diff --git a/.DS_Store b/.DS_Store index 2d185e8f1..d4d123094 100644 Binary files a/.DS_Store and b/.DS_Store differ diff --git a/rc-v1.59/input_files/20240112_NISTEP_new_records.csv b/rc-v1.59/input_files/20240112_NISTEP_new_records.csv new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4b12a15be --- /dev/null +++ b/rc-v1.59/input_files/20240112_NISTEP_new_records.csv @@ -0,0 +1,1216 @@ +html_url,id,names.types.ror_display,status,types,names.types.alias,names.types.label,names.types.acronym,links.type.website,links.type.wikipedia,domains,established,external_ids.type.fundref.all,external_ids.type.fundref.preferred,external_ids.type.grid.all,external_ids.type.grid.preferred,external_ids.type.isni.all,external_ids.type.isni.preferred,external_ids.type.wikidata.all,external_ids.type.wikidata.preferred,city,country,locations.geonames_id,NID +,https://ror.org/037hd3x76,Hyogo College*en,active,education,ヒョウゴ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja;Hyogo Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja,Hyogo College*en;兵庫大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.hyogo-dai.ac.jp/department/junior/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kakogawa,Japan,1860704,NID201200619679109 +,https://ror.org/00x3jzn88,Japan Institute of Energy*en,active,facility,,Japan Institute of Energy*en;一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会*ja,,https://www.jie.or.jp,,jie.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200398729019 +,https://ror.org/03ws9bs22,Ajinomoto Dietary Culture Center*en,active,facility,味の素食の文化センター*ja,Ajinomoto Dietary Culture Center*en;公益財団法人味の素食の文化センター*ja,,https://www.syokubunka.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200469571361 +,https://ror.org/04g9zpa43,S. C. Institute of Health Science and Research*en,active,facility,Saitamashi Kenko Kagaku Kenkyu Senta*ja;サイタマシ ケンコウ カガク ケンキュウ センター*ja;Saitama City Institute of Health Science and Research*en,S. C. Institute of Health Science and Research*en;さいたま市健康科学研究センター*ja,,https://www.city.saitama.lg.jp/008/016/008/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Saitama City,Japan,6940394,NID201200608993218 +,https://ror.org/00sq42p81,Institute for Animal Science*en,inactive,facility,家畜学研究所*ja,Institute for Animal Science*en;一般財団法人家畜学研究所*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Shitara,Japan,1851751,NID201200086579555 +,https://ror.org/05qemrn04,Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology*en,active,education,トウキョウ トリツ サンギョウ ギジュツ コウトウ センモン ガッコウ*ja;Tokyo Toritsu Sangyo Gijutsu Koto Senmon Gakko*ja,Tokyo Metropolitan College of Industrial Technology*en;東京都立産業技術高等専門学校*ja,,https://www.metro-cit.ac.jp,,metro-cit.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200581045542 +,https://ror.org/01xcq4388,Japan Health & Research Institute*en,active,facility,Japan Health and Research Institute*en;日本健康開発財団*ja,Japan Health & Research Institute*en;一般財団法人日本健康開発財団*ja,,https://www.jph-ri.or.jp,,jph-ri.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200887026652 +,https://ror.org/050ybep11,Federation of National Public Service Personnel Mutual Aid Associations*en,active,nonprofit,Kokka Komuin Kyosai Kumiai Rengokai*ja;コッカ コウムイン キョウサイ クミアイ レンゴウカイ*ja,Federation of National Public Service Personnel Mutual Aid Associations*en;国家公務員共済組合連合会*ja,,https://www.kkr.or.jp,,kkr.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200673738116 +,https://ror.org/040r16a68,Construction Research Institute*en,active,facility,建設物価調査会*ja,Construction Research Institute*en;一般財団法人建設物価調査会*ja,,https://www.kensetu-bukka.or.jp,,kensetu-bukka.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200762006315 +,https://ror.org/0458zsr51,Sanshikai Toho Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Toho Hospital*en,Sanshikai Toho Hospital*en;医療法人社団三思会東邦病院*ja,,https://www.toho-hp.jp,,toho-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Midori,Japan,6822155,NID201200950607658 +,https://ror.org/022nkr288,Okayama College*en,active,education,オカヤマ タンキ ダイガク*ja;Okayama Tanki Daigaku*ja;Okayama Junior College*en,Okayama College*en;岡山短期大学*ja,,https://owc.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Kurashiki,Japan,1858311,NID201200723558268 +,https://ror.org/0083dxv92,Institute for Applied Optics*en,inactive,facility,応用光学研究所*ja,Institute for Applied Optics*en;公益財団法人応用光学研究所*ja,,https://activo.jp/users/48940,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200078445222 +,https://ror.org/0387g1t09,Japan Institute of Navigation*en,active,facility,,Japan Institute of Navigation*en;公益社団法人日本航海学会*ja,,https://j-nav.org,,j-nav.org,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200751571860 +,https://ror.org/03k3nz445,Institute of Systems Science Research*en,active,facility,,Institute of Systems Science Research*en;一般社団法人システム科学研究所*ja,,https://www.issr-kyoto.or.jp/,,issr-kyoto.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200818052352 +,https://ror.org/03zqd3v71,The Japan Research Institute of Industrial Science*en,active,nonprofit,日本産業科学研究所*ja;Japan Research Institute of Industrial Science*en,The Japan Research Institute of Industrial Science*en;一般財団法人日本産業科学研究所*ja,,https://www.nissanken.org,,nissanken.org,,,,,,,,,,Fukuyama,Japan,1863917,NID201200283271902 +,https://ror.org/04j9a9128,KAISEI Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,KAISEI Hospital*en;社会医療法人大樹会総合病院回生病院*ja,,https://www.kaisei.or.jp,,kaisei.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sakaide,Japan,1853186,NID201200400568867 +,https://ror.org/05x86vg15,Asahi General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,総合病院国保旭中央病院*ja,Asahi General Hospital*en;地方独立行政法人総合病院国保旭中央病院*ja,,https://www.hospital.asahi.chiba.jp,,hospital.asahi.chiba.jp,,,,,,,,,,Chiba,Japan,2113077,NID201200806661524 +,https://ror.org/043hmxn40,Takeda General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,竹田健康財団竹田綜合病院*ja,Takeda General Hospital*en;一般財団法人竹田健康財団竹田綜合病院*ja,,http://www.takeda.or.jp,,takeda.