This guide will walk you through the process of integrating achievements into your PICO VR application using the Achievement Manager. Achievements add a layer of engagement and motivation for users to explore and enjoy your VR experience.
The Achievement Manager is a tool for managing and tracking achievements in your PICO VR application. It provides a way to integrate achievements, display them in your user interface, and interact with the PICO VR achievement API.
Retrieve information about achievements, including their API name, description, type, and unlock criteria.
AchievementsService.GetDefinitionsByName(new string[] { "yourAchievementName" }).OnComplete(
(msg) => { // Message<AchievementDefinitionList>
if (!msg.IsError)
var list = msg.Data.GetEnumerator();
while (list.MoveNext())
var item = list.Current;
Debug.Log($"Name: {item.Name}" +
$"Target: {item.Target}" +
$"Type: {item.Type}" +
$"BitfieldLength: {item.BitfieldLength}" +
$"Description: {item.Description}" +
$"Title: {item.Title}" +
$"IsArchived: {item.IsArchived}" +
$"IsSecret: {item.IsSecret}" +
$"ID: {item.ID}" +
$"UnlockedDescription: {item.UnlockedDescription}" +
$"WritePolicy: {item.WritePolicy}" +
$"LockedImageURL: {item.LockedImageURL}" +
$"UnlockedImageURL: {item.UnlockedImageURL}");
To retrieve basic information about achievements on a specified page:
AchievementsService.GetAllDefinitions(0, 5).OnComplete(
(msg) => { // Message<AchievementDefinitionList>
if (!msg.IsError)
var list = msg.Data.GetEnumerator();
var totalSize = msg.Data.TotalSize; // The total number of achievements
while (list.MoveNext())
var item = list.Current;
Debug.Log($"Name: {item.Name}" +
$"Target: {item.Target}" +
$"Type: {item.Type}" +
$"BitfieldLength: {item.BitfieldLength}" +
$"Description: {item.Description}" +
$"Title: {item.Title}" +
$"IsArchived: {item.IsArchived}" +
$"IsSecret: {item.IsSecret}" +
$"ID: {item.ID}" +
$"UnlockedDescription: {item.UnlockedDescription}" +
$"WritePolicy: {item.WritePolicy}" +
$"LockedImageURL: {item.LockedImageURL}" +
$"UnlockedImageURL: {item.UnlockedImageURL}");
Retrieve the progress a user has made on a specific achievement, including whether it's unlocked, the unlock time, and more.
AchievementsService.GetProgressByName(new string[] { "yourAchievementName" }).OnComplete(
(msg) => { // Message<AchievementProgressList>
var list = obj.GetEnumerator();
while (list.MoveNext())
var item = list.Current;
Debug.Log($"IsUnlocked: {item.IsUnlocked}" + // Simple achievements have no progress information and they only have two statuses: locked, unlocked.
$"UnlockTime: {item.UnlockTime}" +
$"ID: {item.ID}" +
$"Name: {item.Name}" +
$"Bitfield: {item.Bitfield}" + // The progress of a bitfield achievement
$"Count: {item.Count}" + // The progress of a count achievement
$"ExtraData: {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(item.ExtraData)}");
Unlock an achievement when a user reaches the specified goal:
For count-based achievements, use the AddCount method:
Copy code
int count = 1;
byte[] bytes = new byte[] { };
AchievementsService.AddCount("yourAchievementName", count, bytes).OnComplete(
(msg) => { // msg:Message<AchievementUpdate>
if (!msg.IsError)
var updateData = msg.Data;
Debug.Log($"achievementName: {updateData.Name}");
Debug.Log($"JustUnlocked: {updateData.JustUnlocked}");
For bitfield-based achievements, use the AddFields method:
Copy code
byte[] bytes = new byte[] { };
string fields = "100011";
AchievementsService.AddFields("yourAchievementName", fields, bytes).OnComplete(
(msg) => { // msg:Message<AchievementUpdate>
if (!msg.IsError)
var updateData = msg.Data;
Debug.Log($"achievementName: {updateData.Name}");
Debug.Log($"JustUnlocked: {updateData.JustUnlocked}");