diff --git a/rdmorganiser/questions/rdmo.xml b/rdmorganiser/questions/rdmo.xml index 16f28cc9..3b4bc828 100644 --- a/rdmorganiser/questions/rdmo.xml +++ b/rdmorganiser/questions/rdmo.xml @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ False 1 - Describe briefly the project and its aims. + Please describe briefly the project and its aims. What is the main research question of the project? @@ -285,11 +285,11 @@ False 2 - + Provide the anticipated end date, if the project has not finished yet. When does the project end? - + Geben Sie das voraussichtliche Enddatum an, falls das Projekt noch nicht beendet wurde. Wann endet die Projektlaufzeit? @@ -356,24 +356,24 @@ 0 Which persons or institutions are responsible for the project coordination? - - + person or institution + persons or institutions Welche Personen oder Institutionen sind verantwortlich für die Projektkoordination? - - + Person oder Institution + Personen oder Institutionen ¿Qué persona(s) o institucion(es) es/son responsable(s) de la coordinación del proyecto? - - + persona o institución + personas o instituciones Quelles personnes ou institutions sont responsables de la coordination du projet ? - - + personne ou institution + personnes ou institutions Chi sono le persone o istituzioni responsabili per la coordinazione del progetto? - - + persona o istituzione + persone o istituzioni text text @@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ False 1 More and more universities and scientific institutions adopt research data management policies. These contain, among other things, recommendations and / or demands concerning the handling of research data by researchers of the institution. - Does your institution have rules or guidelines for the handling of research data? If yes, please briefly outline them and refer to more detailed sources of information if necessary. Please also indicate, if the rules / guidelines are mandatory or optional. + Does your institution have rules or guidelines for the handling of research data? If yes, please briefly outline them and refer to more detailed sources of information if necessary. Please indicate also if the rules / guidelines are mandatory or optional. Immer mehr Hochschulen und wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen verabschieden Leitlinien oder Richtlinien (oft auch als "Policies" bezeichnet) zum Forschungsdatenmanagement. Diese enthalten unter anderem Empfehlungen und/oder Vorgaben zum Umgang mit Forschungsdaten, die die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler der Einrichtung beachten sollten oder müssen (je nach Grad der Verbindlichkeit), zum Beispiel die <a href="http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/01-juli-2014-forschungsdaten-leitlinie-der-universitaet-goettingen-einschl-umg/488918.html" target="_blank">Leitlinien zum Umgang mit Forschungsdaten</a> der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen. @@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ False 2 Funders of research also increasingly specify requirements regarding the management of research data in funded projects. - Does the funder have rules or recommendations for data management? If yes, please briefly outline them and refer to more detailed sources of information if necessary. Please also indicate, if the rules / guidelines are mandatory or optional. + Does the funder have rules or recommendations for data management? If yes, please briefly outline them and refer to more detailed sources of information if necessary. Please indicate also if the rules / guidelines are mandatory or optional. Auch Forschungsförderer stellen zunehmend Anforderungen an das Datenmanagement in von ihnen geförderten Projekten. Beispiele sind die <a href="https://www.dfg.de/download/pdf/foerderung/grundlagen_dfg_foerderung/forschungsdaten/leitlinien_forschungsdaten.pdf" target="_blank">DFG-Leitlinien zum Umgang mit Forschungsdaten</a> oder die <a href="http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/grants_manual/hi/oa_pilot/h2020-hi-oa-data-mgt_en.pdf" target="_blank">Guidelines on Data Management in Horizon 2020</a> der Europäischen Komission. Weitere fachspezifische Empfehlungen und Richtlinien zum Umgang mit Forschungsdaten werden beispielsweise von der <a href="https://www.dfg.de/foerderung/antrag_gutachter_gremien/antragstellende/nachnutzung_forschungsdaten/" target="_blank">Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)</a> bereitgestellt. @@ -771,7 +771,7 @@ Además las pautas específicas de la disciplina sobre el manejo de los datos de False 1 - Please briefly outline them and refer to more detailed sources of information if necessary. Please also indicate, if the rules / guidelines are mandatory or optional. + Please briefly outline them and refer to more detailed sources of information if necessary. Please indicate also if the rules / guidelines are mandatory or optional. Which are these additional requirements regarding data management? @@ -827,9 +827,9 @@ Además las pautas específicas de la disciplina sobre el manejo de los datos de Datasets The following questions collect information on the data that is produced or used in the project. They also help to estimate the value of the data in terms of potential re-use and long-term preservation. -Before data are newly created, it is advisable to check if there are existing data that could be re-used. This