This is the setup document to launch Personium unit by ansible. Part 1 (Initial Configuration) must be completed, where Part 2 (Tuning Personium) modification is optional, based on the developers requirement.
Below are the files where modification is required.
- Items to be set initially
- all elements inside
file enclosed with{}
, replace with the constructed server configuration. - Example
# should be changed to
- Modify the hosts file as per instruction below
# -> Specify the private IP of Bastion server
# EX: {Bastion_Private_IP}->
# -> Specify the private IP of Web server
# EX: {Web_Private_IP}->
# -> Specify the private IP of AP server
# EX: {AP_Private_IP}->
# -> Set the private IP for ES server
# EX: {ES_Private_IP}->
# -> Set the private IP for NFS server
# EX: {NFS_Private_IP}->
# -> Specify a user ansible execution
# EX: {Ansible_Execution_User}->root
# -> Set the secret key in the absolute path for ansible user ssh public key authentication
# EX: {SSH_PrivateKey}->/root/.ssh/id_rsa
# -> Specify the global IP for Web server
# EX: {Web_Global_IP}->
# -> Specify the FQDN for Web server(same as unit FQDN)
# EX: {Web_FQDN}->
# -> Specify the network category for Bastion server
# EX: {Bastion_Network_Separation}->
# -> Specify the network category for WEB server
# EX: {WEB_Network_Separation}->
# -> Specify the network category for AP server
# EX: {AP_Network_Separation}->
# -> To authorize all kind of operation, set the master token (Strictly managed)
# EX: enable_mastertoken=true
# {Master_Token}->abc123
# -> URL format to access cell*1
# -> true:path based cell url
# -> false:per cell fqdn url
# EX: {Path_Based_Cell_Url_Enabled}->false
*1.For explanation about URL format to access cell, please confirm here.
# -> Specify the disk name for Personium log
# EX: {PIO_LOGVOL}->vdb
# -> Specify the disk name for ES Data Log
# EX: {ES_DATA_VOL}->vdb
# -> Specify the disk name for NFS_WEBDAV
- Item to be set upon ansible execution(File destination : /group_vars/[group name].yml)
- As an option, changing the recorded values of all .yml files under group_vars directory is possible. But basically, no modification is required unless server tuning is necessary.
- By specifying the git branch name of personium_core and personium_engine in /group_vars/bastion.yml, you can build by specifying the version of Personium.(Default is master)
tag_ServerType: web
nginx_version: 1.14.2
nginx_hm_version: 0.33
tag_ServerType: ap
tomcat_xms: 1024m
tomcat_xmx: 1024m
tomcat_metaspace_size: 256m
tomcat_max_metaspace_size: 256m
lock_host: personium-nfs
lock_port: 11211
cache_host: personium-nfs
cache_port: 11212
cache_manager: memcached
tomcat_version: 9.0.27
commons_daemon_version : 1.2.2
activemq_version: 5.15.8
tag_ServerType: es
version: 6.6.1
es_heapsize: 3328
tag_ServerType: nfs
memcached_version: 1.5.12
memcached_lock_maxconn: 1024
memcached_cache_maxconn: 1024
# lock / cache instance
cache_in_nfs: true
lock_port: 11211
cache_port: 11212
# memcached cachesize
memcached_lock_cachesize: 512
memcached_cache_cachesize: 512
tag_ServerType: bastion
personium_core_version : master
personium_engine_version : master
In this document we tried to explain what are the file we require you to modify before executing ansible and build Personium unit. Please use this document as reference.