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Aizuwakamatsu,Japan,6822148,NID201200153881286 +,https://ror.org/04b0sqj14,Forestry Agency*en,active,government,Rin'Yacho*ja;リンヤチョウ*ja,Forestry Agency*en;林野庁*ja,,https://www.rinya.maff.go.jp,,rinya.maff.go.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200700800623 +,https://ror.org/00zcmwh29,Hiroshima Prefectural Technology Research Institute*en,active,facility,Hiroshima Kenritsu Sogo Gijutsu Kenkyujo*ja;ヒロシマ ケンリツ ソウゴウ ギジュツ ケンキュウジョ*ja,Hiroshima Prefectural Technology Research Institute*en;広島県立総合技術研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.hiroshima.lg.jp/site/hiroshima-soken/,,,,,,,,,,,,Hiroshima,Japan,1862415,NID201200535786251 +,https://ror.org/042vs2406,Sanno Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Sanno Hospital*en;医療法人財団順和会山王病院*ja,,https://www.sannoclc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200003973631 +,https://ror.org/057jn4x11,Sanno Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Sanno Hospital*en;医療法人翠明会山王病院*ja,,https://www.sannoclc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Chiba,Japan,2113015,NID201200561578013 +,https://ror.org/02t3ccg55,Takeda Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Takeda Hospital*en;医療法人財団康生会武田病院*ja,,https://www.takedahp.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200226571025 +,https://ror.org/00khjyb83,Chiba Children's Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Chibaken Kodomo Byoin*ja;チバケン コドモ ビョウイン*ja,Chiba Children's Hospital*en;千葉県こども病院*ja,,http://www.pref.chiba.lg.jp/kodomo/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Chiba,Japan,2113015,NID201200605859733 +,https://ror.org/05rmqsa52,Japan Institute of Information Technology*en,active,facility,,Japan Institute of Information Technology*en;公益社団法人企業情報化協会*ja,,https://jiit.or.jp,,jiit.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200602416920 +,https://ror.org/04jp9sj81,Gunma Prefectural Cancer Center*en,active,healthcare,グンマ ケンリツ ガン センター*ja;Gunma Kenritsu Gan Senta*ja,Gunma Prefectural Cancer Center*en;群馬県立がんセンター*ja,,https://www.gunma-cc.jp,,gunma-cc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Ota,Japan,1853677,NID201200733391242 +,https://ror.org/04n160k30,Kanagawa Institute of Industrial Science and Technology*en,active,facility,神奈川県立産業技術総合研究所*ja,Kanagawa Institute of Industrial Science and Technology*en;地方独立行政法人神奈川県立産業技術総合研究所*ja,,https://www.kistec.jp,,kistec.jp,,,,,,,,,,Ebina,Japan,6822128,NID201200413593005 +,https://ror.org/01q9jet09,Hakodate Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Hakodate Municipal Hospital*en;市立函館病院*ja,,https://www.kanbyou.jp,,kanbyou.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hakodate,Japan,2130188,NID201200842341338 +,https://ror.org/03g278m11,Niigata Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Niigata Medical Center*en;JA新潟厚生連新潟医療センター*ja,,https://www.niigata-medical.jp,,niigata-medical.jp,,,,,,,,,,Niigata,Japan,1855431,NID201200944603691 +,https://ror.org/042q4rc86,HLA Laboratory*en,active,facility,HLA研究所*ja,HLA Laboratory*en;公益財団法人HLA研究所*ja,,https://hla.or.jp,,hla.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200553860625 +,https://ror.org/027v46j67,Ibaraki Agriculture Institute*en,active,facility,Ibarakiken Nogyo Sogo Senta*ja;イバラキケン ノウギョウ ソウゴウ センター*ja,Ibaraki Agriculture Institute*en;茨城県農業総合センター*ja,,https://www.pref.ibaraki.jp/nourinsuisan/nosose.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Mito,Japan,2111901,NID201200540769089 +,https://ror.org/01s3ggx63,Mitoyo General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,ミトヨ ソウゴウ ビョウイン*ja;Mitoyo Sogo Byoin*ja,Mitoyo General Hospital*en;三豊総合病院*ja,,https://mitoyo-hosp.jp,,mitoyo-hosp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kan'onji,Japan,2114019,NID201200379653317 +,https://ror.org/04b3jbx04,Kochi Health Sciences Center*en,active,facility,,Kochi Health Sciences Center*en;高知県・高知市病院企業団立高知医療センター*ja,,https://www2.khsc.or.jp,,khsc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kochi,Japan,1859146,NID201200880421395 +,https://ror.org/0495rze17,Kobe Institute of Health*en,active,healthcare,コウベシ ケンコウ カガク ケンキュウジョ*ja;Kobeshi Kenko Kagaku Kenkyujo*ja,Kobe Institute of Health*en;神戸市健康科学研究所*ja,,https://www.city.kobe.lg.jp/a26304/kenko/health/kensa/kih/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Kobe,Japan,1859171,NID201200690306600 +,https://ror.org/030y7x049,Business Research Institute*en,active,facility,,Business Research Institute*en;一般社団法人企業研究会*ja,,https://www.bri.or.jp,,bri.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200995862593 +,https://ror.org/01v60bs72,Rinku General Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,りんくう総合医療センター*ja,Rinku General Medical Center*en;地方独立行政法人りんくう総合医療センター*ja,,http://www.rgmc.izumisano.osaka.jp,,rgmc.izumisano.osaka.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200404064682 +,https://ror.org/019qy1011,Civil Aviation College*en,active,education,,Civil Aviation College*en;独立行政法人航空大学校*ja,,https://www.kouku-dai.ac.jp,,kouku-dai.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Miyazaki,Japan,1856717,NID201200761666697 +,https://ror.org/018g9j451,YAO Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,YAO Municipal Hospital*en;八尾市立病院*ja,,https://www.hospital.yao.osaka.jp,,yao.osaka.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yao,Japan,1848522,NID201200737808373 +,https://ror.org/00rw99n54,Institute of Local Government*en,active,facility,全国自治協会*ja,Institute of Local Government*en;一般財団法人全国自治協会*ja,,https://www.zck.or.jp/foundation/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200403417010 +,https://ror.org/04j41hc27,Yokohama General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Yokohama General Hospital*en;医療法人社団緑成会横浜総合病院*ja,,https://yokoso.or.jp,,yokoso.