All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project loosely adheres to semantic versioning.
- Complete rewrite of the package using Pythran for maintainability
- Removed ability to specify scalar-valued matrix functions
- Added ability to specify vector-valued matrix functions (strictly more general!)
- Added transform() function to MatrixFunction class to allow preprocessing of vector inputs (e.g. for deflation)
- Fixed crashing bug related to auto-detection of number of threads to launch when <= 0
- Preliminary (undocumented) support added for native matrix functions, paving the way for other FFI bindings, e.g. Numba or Cython
- Updated CI linux wheel to manylinux2014 for improved compatibility for other systems
- Revamped Hutch++ implementation
- Updated hutch to correctly account for different confidence levels when use_CLT=True
- Added t-scores to CLT computation to discourage stopping too early
- Added numerical rank function 'numrank' to fledgling functional API
- Added initial Hutch++ code
- Added initial python-only XTrace implementation
- Added unit tests to increase coverage on matrix function API
- Added introductory theory pages to the docs
- Improved doc installation pages
- First PyPI release