From 91ce00501c27b75fcace87b90346795501b74878 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Zach Latta <>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2018 20:15:11 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Reorder interview field specs

 api/spec/models/new_club_application_spec.rb | 46 ++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/api/spec/models/new_club_application_spec.rb b/api/spec/models/new_club_application_spec.rb
index d1e449b51..a84acac96 100644
--- a/api/spec/models/new_club_application_spec.rb
+++ b/api/spec/models/new_club_application_spec.rb
@@ -55,6 +55,29 @@
   it { should have_db_column :interview_duration }
   it { should have_db_column :interview_notes }
+  ## enums ##
+  it { should define_enum_for :high_school_type }
+  ## validations ##
+  it_behaves_like 'Geocodeable'
+  ## relationships ##
+  it { should have_many(:leader_profiles) }
+  it { should have_many(:users).through(:leader_profiles) }
+  it { should belong_to(:point_of_contact) }
+  it 'requires points of contact to be associated users' do
+    bad_poc = create(:user)
+    subject.update_attributes(point_of_contact: bad_poc)
+    expect(subject.errors[:point_of_contact])
+      .to include('must be an associated applicant')
+  end
   describe 'interview fields' do
     subject { create(:completed_new_club_application) }
     before { subject.submit! }
@@ -105,29 +128,6 @@
-  ## enums ##
-  it { should define_enum_for :high_school_type }
-  ## validations ##
-  it_behaves_like 'Geocodeable'
-  ## relationships ##
-  it { should have_many(:leader_profiles) }
-  it { should have_many(:users).through(:leader_profiles) }
-  it { should belong_to(:point_of_contact) }
-  it 'requires points of contact to be associated users' do
-    bad_poc = create(:user)
-    subject.update_attributes(point_of_contact: bad_poc)
-    expect(subject.errors[:point_of_contact])
-      .to include('must be an associated applicant')
-  end
   describe ':submit!' do
     subject { create(:completed_new_club_application, profile_count: 3) }
     let(:user) { subject.point_of_contact }