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yokohama,Japan,1848354,NID201200419151652 +,https://ror.org/02v55pn13,The Institute of Environmental Toxicology*en,active,facility,残留農薬研究所*ja;Institute of Environmental Toxicology*en,The Institute of Environmental Toxicology*en;一般財団法人残留農薬研究所*ja,,https://iet.or.jp,,iet.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Joso,Japan,6822154,NID201200341238124 +,https://ror.org/058j0b191,"Hyogo Prefectural Technology Center for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries*en",active,facility,Hyogo Kenritsu Norin Suisan Gijutsu Sogo Senta*ja;ヒョウゴ ケンリツ ノウリン スイサン ギジュツ ソウゴウ センター*ja,"Hyogo Prefectural Technology Center for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries*en;兵庫県立農林水産技術総合センター*ja",,https://hyogo-nourinsuisangc.jp,,hyogo-nourinsuisangc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kasai,Japan,11612478,NID201200758589046 +,https://ror.org/00wrn8115,Tochigi Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station*en,active,healthcare,トチギケン ノウギョウ シケンジョウ*ja;Tochigiken Nogyo Shikenjo*ja,Tochigi Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station*en;栃木県農業試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.tochigi.lg.jp/g59/,,,,,,,,,,,,Utsunomiya,Japan,1849053,NID201200406240983 +,https://ror.org/02xa0x739,Aichi Children's Health and Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,アイチ ショウニ ホケン イリョウ ソウゴウ センター*ja;Aichi Shoni Hoken Iryo Sogo Senta*ja,Aichi Children's Health and Medical Center*en;あいち小児保健医療総合センター*ja,,https://www.achmc.pref.aichi.jp,,achmc.pref.aichi.jp,,,,,,,,,,Obu,Japan,1854803,NID201200314613536 +,https://ror.org/05xqrc755,Kurobe City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,クロベ シミン ビョウイン*ja;Kurobe Shimin Byoin*ja,Kurobe City Hospital*en;黒部市民病院*ja,,https://med-kurobe.jp/,,med-kurobe.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kurobe,Japan,6822126,NID201200642713058 +,https://ror.org/02denmt82,Suwa University of Science*en,active,education,,Suwa University of Science*en;公立諏訪東京理科大学*ja,,https://www.sus.ac.jp,,sus.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Chino,Japan,1864557,NID201200690615906 +,https://ror.org/04j27n830,Snow Research Center*en,active,facility,,Snow Research Center*en;公益社団法人雪センター*ja,,http://www.yukicenter.or.jp,,yukicenter.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200423475173 +,https://ror.org/054yyhg83,Research Institute for Environmental Development*en,active,facility,,Research Institute for Environmental Development*en;一般社団法人環境文化研究所*ja,,https://e-labs.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Echizen,Japan,11612457,NID201200904291139 +,https://ror.org/00sjzkg31,Geo-Research Institute*en,active,facility,地域地盤環境研究所*ja,Geo-Research Institute*en;一般財団法人地域地盤環境研究所*ja,,https://www.geor.or.jp,,geor.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kobe,Japan,1859171,NID201200037724294 +,https://ror.org/053skcm44,Defense Research Center*en,active,facility,ディフェンスリサーチセンター*ja,Defense Research Center*en;一般財団法人ディフェンスリサーチセンター*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200785857594 +,https://ror.org/03qd78f09,Mito Kyodo General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Mito Kyodo General Hospital*en;総合病院水戸協同病院*ja,,https://www.mitokyodo-hp.jp,,mitokyodo-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Mito,Japan,2111901,NID201200927049225 +,https://ror.org/00atkzx31,Fukushima Agricultural Technology Centre*en,active,facility,フクシマケン ノウギョウ ソウゴウ センター*ja;Fukushimaken Nogyo Sogo Senta*ja,Fukushima Agricultural Technology Centre*en;福島県農業総合センター*ja,,https://www.pref.fukushima.lg.jp/sec/37200a/,,,,,,,,,,,,Fukushima,Japan,2112923,NID201200685618699 +,https://ror.org/05ed7ae91,Public Works Research Center*en,active,facility,土木研究センター*ja,Public Works Research Center*en;一般財団法人土木研究センター*ja,,https://www.pwrc.or.jp,,pwrc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tsukuba,Japan,2110681,NID201200583378789 +,https://ror.org/05pp6zn13,Kaizuka City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kaizuka City Hospital*en;市立貝塚病院*ja,,https://www.hosp.kaizuka.osaka.jp,,hosp.kaizuka.osaka.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kaizuka,Japan,1860765,NID201200560105186 +,https://ror.org/007wr0r46,Yokosuka City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Yokosuka City Hospital*en;横須賀市立市民病院*ja,,https://yokosuka-shimin.jp,,yokosuka-shimin.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yokosuka,Japan,1848313,NID201200121206338 +,https://ror.org/04hbvjm68,Nagoya City Public Health Research Institute*en,active,facility,ナゴヤシ エイセイ ケンキュウジョ*ja;Nagoyashi Eisei Kenkyujo*ja,Nagoya City Public Health Research Institute*en;名古屋市衛生研究所*ja,,https://www.city.nagoya.jp/kurashi/category/15-7-3-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Nagoya,Japan,1856057,NID201200745581752 +,https://ror.org/02t1m5632,Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association*en,active,nonprofit,ニホン セイヤク コウギョウ キョウカイ*ja;Nihon Seiyaku Kogyo Kyokai*ja,Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association*en;日本製薬工業協会*ja,JPMA*en,https://www.jpma.or.jp,,jpma.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200149741916 +,https://ror.org/009e5z592,Civil Engineering Research Laboratory*en,active,facility,建設技術研究所*ja,Civil Engineering Research Laboratory*en;一般財団法人建設技術研究所*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200311368305 +,https://ror.org/017mh6638,Akita City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,市立秋田総合病院*ja,Akita City Hospital*en;地方独立行政法人市立秋田総合病院*ja,,https://akita-city-hospital.jp,,akita-city-hospital.jp,,,,,,,,,,Akita,Japan,2113126,NID201200569057147 +,https://ror.org/01v05f472,Kagoshima Prefectural Institute For Agricultural Development*en,active,facility,Kagoshimaken Nogyo Kaihatsu Sogo Senta*ja;カゴシマケン ノウギョウ カイハツ ソウゴウ センター*ja,Kagoshima Prefectural Institute For Agricultural Development*en;鹿児島県農業開発総合センター*ja,,https://www.pref.kagoshima.jp/ag11/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kagoshima,Japan,1860827,NID201200147818436 +,https://ror.org/04vqpwb25,Miyazaki Medical Association Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Miyazaki Medical Association Hospital*en;宮崎市郡医師会病院*ja,,https://www.cure.or.jp,,cure.