- Added extended proxy support [Zapotek, GH-46]
- Fix warning in Request#headers from attr_accessor
- Params with array values were not parsing into the format that rack expects [GH-39, smartocci]
- Removed Rack as a dependency [GH-45]
- Added integration hooks for VCR!
- Fixed bug in setting compression encoding [morhekil]
- Exposed authentication control methods through Request interface [morhekil]
- Exposed CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT_MS to Requests [balexis]
- Fixed a memory corruption with using CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS [gravis, 32531d0821aecc4]
- Added SSL cert options for Typhoeus::Easy [GH-25, gravis]
- Ported SSL cert options to Typhoeus::Request interface [gravis]
- Added support for any HTTP method (purge for Varnish) [ryana]
- Added rack as dependency, added dev dependencies to Rakefile [GH-21]