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A GitHub webhook that watches GitHub Issue and Pull Request comments for /prombench <event> [<version>] [<options>] commands.

On each command it dispatches appropriate repository_dispatch event to configured repository and notifies the same issue/PR.

See Prometheus GitHub action that responses to prombench comment-monitor dispatches.

Currently, it only supports the issue_comment event, which can be triggered by either issue or PR.

Table of Contents

  1. Environment Variables
  2. Setting Up the Webhook Server
  3. Setting Up the GitHub Webhook
  4. Extracting Arguments
  5. Usage and Examples
  6. Building Docker Image

Environment Variables

  • GITHUB_TOKEN: GitHub OAuth token used for posting comments and setting labels.
  • Any other environment variable used within the comment templates in config.yml.

Setting Up the Webhook Server

To specify the configuration file for comment-monitor, use the --config flag.

Example config.yml File

  - prefix: /prombench
    help_template: |
      Get prombench syntax help here.

  - event_type: prombench_stop
    regex_string: (?mi)^/prombench\s+cancel\s*$
    comment_template: |
      Benchmark cancel is in progress.
    label: prombench

How It Works:

  • Comments are first checked to see if they start with any of the prefixes specified in prefixes. If not, the request is dropped.
  • If the prefix is matched, but the subsequent content does not match the regex_string, a comment with the help_template for that prefix is posted back to the issue/PR.
  • If a comment matches the regex_string, comment-monitor will trigger a repository_dispatch event with the specified event_type.
  • A comment will also be posted to the issue/PR with the comment_template.
  • Any arguments extracted by the regex_string will be passed to the client_payload of the repository_dispatch event.

Setting Up the GitHub Webhook

  1. Create a Personal Access Token:

    • Generate a personal access token with the scopes public_repo and write:discussion.
    • Set the environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN to this token.
  2. Configure the Webhook:

    • Set the webhook server URL as the webhook URL in the repository settings.
    • Set the content type to application/json.

Extracting Arguments

  • The regex_string in config.yml is used to parse comments into separate arguments.
  • Some internal arguments are automatically set, such as PR_NUMBER and LAST_COMMIT_SHA.
  • If the regex_string includes capturing groups, you must use named groups so that each comment argument is named after the corresponding regex group.


The following regex creates an argument named RELEASE:


Usage and Examples

usage: commentMonitor [<flags>]

commentMonitor GitHub Action - Post and monitor GitHub comments.

  -h, --help                   Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
      --webhooksecretfile="./whsecret"   Path to webhook secret file.
      --config="./config.yml"  Filepath to config file.
      --port="8080"            Port number to run webhook on.

Building Docker Image

To build the Docker image for comment-monitor:

docker build -t prominfra/comment-monitor:master .