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Miyazaki,Japan,1856717,NID201200673931559 +,https://ror.org/02hdk7n88,Hachinohe City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,ハチノヘ シリツ シミン ビョウイン*ja;Hachinohe Shiritsu Shimin Byoin*ja,Hachinohe City Hospital*en;八戸市立市民病院*ja,,https://www.hospital.hachinohe.aomori.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Hachinohe,Japan,2130203,NID201200624347499 +,https://ror.org/00b5jyb64,Kanazawa Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kanazawa Municipal Hospital*en;金沢市立病院*ja,,https://kanazawa-municipal-hosp.com,,kanazawa-municipal-hosp.com,,,,,,,,,,Kanazawa,Japan,1860243,NID201200767478953 +,https://ror.org/000818d46,Hokkaido Industrial Technology Center*en,active,facility,,Hokkaido Industrial Technology Center*en;北海道立工業技術センター*ja,,https://www.techakodate.or.jp,,techakodate.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hakodate,Japan,2130188,NID201200259706885 +,https://ror.org/05tc25765,Kawaguchi Municipal Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Kawaguchi Municipal Medical Center*en;川口市立医療センター*ja,,https://kawaguchi-mmc.org,,kawaguchi-mmc.org,,,,,,,,,,Kawaguchi,Japan,1859730,NID201200899271264 +,https://ror.org/02g9f5b81,JAIS*en,active,nonprofit,,JAIS*en;公益社団法人日本通信教育振興協会*ja,,http://www.jais.or.jp,,jais.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200863276945 +,https://ror.org/01yapdx55,Tsuchiya General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Tsuchiya General Hospital*en;特定医療法人あかね会土谷総合病院*ja,,https://www.tsuchiya-hp.jp/tsuchiya/,,,,,,,,,,,,Hiroshima,Japan,1862415,NID201200528396148 +,https://ror.org/03ggyy033,Tokyo Bay Urayasu Ichikawa Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Tokyo Bay Urayasu Ichikawa Medical Center*en;公益社団法人地域医療振興協会東京ベイ・浦安市川医療センター*ja,,https://tokyobay-mc.jp,,tokyobay-mc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Urayasu,Japan,1849186,NID201200655009195 +,https://ror.org/04pj4k457,Fukuoka Sanno Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Fukuoka Sanno Hospital*en;医療法人社団高邦会福岡山王病院*ja,,https://f-sanno.kouhoukai.or.jp,,f-sanno.kouhoukai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fukuoka,Japan,1863967,NID201200184036226 +,https://ror.org/0340mjr48,Nagasaki Prefectural Institute of Fisheries*en,active,facility,Nagasakiken Sogo Suisan Shikenjo*ja;ナガサキケン ソウゴウ スイサン シケンジョウ*ja,Nagasaki Prefectural Institute of Fisheries*en;長崎県総合水産試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.nagasaki.jp/section/suisan-shiken/,,,,,,,,,,,,Nagasaki,Japan,1856177,NID201200959052336 +,https://ror.org/0104w5s79,Kimitsu Chuo Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kimitsu Chuo Hospital*en;国保直営総合病院君津中央病院*ja,,http://www.hospital.kisarazu.chiba.jp,,hospital.kisarazu.chiba.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kisarazu,Japan,1859393,NID201200142829769 +,https://ror.org/05xdejm35,Research Institute for Safety Engineering*en,active,facility,総合安全工学研究所*ja,Research Institute for Safety Engineering*en;公益財団法人総合安全工学研究所*ja,,http://www.i-s-l.org,,i-s-l.org,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200201170179 +,https://ror.org/01xj5sv76,Yoshida Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Yoshida Hospital*en;社会医療法人平和会吉田病院*ja,,http://heiwakai.or.jp,,heiwakai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nara,Japan,1855612,NID201200236106356 +,https://ror.org/007gp5s15,Kumamoto Chuo Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kumamoto Chuo Hospital*en;国家公務員共済組合連合会熊本中央病院*ja,,https://kumachu.kkr.or.jp,,kumachu.kkr.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kumamoto,Japan,1858421,NID201200706220322 +,https://ror.org/00yw7a334,Nerima Hikarigaoka Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Nerima Hikarigaoka Hospital*en;公益社団法人地域医療振興協会練馬光が丘病院*ja,,https://hikarigaoka-jadecom.jp,,hikarigaoka-jadecom.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200069071564 +,https://ror.org/038evk156,Nagasaki Rehabilitation*en,active,healthcare,,Nagasaki Rehabilitation*en;一般社団法人是真会長崎リハビリテーション病院*ja,,https://www.zeshinkai.or.jp,,zeshinkai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagasaki,Japan,1856177,NID201200709523130 +,https://ror.org/05mzmc736,Japan Science Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,日本科学技術振興財団*ja,Japan Science Foundation*en;公益財団法人日本科学技術振興財団*ja,,https://www2.jsf.or.jp,,jsf.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200944262681 +,https://ror.org/041akmr36,University of Shizuoka Junior College*en,active,education,Shizuoka Kenritsu Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja;シズオカ ケンリツ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja,University of Shizuoka Junior College*en;静岡県立大学短期大学部*ja,,https://oshika.u-shizuoka-ken.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Shizuoka,Japan,1851717,NID201200269206331 +,https://ror.org/00gxqh189,KKR Sapporo Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,KKR Sapporo Medical Center*en;国家公務員共済組合連合会札幌医療センター*ja,,https://smc.kkr.or.jp,,smc.kkr.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sapporo,Japan,2128295,NID201200925932549 +,https://ror.org/02n470s97,Tobacco Institute of Japan*en,active,facility,,Tobacco Institute of Japan*en;一般社団法人日本たばこ協会*ja,,https://www.tioj.or.jp,,tioj.