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IMPORTANT: Booking Guru API docs have moved

We now have a better documentation at

The updated docs have examples in multiple languages and a lot more details.

The following remains here for posterity only and will eventually be retired.

Booking Guru API v1.0

Welcome to the Booking Guru API, we're glad you could make it. Let's poke around a bit.

And just in case you have no idea where you are, Booking Guru is a software package for spiritual retreat centers to manage programs, registrations, finances and everything in between.

Security token

The first thing you'll need is the security token for your installation. Go to the Reg. Settings on your install, select the API tab and grab the token that appears there.

If there isn't a token there yet, hit Generate Token, then Save changes and then copy the token.

Set a couple of environment variables so it's easier to run the samples:

$ export RGDOMAIN=<domain>
$ export RGTOKEN=<token>

The <domain> is your install's domain, and <token> is the token you just got from the admin UI.

Lets take a look at some data.

Curl examples

Get programs:

$ curl "https://$RGDOMAIN/api/v1/programs?token=$RGTOKEN"

Get registations:

$ curl "https://$RGDOMAIN/api/v1/registrations?token=$RGTOKEN"

Get transactions:

$ curl "https://$RGDOMAIN/api/v1/transactions?token=$RGTOKEN"

More examples

More examples in different programming languages are available in examples/.

API Reference

Following is the reference for the requests you can currently do against the API.


  1. All values with the date type are in YYYY-MM-DD format, all values with the date-time type are in the YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS format. The special value today can also be used with any date argument.

  2. If a parameters can take multiple values (the id parameter usually does), provide multiple values separated by commas without spaces.

GET /programs

Get program info

Retrieves information about programs, their dates and and categories.


token: string (required)

Security token

id: [integer]

Get programs with a specific id or list of ids. To get multiple objects, provide a comma separated list of values.

limit: integer

Limit number of return values. The default limit is 20. Pass limit=0 To get all the objects without limits, but please use this with caution to not overload our servers.

page: integer

Get further pages of results. By default the first limit results is returned, to get further results pass higher values to page. When a page is higher than available data the request will return an empty JSON array.

lang: string

Get the content for a particular language. The language values are two-letter identifiers from ISO 639-1. Only the languages that are enabled for your install will work. The default language is en (English).

category: [string]

Get all the programs that belong to this category or categories.

on_date: date

Get all the programs that occur on this date (start on and before it and end on or after it).

min_date: date

Get all the programs that start on or after this date.

max_date: date

Get all the programs that end on or after this date.

teacher_id: integer

Get all the programs for the teacher

public: boolean

Get all the programs that are listed publicly (controlled by the "Remove from public listings" setting for a program)

include: [string]

Include additional data in the response. The valid values are:

  • teachers to include Teacher objects


Code Description Schema
200 An array of programs [ Program ]
400 An error Error

GET /teachers

Get teacher info

Retrieves information about teachers and their descriptions.


token: string (required)

Security token

id: [integer]

Get programs with a specific id or list of ids. To get multiple objects, provide a comma separated list of values.

limit: integer

Limit number of return values. The default limit is 20. Pass limit=0 To get all the objects without limits, but please use this with caution to not overload our servers.

page: integer

Get further pages of results. By default the first limit results is returned, to get further results pass higher values to page. When a page is higher than available data the request will return an empty JSON array.

lang: string

Get the content for a particular language. The language values are two-letter identifiers from ISO 639-1. Only the languages that are enabled for your install will work. The default language is en (English).

program_id: [integer]

Get teachers for a specific program or programs (for multiple programs supply a comma separated list of ids).


Code Description Schema
200 An array of teachers [ Teacher ]
400 An error Error

GET /registrations

Get registration info

Retrieves registration details including names, emails and programs people have registered to. Registrations are always sorted in reverse chronological order with the newest registrations at the top or the result list.


token: string (required)

Security token

id: [integer]

Get programs with a specific id or list of ids. To get multiple objects, provide a comma separated list of values.

limit: integer

Limit number of return values. The default limit is 20. Pass limit=0 To get all the objects without limits, but please use this with caution to not overload our servers.

page: integer

Get further pages of results. By default the first limit results is returned, to get further results pass higher values to page. When a page is higher than available data the request will return an empty JSON array.

lang: string

Get the content for a particular language. The language values are two-letter identifiers from ISO 639-1. Only the languages that are enabled for your install will work. The default language is en (English).

program_id: [integer]

Filter registrations for a specific program or programs (for multiple programs supply a comma separated list of ids).

