Experience the next level of immersion in the VR realm by embracing Hand Tracking, a alternative to traditional controllers.
In MicroWar, we harness the power of PICO Integration 2.3.0, XR Interaction Toolkit 2.4.3, and XR Hands 1.2.1 to integrate the prowess of hand tracking. Remember to check the hand tracking on PXR_Manager.
To delve into the realm of Hand Tracking, initiate the process by adding the hands prefabs located at "Packages/com.unity.xr.picoxr/Assets/Resources/Prefabs" to your primary scene. This pivotal step empowers you to capture the precise position and pinch state of each hand.
For the interaction with Unity UI elements, simply affix the Poke Interactor prefab beneath your hands.
Moreover, we created the MicroHandInteractor prefab—a creation dedicated to grab vehicles via a pinch gesture within the game. Attach this prefab to the hand wrist and assign the appropriate hand reference on the component.
This script serves as an embodiment of how we orchestrate the tank's movement via the left hand. We commence by extracting the pinch state from PXR_Hand. Upon confirming a pinch action, we procure the hand's position and calculate the ensuing movement:
if (GameManager.Instance.LeftHandInteractor.m_Hand.PinchStrength > 0 || GameManager.Instance.LeftHandInteractor.m_Hand.Pinch)
leftHandCurrentPosition = GameManager.Instance.LeftHandInteractor.m_Hand.handJoints[(int)HandJoint.JointThumbProximal].position;
leftHandMovement = leftHandCurrentPosition - leftHandStartPosition;
leftHandMovement = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(leftHandMovement, Vector3.up);
if (leftHandMovement.magnitude > threshold)
axis2D_L.x = Mathf.Min(1, Mathf.Max(-1, leftHandMovement.x / maximumMovement));
axis2D_L.y = Mathf.Min(1, Mathf.Max(-1, leftHandMovement.z / maximumMovement));
axis2D_L = Vector2.zero;
This script shows how to charge and shoot with the right hand. By evaluating the pinch state, we emulate the trigger state to execute charge and shooting actions:
if (PXR_HandTracking.GetActiveInputDevice() == ActiveInputDevice.HandTrackingActive)
m_triggerCurState = GameManager.Instance.RightHandInteractor.m_Hand.PinchStrength > 0;
For game objects with a collider and the TankSelectorBehaviour.cs script, the MicroWarHand script outlines a method to grasp them upon collision:
private void OnTriggerStay(Collider other)
//Debug.LogWarning(other.name + "OnTriggerStay");
if (m_Hand != null && m_Tank)
if(m_Hand.PinchStrength > 0 && !m_IsTankInHand)
Debug.LogWarning("Grab Tank!");
m_Tank.transform.parent = transform;
m_Tank.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
m_Tank.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
m_IsTankInHand = true;
if(m_Hand.PinchStrength == 0 && m_IsTankInHand)
m_IsTankInHand = false;
Debug.LogWarning("Release Tank!");