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200435792493 +,https://ror.org/03t99av60,"Kyoto Prefectural Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Technology Center*en",active,facility,,"Kyoto Prefectural Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Technology Center*en;京都府農林水産技術センター*ja",,https://www.pref.kyoto.jp/nougijyutsu/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200108757817 +,https://ror.org/04v59rt43,Tokai Technology Center*en,active,facility,東海技術センター*ja,Tokai Technology Center*en;一般財団法人東海技術センター*ja,,https://www.ttc-web.com,,,,,,,,,,,,Nagoya,Japan,1856057,NID201200015407265 +,https://ror.org/015dkwr19,Kumamoto Prefectural Agricultural Research Center*en,active,facility,クマモトケン ノウギョウ ケンキュウ センター*ja;Kumamotoken Nogyo Kenkyu Senta*ja,Kumamoto Prefectural Agricultural Research Center*en;熊本県農業研究センター*ja,,https://www.pref.kumamoto.jp/soshiki/75/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kumamoto,Japan,1858421,NID201200742599792 +,https://ror.org/014bj9a17,Hikone Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Hikone Shiritsu Byoin*ja;ヒコネ シリツ ビョウイン*ja,Hikone Municipal Hospital*en;彦根市立病院*ja,,https://www.municipal-hp.hikone.shiga.jp,,municipal-hp.hikone.shiga.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hikone,Japan,1862636,NID201200337764437 +,https://ror.org/046jdgp91,Yokohama City Institute of Public Health*en,active,facility,ヨコハマシ エイセイ ケンキュウジョ*ja;Yokohamashi Eisei Kenkyujo*ja,Yokohama City Institute of Public Health*en;横浜市衛生研究所*ja,,https://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/kenko-iryo-fukushi/kenko-iryo/eiken/,,,,,,,,,,,,Yokohama,Japan,1848354,NID201200220275659 +,https://ror.org/00nwxj335,Hokkaido Cardiovascular Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Hokkaido Cardiovascular Hospital*en;社会医療法人北海道循環器病院*ja,,https://www.hokujun.or.jp,,hokujun.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sapporo,Japan,2128295,NID201200880578141 +,https://ror.org/00w949314,Hyogo Prefectural Kakogawa Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Hyogo Prefectural Kakogawa Medical Center*en;兵庫県立加古川医療センター*ja,,https://kenkako.jp,,kenkako.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kakogawa,Japan,1860704,NID201200701344368 +,https://ror.org/006ffkc02,Tottori Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Tottori Shiritsu Byoin*ja;トットリ シリツ ビョウイン*ja,Tottori Municipal Hospital*en;鳥取市立病院*ja,,https://hospital.tottori.tottori.jp,,hospital.tottori.tottori.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tottori,Japan,1849892,NID201200566999655 +,https://ror.org/05e9q5230,Tokyo Medical Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Tokyo Medical Association*en;公益社団法人東京都医師会*ja,,https://www.tokyo.med.or.jp,,tokyo.med.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200745154972 +,https://ror.org/02h2fg990,Takaoka City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Takaoka City Hospital*en;高岡市民病院*ja,,https://www.med-takaoka.jp,,med-takaoka.jp,,,,,,,,,,Takaoka,Japan,1851032,NID201200532845120 +,https://ror.org/003536y35,South Miyagi Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,South Miyagi Medical Center*en;みやぎ県南中核病院*ja,,https://www.southmiyagi-mc.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Ogawara,Japan,7446998,NID201200307860701 +,https://ror.org/034c0pj78,Aomori City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Aomori Shimin Byoin*ja;アオモリ シミン ビョウイン*ja,Aomori City Hospital*en;青森市民病院*ja,,https://www.city.aomori.aomori.jp/byouin/top.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Aomori,Japan,2130658,NID201200061309290 +,https://ror.org/01hkzmd51,Miyagi Prefectural Furukawa Agricultural Experiment Station*en,active,facility,ミヤギケン フルカワ ノウギョウ シケンジョウ*ja;Miyagiken Furukawa Nogyo Shikenjo*ja,Miyagi Prefectural Furukawa Agricultural Experiment Station*en;宮城県古川農業試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.miyagi.jp/soshiki/hk-nousi/,,,,,,,,,,,,Osaki,Japan,6822188,NID201200096373648 +,https://ror.org/05e0s9394,Suzuka General hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Suzuka General hospital*en;JA三重厚生連鈴鹿中央総合病院*ja,,http://www.miekosei.or.jp/2_sch/,,,,,,,,,,,,Suzuka,Japan,1851348,NID201200489722473 +,https://ror.org/03ejtwf02,INA Central Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Ina Chuo Byoin*ja;イナ チュウオウ ビョウイン*ja,INA Central Hospital*en;伊那中央病院*ja,,https://www.inahp.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Ina,Japan,1861641,NID201200012380813 +,https://ror.org/01s1wh718,"Okayama Prefectural Technology Center for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries*en",active,facility,,"Okayama Prefectural Technology Center for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries*en;岡山県農林水産総合センター*ja",,https://www.pref.okayama.jp/site/22/,,,,,,,,,,,,Akaiwa,Japan,11612564,NID201200258312944 +,https://ror.org/04de06r93,Fuji City General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,フジ シリツ チュウオウ ビョウイン*ja;Fuji Shiritsu Chuo Byoin*ja,Fuji City General Hospital*en;富士市立中央病院*ja,,https://byoin.city.fuji.shizuoka.jp,,byoin.city.fuji.shizuoka.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fuji,Japan,1864134,NID201200437335139 +,https://ror.org/03t2vee10,Nagoya International Center*en,active,facility,名古屋国際センター*ja,Nagoya International Center*en;公益財団法人名古屋国際センター*ja,,https://www.nic-nagoya.or.jp,,nic-nagoya.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagoya,Japan,1856057,NID201200842739924 +,https://ror.org/03w87mp28,Kita Harima Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,キタハリマ ソウゴウ イリョウ センター*ja;Kitaharima Sogo Iryo Senta*ja,Kita Harima Medical Center*en;北播磨総合医療センター*ja,,https://www.kitahari-mc.jp,,kitahari-mc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Ono,Japan,1854026,NID201200107603423 +,https://ror.org/028680a31,Hino Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,ヒノ シリツ ビョウイン*ja;Hino Shiritsu Byoin*ja,Hino Municipal Hospital*en;日野市立病院*ja,,https://hospital.city.hino.tokyo.jp,,hospital.city.hino.tokyo.