'; }
+ function section_pay_button_products_desc() { echo '
'.__('Products', 'paymill').'
'.__('Configure products for the Pay Button. This list has a dynamic length and extends for 5 extra slots when last slot is filled and saved.', 'paymill').' '.__('Toggle View', 'paymill').'
'; }
+ function section_pay_button_shipping_desc() { echo '
'.__('Shipping', 'paymill').'
'.__('Set delivery countries and shipping costs. This list has a dynamic length and extends for 5 extra slots when last slot is filled and saved.', 'paymill').' '.__('Toggle View', 'paymill').'
'; }
+ /*
+ * General Option field callback, renders a
+ * text input, note the name and value.
+ */
+ function field_general_option($args) {
+ $descriptions = array();
+ $descriptions['api_key_private'] = __('Insert your Paymill PRIVATE API key.', 'paymill');
+ $descriptions['api_key_public'] = __('Insert your Paymill PUBLIC API key.', 'paymill');
+ $descriptions['api_endpoint'] = __('Insert your Paymill endpoint URL.', 'paymill');
+ echo '
+ '.$descriptions[$args['desc']].'
+ ';
+ }
+ /*
+ * pay_button Option field callback, same as above.
+ */
+ function field_pay_button_option($args) {
+ $descriptions = array();
+ $descriptions['currency'] = __('Currency, ISO 4217 e.g. "EUR" or "GBP"', 'paymill');
+ $descriptions['number_decimal'] = __('Set a symbol used for decimal point. Default: .', 'paymill');
+ $descriptions['number_thousands'] = __('Set a symbol used for thousands seperator. Default: ,', 'paymill');
+ $descriptions['email_outgoing'] = __('Outgoing Emailaddress for customer order confirmation mail.', 'paymill');
+ $descriptions['email_incoming'] = __('Incoming Emailaddress for Copy of customer order confirmation mail.');
+ $descriptions['flat_shipping_country'] = __('Name of the available delivery country, e.g. "England"');
+ $descriptions['flat_shipping_costs'] = __('Gross fee for the flat shipping costs., e.g. "7" or "4.90"', 'paymill');
+ $descriptions['flat_shipping_vat'] = __('Value-Added-Tax Rate in % for the flat shipping costs., e.g. "19" or "7"', 'paymill');
+ $descriptions['products_title'] = __('Name of the product', 'paymill');
+ $descriptions['products_desc'] = __('Detailed description of the product', 'paymill');
+ $descriptions['products_price'] = __('Gross Price of the product, e.g. "40" or "6.99"', 'paymill');
+ $descriptions['products_vat'] = __('Value-Added-Tax Rate in % for the product, e.g. "19" or "7"', 'paymill');
+ $descriptions['products_delivery'] = __('Delivery Time of the product, e.g. "2 Days" or "1 Week"', 'paymill');
+ if(strlen($args['option']) > 0){
+ $option = '['.$args['option'].']';
+ $value = esc_attr($this->paymill_pay_button_settings[$args['option']]);
+ }else{
+ $option = '';
+ }
+ if(strlen($args['id']) > 0){
+ $id = '['.$args['id'].']';
+ $value = esc_attr($this->paymill_pay_button_settings[$args['option']][$args['id']]);
+ }else{
+ $id = '';
+ }
+ if(strlen($args['field']) > 0){
+ $field = '['.$args['field'].']';
+ $value = esc_attr($this->paymill_pay_button_settings[$args['option']][$args['id']][$args['field']]);
+ }else{
+ $field = '';
+ }
+ if($args['desc'] == 'products_desc'){
+ echo '
+ '.$descriptions[$args['desc']].'
+ ';
+ }else{
+ echo '
+ '.$descriptions[$args['desc']].'
+ ';
+ }
+ if($args['desc'] == 'flat_shipping_vat' || $args['desc'] == 'products_delivery'){
+ echo '
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Called during admin_menu, adds an options
+ * page under Settings called My Settings, rendered
+ * using the plugin_options_page method.
+ */
+ function add_admin_menus() {
+ add_menu_page('Paymill', 'Paymill', 8, $this->plugin_options_key, array( &$this, 'plugin_options_page' ), plugins_url('',__FILE__ ).'/img/icon.png');
+ }
+ /*
+ * Plugin Options page rendering goes here, checks
+ * for active tab and replaces key with the related
+ * settings key. Uses the plugin_options_tabs method
+ * to render the tabs.
