diff --git a/build.sh b/build.sh
index 58267c1..7b4376a 100755
--- a/build.sh
+++ b/build.sh
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
set -e # exit when any command fails
-asciidoctor livro.adoc -o index.html
+asciidoctor -r ./ferramentas/addLazyLoadingImages.rb livro.adoc -o index.html
open index.html
diff --git a/ferramentas/addLazyLoadingImages.rb b/ferramentas/addLazyLoadingImages.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2062cbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ferramentas/addLazyLoadingImages.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+class AddLazyLoadingImages < (Asciidoctor::Converter.for 'html5')
+ register_for 'html5'
+ def convert_image node
+ target = node.attr 'target'
+ width_attr = (node.attr? 'width') ? %( width="#{node.attr 'width'}") : ''
+ height_attr = (node.attr? 'height') ? %( height="#{node.attr 'height'}") : ''
+ # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLImageElement/loading
+ loading_attr_value = (node.attr 'loading') || (node.document.attr 'image-loading')
+ if loading_attr_value && loading_attr_value != 'eager' && loading_attr_value != 'lazy'
+ logger.warn 'valid values for attribute "loading" are "eager" and "lazy". found: ' + loading_attr_value
+ end
+ loading_attr = loading_attr_value ? %( loading="#{loading_attr_value}") : ''
+ if ((node.attr? 'format', 'svg') || (target.include? '.svg')) && node.document.safe < SafeMode::SECURE
+ if node.option? 'inline'
+ img = (read_svg_contents node, target) || %(#{node.alt})
+ elsif node.option? 'interactive'
+ fallback = (node.attr? 'fallback') ? %() : %(#{node.alt})
+ img = %()
+ else
+ img = %()
+ end
+ else
+ img = %()
+ end
+ if (node.attr? 'link') && ((href_attr_val = node.attr 'link') != 'self' || (href_attr_val = src))
+ img = %(#{img})
+ end
+ id_attr = node.id ? %( id="#{node.id}") : ''
+ classes = ['imageblock']
+ classes << (node.attr 'float') if node.attr? 'float'
+ classes << %(text-#{node.attr 'align'}) if node.attr? 'align'
+ classes << node.role if node.role
+ class_attr = %( class="#{classes.join ' '}")
+ title_el = node.title? ? %(\n
) : ''
+ %()
+ end
+ def convert_inline_image node
+ target = node.target
+ if (type = node.type || 'image') == 'icon'
+ if (icons = node.document.attr 'icons') == 'font'
+ i_class_attr_val = %(fa fa-#{target})
+ i_class_attr_val = %(#{i_class_attr_val} fa-#{node.attr 'size'}) if node.attr? 'size'
+ if node.attr? 'flip'
+ i_class_attr_val = %(#{i_class_attr_val} fa-flip-#{node.attr 'flip'})
+ elsif node.attr? 'rotate'
+ i_class_attr_val = %(#{i_class_attr_val} fa-rotate-#{node.attr 'rotate'})
+ end
+ attrs = (node.attr? 'title') ? %( title="#{node.attr 'title'}") : ''
+ img = %()
+ elsif icons
+ attrs = (node.attr? 'width') ? %( width="#{node.attr 'width'}") : ''
+ attrs = %(#{attrs} height="#{node.attr 'height'}") if node.attr? 'height'
+ attrs = %(#{attrs} title="#{node.attr 'title'}") if node.attr? 'title'
+ img = %()
+ else
+ img = %([#{node.alt}])
+ end
+ else
+ attrs = (node.attr? 'width') ? %( width="#{node.attr 'width'}") : ''
+ attrs = %(#{attrs} height="#{node.attr 'height'}") if node.attr? 'height'
+ attrs = %(#{attrs} title="#{node.attr 'title'}") if node.attr? 'title'
+ # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLImageElement/loading
+ loading_attr_value = (node.attr 'loading') || (node.document.attr 'image-loading')
+ if loading_attr_value && loading_attr_value != 'eager' && loading_attr_value != 'lazy'
+ logger.warn 'valid values for attribute "loading" are "eager" and "lazy". found: ' + loading_attr_value
+ end
+ attrs = %(#{attrs} loading="#{loading_attr_value}") if loading_attr_value
+ if ((node.attr? 'format', 'svg') || (target.include? '.svg')) && node.document.safe < SafeMode::SECURE
+ if node.option? 'inline'
+ img = (read_svg_contents node, target) || %(#{node.alt})
+ elsif node.option? 'interactive'
+ fallback = (node.attr? 'fallback') ? %() : %(#{node.alt})
+ img = %()
+ else
+ img = %()
+ end
+ else
+ img = %()
+ end
+ end
+ if (node.attr? 'link') && ((href_attr_val = node.attr 'link') != 'self' || (href_attr_val = src))
+ img = %(#{img})
+ end
+ class_attr_val = type
+ if (role = node.role)
+ class_attr_val = (node.attr? 'float') ? %(#{class_attr_val} #{node.attr 'float'} #{role}) : %(#{class_attr_val} #{role})
+ elsif node.attr? 'float'
+ class_attr_val = %(#{class_attr_val} #{node.attr 'float'})
+ end
+ %(#{img})
+ end
diff --git a/livro.adoc b/livro.adoc
index 1c4c379..89ba57f 100644
--- a/livro.adoc
+++ b/livro.adoc
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ include::atributos-pt_BR.adoc[]
:xrefstyle: short
+:image-loading: lazy
:toclevels: 2
@@ -159,4 +159,4 @@ include::capitulos/cap21.adoc[]
== 🚧 Descritores de atributos
-== 🚧 Metaprogramação com classes
\ No newline at end of file
+== 🚧 Metaprogramação com classes