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Deyson Venté Deyson19
Software developer.


Alex Loren lorenalexm
Hello! 🙋‍♂️ Professional architecture photographer 📷 Inland / Pacific Northwest resident 🌲🗻 Hobbyist software programmer 💻 Auto sport enthusiast 🏁

Coeur d'Alene, ID

Shaun Broomfield Broomfields
Hello, My name is Shaun. I am 23 years old and I love programming, especially systems level languages and frameworks.

DEF Software Limited UK

Jean Michael Connory JeanConnory
.Net Developer, Tech lead

Fortaleza City Hall Fortaleza, CE - Brazil

Majd Maghamez MajdMaghamez
Software engineer working remotely from north NJ. Loves JavaScript, React, Vue, PHP, Laravel, SQL, .Net, Java, Ice cream and ramen

New Jersey

Casper Andersen ndersorn
A danish full-stack software developer, daily driving Linux, whilst using dark-mode


SM Hasan smhasan

Al Aaly Communications Kuwait

.NET Developer


Ozan Akaydın oznakdn
Software Developer
Hans Husurianto HansAnonymous
Cursed with curiosity, blessed with passion. Trying to make the world a better place one repository at a time.

LMNTS United States

Cihad KOCAŞAHAN cihadkocasahan
Delphi, | .Net Developer


(Jip) Willem Wijnia Garanas
Professional developer working as an independent contractor. In my spare time I work together with the @FAForever community to improve the gaming experience

Jip Wijnia IT Netherlands

David Dzimianski ddzimianski
Senior Software Engineer

SiteOne Landscape Supply, LLC

Joaquin Arias joaquinarias989

BIOSOFT ONLINE SRL Córdoba, Argentina

Rubens Facco Rwwo
Analista e Desenvolvedor de Sistemas .NET | ASP.NET Core | SQL Server | Postgres SQL

Santa Maria - RS

Prabal Ghosh ghosh9691

Pyxis International

Islati Islati
🧙‍♂️🅿️⚡ Record Label Owner & Software Engineer 🌎 Wogwon Society ♥️ Skreet Media Inc. 🙂 Having fun doing what I love

@WogwonSociety Canada

Shahin Shahryari shahryarish
Experienced .Net Web Developer with 5+ years of experience. Proven track record of designing, developing and delivering high-quality web applications.
Carlos Júnior ohcarlinhos
Brazilian FullStack Developer | .NET | C# | Blazor | JavaScript | TypeScript | Vue.js | Nuxt.js


Это не костыли, а особенности архитектуры


Gamal Saied GamalSaied
AEC Software Developer | BIM&CAD Developer | .Net Developer| Revit Api developer | ITI


Yusuf Sevinçhan yusufsevinchan
A student and A developer in Istanbul
