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Fuzzing with AFL

Rohan Padhye edited this page Feb 1, 2018 · 21 revisions


Let's get this out of the way first.


JQF's integration with AFL has been tested on MacOS and Ubuntu, though it should work on any other linux-based systems too. If you have a unix-based system where JQF-AFL does not work as intended, please raise an issue.

Installing AFL

Before using JQF to fuzz your Java programs with AFL, makes sure you have afl-fuzz installed. You can either do this in several ways:

JQF requires at least AFL version 2.31b to work, though something more recent is preferred (JQF has been tested with AFL 2.51b at the time of the writing).

Setting AFL_DIR

JQF must be able to find AFL! If you installed afl-fuzz via standard repositories you may skip this step. JQF will either:

  • look for the program afl-fuzz in the current PATH (type afl-fuzz in the command-line to see if it works; also check the minimum version as mentioned above), or
  • look for the program afl-fuzz in the directory specified by the environment variable AFL_DIR.

The most common way to get started with JQF is to type in bash:

# Clone and build AFL
git clone && (cd afl && make)

# Set AFL directory location
export AFL_DIR=$(pwd)/afl

# Clone and build JQF
git clone && jqf/


Running jqf-afl-fuzz

The program jqf-afl-fuzz is a wrapper around the program afl-fuzz that comes with AFL. The wrapper allows you to specify the classpath of your Java tests and then just the test class and method instead of having to invoke the JVM yourself. You can always pass additional options to the JVM (e.g. system properties) using the environment variable JVM_OPTIONS.

Usage: jqf-afl-fuzz [options] TEST_CLASS TEST_METHOD
  -c JAVA_CLASSPATH  Classpath used to find your test classes (default is '.')
  -i AFL_INPUT_DIR   Seed inputs for AFL (default is a few seeds of random data)
  -o AFL_OUTPUT_DIR  Where AFL should save fuzz results (default is './fuzz-results')
  -x AFL_DICT        Provide a dictionary to AFL (default is no dictionary)
  -T AFL_TITLE       Customize title banner (default is TEST_CLASS#TEST_METHOD)
  -m MEM_LIMIT       Set a memory limit in MB (default is 8192)
  -d                 Run AFL in fidgety mode (i.e. skip deterministic mutations)

The wrapper program takes arguments similar to afl-fuzz, for specifying the seed directory, results directory and other relevant AFL options.

Let's assume you have written a standalone JQF test (class MyTest with test method fuzzThis) in a directory called tests:

mkdir tests && vi tests/  # See article on 'Writing a JQF test'
javac -sourcepath tests -cp $(jqf/scripts/ tests/

In this example, we use the handy script jqf/scripts/ that expands to the classpath containing the JQF classes and its dependencies, so that your test compiles. In most situations, however, you would want to create tests inside your maven or gradle projects and simply add a dependency on JQF in your pom.xml or build.gradle. See Writing a JQF test for more details.

Finally, let's run jqf-afl-fuzz on our test class:

jqf/bin/jqf-afl-fuzz -c tests MyTest fuzzthis
> Performing pilot run...

The wrapper first performs a pilot run without AFL to ensure that you have set-up your classpath correctly, that JQF can load your test class, and that the test method is a public void method with @Fuzz annotations, and that junit-quickcheck can find generators for your arguments. If there was any problem, you should see an error message here. Otherwise, if all goes well, you'll see:

> Pilot run success! Launching AFL now...

And then the AFL status screen as it fuzzes your program. Good luck! AFL will save the inputs that increase code coverage as well as crashes in the directory fuzz-results (unless you specify a different output directory using the -o option).

Analyzing crashes (and other fuzzed inputs)

You can reproduce one or more inputs found by AFL using the program jqf-repro:

jqf/bin/jqf-afl-repro -c tests MyTest fuzzThis fuzz-results/crashes/*

The repro script will re-execute the test method with the provided inputs, and print exception stacktraces, if any, on the standard error stream.

If you would like to examine the execution in more detail, you can also modify the @Fuzz annotation to specify the input files to repro; this is useful if you want to perform step-through debugging in an IDE such as IntelliJ or Eclipse, as the @Fuzz tests can usually be run at the click of a button (since they are JUnit tests).

public void fuzzSimple(...) {