- Language: English
- Country/Region: Germany
- Written/Spoken language: Customize Settings
- Preferred Language: English
- Input Sources: "+" -> "German" -> "ABC QWERTZ" (Remove German and US from the lis)
- Skip Backups
- Account name: patwoz
- Enable Location Services (Important for FindMe later)
- Skip Screen Time
- Skip Siri
Open System Settings and make sure FileVault is active.
If you do this on "VirtualBuddy", don't forget to start "VirtualBuddyGuest":
- Open Finder
- Open "Guest" under "Locations" in the left side menu
- Run "VirtualBuddyGuest"
For Copy/Paste between Host and Virtual Machine.
Also run the following to optimize the vm:
See https://github.com/sickcodes/osx-optimizer for more.
# Skip the GUI login screen
defaults write com.apple.loginwindow autoLoginUser -bool true
# Disable motion and transparency
defaults write com.apple.Accessibility DifferentiateWithoutColor -int 1
defaults write com.apple.Accessibility ReduceMotionEnabled -int 1
defaults write com.apple.universalaccess reduceMotion -int 1
defaults write com.apple.universalaccess reduceTransparency -int 1
# Multi session
sudo /usr/bin/defaults write .GlobalPreferences MultipleSessionsEnabled -bool TRUE
defaults write "Apple Global Domain" MultipleSessionsEnabled -bool true
# Disable updates
sudo su
defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.SoftwareUpdate AutomaticDownload -bool false
defaults write com.apple.SoftwareUpdate AutomaticCheckEnabled -bool false
defaults write com.apple.commerce AutoUpdate -bool false
defaults write com.apple.commerce AutoUpdateRestartRequired -bool false
defaults write com.apple.SoftwareUpdate ConfigDataInstall -int 0
defaults write com.apple.SoftwareUpdate CriticalUpdateInstall -int 0
defaults write com.apple.SoftwareUpdate ScheduleFrequency -int 0
defaults write com.apple.SoftwareUpdate AutomaticDownload -int 0
# Enable osascript over SSH automatically without sshd-keygen warning and full disk access
defaults write com.apple.universalaccessAuthWarning /System/Applications/Utilities/Terminal.app -bool true
defaults write com.apple.universalaccessAuthWarning /usr/libexec -bool true
defaults write com.apple.universalaccessAuthWarning /usr/libexec/sshd-keygen-wrapper -bool true
defaults write com.apple.universalaccessAuthWarning com.apple.Messages -bool true
defaults write com.apple.universalaccessAuthWarning com.apple.Terminal -bool true
# Disable lock screen
defaults write com.apple.loginwindow DisableScreenLock -bool true
# Disable saving the application state on shutdown
defaults write com.apple.loginwindow TALLogoutSavesState -bool false
Open Terminal via Spotlight (CMD + Space)
Install xcode command line tools
xcode-select --install
sudo xcode-select --switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools
# If Xcode is installed
sudo xcodebuild -license
Install brew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
Install nix (https://nixos.org/download.html#nix-install-macos)
# Optionally
sudo rm -f /etc/bashrc.backup-before-nix
sudo rm -f /etc/zshrc.backup-before-nix
sudo rm -f /etc/bash.bashrc.backup-before-nix
sudo rm -f /etc/nix/nix.conf
# Required
sh <(curl -L https://nixos.org/nix/install)
# Enter 4x "y"
# Enter Password
# When done, close the current and open a new terminal
Install home-manager (https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin)
# Make sure you logged out and logged in again
# Install home-manager (adds configurations options for home)
nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-unstable nixpkgs
nix-channel --add https://github.com/rycee/home-manager/archive/master.tar.gz home-manager
nix-channel --update
nix-shell '<home-manager>' -A install
# If error occurs, check the error if there is something wrong in $HOME/.config/home-manager/configuration.nix
# Install darwin module (adds configurations options for macos)
nix-build https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin/archive/master.tar.gz -A darwin-rebuild
./result/bin/darwin-rebuild switch -I darwin-config=$HOME/.config/nix-darwin/configuration.nix
cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/patlux/dotfiles.git .dotfiles
cd .dotfiles
# On VirtualBuddy: rm -f Library/LaunchAgents/de.patwoz.KeyRemapping.plist
# Otherwise ESC will not work
# If not already done, open a new terminal window to make it work
darwin-rebuild switch
home-manager switch # creates the ~/.zshrc
curl https://mise.run | sh
# close and open new terminal
mise install
# install gems (cocoapods)
bundle install
# Rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
2) Customize install to not modify path
cd ~/.dotfiles
brew bundle
yabai --start-service
skhd --start-service
# https://github.com/MattiSG/adblock
sudo adblock on
npm install -g tree-sitter-cli
Setup llm
uv tool install llm
llm install llm-cmd
llm install llm-jq
llm install llm-deepseek
llm keys set deepseek
# <Paste key here>
System Settings
Input Sources
- Uncheck
Show Input menu in menu bar
System Settings
> Keyboard
> Keyboard Shortcuts...
Replace Spotlight with Raycast
Fix keyboard type
macOS won't detect the correct german quertz keyboard with the <>
keys at the first.
To fix this run:
rm -f /Library/Preferences/keyboardtype.plist
Now reboot. After reboot:
System Settings
> Keyboard
> Change Keyboard Type...
> Finish the process
Swap Option
and Command
System Settings
> Keyboard
> Keyboard Shortcuts...
This is required for the next steps. Don't skip.
- Open Tailscale (via Raycast)
- Login
This is required for the next steps. Don't skip.
- Open Bitwarden
- Choose Self-Hosted Environment
- Enter the URL
- Open Safai > Settings > Extensions > Download the Bitwarden Extension
gpg, .ssh, .npmrc, .yarnrc
cd ~/
duplicacy list
# Enter password from "Synology NAS (Web/SSH)" when asking for SAMBA password
# Enter password from "duplicacy" when asking for storage password
duplicacy restore -r <revision> "*"
# with overwrite existing files:
duplicacy restore -overwrite -r <revision> "*"
cd ~/dev
duplicacy list
duplicacy restore -r <revision> "piparo.tech/*"
- Open ARC
- Settings
- Login
- Launch Android Studio (via Raycast)
- Make the setup
- This will install a initial sdk under
- "Settings..." -> "Languages & Frameworks" -> "Android SDK"
- Checkmark "Android SDK Command-line Tools (latest)"
- Apply
- Open Finder
- Open "Go" > "Connect to server..."
- Enter
- Authenticate
Download Certificate
cd ~/Downloads
sudo security import AppleWWDRCAG3.cer -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain
This fixes Distribution certificate with fingerprint EAF3A00C1FC18283CACFEDC21AD6BB37EB993438 hasn't been imported successfully