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N Nishant MrDeponent
I enjoy blending creative writing with technical problem-solving to build projects that are both meaningful and efficient.

Accenture India Pvt. Ltd. HydraBad

Yecheng.Xiao XYCreeper
embedded SW engineer; C/C++/python;

Continental/Vitesco technology SHA

Marc Besten ma7cbesten
Focus on Security Operations – posts about threats and vulnerabilities, how to detect and defend against them, investigate and remediate.

Nuremberg Area, Germany

Markus Korn MarkusKorn
DevSecFinOps at Vitesco Technologies

@Vitesco-Technologies Regensburg

Mahaboob Khan lzmkhan
Software engineer, avid gamer and a learner


andy Augustin AndreasAugustin
cloud evangelist

@andreas-augustin-dev Germany


Regensburg, Germany

Florian Fuß pharindoko

Vitesco Technologies Regensburg

Daniel Dias DanielRDias

Vitesco Technologies Berlin

Markus Frosch lazyfrosch
Open Source Enthusiast, working for @Vitesco-Technologies, previously @NETWAYS, @Icinga

@Vitesco-Technologies Nuremberg, Germany