This document provides instructions for setting up a CD4PE test environment using the performance pre-suite and supplementary rake tasks.
The CD4PE installation uses the module-based installation instructions.
The following environment variables must be set:
You can set the values manually:
export BEAKER_PE_VER=2019.0.1
or use the provided environment setup file:
source config/env/env_setup_2019.0.1
Execute a 'performance' run to provision the 'master' and 'metrics' hosts via ABS and run the Beaker pre-suite.
For a standard performance test environment run the performance_setup
rake task.
For a scale test environment run the autoscale_setup
rake task.
The following rake tasks are provided to create the CD4PE test environment hosts via ABS:
rake abs_provision_environment_cd4pe # Provision the hosts for a cd4pe test environment via ABS
rake abs_provision_host_agent # Provision an agent host via ABS
rake abs_provision_host_cd4pe # Provision a cd4pe host via ABS
rake abs_provision_host_gitlab # Provision a gitlab host via ABS
rake abs_provision_host_worker # Provision a worker host via ABS
For a full CD4PE environment run the abs_provision_environment_cd4pe
For a custom environment, run the individual tasks to provision the desired hosts.
The test environment uses a standard installation of Gitlab on Centos 7:
The pre-requisites specified in the instructions are already in place; only the steps listed below are required:
- SSH to the Gitlab host as the root user.
- Add the GitLab package repository:
curl | sudo bash
- Install the Gitlab package (replace '' with the value for your Gitlab host):
EXTERNAL_URL="" yum install -y gitlab-ee
Once Gitlab is installed and running, navigate to the host in a browser.
- Set the password for the 'root' account to 'puppetlabs'.
- Navigate to
and enable the 'Allow requests to the local network from hooks and services' setting.
In the Gitlab UI:
- Navigate to New Project → Import Project → Repo by URL
- Provide a project name and description
- Provide the control repo URL:
- Click the 'Create project' button
You should now see the control repo in Gitlab.
After importing the control repo you should see an alert banner with the following text:
The Auto DevOps pipeline has been enabled and will be used if no alternative CI configuration file is found.
- Click the 'Settings' link.
- Click the 'Expand' button for the 'Auto DevOps' panel.
- Uncheck the 'Default to Auto DevOps pipeline' option.
- Click the 'Save changes' button.
If the master was previously tuned the configuration will be lost when the imported control repo is deployed. It must be added to the control repo to be applied upon deployment.
- SSH to the 'master' node
- Run the following command:
puppet infrastructure tune --current
If a custom tune was previously applied it will be shown in the output. For example:
[root@ip-10-227-0-128 ~]# puppet infrastructure tune --current
### Puppet Infrastructure Summary: Found a Monolithic Infrastructure
Warning: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml: Use of 'hiera.yaml' version 3 is deprecated. It should be converted to version 5
(file: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/hiera.yaml)
Warning: Undefined variable 'is_vagrant';
(file & line not available)
Warning: Undefined variable 'lsbdistcodename';
(file & line not available)
## Found custom settings for Primary Master
"puppet_enterprise::master::puppetserver::jruby_max_active_instances": 5,
"puppet_enterprise::master::puppetserver::reserved_code_cache": "1024m",
"puppet_enterprise::profile::console::java_args": {
"Xms": "768m",
"Xmx": "768m"
"puppet_enterprise::profile::database::shared_buffers": "3719MB",
"puppet_enterprise::profile::master::java_args": {
"Xms": "3840m",
"Xmx": "3840m"
"puppet_enterprise::profile::orchestrator::java_args": {
"Xms": "1024m",
"Xmx": "1024m"
"puppet_enterprise::profile::puppetdb::java_args": {
"Xms": "1487m",
"Xmx": "1487m"
"puppet_enterprise::puppetdb::command_processing_threads": 2
- Copy just the tune configuration which follows any warnings and/or messages.
- Add the tune configuration to the
file on the production branch.
