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File metadata and controls

209 lines (163 loc) · 6.52 KB

Maven Dependency Updater

This project provides a CLI tool and a maven plugin that report possible dependency upgrades in Maven projects. The dependency upgrades can also be directly performed in the POM file.

To limit which component upgrades should be reported, configuration file with per-dependency upgrade rules can be created. For example, it can be defined that we want certain dependency to be upgraded only to versions with particular prefix, and some other dependency only to versions with particular qualifier. The default behaviour is that only upgrades to newer micro versions are reported.

It can be also specified which maven repositories should be used to look up new dependency versions. By default the Maven Central repository is used.

Usage - Maven plugin

Prerequisite: add the JBoss Releases repository as a plugin repository in your Maven project:

      <name>JBoss Releases Repository</name>

Or instead you can add the plugin repository in your ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml:

          <name>JBoss Releases Repository</name>


To generate reports:

mvn org.jboss.set.dependency-alignment:dependency-updater-maven-plugin:report

To perform dependency upgrades:

mvn org.jboss.set.dependency-alignment:dependency-updater-maven-plugin:perform-upgrades

In order to make the maven commands shorter, add the group "org.jboss.set.dependency-alignment" as a plugin group in your ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml:


After that, you can use plugin prefix:

mvn dependency-updater:report
mvn dependency-updater:perform-upgrades

Reports will be saved in dependency-upgrades-report.txt files in target/ directories of maven modules. If no upgradeable dependencies are found, the report file for given module will not be generated.

If you want to define upgrade rules, place dependency-upgrade-config.json file into your root project directory. See Configuration section for more information about the configuration file options.

Usage - CLI

java -jar <path/to/alignment-cli.jar> <action> -f <path/to/pom.xml> [-c <path/to/configuration.json>] [-o output-file.txt]
  • alignment-cli-<version>.jar file is generated during build in $SOURCE_DIR/cli/target/,
  • <action> can be "generate-report" or "perform-upgrades".

CLI Usage Examples

Generate text report with possible dependency upgrades to an output file report.txt:

$ java -jar cli/target/alignment-cli-0.3.jar generate-report -c path/to/configuration.json -f path/to/pom.xml -o report.txt

Perform possible dependency upgrades in the POM:

$ java -jar $CLI_JAR perform-upgrades -c path/to/configuration.json -f path/to/pom.xml


An optional configuration file containing upgrade rules can be prepared.

Example configuration.json:

  "repositories" : {
    "Central": "",
    "JBossPublic": ""
  "ignoreScopes": ["test"],
  "rules": {
    "*:*": {
      "STREAM": "MICRO"
    "commons-cli:commons-cli": {
      "STREAM": "MINOR"
    "org.picketlink:*": {
      "PREFIX": "2.5.5",
      "QUALIFIER": "SP\\d+"

Configuration keys

  • repositories: A map of repositories where new dependency versions will be looked up.

  • ignoreScopes: A list of maven dependency scopes to be ignored.

  • rules: A map where keys are of the format "groupId:artifactId" and values are upgrade rules.

    groupId and artifactId can be a wildcard "*".

    Upgrade rule is either:

    • a string "NEVER", which means never to upgrade given G:A.
    • a map which can contain with following keys:
      • PREFIX: version prefix, e.g. "1.2.3", that candidate versions has to match.
      • QUALIFIER: a single regular expression pattern or a list of patterns, one of which must match a candidate versions' qualifier.
      • STREAM: a stream name.

    Stream names:

    • MAJOR - upgrade to the latest MAJOR version (i.e. no restrictions).
    • MINOR - upgrade to the latest MINOR version, MAJOR must not change.
    • MICRO - upgrade to the latest MICRO version, MAJOR and MINOR must not change.
    • QUALIFIER - upgrade to the latest QUALIFIER version, MAJOR, MINOR and MICRO must not change.

Upgrade Rules Examples

  "groupId:artifactId": {
    "PREFIX": "1.2.3"  

Matches dependency versions "1.2.3", "", but not "1.2.4" or "1.2.30".

  "groupId:artifactId": {
    "QUALIFIER": ["Final", "Final-jbossorg-\\d+"]  

Matches dependency versions "1.2.Final", "1.2.3.Final-jbossorg-00001", but not "1.2" or "1.2.Beta1".

  "groupId:artifactId": {
    "PREFIX": "1.2.3",
    "QUALIFIER": "SP\\d+"  

Matches dependency versions "1.2.3.SP1", "", but not "1.2.3" or "1.2.4.SP1".

  "groupId:artifactId": {
    "STREAM": "MICRO",  
    "QUALIFIER": "Final"  

If an original dependency version is "1.2.3.Final", the rule matches candidate versions "1.2.4.Final", "", but not "1.3.0.Final" or "1.2.3.Beta1".


  • When using CLI tool on a multi-module project, only the single POM file specified in the "-c" parameter is processed. Parent or nested POMs are not. This behaviour is considered "good enough" for now, as most projects have dependency versions managed in a BOM or a parent POM.
  • Dependencies defined in profiles are not processed.
  • Plugins are not processed.