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hino,Japan,1862599,NID201200179831289 +,https://ror.org/05xtcg731,Fukuchiyama City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,シリツ フクチヤマ シミン ビョウイン*ja;Shiritsu Fukuchiyama Shimin Byoin*ja,Fukuchiyama City Hospital*en;市立福知山市民病院*ja,,https://www.city.fukuchiyama.lg.jp/site/hosp/,,,,,,,,,,,,Fukuchiyama,Japan,1864009,NID201200171234233 +,https://ror.org/04awywg66,Hyogo Emergency Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Hyogo Emergency Medical Center*en;兵庫県災害医療センター*ja,,https://www.hemc.jp,,hemc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kobe,Japan,1859171,NID201200176770794 +,https://ror.org/017s8ee04,Kawasaki Saiwai Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kawasaki Saiwai Hospital*en;社会医療法人財団石心会川崎幸病院*ja,,https://saiwaihp.jp,,saiwaihp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kawasaki,Japan,1859642,NID201200487643495 +,https://ror.org/01tmjm536,BioSafety Research Center*en,active,facility,食品農医薬品安全性評価センター*ja,BioSafety Research Center*en;公益財団法人食品農医薬品安全性評価センター*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Iwata,Japan,1861171,NID201200576035488 +,https://ror.org/034efzt69,Kizawa Memorial Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kizawa Memorial Hospital*en;社会医療法人厚生会木沢記念病院*ja,,https://kizawa-memorial-hospital.jp,,kizawa-memorial-hospital.jp,,,,,,,,,,Minokamo,Japan,6822217,NID201200656049538 +,https://ror.org/01casae32,Muroran City General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Muroran City General Hospital*en;市立室蘭総合病院*ja,,https://www.city.muroran.lg.jp/hospital/,,,,,,,,,,,,Muroran,Japan,2129101,NID201200795902305 +,https://ror.org/01z0kpz83,Japan Industrial Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本産業協会*ja,Japan Industrial Association*en;一般財団法人日本産業協会*ja,,https://www.nissankyo.or.jp,,nissankyo.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200289576658 +,https://ror.org/013w2sr27,Fukui General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,新田塚医療福祉センター福井総合病院*ja,Fukui General Hospital*en;一般財団法人新田塚医療福祉センター福井総合病院*ja,,https://www.f-gh.jp,,f-gh.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fukui,Japan,1863985,NID201200462736468 +,https://ror.org/038z6xg73,Kiryu Kosei General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kiryu Kosei General Hospital*en;桐生厚生総合病院*ja,,https://www.kosei-hospital.kiryu.gunma.jp,,kosei-hospital.kiryu.gunma.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kiryu,Japan,1859405,NID201200267185447 +,https://ror.org/007kqr982,Kyushu Industrial Technology Center*en,active,facility,九州産業技術センター*ja,Kyushu Industrial Technology Center*en;一般財団法人九州産業技術センター*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Fukuoka,Japan,1863967,NID201200236576975 +,https://ror.org/03dzfh113,Shin-yurigaoka General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Shin-yurigaoka General Hospital*en;医療法人社団三成会新百合ヶ丘総合病院*ja,,https://www.shinyuri-hospital.com,,shinyuri-hospital.com,,,,,,,,,,Kawasaki,Japan,1859642,NID201200043809969 +,https://ror.org/055g2mf68,Industrial Technology Center of Wakayama Prefecture*en,active,facility,ワカヤマケン コウギョウ ギジュツ センター*ja;Wakayamaken Kogyo Gijutsu Senta*ja,Industrial Technology Center of Wakayama Prefecture*en;和歌山県工業技術センター*ja,,https://www.wakayama-kg.jp,,wakayama-kg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Wakayama,Japan,1926004,NID201200904324114 +,https://ror.org/027sfg181,Hokkaido Regional Research*en,active,nonprofit,,Hokkaido Regional Research*en;一般社団法人北海道リージョナルリサーチ*ja,,http://www.hrr.or.jp,,hrr.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sapporo,Japan,2128295,NID201200562284142 +,https://ror.org/00pqk4h50,Chiba Industrial Technology Research Institute*en,active,facility,チバケン サンギョウ シエン ギジュツ ケンキュウジョ*ja;Chibaken Sangyo Shien Gijutsu Kenkyujo*ja,Chiba Industrial Technology Research Institute*en;千葉県産業支援技術研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.chiba.lg.jp/sanken/,,,,,,,,,,,,Chiba,Japan,2113015,NID201200965538501 +,https://ror.org/018bw0k35,Sasebo Chuo Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Sasebo Chuo Hospital*en;社会医療法人財団白十字会佐世保中央病院*ja,,https://hakujyujikai.or.jp/chuo/,,,,,,,,,,,,Sasebo,Japan,1852899,NID201200543891224 +,https://ror.org/052q9xn36,Yaizu City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Yaizu Shiritsu Sogo Byoin*ja;ヤイズ シリツ ソウゴウ ビョウイン*ja,Yaizu City Hospital*en;焼津市立総合病院*ja,,https://www.hospital.yaizu.shizuoka.jp,,hospital.yaizu.shizuoka.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yaizu,Japan,1848774,NID201200528385966 +,https://ror.org/00qrcbh63,Mie Prefectural General Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,三重県立総合医療センター*ja,Mie Prefectural General Medical Center*en;地方独立行政法人三重県立総合医療センター*ja,,https://www.mie-gmc.jp,,mie-gmc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yokkaichi,Japan,1848373,NID201200032387878 +,https://ror.org/02ehwsx58,Fujita General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Koritsu Fujita Sogo Byoin*ja;コウリツ フジタ ソウゴウ ビョウイン*ja,Fujita General Hospital*en;公立藤田総合病院*ja,,http://fujita-hp.jp,,fujita-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kunimi machi,Japan,2112102,NID201200621129562 +,https://ror.org/030vsyx86,Tsukazaki Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Tsukazaki Hospital*en;社会医療法人三栄会ツカザキ病院*ja,,https://www.tsukazaki-hp.jp,,tsukazaki-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Himeji,Japan,1862627,NID201200880328245 +,https://ror.org/0567bnk35,Kumamoto Regional Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Kumamoto Regional Medical Center*en;熊本市医師会熊本地域医療センター*ja,,https://krmc.city.kumamoto.med.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Kumamoto,Japan,1858421,NID201200076926426 +,https://ror.org/05crh3591,Osaka International College*en,active,education,Oosaka Kokusai Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja;オオサカ コクサイ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja,Osaka International College*en;大阪国際大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.oiu.ac.jp,,oiu.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Moriguchi,Japan,1856584,NID201200254136090 +,https://ror.org/02dkjms65,Daido Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Daido Hospital*en;社会医療法人宏潤会大同病院*ja,,https://daidohp.or.jp,,daidohp.