time (depeneding on implementation of list)
      • Testing if (u, v) is an edge takes the same amount of time as finding all neighbours
  • Depth first search
    • Find all vertices that can be reached from v \in V
    • Tracing of function via lines on graph?
    • It’ll generate a trees, and all the other edges are back cycles and stuff
    • Proves that DFS terminates
    • Proves that it visits all vertices that are reachable from v
      • This proof is worth reading
  • Finding connected components of G = (V, E)
    • We have some algo DFS
    • Finding connected components is done by doing DFS on all unvisited nodes (which get filled out as one DFS call is done)
    • And then a number gets incremented
  • Runtime:
    • First loop: O(|V|) time
    • Second loop:
      • explore(u) is called for each vertex u
      • Time spent in exlore(u) is O(1 + deg(u))
    • O(|V| + sum(1 + deg(u)) forall u) = O(|V| + |V| + 2|E|) = O(|V| + |E|)
  • Topological ordering
    • Exists on a graph that is directed and acyclic
    • such that for edge (u, v) #(u) < #(v)
    • Algo is:
      • find vertex with indegree 0
      • give u the num k
      • remove u from G
      • and so on and so forth
      • there is an example in the notes
  • Prenumbers and Postnumbers
    • G = (V, E) is directed.
    • forall v \in V, the following two numbers with respect to DFS:
    • pre(v) is the first time we visit v
    • post(v) is the time when explore(v) is done
      • This uses a variable clock. Each time pre or postvisit number is assigned to a node, it gets incremented for next node
      • There is an example in the notes
      • Note: edges found in DFS are Tree edges
      • There is then a concept of forward and back edges
        • Edges going down the DFS tree are forward
        • Going up -> backwards
        • Cross edges go from one branch of the tree to another
          • Cross edges are neither forwards, backwards, nor tree edges. They are the remainder.
  • To find the types of an edge:
    • Forwards:
      • (v, u) is not a tree edge
      • pre(v) < pre(u) < post(u) < post(v)
    • Back edge:
      • (v, u) not tree edge
      • pre(u) < pre(v) < post(v) < post(u)
    • Cross edge:
      • (v, u) not tree edge
      • pre(u) < post(u) < pre(v) < post(v)
  • To determine whether a directed graph has a directed cycle:
    • Graph has cycle iff DFS-forest has back-edge
      • Proof in notes
    • If directed graph is cyclic:
      1. run dfs including pre/post nums
      2. for each edge test if edge is back edge (via inequality up top) 2.1 if yes then yes 2.2 if no then no
      3. Runtime: O(|V| + |E|)
    • How to compute a topolotical ordering?
      1. Run dfs
      2. Run bucket sort to sort vertices by postnumber
      3. obtain topological ordering from reverse sorted order of postnumbers
    • Bucket sort takes O(n) time, so runtime = O(|V| + |E|)
      • Proof of correctness in notes
  • Dijstra’s algo
    • input:
      • A directed graph G = (V, E) where each edge has a weight wt(u, v) > 0
      • a vertex s which is the source
    • Output:
      • For each vertex: \del(s, v) = len of shortest path from s to v
    • if all weights equal, this is easy, use BFS.
    • algo:
      1. for each vertex, maintain d(v), the current shortest known path
      2. start out with d(s) = 0, and d(!s) = \infty
      3. Loop:
        1. Pick a vertex u for which d(u) = \del(s, u).
        2. For each edge, (u, v), d(v) = min{d(v), d(u) + wt(u, v)}
          • But how to find u?
            • Maintain S \subset V such that for all v \in S:
            • d(v) = \del(s, v), (i.e. we know \del(s, v))
    • Algo runthrough done in notes
    • Store the set of nodes to visit in a min-heap
      • Initialization O(n)
      • One iteration:
        1. find u and delete it from Q.
          • O(log(n)) time
        2. For each edge, update d(v):
          • decrease_key : O(log(n)) time
      • Time total for iteration
        • O(log(n)) + O(outdegree(u) * log(n))
      • After some calculations, total runtime is O((m + n) log(n))
        • Note using fib heap to store Q we could do O(n log n + m time)
  • You know the drill, correctness proof for dijkstra’s
    • We say that a vertex v is special if all vertices on that path are in S (except v).
      • We prove by induction that if u \in S then d(u) is shortest

      path from s to u.

      • If it is not, then it is the shortest “special path” from s to u