CD4PE is designed to use the master branch as the default with additional branches per environment.
- Create a 'master' branch from the 'production' branch.
- Set the 'master' branch as the default.
- Create additional branches per environment.
- Remove extraneous branches.
- Ensure all branches are unprotected.
We'll be using Code Manager to deploy the cd4pe module, so we'll set it up next. The following steps are based on the documentation found here:
Please refer to the documentation for additional details.
@TODO: automate
- SSH to the master
- Add a entry for the Gitlab host to
- Add the following to
Host *
StrictHostKeyChecking no
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
Host gplt-gitlab
User git
IdentityFile /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/ssh/id-control_repo.rsa
PreferredAuthentications publickey
- Create the 'ssh' directory and assign ownership to 'pe-puppet':
cd /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver && mkdir ssh && chown pe-puppet:pe-puppet ssh
- Generate the 'id-control_repo' key:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C "[email protected]" -f /etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/ssh/id-control_repo.rsa -q -N ""
- Set the file permissions:
cd ssh && chown pe-puppet:pe-puppet id-control_repo.rsa
- Get the public key:
- Click the user icon in the far right of the Gitlab toolbar.
- Click the 'Settings' link in the dropdown panel.
- Click the 'SSH keys' link in the left nav panel.
- Paste the SSH key created in the previous section into the 'Key' text area.
- Add a name for the key to the 'Title' field.
- Click the 'Add key' button.
In the console, set the following parameters in the 'puppet_enterprise::profile::master' class in the 'PE Master' node group:
- code_manager_auto_configure - true
- r10k_remote - "ssh://git@gplt-gitlab/root/puppetlabs-puppetserver_perf_control.git"
- r10k_private_key - "/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/ssh/id-control_repo.rsa"
Run puppet on the master via the console or with the command:
puppet agent -t
Next we will need to set up authentication for Code Manager based on the instructions found here:
Please refer to the documentation for additional details.
- Create the Code Manager user: 'Code Manager User' / 'code_manager_user'
- Add the user to the Code Deployers role
- Perform a password reset: 'puppetlabs'
puppet-access login --lifetime 1y
- Verify the control repo
[root@ip-10-227-1-53 ssh]# puppet-code deploy --dry-run
--dry-run implies --wait.
--dry-run implies --all.
Dry-run deploying all environments.
Found 1 environments.
- Deploy the production environment
puppet-code deploy production --wait
- Run the agent on the master to pick up the changes
puppet agent -t
Code Manager sets the environment_timeout
value in /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf
to unlimited
which means that Puppet Server will hold the results of parsing puppet manifests in memory and re-use them until the next deploy instead of re-reading and re-parsing the files for each catalog request.
- Edit
to specifyenvironment_timeout = 0
- Restart pe-puppetserver
service pe-puppetserver restart
The master is now ready to install CD4PE using the module-based approach.
