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LAB EXPT.NO Problem Definition/Statement
1-A Responsive Dashboard Development:
Develop a responsive dashboard page for ecommerce/college/exam admin with sidebar and statistics using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap.
1-B User Registration Data Handling with JavaScript:
Write a JavaScript program to gather user registration data, push it to an array or local storage using AJAX POST method, and display the data list on a new page.
2-A Version Control Setup on GitHub:
Set up a version control account on GitHub, create a repository, and push code using Git commands.
2-B Docker Container Environment Setup:
Create a Docker container environment (NVIDIA Docker or other).
2-C Angular Application Development:
Develop an Angular application for user registration, login, and profile display.
3-A Node.JS Static Website Development:
Develop a Node.JS application serving a static website.
3-B CRUD APIs Development with Node.JS:
Create four APIs using Node.JS, ExpressJS, and MongoDB for CRUD operations related to user registration and profile data.
4-A jQuery Mobile Website Creation:
Build a simple mobile website using jQuery Mobile.
4-B AWS Deployment for Web Application:
Deploy/host the web application on AWS VPC or AWS Elastic Beanstalk as a mini-project.