min_date: date

Get registrations that were submitted on or after min_date. Can be combined with max_date for a range of dates.

max_date: date

Get registrations that were submitted on or before max_date.

min_stay: date

Get all registrations for which the registration stay dates are on or after min_stay. In particular this includes registrations that start on min_stay, those that start before min_stay and end on or after it, and those that start after min_stay. This will not include registrations that end before min_stay.

max_stay: date

Get all registrations for which the registration stay dates are on or before max_stay. In particular this includes registrations that those that start before max_stay and end on or after it, and those that start after max_stay. This will not include registrations that start after max_stay.

include: [string]

Include additional data in the response. The valid values are:

  • payments to include Payment objects
  • items to include Item objects
  • transactions to include Transaction objects (both items and payments)


Code Description Schema
200 An array of registrations [ Registration ]
400 An error Error

GET /transactions

Get transaction info

Transactions represent the financial details of the registration, including items the guest has purchased, discounts, taxes, credit card payments, cash payments and any other custom transaction type you may have defined on your install.

Transactions are always sorted in reverse chronological order with the newest transaction at the top or the result list.


token: string (required)

Security token

id: [integer]

Get programs with a specific id or list of ids. To get multiple objects, provide a comma separated list of values.

limit: integer

Limit number of return values. The default limit is 20. Pass limit=0 To get all the objects without limits, but please use this with caution to not overload our servers.

page: integer

Get further pages of results. By default the first limit results is returned, to get further results pass higher values to page. When a page is higher than available data the request will return an empty JSON array.

lang: string

Get the content for a particular language. The language values are two-letter identifiers from ISO 639-1. Only the languages that are enabled for your install will work. The default language is en (English).

class: [string]

Filter transactions by class. Classes are hard coded and segment transaction into 8 broad categories:

  • item - an item the guest needs to pay for
  • discount - a discount the guest has received
  • card-payment - a credit card payment
  • card-refund - a credit card refund
  • non-cc-payment - a non credit card payment (cash, wire transfer, etc)
  • non-cc-refund - a non credit card refund
  • person-credit - personal credit was added for the guest
  • person-debit - personal credit was used for payment

program_id: [integer]

Filter transactions for a specific program or programs (for multiple programs supply a comma separated list of ids).

registration_id: [integer]

Filter transactions for a specific registration or registrations.

min_date: date

Filter transactions that were submitted on or after this date.

max_date: date

Filter transactions that were submitted on or before this date.

category: [string]

Filter transactions by category. Categories are user defined and can be very specific.


Code Description Schema
200 An array of transactions [ Transaction ]
400 An error Error

GET /payments

Get payment transaction info

Payment transactions can be credit card transactions entered automatically through the Booking Guru registration system and entires done manually through the admin interface. Refunds are also represented here Every payment is also available through the /transactions endpoint, but objects received through this endpoint are filtered for easier use and contain more details that are only relevant for payments.

The /payments endpoint accepts the same arguments as the /transactions endpoint.


token: string (required)

Security token


Code Description Schema
200 An array of payments [ Payment ]
400 An error Error

GET /items

Get item transaction info

Item transactions represent anything purchased by a guest and any discount they received. This includes payment for programs, lodging, meals and any optional items that were set up. Every item transaction is also available through the /transactions endpoint, but objects received here are filtered for easier use and contain more details that are only relevant for items.

The /items endpoint accepts the same arguments as the /transactions endpoint.


token: string (required)

Security token


Code Description Schema
200 An array of items [ Item ]
400 An error Error

GET /leads

Get leads info

Leads are created in two cases: (1) when a person enters a waiting list on a program that's fully booked and, (2) when the Advanced Registration Form is enabled and the user only enters their name and email in the Welcome section. In the former case the lead type is 'abandoned-reg', in the latter it is 'wait-list'.


token: string (required)

Security token

id: [integer]

Get programs with a specific id or list of ids. To get multiple objects, provide a comma separated list of values.

limit: integer

Limit number of return values. The default limit is 20. Pass limit=0 To get all the objects without limits, but please use this with caution to not overload our servers.

page: integer

Get further pages of results. By default the first limit results is returned, to get further results pass higher values to page. When a page is higher than available data the request will return an empty JSON array.

lang: string

Get the content for a particular language. The language values are two-letter identifiers from ISO 639-1. Only the languages that are enabled for your install will work. The default language is en (English).

program_id: integer

Filter leads for a specific program or programs (for multiple programs supply a comma separated list of ids).

lead_type: string

Filter transactions for a lead type.


