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Units tools

This library includes tools to help handling units and conversions.


This class has an API for introducing units and conversion methods.

The available units are regrouped in the table below:

Unit ns us ms s mHz Hz kHz MHz GHz uV mV V
factor 1 10^3 10^6 10^9 10^-3 1 10^3 10^6 10^9 10^-6 10^-3 1

Please note the special behavior of time units

Several conversion methods are available:

  • to_clock_cycles(t): Converts a duration to clock cycles.
  • demod2volts(data, duration): Converts the demodulated data to volts.
  • raw2volts(data): Converts the raw data to volts.

Usage example

from qualang_tools.units import unit

u = unit()

qubit_LO = 6.8957 * u.GHz
qubit_IF = 245 * u.MHz

readout_len = 256 *
pi_len = 224 * u.ns
qubit_T1 = 6 *

plt.scatter(u.demod2volts(I, readout_len) * u.uV, u.demod2volts(Q, readout_len)* u.uV)
plt.xlabel("I quadrature [µV]")
plt.ylabel("Q quadrature [µV]")

plt.plot(u.raw2volts(raw_data) * u.mV)
plt.ylabel("Raw trace [mV]")

Time Units

Time units are specified differently while declaring a python variable or in the context of a qua program. In particular, in python, time is defined in nanoseconds, while in a qua program it must be specified in units of clock cycles of the FPGA (of the duration of 4 nanoseconds). unit respects this behavior, and the value of time units is calculated dynamically depending on the context. This translates to the normal behavior of time units being

u.ns == 1 # Times are in ns in python

while inside a qua program

with program() as prog:
    4 * u.ns == 1 # Times are in clock cycles in qua

Usage Example

from qm.qua import *
from qualang_tools.units import unit

u = unit()

pulse_duration_in_ns = 40 * u.ns # == 40

with program() as prog:
    play('pulse1', 'element1', duration = pulse_duration_in_ns * u.ns)
    # Automatically converts the duration to 10 clock cycles

Casting and Warnings

The OPX only supports an integer number of clock cycles. Therefore, the result of a multiplication with u.ns and similar time units can be automatically cast to int. For example

with program() as prog:
    6 * u.ns == 1

This behavior is disabled by default and can be enabled when declaring unit as

u = unit(coerce_to_integer = True)

If casting occurs with nonzero reminder, (e.g. 6 * u.ns), this will emit a RuntimeWarning. This can be avoided by declaring

u = unit(verbose = False)

Frequency Units

To avoid floating point errors and incompatibilities with some configuration entries and mixer calibration parameters, the flag coerce_to_integer = True will automatically round and cast to integers the frequencies defined with the unit class. For instance:

u = unit(coerce_to_integer = True)

qubit_LO = 4.1 * u.GHz # --> will return 4_100_000_000 instead of 4099999999.9999995 (= 4.1 * 1e9)
qubit_IF = 4.1 * u.MHz # --> Will return 4_100_000 instead of 4099999.9999995 (= 4.1 * 1e6)