The Puppetfile below can be used with the instructions at the following link to install CD4PE:
Note: some of the CD4PE dependencies are already included in the puppetlabs-puppetserver_perf_control repo's Puppetfile. This will be addressed in a future update; in the meantime the following example can be used (duplicates are commented out):
# A Puppetfile for a control repo that can be used for Puppet Server / PE perf testing
# cd4pe
mod 'puppetlabs-cd4pe', :latest
# Requirements for cd4pe
mod 'puppetlabs-concat', '4.2.1'
mod 'puppetlabs-hocon', '1.0.1'
mod 'puppetlabs-puppet_authorization', '0.4.0'
mod 'puppetlabs-stdlib', '4.25.1'
mod 'puppetlabs-docker', '3.2.0'
mod 'puppetlabs-apt', '6.2.1'
mod 'puppetlabs-translate', '1.1.0'
mod 'stahnma/epel', '1.2.2'
# Modules that have been extracted from core Puppet
mod 'puppetlabs/augeas_core', '1.0.0'
mod 'puppetlabs/sshkeys_core', '1.0.0'
mod 'puppetlabs/yumrepo_core', '1.0.0'
# Modules required to get a tomcat server up and running
mod 'puppetlabs/tomcat', '1.5.0'
#mod 'puppetlabs/stdlib', '4.12.0'
mod 'nanliu/staging', '1.0.3'
#mod 'puppetlabs/concat', '2.1.0'
mod 'puppetlabs/java', '1.6.0'
# Modules required to get a postgres server up and running
mod 'puppetlabs/postgresql', '4.9.0'
#mod 'puppetlabs/apt', '2.2.2'
# Seeing issues with latest version of gatling
#mod 'rampup_profile_gitlab',
# :git => '',
# :commit => '4a5599882c0e2d716be53b0f543be2af90ec6a94'
mod 'golja/influxdb', '4.0.0'
mod 'vshn/gitlab', '1.14.0'
mod 'puppetlabs/apache', '1.11.0'
# Enable collection of Puppet api-endpoint metrics
mod 'puppetlabs-puppet_metrics_collector', '5.1.0'
# Extra modules just to increase the total amount of code in the puppet environment
## "Additional modules to complement PE installation"
mod 'hunner/hiera', '2.0.1'
mod 'puppetlabs/puppetserver_gem', '0.2.0'
mod 'puppetlabs/inifile', '1.2.0'
#mod 'puppetlabs/hocon', '0.9.4'
mod 'puppetlabs/vcsrepo', '1.3.2'
mod 'puppet/archive', '0.5.1'
## Basic linux host management
mod 'puppetlabs/accounts', '1.0.0'
mod 'jlambert121/yum', '0.2.1'
mod 'puppetlabs/ntp', '4.2.0'
mod 'puppetlabs/firewall', '1.8.1'
mod 'saz/rsyslog', '3.5.1'
## Advanced linux host management
#mod 'garethr/docker', '5.2.0'
## Common tools in an infrastructure
mod 'camptocamp/openldap', '1.14.0'
mod 'arioch/redis', '1.2.2'
mod 'saz/memcached', '2.8.1'
mod 'puppetlabs/haproxy', '1.4.0'
mod 'jfryman/nginx', '0.3.0'
mod 'rtyler/jenkins', '1.6.1'
mod 'sensu/sensu', '2.1.0'
mod 'bfraser/grafana', '2.5.0'
mod 'elasticsearch/elasticsearch', '0.11.0'
mod 'elasticsearch/logstash', '0.6.4'
mod 'elasticsearch/logstashforwarder', '0.1.1'
mod 'puppetlabs/java_ks', '1.4.1'
## Basic Windows host management
mod 'puppetlabs/acl', '1.1.2'
mod 'puppetlabs/reboot', '1.2.1'
mod 'chocolatey/chocolatey', '1.2.3'
mod 'puppetlabs/powershell', '2.0.1'
mod 'puppetlabs/registry', '1.1.3'
mod 'puppetlabs/wsus_client', '1.0.2'
mod 'badgerious/windows_env', '2.2.2'
mod 'puppet/windows_firewall', '1.0.3'
mod 'puppet/windows_autoupdate', '1.1.0'
mod 'puppet/dotnet', '1.0.2'
mod 'puppet/windowsfeature', '1.1.0'
mod 'puppet/windows_eventlog', '1.1.1'
## Advanced Windows host management
mod 'chocolatey/chocolatey_server', '0.0.4'
# this apparently requires a PE license
#mod 'puppetlabs/sqlserver', '1.1.2'
mod 'puppet/iis', '2.0.2'
mod 'puppet/graphite_powershell', '1.0.1'
## And while we're at it, lets do this all in the cloud
mod 'puppetlabs/aws', '1.4.0'
## i18n, just putting this here created a perf issue in the past
mod 'eputnam-i18ndemo', '0.3.0'
The remaining steps are covered in the official documentation:
Note: Create a user account when you first log into CD4PE.
TODO: Include additional information on test scenario configuration.