- A couple of Base Entities/Objects.
- Keep it to very few base classes - generic
- kids hopefully wont wonder (why can i do ?! with this unit but not this building? etc..)
- Base (a Unit - his base/start point/factory whatever)
- Name (Player name, for human readability etc.)
- Ressources (Keeping track of: Gold etc.)
- Type A (eg. Gold)
- Type B (eg. Wood)
- ...
- Points (points earned)
- [units] or getUnits() (to address all palyer units - might prove useful when base gets attacked for example)
- Code? (bind the current code to the player object - design issue)
- position (position of marker)
- eventRange (range that triggers events)
- owner (Player or global?)
- event (event being emitted)
- type (type could be something like: I am a ressource marker, I am a waypoint? I am an item?)
- data? (additional event information, if necessary, similar to the events listed for units lateron)
- topLeft (define rectangle)
- bottomRight (define rectangle)
- owner (Player or global?) (player could create a Rectangle over a ressource field for example, to make units gather ressources there) (global could be something in the style of: This area is poisoned, or belongs to player XY?)
- event (see Marker event for details)
- type
- data?
- Owner
- Position (current location of unit)
- Lifepoints
- Orders (really depends on how the runtime executes things, Idea was for the user to be able to check a unit for doing a certain task, For example: Is this unit just standing around (holding position) - and if so group it with other units to attack or whatever.)
- Code Snippet (the bigger routine: like: go back to base)
- current statement = current order (eg. walk forward)
- getFriendsCloseBy() (useful for grouping up units, finding allies)
- getEnemiesCloseBy() (useful for attack/retreat decissions)
- [Active Events] - eg. gathered Ressources, discovered enemy
- a unit might at the same tick encounter ressources and an enemy unit and thus have 2 events pending. In that case the user needs to be able to decide on a routine.
- in this scenario starting to gather ressources might not be smart while being attacked by an enemy (lalala chopping tree - famous last words)
- By having a list of current events we leave the decision/priorisation to the user rather than executing whatever snippet is being chosen by the runtime
- (AttackRange) - units or Meelee/Range?
- (MovementSpeed)
- maybe we want a faster unit at some point, like a scout or smth.
- maybe can implement this internally to make it easy lateron.
- Eventname
- data 1 - mandatory data
- (data2) - () mean optional
- [data 3] - [] means array
"triggering unit" will be the unit, that triggered the event.
finished current Order (basically a unit has nothing to do)
- triggering unit
moves in range of OBJECT (building, ressource, enemy, marker)
- triggering unit
- ObjectType
- Object
moves into region (area, might prove useful for tutorials/quests etc.)
- triggering unit
- region
moves out of region
- triggering unit
- region
gathered ressources
- triggering unit
- Ressource Type
- Ressource Amount
finished building (when building buildings, not sure if we need this for now)
- triggering unit
- building
produced a unit (one unit/building creating another unit)
- triggerin unit
- produced unit
discovered enemy
- triggering unit
meets friend
- triggering unit
attacks unit
- triggering unit
- target unit
is being attacked
- triggering unit
- attacking unit
kills unit
- triggering unit
- killed unit
- triggering unit
- (killing unit) - optional, cause might be killed by some event/timer
- let users create own 'actions', they can use/save in their IDE? like patrol from move, or attack-to from move and discovering an enemy, return ressources
- Could explain simple concepts by creating actions in a tutorial
- for example Quest 1: make unit bring back ressources:
- move to player.getbase
- give ressources to player.getbase (or maybe the ressources are automatically removed on getting close)
- for the next quest, or maybe the second (forces player to re program and thus practice) next quest the function is available as a block, or player uses his "old" function
- for example Quest 1: make unit bring back ressources:
- Make IDE customizable, at least groups for blocks
(may be useful to teach some concepts, but not very nice to be used in the actual game)
- move forward
- turn
- left/right
(basic, necessary actions for the game)
- move
- position
- (base?)
- gather ressource
- ressource
- pass ressources to
- unit (valid so far would only be the base)
- attack
- unit
- build
- building
- position
- hold Position
- setRallyPoint (producing buildings will send newly created units to that point)
- (use ability)
(may be custom created or unlocked to simplify more difficult statements, maing the code more modular)
- bring back ressources (moves back to base, unloads ressources)
- patrol (walks repeatedly from point A to B to C etc...)
- [positions]
- attack-to (moves, engages enemies on sight)
- position
- gather friends
- scout
- flee (run back to base)
- find ressources
- gather ressources