Mr. Plinkett's wild ride. A fan made simple bare-bones text adventure game based on Red Letter Media's Mr.Plinkett character.
In the game you play as the titular character, Mr. Harry S. Plinkett. You live each day as Mr.Plinkett one day at a time. You make a decision each day what to do.
Each decision can have an affect which can open up other options, or they can close off previously open options as well.
- enter the number of the option you wish to take.
- press 'enter' key to input your selection
- When presented with information text you can press 'enter' key to continue.
- the objective is to live each day as Mr.Plinkett and survive long enough to get your VCR fixed,so you can watch your NightCourt tape.
- to run the game you need lua installed. once lua is installed, simply run the 'main.lua' file.