Thank you for reporting any issues you find. We do our best to test and make paeckchen as solid as possible, but any reported issue is a real help.
paeckchen issues
Please follow these guidelines when reporting issues:
- Provide a title in the format of
<Error> when <Task>
- Provide a short summary of what you are trying to do
- Provide the log of the encountered error if applicable
- Provide the exact version of paeckchen
- Be awesome and consider contributing a pull request
You consider contributing changes to paeckchen – we dig that! Please consider these guidelines when filing a pull request:
paeckchen pull requests
- Follow the Coding Rules
- Follow the Commit Rules
- Make sure you rebased the current master branch when filing the pull request
- Provide a short title with a maximum of 100 characters
- Provide a more detailed description containing
- What you want to achieve
- What you changed
- What you added
- What you removed
To keep the code base of paeckchen neat and tidy the following rules apply to every change
Coding standards
- Respect tslint
- Use advanced language features where possible
- Coverage never drops below 95%
- No change may lower coverage by more than 1%
- Be awesome
To help everyone with understanding the commit history of paeckchen the following commit rules are enforced. To make your life easier paeckchen is commitizen-friendly (For your convenience install cz-cli).
Commit standards
- conventional-changelog
- husky commit message hook available
- present tense
- maximum of 100 characters
- message format of
$type($scope): $message