Code Description Schema
200 An array of leads [ Lead ]
400 An error Error



A single program


Name Type Description
id integer internal unique id
self_url url API URL pointing back to the object
name string program name
content string program description
start_date date program start date
end_date date program end date
public boolean is the programs listed publicly (controlled by the "Remove from public listings" setting for a program)
registrations_url url API URL for program registrations
transactions_url url API URL for all program transactions (includs payments and items)
payments_url url API URL for program payments
items_url url API URL for program items
teachers [string] teacher names for the program
categories [string] categories the program belongs to
external_code string custom program code for linking with other software (entered manually in admin interface)
registrations_link url URL of public registration page for program
program_link url URL of public program info page
images [array] info about program images including urls and sizes


A single teacher


Name Type Description
id integer internal unique id
self_url url API URL pointing back to the object
name string teacher name
content string teacher description
programs_url url API URL for the teacher's programs
images [array] info about teacher images including urls and sizes


A single registration by a guest to a program.


Name Type Description
id integer internal unique id
self_url url API URL pointing back to the object
submitted date-time time the registration was submitted
start_date date the day the guest's stay starts
end_date date the day the guest's stay ends
status string registration status (reserved, pending, need-approval, unconfirmed, cancelled, arrived, checked-out, duplicate)
first_name string guest's first name
last_name string guest's last name
full_name string guest's full name
email email guest's email address
program string name of program the registration is for
program_url url URL for API representation of program
program_categories [string] categories for the program
transactions_url url API URL for all registration's transactions
payments_url url API URL for registration's item transactions
items_url url API URL for registration's payment transactions
optional_items [string] optional items (add-ons) selected for the registration
room string name of room guest will be staying in
lodging string name of lodging type selected
nights integer total nights of stay
grand_total number total amount owed for the registration
balance_due number current balance
guest_statement_link url link to the (user-facing) guest statement
guest_edit_link url link to guest edit page (where a guest can update their details)
questions array an array of all the custom fields that have been configured for the program for which this registration was entered


A single transaction


Name Type Description
id integer internal unique id
self_url url API URL pointing back to the object
submitted date-time exact time when transaction was submitted
trans_date date-time exact time of the transaction (can be modified manually, as opposed to submitted)
class string coarce grained classification of transactions
category string fine grained (and user defined) classification of transactions
status string transaction status (complete, cancel)
description string transaction description (auto-generated or user-entered in the admin interface)
notes string notes entered about the transaction by the admin
staff_name string username of staff member who entered the transaction (if manually entered in the admin interface)
program_name string name of program for which this transaction was made
program_url url API URL of program for which this transaction was made
person_name string name of person on the registration
registration_url url API URL of connected registration object
details_url url API URL of detailed payment or item object
charge_amount number amount that was charged (usually used for purchased items)
credit_amount number amount that was credited (usually used for payments made)


A single payment or refund transaction. The object includes all fields in Transaction and additional fields that are only relevant for payments made by the guest.


Name Type Description
fund_method string type of funding
merchant_name string name of credit card processor (e.g. Paypal)
merchant_trans_id string transaction id as recorded by credit card processor
merchant_profile string profile id as recorded by credit card processor
merchant_account string name of account the transaction was made on
merchant_cc_details string credit card details as recorded by credit card processor


A single item or discount transaction. The object includes all fields in Transaction and additional fields that are only relevant for items purchased by the guest.


Name Type Description
is_addon boolean is this item an addon (an optional item) selected by the guest
discount_amount string discount amount (either entered directly or calculated from discount_percent)
discount_percent string discount percentage
subtotal string total after applying discount, before applying taxes
tax_1_info string first tax description
tax_1_amount string first tax amount
tax_2_info string second tax description
tax_2_amount string second tax amount
grand_total string total after applying discount and taxes


A single lead, either an abandoned registration or a waiting list entry.


Name Type Description
submitted date-time exact time when lead was submitted
lead_type string type of lead (abandoned-reg, wait-list)
first_name string guest's first name
last_name string guest's last name
full_name string guest's full name
email email guest's email
program string name of program for which the guest attempted to register
program_id integer id for the program
program_url url API URL for the program
program_categories array categories for the program
program_external_code string external code for the program (can be set up in the admin under Program / Advanced)
language string language code in which the registration was completed (i.e. en, fr, etc.)
program_link url link to program description page
registration_link url link to registration page
questions array an array of answers to all custom questions


An error returned in case of an incorrect request.


Name Type Description
message string description of error and steps to correct it