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fpurcell edited this page Apr 11, 2012 · 50 revisions

Two Minute Introduction to OTP

Intent is to get OTP running on your system with pre-built binaries and data (for Portland, Oregon), so you can see OTP running locally quickly (goal: less than 10 minutes, network delays downloading things aside).

  1. Download (~90 megs). BTW, is packaged nightly from the latest OTP source code.

  2. Unzip the contents to the / directory (or C:\ for Windows users). This will create a /otp directory with the pre-built OTP binaries.

    NOTE: it's very important to have the pre-built web app run from /otp (or C:\otp) directory. If you want to run from another location, you'll need to edit the file WEB-INF/classes/data-sources.xml within /otp/webapps/opentripplanner-api-webapp.war.

  3. Download pre-built file from (~300 megs ... IMPORTANT: do a mouse right-click on this hyperlink, then 'Save link as on this url').

  4. Move Graph.obj to /otp/Graph.obj

  5. Open a command shell (cmd.exe on Windows); From here on, we'll be typing things into the shell, including starting OTP with the start-server script.

  6. Type: java -version into the command shell. You should see something like 'java version "1.6.0_1"'. If you don't have java installed (or if you're running a version lower than 1.6), you will need to download a java environment from Latest java 1.6 JRE or JDK is recommended (e.g., Java SE 6 Update 29 -- btw, no experience with java 1.7 yet, although it should work fine). Again, java 1.6 is usually installed on most PCs (look in c:\Program Files) and Macs...

  7. cd to /otp/

  8. bin/ (or bin\start-server.bat for Windows users).

  9. Open http://localhost:8080/opentripplanner-webapp in a web browser.

  10. To kill OTP, you can either hit 'control-C' in the command shell (or simply close the window).

See the 5 minute detailed dive-in for instructions on how to build your own OTP Graph.obj...

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