Introduction to basic movement -> move[Forward/Backward....]
Moving on predefined path check "Highlight way to goal"
- "Highlighting" of features
- Explanation of the currently highlighted feature
- Understanding move (rotate and move separately)
- Move Forward
- Rotate Left
- Rotate Right
- "Real" move (moving automatically handles rotation)
- Move Forward
- Move Right
- Move Left
- Move Backward
Introduction to loops -> x times / forever / while
- Same task as in Tutorial 1 only with loops
- Move within repeat loop
- While / Loop forever
- Walk in circles
- Patrol
Introduction to actions -> collect / build / find and attack
- Collect resource
- go to resource mine
- collect resource
- return to base with resource
- Build walls
- walk around base
- build wall
- Find and attack enemy
- find nearest enemy
- go to enemy
- attack enemy
- Destroy enemy buildings
- destory walls
- destroy base
Combine the till now learned skills
- Survive for x minutes
- Build wall to protect base from incoming enemies
- Patrol around
- Find and attack the incoming enemies
Introduction to events -> marker / enemy
- Marker
- Place marker
- React to marker event and go to position
- Enemy
- React to enemy event
- Go to enemy
- Attack enemy
Final "real" fight against computer enemy /
Still a better story than twilight