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Vitor [Bux]baum vbuxbaum
Tech Assessment Specialist at @velozient. Former Python developer and teacher (@betrybe) and Product Manager (@Hotmart-Org). CS degree @ UFMG.

Belo Horizonte - MG, Brazil

Edmilson Monteiro Rodrigues Neto EdmilsonRodrigues
Backend Developer - Continuous Study Python | R | HTML5 | CSS3 | ECMA6 | Angular18 | Lua | Machine Learning | Deep Learning | Tableau | MySQL | MongoDB


Sergio Severino do Nascimento SSNascimento
Studying for Web Developer and with knowledge in Artificial Intelligence.
Maxson Ferovante maxsonferovante
Backend Developer | Python | Flask | FastAPI | Django
Nayara dos Santos NayaraTI
Desenvolvedora BackEnd Python/Sql


Felipe Colen felipecolen
Backend Python Engineer

Tribunal de Justiça de Rondônia Porto Velho/RO

Pamella Bezerra pamella
Senior Software Engineer at @vintasoftware. Bachelor's in Computer Science from CIn/UFPE.

@vintasoftware Brasil

Léo Biscassi leobiscassi

Jungle Scout São Paulo, Brazil

Prof. Claudio Bonel, M.Sc. claudiobonel
Professor de graduação e pós-graduação, em disciplinas relacionadas a Análise de Dados. Mestre e Doutorando em Educação - Universidade Católica de Petrópolis

Quali-quanti Rio de Janeiro

Léo Moraes leohmoraes
Developer Fullstack/Backend: Php (+20y)/Laravel (+5y) Now: Flutter, API (python/node) Florianopolis, SC

Augusto Herrmann augusto-herrmann
Creator of, co-founder of, data engineer and contributor to open data and free software projects.

Brasília, DF, Brazil

Alex - Gamadev gamadev3
Dev Backend #Python #Django


Radamés Sapiosonic
Web Developer | Pythonista | Rubyist | React + React Native | D3.js lover | Datavis | Data Science enthusiast | GIS |

Santa Catarina, Brazil

Leandro Meili lmeilibr
Starting as a Naval Engineer, I soon found problem-solving and software development far more engaging—and without the confines of inscrutable ship interiors.

BCR.CX Sao Paulo - Brazil

Francieli Vianna Fsilva1993-dev
Estudante de ADS Software Enginering Python | Java | Analytics

Ernst & Young Assessoria

Gabriel Mizuno GMizuno
Statistician, Data Engineer and Data Scientist

Ai Que Fome Niteroi

Bruno jclmntn
Cientista de dados. Atualmente no GPA. Ex-LI, Ex-CADE (DEE). Mestre em economia aplicada pelo PPEA-UFOP.

GPA São Paulo, Brazil

Diego Ascanio Santos DiegoAscanio
Professor no CEFET-MG Campus Divinópolis. Engenheiro de Computação e mestre em Modelagem Matemática Computacional.

CEFET-MG Divinópolis

Giovanni Freitas GiovanniCRFreitas

Rede de Ensino APOGEU Juiz de Fora

Emanuel Betcel eBetcel
Data Engineer | Analytics Engineer

Localiza & CO Natal, Brazil

Jhonata Medeiros jhonatacaiob
Desenvolvedor web

@activesoft-consultoria Natal, RN, Brasil

Ítalo Epifânio itepifanio
Machine Learning Engineer at Shape Digital

Shape Digital Brazil, Natal, RN

Gesiel Rios Lopes gesielrios

São Carlos - São Paulo

Natália Granato nataliagranato
Kubernetes Contributor | CNCF Ambassador | Cloud Native | DevOps | Site Reliability Engineer | DevSecOps | Observability | Infra as Code | Plataform Engineer

Magalu Cloud Belo Horizonte, MG

Bruno Rigueti Brandão rigueti-bruno
Analista de Dados Pleno apaixonado por usar dados para resolver problemas.


Maicon Domingues DominguesM
Data Scientist working to change justice in Brazil. @softplan


Guh Cygnus guhcygnus
Learning to program at 27. I have a high school degree in Programming, but I didn't pursue the area. After years I decided it would be the right time to learn.

Belo Horizonte

João Lucas Chagas joaolucaschagas
Computer engineering student. Python student. I love "new"
Carolina Soares MariaCarolinass
Software Developer

Natal - RN, Brazil

Baesse (Pedro) pbaesse
Desativado. Ativo no GitLab:

Natal - Brasil

Matheus Moura matheusmouraa
Front-End Developer | BTI - UFRN | 21y

Hoobox Natal/RN

Rodolfo Oliveira roliveira

@Equinor Bergen, Norway

Leonardo Uieda leouieda
Professor of Geophysics • I study the Earth using tiny disturbances in its gravity and magnetic fields, from global 🌎 to microscopic 🔬 scale

Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo, Brazil

André "decko" de Brito decko Brasilia - DF Brazil

Guilherme de S. Vieira Beira guibeira

Lurelin village, Hyrule kingdom.

Gabriel (Gabu) Bellon gabubellon
Hello, I’m Gabriel aka Gabu. I’m work with Data (Engineer | Scientist | Analyst) Living in Joinville, SC,Brazil.

@phData Americana, SP, Brazil

Patrick Mazulo mazulo
Software Engineer at Carta. Co-founder and Software Engineer at D7. Having fun with Python, games and animes/TV shows.

@carta Rio de Janeiro, BR

César Calafrioli cesarcalafrioli
Python Developer.

Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) Recife

Vitor Santanna vitorsantanna2
Cadet at 42rio

TupiNymQuim Rio de Janeiro