tl;dr .
The igniter repository offers all the necessary tools to get started with a deployment. Clone it by running:
git clone && cd igniter
Igniter uses PostGraphile to expose a GraphQL API over a PostgreSQL database. It is recommended to run the latest version for best results. For more details about supported versions see here.
Igniter uses to manage the execution of background tasks.
A docker-compose file is provided to run the necessary services. To start the services, run:
docker-compose --profile pre-requisites up -d
This will start a PostgreSQL database and a server. The PostgreSQL database will be available at localhost:5432
and the server will be available at localhost:7233
Additionally, you can start the temporal admin tools and the web UI by running:
docker-compose --profile pre-requisites-admin up -d
Once the pre-requisites are running, you need to install the project dependencies and run push the schema to the database.
TODO: Fix issue need to install yarn globally.
corepack enable
pnpm install
pnpm --filter=db prisma:push
docker-compose --profile igniter build
docker-compose --profile igniter up -d