way, redundant collection or creation of research data is prevented. This saves efforts and costs. +Before data are newly created, it is advisable to check if there are existing data that could be re-used. This way, redundant collection or creation of research data is prevented. This saves effort and costs. -For example, a data set can consist of more data files of different types (numeric, image, text...) grouped together, which collect exhaustedly all results coming from an investigation series on a given research object. +For example, a dataset can consist of more data files of different types (numeric, image, text...) grouped together, which collect exhaustedly all results coming from an investigation series on a given research object. dataset datasets Datensätze @@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ Una raccolta di dati può ad esempio contenere più file di tipo differente (num * 3D model / digital reconstruction of a stone age settlement * software developed within the project -Please also explain whether this is a fixed data set stored at a certain point in time or whether it is created dynamically over a certain period of time. +Please also explain whether this is a fixed dataset stored at a certain point in time or whether it is created dynamically over a certain period of time. What kind of dataset is it? @@ -1745,7 +1745,7 @@ Altri tipi di dati sono di per sé unici e non possono essere rigenerati. Questo 1 This information is necessary to be able to reconstruct the process by which the data was generated. It is also a prerequisite to judge the objectivity, reliability and validity of the dataset. -For reproducible data, it is also required to re-generate the data if necessary. Therefore all devices, software, software version and also information about the procedure necessary to be able to recreate the data must be preserved. +For reproducible data it is also required to re-generate the data if necessary. Therefore all devices, software, software version and also information about the procedure necessary to be able to recreate the data must be preserved. Which tools, software, technologies or processes are used to generate or collect the data? @@ -2038,7 +2038,7 @@ Analogamente ai formati, si raccomanda di adottare metodi il più standard, aper True 0 Usage scenarios - The following questions will help to estimate, which ressources are necessary to enable the envisioned data usage scenarios during the project. These can be technical / IT resources as well as expertise brought in by e.g. data management or IT experts. + The following questions will help to estimate which ressources are necessary to enable the envisioned data usage scenarios during the project. These can be technical / IT resources as well as expertise brought in by e.g. data management or IT experts. dataset datasets Nutzungsszenarien @@ -2372,7 +2372,7 @@ Analogamente ai formati, si raccomanda di adottare metodi il più standard, aper False 4 - Is there a internal project guideline for naming the data? If so, please briefly outline the naming conventions and, if necessary, link to the documentation. + Is there an internal project guideline for naming the data? If so, please briefly outline the naming conventions and, if necessary, link to the documentation. @@ -2520,24 +2520,24 @@ Analogamente ai formati, si raccomanda di adottare metodi il più standard, aper 3 This question refers to backups while the data are being worked with. Questions of long-term preservation will be adressed in the respective section. Who is responsible for the backups? - - + responsible + responsibles Die Frage bezieht sich auf Backups während der Zeit, in denen mit den Daten gearbeitet wird. Fragen der Langzeitarchivierung werden gesondert im entsprechenden Abschnitt behandelt. Wer ist verantwortlich für die Erstellung der Backups? - - + Verantwortliche(r) + Verantwortliche Esta pregunta se refiere a las copias de seguridad mientras se trabaja con los datos. Las cuestiones de preservación de datos a largo plazo se abordarán en la sección respectiva. ¿Quién es el responsable de las copias de seguridad? - - + responsable + responsables Cette question fait référence aux sauvegardes pendant le traitement des données. Les questions de conservation à long terme seront traitées dans la section correspondante. Qui est responsable des sauvegardes ? - - + responsable + responsables Questa domanda si riferisce alle copie di sicurezza nella fase in cui i dati vengono utilizzati e modificati. Domande relative all salvataggio a lungo termine vengono trattate nella sezione corrispondente. Chi è il responsabile per le copie di sicurezza? - - + responsabile + responsabili text text @@ -2775,7 +2775,7 @@ Analogamente ai formati, si raccomanda di adottare metodi il più standard, aper False 3 - If no, please explain why not. Please differentiate between legal and contractual reasons and voluntary restrictions. + If not, please explain why not. Please differentiate between legal or contractual reasons and voluntary restrictions. @@ -3177,7 +3177,7 @@ Analogamente ai formati, si raccomanda di adottare metodi il più standard, aper False 0 - How are the origin and the quality of the data documented? + How are the origin and quality of the data documented? Is the integration between the re-used and newly created data ensured? If yes, by which means?