m2e-code-quality is built with Tycho.
To make a release:
Run a build. Use Apache Maven version 3.0.3 or newer. Always run
mvn clean install
; Tycho has some stupid bug that goes off if you don't start from clean. -
Test as you feel the urge using the plugins and features.
The index.html at the top of the gh-pages for the m2e-code-quality has some general explanation, maintain it.
Release notes are generated automatically from merged PR and closed issues. If you want some custom release summary, create a new GitHub Issue, set the label
and add it to a GitHub milestone named after the intended release version (see next section). The description of the issue will then be used as the release summary. -
When you're satisfied and all changes are pushed to the develop branch, tag the head commit with a 3-digit version number (e.g. 1.1.0). This will automatically build a site, publish it to https://m2e-code-quality.github.io/m2e-code-quality-p2-site/, and update the development branch to the next version number. Please note that the produced artifacts will always have a 4 digit version number, otherwise the release build would be newer then the last snapshot build in OSGi's version ordering. A release build is marked with a -r version qualifier. This will also produce a release in GitHub.
Just in case something failed you can repeat step 5 by moving the tag. A re-spin will completely replace the version in the P2 repository.
That's it!