+ */
+ function plugin_options_page() {
+ $tab = isset( $_GET['tab'] ) ? $_GET['tab'] : $this->setting_keys['paymill_general_settings'];
The Paymill Pay Buton is a simple, independent payment solution."
+"p>Configure common settings."
+msgstr ""
The Paymill Pay Buton is a simple, independent payment solution."
+"p>Configure common settings."
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:134
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:135
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:136
+msgid "Toggle View"
+msgstr "Toggle View"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:135
+msgid "Products"
+msgstr "Products"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:135
+msgid ""
+"Configure products for the Pay Button. This list has a dynamic length and "
+"extends for 5 extra slots when last slot is filled and saved."
+msgstr ""
+"Configure products for the Pay Button. This list has a dynamic length and "
+"extends for 5 extra slots when last slot is filled and saved."
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:136
+msgid "Shipping"
+msgstr "Shipping"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:136
+msgid ""
+"Set delivery countries and shipping costs. This list has a dynamic length "
+"and extends for 5 extra slots when last slot is filled and saved."
+msgstr ""
+"Set delivery countries and shipping costs. This list has a dynamic length "
+"and extends for 5 extra slots when last slot is filled and saved."
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:145
+msgid "Insert your Paymill PRIVATE API key."
+msgstr "Insert your Paymill PRIVATE API key."
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:166
+msgid ""
+"Currency, ISO 4217 e.g. \"EUR\" or \"GBP\""
+msgstr ""
+"Currency, ISO 4217 e.g. \"EUR\" or \"GBP\""
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:167
+msgid "Set a symbol used for decimal point. Default: ."
+msgstr "Set a symbol used for decimal point. Default: ."
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:168
+msgid "Set a symbol used for thousands seperator. Default: ,"
+msgstr "Set a symbol used for thousands seperator. Default: ,"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:169
+msgid "Outgoing Emailaddress for customer order confirmation mail."
+msgstr "Outgoing Emailaddress for customer order confirmation mail."
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:170
+msgid "Incoming Emailaddress for Copy of customer order confirmation mail."
+msgstr "Incoming Emailaddress for Copy of customer order confirmation mail."
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:172
+msgid "Name of the available delivery country, e.g. \"England\""
+msgstr "Name of the available delivery country, e.g. \"England\""
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:173
+msgid "Gross fee for the flat shipping costs., e.g. \"7\" or \"4.90\""
+msgstr "Gross fee for the flat shipping costs., e.g. \"7\" or \"4.90\""
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:174
+#, php-format
+msgid ""
+"Value-Added-Tax Rate in % for the flat shipping costs., e.g. \"19\" or \"7\""
+msgstr ""
+"Value-Added-Tax Rate in % for the flat shipping costs., e.g. \"19\" or \"7\""
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:176
+msgid "Name of the product"
+msgstr "Name of the product"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:177
+msgid "Detailed description of the product"
+msgstr "Detailed description of the product"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:178
+msgid "Gross Price of the product, e.g. \"40\" or \"6.99\""
+msgstr "Gross Price of the product, e.g. \"40\" or \"6.99\""
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:179
+#, php-format
+msgid "Value-Added-Tax Rate in % for the product, e.g. \"19\" or \"7\""
+msgstr "Value-Added-Tax Rate in % for the product, e.g. \"19\" or \"7\""
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/config.inc.php:180
+msgid "Delivery Time of the product, e.g. \"2 Days\" or \"1 Week\""
+msgstr "Delivery Time of the product, e.g. \"2 Days\" or \"1 Week\""
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:60
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:63
+msgid "Order"
+msgstr "Order"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:60
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/pay_button.php:43
+msgid "Company Name"
+msgstr "Company Name"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:60
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/pay_button.php:47
+msgid "Forename"
+msgstr "Forename"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:60
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/pay_button.php:51
+msgid "Surname"
+msgstr "Surname"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:60
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/pay_button.php:55
+msgid "Street"
+msgstr "Street"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:60
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/pay_button.php:59
+msgid "Number"
+msgstr "Number"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:60
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/pay_button.php:63
+msgid "ZIP"
+msgstr "ZIP"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:60
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/pay_button.php:67
+msgid "City"
+msgstr "City"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:60
+msgid "Country"
+msgstr "Country"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:60
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/pay_button.php:71
+msgid "Email"
+msgstr "Email"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:60
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/pay_button.php:75
+msgid "Phone"
+msgstr "Phone"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:82
+msgid "Confirmation of your Order"
+msgstr "Confirmation of your Order"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:83
+msgid "New Order received"
+msgstr "New Order received"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:92
+msgid "Shows a Paymill Payment Button."
