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151 lines (127 loc) · 4.88 KB

File metadata and controls

151 lines (127 loc) · 4.88 KB


A library for structured json logging for easy integration with log engine such as datadog, AWS cloudwatch, GCP stackdriver.

Inspired by timbre-json-appender It improves on it in a backward compatible way and makes it more robust and consistent. It provides an output-fn instead of an appender. This makes it more flexible to integrate with existing appenders configured in a service. Since this implementation is a pure function returning the structure, is is possible to combine json logging and pipe it into any appenders such as standard output or text file.


To include this library in a dependent project, include the following in the :repositories of the project.clj

:repositories [["RakutenReady/timbre-json-output-fn"
                {:url ""
                 :username [:gpg :env/github_actor]
                 :password [:gpg :env/github_token]}]]

Add the following dependency to your project.clj:

[curbside/timbre-json-output-fn "1.0.0"]

Add the output-fn in your timbre configuration. This is an example usage that would output json logs to both stdout and a file:

  [taoensso.timbre :as log]
  [taoensso.timbre.appenders.core :refer [spit-appender]]
  [curbside.timbre-json-output-fn.core :refer [make-json-output-fn]])

  {:appenders {:println {:enabled? true}
               :spit (spit-appender {:fname "/path/my-file.log"})}
   :output-fn (make-json-output-fn)})

See playground.clj for detailed example integrations.

Output structure

In general, this library adapts to datadog's recommendations as to how to layout the structured logs. From your log statements, it will output a standardized structure:

  • message is included only when the first argument is a string. This covers most existing logging scenarios.

    (log/info "HTTP Request")
    (log/infof "HTTP %s" "Request")

    will both yield {:message "HTTP Request" ...}

    In datadog, this maps to the content column and is already enabled for full text search

  • args is a map meant to be easily queryable by the log engine. There's a couple of ways to accomplish this:

    (log/info :status 200 :duration 10)
    (log/info "HTTP Request" :status 200 :duration 10)
    (log/info "HTTP Request" {:status 200 :duration 10})
    (log/info {:status 200 :duration 10})

    will all yield {:args {:status 200 :duration 10} ...}

    In datadog, those fields can be turned into facets for full text search

  • When a throwable is logged, a stacktrace structure is available in error attribute where :

    • error.stack is the actual stacktrace in text format
    • error.message is the error message contained in the stack trace
    • error.kind is the throwable class java.lang.Exception, clojure.lang .ExceptionInfo
    • is the data representation of the exception from Throwable->map for further inspection
    => (log/error (ex-info "Kaboom" {:stats 500}))

error logs


=> (log/info "Task done" :duration 5)
{:args {:duration 5}
 :file "[...]/test/curbside/timbre_json_logs/core_test.clj"
 :file_line "[...]/test/curbside/timbre_json_logs/core_test.clj:28"
 :line 28
 :message "Task done"
 :ns "curbside.timbre-json-output-fn.core-test"}

See tests for a rundown of the spec


Deployments are automatically deployed to github packages by github actions for both snapshots and releases upon pushing to the master branch.


To trigger a release version increase in the project

lein release


lein release :segment

where :segment is :major, :minor or :patch