Welcome to SN19 Validating 🔥
See helpful commands for more information on the docker commands
Validating on nineteen is special.
Not only do you validate miners are behaving, set some weights and get some tao - you also get to sell your access to these miners 🤩
Depending on if you wish to run the entire validation stack (gpu & proxy) or simply run the auditing script which recovers checking/reward data from rayon validator, calculates scores & sets weights without any need for a GPU / Proxy server.
A vanilla Validator (no auditing) consists of two parts:
- Proxy API server
- Orchestrator server
The proxy server is the server which has your hotkey, spins up the NODE, allows you to sell your bandwidth, etc.
The Orchestrator performs the checking tasks, to make sure the miners are behaving 🫡
Get a CPU VM (Digital Ocean Droplet, OVH, Vultr, etc) - make sure you have an open port if you want to run a organic API server.
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/namoray/nineteen.git
cd nineteen
If you are in a container, run these:
With autoupdates (recommended, especially now we have child hotkeys)
sudo -E ./bootstrap.sh
source $HOME/.bashrc
source $HOME/.venv/bin/activate
Your server will now automatically be running - but it won't work until the config has been created
Without autoupdates :-(
If you are concerned about running autoupdates because of security, please message me and I'm sure we can work something out!
WITH_AUTOUPDATES=0 sudo -E ./bootstrap.sh
Securely move them onto your machine as usual. Either with the btcli or with a secure method of your choosing.
(Add --dev flag if you are a developer on nineteen)
- For vanilla validation system :
python core/create_config.py
then manually add IS_AUDITOR=0
to .vali.env
- For auditing-validation system:
python core/create_config.py --auditor
If you're running the autoupdater, then you should be running!
Check your autoupdater to see the docker containers building (might take a few minutes on first build)
pm2 logs validator_autoupdater
For auditing, you just need to run :
task install
task auditor
you can check the logs via
pm2 logs auditor
(If you are a dev, go to dev.md docs now)
See helpful commands for more information on the docker commands
task set_weights
If you don't have any values in the db it will use the metagraph. It warns you and gives you time to stop this, if that is not something you want to do
Error: pq: password authentication failed for user "user"
sudo rm -rf postgres_data
docker compose --env-file .vali.env -f docker-compose.yml up -d --build
Note this is optional - only if you want to sell your bandwidth. If you don't, you are done!
During the config setup, add an 'ORGANIC_SERVER_PORT' when asked for it.
Then use
./cli.sh --help
To manage all your api keys and similar stuff. Your service will now start up on the port you specified :)
Go to http://ip_address:port/docs to see all the swagger docs
You can now choose any hugging-face text2text model you like (LLM's), as well as any hugging face Text-to-image model you like!
Miners will be posted of the details during every handshake, and you will be able to view the settings of each validator on https://nineteen.ai/marketplace
See the file example_config.py to see how to extend the default config. Instructions are at the top of the file!
Currently, a bare metal GPU is necessary for validating the GPU models. Please see here for the full instructions!(https://github.com/rayonlabs/vision-workers/tree/main/validator_orchestrator#readme)
Once this is done, make a note of the IP address of that machine, and the port the orchestrator is running on (the default is 6920, if you didn't change anything)