Convert TTF files to WOFF2 ones.
This is a NodeJS wrapper for the Google WOFF2 project. If the C++ wrapper compilation fail, it fallbacks to an Emscripten build.
Install ttf2woff2
globally, then:
cat font.ttf | ttf2woff2 > font.woff2
On Windows without cat
, use (in PowerShell):
Start-Process -NoNewWindow -Wait ttf2woff2.cmd -RedirectStandardInput font.ttf -RedirectStandardOutput font.woff2
# OR
start-process -nnw -wait ttf2woff2.cmd -rsi font.ttf -rso font.woff2
var fs = require('fs');
var ttf2woff2 = require('ttf2woff2');
var input = fs.readFileSync('font.ttf');
fs.writeFileSync('font.woff2', ttf2woff2(input));
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