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagoya,Japan,1856057,NID201200703283991 +,https://ror.org/014vaaj20,Miyazaki Prefectural NOBEOKA Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Miyazaki Prefectural NOBEOKA Hospital*en;宮崎県立延岡病院*ja,,https://nobeoka-kenbyo.jp,,nobeoka-kenbyo.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nobeoka,Japan,1855095,NID201200213924506 +,https://ror.org/03j6mx979,Hakodate Goryoukaku Hospital*en,active,healthcare,函館厚生院函館五稜郭病院*ja,Hakodate Goryoukaku Hospital*en;社会福祉法人函館厚生院函館五稜郭病院*ja,,https://www.gobyou.com,,gobyou.com,,,,,,,,,,Hakodate,Japan,2130188,NID201200566147739 +,https://ror.org/024h5t657,Ohara General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,大原綜合病院*ja,Ohara General Hospital*en;一般財団法人大原綜合病院*ja,,https://general.ohara-hp.or.jp,,general.ohara-hp.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fukushima,Japan,2112923,NID201200303453604 +,https://ror.org/00zyznv55,Shizuoka Graduate University of Public Health*en,active,education,,Shizuoka Graduate University of Public Health*en;静岡社会健康医学大学院大学*ja,,https://s-sph.ac.jp,,s-sph.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Shizuoka,Japan,1851714,NID201200953431241 +,https://ror.org/05999hj24,Kumamoto Kinoh Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kumamoto Kinoh Hospital*en;医療法人社団寿量会熊本機能病院*ja,,https://www.juryo.or.jp,,juryo.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kumamoto,Japan,1858421,NID201200574986784 +,https://ror.org/04h56d485,Heisei Memorial Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Heisei Memorial Hospital*en;社会医療法人平成記念病院*ja,,https://www.heisei-h.or.jp/heisei/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kashihara,Japan,1859951,NID201200070235827 +,https://ror.org/04c7gjr63,Fujioka General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Fujioka General Hospital*en;公立藤岡総合病院*ja,,https://www.fujioka-hosp.or.jp,,fujioka-hosp.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fujioka,Japan,1864099,NID201200458778616 +,https://ror.org/052pz1t61,Chiba Prefectural Environmental Research Center*en,active,facility,チバケン カンキョウ ケンキュウ センター*ja;Chibaken Kankyo Kenkyu Senta*ja,Chiba Prefectural Environmental Research Center*en;千葉県環境研究センター*ja,,https://www.pref.chiba.lg.jp/wit/,,,,,,,,,,,,Chiba,Japan,2113015,NID201200229725917 +,https://ror.org/032ybtz45,The Japan Foundation Center*en,active,nonprofit,Japan Foundation Center*en;助成財団センター*ja,The Japan Foundation Center*en;公益財団法人助成財団センター*ja,,https://www.jfc.or.jp,,jfc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200251777021 +,https://ror.org/057m2yx22,Koriyama Women's College*en,active,education,コオリヤマ ジョシ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja;Koriyama Joshi Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja,Koriyama Women's College*en;郡山女子大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.koriyama-kgc.ac.jp,,koriyama-kgc.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Koriyama,Japan,2112141,NID201200170494443 +,https://ror.org/044a8tz03,Nagano Prefectural Institute of Technology*en,active,education,,Nagano Prefectural Institute of Technology*en;長野県工科短期大学校*ja,,https://www.pit-nagano.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Ueda,Japan,1849429,NID201200694087408 +,https://ror.org/01zkayc13,Kawanishi City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kawanishi City Hospital*en;市立川西病院*ja,,https://www.kawanishi-hospital.jp,,kawanishi-hospital.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kawanishi,Japan,1859675,NID201200301199575 +,https://ror.org/021nndv84,Nagano Vegetable and Ornamental Crops Experiment Station*en,active,facility,ナガノケン ヤサイ カキ シケンジョウ*ja;Naganoken Yasai Kaki Shikenjo*ja,Nagano Vegetable and Ornamental Crops Experiment Station*en;長野県野菜花き試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.nagano.lg.jp/yasaikaki/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Nagano,Japan,1856215,NID201200338496722 +,https://ror.org/01sbek618,Yamagata Integrated Agricultural Research Center*en,active,facility,Yamagataken Nogyo Sogo Kenkyu Senta*ja;ヤマガタケン ノウギョウ ソウゴウ ケンキュウ センター*ja,Yamagata Integrated Agricultural Research Center*en;山形県農業総合研究センター*ja,,https://www.pref.yamagata.jp/141002/sangyo/nourinsuisangyou/nogyo/sogo/nougyousougou/noukensenterhome.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Yamagata,Japan,2110556,NID201200585172659 +,https://ror.org/03w0x6k04,Fujinomiya City General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Fujinomiya City General Hospital*en;富士宮市立病院*ja,,https://fujinomiya-hp.jp,,fujinomiya-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fujinomiya,Japan,1864105,NID201200775099995 +,https://ror.org/0138q6933,Kyoto Industrial Health Association*en,active,nonprofit,京都工場保健会*ja,Kyoto Industrial Health Association*en;一般財団法人京都工場保健会*ja,,https://kyotokojohokenkai.jp,,kyotokojohokenkai.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200393378047 +,https://ror.org/0051bz348,Machida Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Machida Shimin Byoin*ja;マチダ シミン ビョウイン*ja,Machida Municipal Hospital*en;町田市民病院*ja,,http://machida-city-hospital-tokyo.jp,,machida-city-hospital-tokyo.jp,,,,,,,,,,Machida,Japan,1857871,NID201200211043494 +,https://ror.org/05tq2c590,Hokkaido Gastroenterology Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Hokkaido Gastroenterology Hospital*en;医療法人彰和会北海道消化器科病院*ja,,https://www.hgh.or.jp,,hgh.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sapporo,Japan,2128295,NID201200310488295 +,https://ror.org/00z87de70,Omihachiman Community Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,Omihachiman Shiritsu Sogo Iryo Senta*ja;オウミハチマン シリツ ソウゴウ イリョウ センター*ja,Omihachiman Community Medical Center*en;近江八幡市立総合医療センター*ja,,https://www.kenkou1.com,,kenkou1.com,,,,,,,,,,Omihachiman,Japan,1863451,NID201200662666798 +,https://ror.org/032xjn982,Kyoto Promotion Center*en,active,facility,京都中小企業振興センター*ja,Kyoto Promotion Center*en;公益財団法人京都中小企業振興センター*ja,,https://www.kpc.or.jp,,kpc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200448531735 +,https://ror.org/03znejq22,Tomakomai City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Tomakomai Shiritsu Byoin*ja;トマコマイ シリツ ビョウイン*ja,Tomakomai City Hospital*en;苫小牧市立病院*ja,,https://www.city.tomakomai.hokkaido.jp/hospital/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tomakomai,Japan,2127733,NID201200443973437 +,https://ror.org/04skj0t32,Ishikawa Agriculture and Forestry Research Center*en,active,facility,,Ishikawa Agriculture and Forestry Research Center*en;石川県農林総合研究センター*ja,,https://www.pref.ishikawa.lg.jp/noken/nourin.