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Deni Supriyatna deniace
Android Developer with java android, Java Spring Boot, PHP Developer(Code Igniter, laravel framework) MySql, PostgreSQL and SQL server RDBMS.

Jakarta, Indonesia

Ecacode Project ecacode
part of one Payment Gateway
Asep Septiadi aspsptyd
Catchup and evoluted, loves challenges related to technology, a software engineer, life hacks, like book about mindset & tech, 1 Day 1% Progress

Founder Teknovasi Suryatama Indonesia Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia

Farhan Martiyansyah br0farhan
" La Takhaf Wa La Tahzan . Innalaha Ma'ana " Technopreneur🇮🇩


Hayyi hayyi2
Web Developer

@qlobot Kediri, Indonesia

arham azrieirham
Live a glorius life or die a syahid
Nafies Luthfi nafiesl
Freelance Web Developer (Laravel, TDD, Ubuntu Server, LEMP Stack). Maintainer @buku-masjid

@buku-masjid Indonesia

Robby Ilhamkusuma robbytrujillo
echo "enjoy the process"; Bogor, Indonesia

Ahmad Abu Hasan eby8zevin
Mobile Developer

Mridhaz mrzuliann

South Borneo, Indonesia

Garry Laly GarryLaly
Man Jadda Wajada

Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia