The trapperkeeper webserver service library provides some utility code for use in tests. The code is available in a separate "test" jar that you may depend on by using a classifier in your project dependencies.
(defproject yourproject "1.0.0"
:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[puppetlabs/trapperkeeper-webserver-jetty9 "x.y.z" :classifier "test"]]}})
The test jar contains a macro to assist in testing the functionality of a ring application. You can find the macro in webserver.clj.
The with-test-webserver
macro starts up a new web server which is bound to a random unused port, and attaches a
provided Ring handler function. When the test is completed with-test-webserver
also handles shutting down the web server.
The first parameter provided to the with-test-webserver
macro is a ring handler function (see
ring concepts) which will generally by a handler that exists in
your trapperkeeper application somewhere. The second parameter is an identifier which will contain the port number
that the web server was started on.
Generally, inside the body of the with-test-webserver
macro a number of web requests are made and their responses are
examined for correctness. For example:
(with-test-webserver app port
(testing "a gzipped response when requests"
;; The client/get function asks for compression by default
(let [resp (http-client/get (format "http://localhost:%d/" port))]
(is (= (resp :body) body))
(is (= (get-in resp [:headers "content-encoding"]) "gzip")
(format "Expected gzipped response, got this response: %s" resp))))