+msgstr "Shows a Paymill Payment Button."
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:107
+msgid "Thank you for your order."
+msgstr "Thank you for your order."
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:117
+msgid "Payment"
+msgstr "Payment"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:119
+msgid "Pay now"
+msgstr "Pay now"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:140
+msgid "Title:"
+msgstr "Title:"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:147
+msgid "Show these products only:"
+msgstr "Show these products only:"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php:150
+msgid "All Products"
+msgstr "All Products"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/woocommerce.inc.php:42
+msgid "Enable/Disable"
+msgstr "Enable/Disable"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/woocommerce.inc.php:44
+msgid "Enable Paymill Payment"
+msgstr "Enable Paymill Payment"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/woocommerce.inc.php:48
+msgid "Title"
+msgstr "Title"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/woocommerce.inc.php:50
+msgid "This controls the title which the user sees during checkout."
+msgstr "This controls the title which the user sees during checkout."
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/woocommerce.inc.php:51
+msgid "Paymill Payment"
+msgstr "Paymill Payment"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/integration/woocommerce.inc.php:55
+msgid "Customer Message"
+msgstr "Customer Message"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/checkout_form.php:8
+msgid "Name"
+msgstr "Name"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/checkout_form.php:11
+msgid "Credit Card"
+msgstr "Credit Card"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/checkout_form.php:15
+msgid "Debit Payment"
+msgstr "Debit Payment"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/checkout_form.php:21
+msgid "Credit Card Number"
+msgstr "Credit Card Number"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/checkout_form.php:26
+msgid "CVC"
+msgstr "CVC"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/checkout_form.php:30
+msgid "Expire Date (MM/YYYY)"
+msgstr "Expire Date (MM/YYYY)"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/checkout_form.php:38
+msgid "Account #"
+msgstr "Account #"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/checkout_form.php:42
+msgid "Bank code"
+msgstr "Bank code"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/pay_button.php:17
+msgid "% VAT included."
+msgstr "% VAT included."
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/pay_button.php:18
+msgid "Delivery Time: "
+msgstr "Delivery Time: "
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/pay_button.php:25
+msgid "Choose Country"
+msgstr "Choose Country"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/pay_button.php:36
+msgid "Total Price:"
+msgstr "Total Price:"
+#: d:\BUSINESS\KUNDEN\elbnetz\paymill\DEV\paymill/lib/tpl/pay_button.php:41
+msgid "Address"
+msgstr "Address"
diff --git a/license.txt b/license.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..945126c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/license.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ Paymill WordPress Plugin
+ is a plugin based on Paymill API allowing credit card payment in WordPress. (Currently supports WooCommerce only)
+ Code (c) 2013 Matthias Reuter
+ Project Leader: Matthias Reuter
+ Project Website: https://www.paymill.com
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see .
