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Python app to read and automate the processing of CISA Software Acquisition Guide Spreadsheets based on CISA format

The CISASAGReader product may also serve as a role model for what a Secure by Design solution should provide to satisfy the Secure by Design transparency principle by providing consumers with artifacts to enable a comprehensive software risk assessment, such as an SBOM, living Vulnerability Disclosure Report (VDR), Vendor Response File (VRF) listing additional company information and SDLC policy and product details (i.e. Support Status and Commercial Status), and the CISA Software Acquisition Guide Spreadsheet completed by the software producer. A final risk assessment report of the CISASAGReader open-source product is available on request, per the EU-CRA requirements via e-mail with the subject line "Request for CISASAGReader Risk Assessment Final Report"

What does it mean to be "Secure by Default" and "Secure by Design" based on CISA Guidance

Could this group of artifacts provided with the CISASAGReader open-source product (see tble below) also serve as a model for what Open Source Stewards should provide to satisfy EU-CRA expectations for transparency and Secure by Design/Default?

This README document along with the other artifacts listed in the table below aim to satisfy the set of technical documentation cited in Article 31 and the EU CRA "Declaration of Conformity" expectations requried by EU-CRA Annex VII

The SCRM practices implemented during the creation of this product followed the Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) implementation guidance provided by the US National Aeronatutics and Space Administration NASA SCRM Guidance Materials

How long did it take to produce the CISASAGReader SBOM, VDR, VRF and CISA Software Acquistion Guide Spreadsheet?

Artifact Duration Tool Used
SBOM 10 minutes sbom4python
VDR 15 minutes SAG-PM and open source VDR schema
VRF 45 minutes notepad++ and open source VRF schema
CISA SAG Spreadsheet 50 minutes Excel

Registering the Trust Label with a "Trust Score" in the SAG-CTR(TM) product Trust Registry required a risk assessment and evaluation of the RA results ( 90 minutes ) due to the small size of CISASAGReader and no reported vulnerabilities. It's also imperative that people understand the differences between a "Risk Score" and a "Trust Score", they are very different concepts. The IETF is working on a standard "Trust Registry" protocol within the Supply Chain Integrity, Transparency and Trust work group SCITT


You may use pip or pipx ( to install the CISASAGReader.

We recommend installing it with pipx for ease of use after installation.

Simply run

pipx install sag-reader


Assuming that you installed the CISASAGReader with pipx, running it is as simple as running sag-reader from the command line.

To get information on usage, simply run

sag-reader --help

Try it out for yourself.

Download the CISASAGReader spreadsheet here:

Run sag-reader to view the CISASAGReader Secure by Design responses in the dowloaded spreadsheet:

sag-reader --include-descriptions CISASAGReader-spreadsheet.xlsx


The CISASAGReader will parse Excel files (.xlsx and .xls) in the CISA format. It will remove those answers that the spreadsheet indicates do not have to be answered to reduce overall noise.

Output is human-readable by default. However, the sag-reader application can also be used to produce output in a JSON format that may be used in downstream processing, such as automated risk analysis, datalake inclusion for population analysis, or simple inclusion in a database for electronic recall and display. For example:

sag-reader spreadsheet.xls json

JSON output is hierarchical by CONTROL or TASK, then the designator broken up by its components. Leaf values in the resultant tree are the values entered on the spreadsheet.

Descriptions are not included in the JSON output or the human-readable output by default. They may be turned on for the human-readable output, for example:

sag-reader --include-descriptions spreadsheet.xls


SBOM: Implements SPDX Version 2.3 in JSON format

VDR: Implements open-source VDR schema using JSON output format

VRF: Implements open source VRF schema using JSON output format

SAG Spreadsheet: Implements CISA Software Acquisition Guide spreadsheet in Excel format

When people ask me how to check that a vendor/product is following CISA Secure by Design principles and practices, here is what I tell them. People looking for a good model to procure trustworthy software products should consider this procurement guidance from NASA

Here is a simple windows batch file to process all SAG Spreadsheets in a folder

REM Requires variable expansion to be enabled cmd /V
@echo off

set "ResultFile=SAGresults.txt"
set "folder_path=C:\users\dick\SAGSPDfiles"
for %%f in (%folder_path%\*) do ( 
echo "PROCESSING FILE: " %%f
call sag-reader --include-descriptions %%f 
set /P "PassFail=Pass or Fail?"
echo %%f,!PassFail!, %DATE%, %TIME% >> %ResultFile%)
echo Results are stored in: %ResultFile%