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/manual_de.pdf b/manual_de.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1393a8b
Binary files /dev/null and b/manual_de.pdf differ
diff --git a/manual_en.pdf b/manual_en.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98cc1c5
Binary files /dev/null and b/manual_en.pdf differ
diff --git a/paymill.php b/paymill.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66438bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paymill.php
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+prefix.'paymill_clients (
+ paymill_client_id varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
+ paymill_client_email varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
+ paymill_client_description varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
+ wp_member_id int(11) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY ( paymill_client_id),
+ KEY paymill_client_email ( paymill_client_email));';
+$sql .= 'CREATE TABLE '.$wpdb->prefix.'paymill_transactions (
+ paymill_transaction_id varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
+ paymill_payment_id varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
+ paymill_client_id varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
+ paymill_transaction_time int(11) NOT NULL,
+ paymill_transaction_data varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin NOT NULL,
+ woocommerce_order_id int(11) NOT NULL,
+ pay_button_order_id int(11) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY ( paymill_transaction_id),
+ KEY paymill_payment_id ( paymill_payment_id));';
+ dbDelta($sql);
+ if(!get_option('paymill_db_version')){
+ add_option('paymill_db_version', PAYMILL_VERSION);
+ }elseif(get_option('paymill_db_version') != PAYMILL_VERSION){
+ update_option('paymill_db_version', PAYMILL_VERSION);
+ }
+ paymill_install();
+}elseif(get_option('paymill_db_version') != PAYMILL_VERSION){
+ paymill_install();
+ /*
+ load config
+ */
+ require_once('lib/config.inc.php');
+ /*
+ load admin scripts
+ */
+ function pw_load_scripts($hook) {
+ if(!in_array($_GET['tab'],$GLOBALS['paymill_settings']->setting_keys)){
+ return;
+ }
+ wp_enqueue_script( 'paymill_admin_js', plugins_url('/lib/js/paymill_admin.js',__FILE__ ), array('jquery'), PAYMILL_VERSION);
+ }
+ add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'pw_load_scripts');
+ /*
+ load Paymill API
+ */
+ require_once('lib/api/Transactions.php');
+ require_once('lib/api/Clients.php');
+ /*
+ load payment forms
+ */
+ require_once(PAYMILL_DIR.'lib/integration/pay_button.inc.php'); // pay button
+ require_once(PAYMILL_DIR.'lib/integration/woocommerce.inc.php'); // WooCommerce
+ function paymill_scripts(){
+ wp_deregister_script(array('paymill_bridge','paymill_bridge_custom'));
+ wp_enqueue_script('jquery.formatCurrency-1.4.0.js', plugins_url( '/lib/js/jquery.formatCurrency-1.4.0.js' , __FILE__ ), array('jquery'), PAYMILL_VERSION);
+ wp_enqueue_script('paymill_bridge', 'https://bridge.paymill.de/', array('jquery'), PAYMILL_VERSION);
+ wp_localize_script('paymill_bridge', 'paymill_lang', array(
+ 'validateCardNumber' => esc_attr__('Invalid Credit Card Number', 'paymill'),
+ 'validateExpiry' => esc_attr__('Invalid Expiration Date', 'paymill'),
+ 'validateCvc' => esc_attr__('Invalid CVC', 'paymill'),
+ 'validateAccountNumber' => esc_attr__('Invalid Account Number', 'paymill'),
+ 'validateBankCode' => esc_attr__('Invalid Bank Code', 'paymill'),
+ 'decimalSymbol' => esc_attr__($GLOBALS['paymill_settings']->paymill_pay_button_settings['number_decimal'], 'paymill'),
+ 'digitGroupSymbol' => esc_attr__($GLOBALS['paymill_settings']->paymill_pay_button_settings['number_thousands'], 'paymill'),
+ 'symbol' => esc_attr__($GLOBALS['paymill_settings']->paymill_pay_button_settings['currency'], 'paymill'),
+ ));
+ wp_enqueue_script('paymill_bridge_custom', plugins_url( '/lib/js/paymill.js' , __FILE__ ), array('paymill_bridge'), PAYMILL_VERSION);
+ wp_enqueue_script('livevalidation', plugins_url( '/lib/js/livevalidation_standalone.compressed.js' , __FILE__ ), array('paymill_bridge_custom'), PAYMILL_VERSION);
+ wp_enqueue_script('livevalidation_custom', plugins_url( '/lib/js/livevalidation_custom.js' , __FILE__ ), array('livevalidation'), PAYMILL_VERSION);
+ wp_localize_script('livevalidation_custom', 'paymill_livevl', array(
+ 'wrongLength' => esc_attr__('Must be {is} characters long!', 'paymill'),
+ 'tooShort' => esc_attr__('Must not be less than {minimum} characters long!', 'paymill'),
+ 'tooLong' => esc_attr__('Must not be more than {maximum} characters long!', 'paymill'),
+ 'notANumber' => esc_attr__('Must be a number!', 'paymill'),
+ 'notAnInteger' => esc_attr__('Must be an integer!', 'paymill'),
+ 'wrongNumber' => esc_attr__('Must be {is}!', 'paymill'),
+ 'tooLow' => esc_attr__('Must not be less than {minimum}!', 'paymill'),
+ 'tooHigh' => esc_attr__('Must not be more than {maximum}!', 'paymill'),
+ ));
+ wp_enqueue_style('paymill', plugins_url( '/lib/css/paymill.css' , __FILE__ ), $deps, PAYMILL_VERSION, $media);
+ }
+ add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'paymill_scripts');
\ No newline at end of file