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Kanazawa,Japan,1860243,NID201200161941440 +,https://ror.org/04vpzzp35,Nagano Environmental Conservation Research Institute*en,active,facility,ナガノケン カンキョウ ホゼン ケンキュウジョ*ja;Naganoken Kankyo Hozen Kenkyujo*ja,Nagano Environmental Conservation Research Institute*en;長野県環境保全研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.nagano.lg.jp/kanken/,,,,,,,,,,,,Nagano,Japan,1856215,NID201200972603254 +,https://ror.org/051124b05,Iwate Prefectural Isawa Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Iwate Prefectural Isawa Hospital*en;岩手県立胆沢病院*ja,,https://www.isawa-hp.com,,isawa-hp.com,,,,,,,,,,Ōshū,Japan,6822184,NID201200851226734 +,https://ror.org/04jfpax71,Industrial Technology Center of Nagasaki*en,active,facility,ナガサキケン コウギョウ ギジュツ センター*ja;Nagasakiken Kogyo Gijutsu Senta*ja,Industrial Technology Center of Nagasaki*en;長崎県工業技術センター*ja,,https://www.pref.nagasaki.jp/section/kogyo-c/,,,,,,,,,,,,Omura,Japan,1854093,NID201200903495448 +,https://ror.org/036vh1t90,Chigasaki Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Chigasaki Municipal Hospital*en;茅ヶ崎市立病院*ja,,https://hosp.city.chigasaki.kanagawa.jp,,hosp.city.chigasaki.kanagawa.jp,,,,,,,,,,Chigasaki,Japan,1864624,NID201200061556508 +,https://ror.org/04reayw33,The Engineering Academy of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,Engineering Academy of Japan*en,The Engineering Academy of Japan*en;公益社団法人日本工学アカデミー*ja,,https://www.eaj.or.jp,,eaj.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200219431831 +,https://ror.org/02pk1bn41,Kagoshima Prefectural Institute of Industrial Technology*en,active,facility,カゴシマケン コウギョウ ギジュツ センター*ja;Kagoshimaken Kogyo Gijutsu Senta*ja,Kagoshima Prefectural Institute of Industrial Technology*en;鹿児島県工業技術センター*ja,,https://www.kagoshima-it.jp,,kagoshima-it.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kirishima,Japan,7303138,NID201200740920394 +,https://ror.org/01169d420,Nuclear Regulation Authority*en,active,government,ゲンシリョク キセイ イインカイ*ja;Genshiryoku Kisei Iinkai*ja,Nuclear Regulation Authority*en;原子力規制委員会*ja,,https://www.nra.go.jp,,nra.go.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200694688179 +,https://ror.org/01c082437,Osaka Seikei College*en,active,education,Oosaka Seikei Tanki Daigaku*ja;オオサカ セイケイ タンキ ダイガク*ja,Osaka Seikei College*en;大阪成蹊短期大学*ja,,https://tandai.osaka-seikei.jp,,osaka-seikei.jp,,,,,,,,,,Aikawa,Japan,11777107,NID201200917511240 +,https://ror.org/05c1b0t46,Fukui Health Sciences University*en,active,education,,Fukui Health Sciences University*en;福井医療大学*ja,,https://www.fukui-hsu.ac.jp,,fukui-hsu.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fukui,Japan,1863985,NID201200463537020 +,https://ror.org/02btnf645,Kusatsu General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kusatsu General Hospital*en;社会医療法人誠光会草津総合病院*ja,,https://www.seikoukai-sc.or.jp/omi-mc/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kusatsu,Japan,1858067,NID201200872006272 +,https://ror.org/04av5vp66,Public Telephone Communication*en,active,other,日本公衆電話会*ja,Public Telephone Communication*en;公益財団法人日本公衆電話会*ja,,https://www.pcom.or.jp,,pcom.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200044533672 +,https://ror.org/030gskw66,Tsuruoka Municipal Shonai Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Tsuruoka Shiritsu Shonai Byoin*ja;ツルオカ シリツ ショウナイ ビョウイン*ja,Tsuruoka Municipal Shonai Hospital*en;鶴岡市立荘内病院*ja,,https://www.shonai-hos.jp,,shonai-hos.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tsuruoka,Japan,1849563,NID201200677917221 +,https://ror.org/00nnxmp87,Kagawa Prefectural Industrial Technology Center*en,active,facility,カガワケン サンギョウ ギジュツ センター*ja;Kagawaken Sangyo Gijutsu Senta*ja,Kagawa Prefectural Industrial Technology Center*en;香川県産業技術センター*ja,,https://www.pref.kagawa.lg.jp/sangi/,,,,,,,,,,,,Takamatsu,Japan,1851100,NID201200067353329 +,https://ror.org/04hrfeg06,Nakagami Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Nakagami Hospital*en;社会医療法人敬愛会中頭病院*ja,,https://www.nakagami.or.jp,,nakagami.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Okinawa,Japan,1854344,NID201200093848787 +,https://ror.org/05gbd1t94,Mishuku Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Mishuku Hospital*en;国家公務員共済組合連合会三宿病院*ja,,https://mishuku.kkr.or.jp,,mishuku.kkr.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200586333222 +,https://ror.org/04yn0zk11,"Ehime Research Institute of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries*en",active,healthcare,Ehimeken Norin Suisan Kenkyujo*ja;エヒメケン ノウリン スイサン ケンキュウジョ*ja,"Ehime Research Institute of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries*en;愛媛県農林水産研究所*ja",,https://www.pref.ehime.jp/soshiki/93/,,,,,,,,,,,,Matsuyama,Japan,1926099,NID201200423970656 +,https://ror.org/03v84dj52,Kawakita General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kawakita General Hospital*en;社会医療法人河北医療財団河北総合病院*ja,,https://kawakita.or.jp,,kawakita.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200449595040 +,https://ror.org/00259hn89,Miyoshi Central Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Miyoshi Central Hospital*en;市立三次中央病院*ja,,https://www.miyoshi-central-hospital.jp/,,miyoshi-central-hospital.jp,,,,,,,,,,Miyoshi,Japan,1856698,NID201200307227382 +,https://ror.org/01my0h411,Kanazawa Gakuin College*en,active,education,Kanazawa Gakuin Tanki Daigaku*ja;カナザワ ガクイン タンキ ダイガク*ja,Kanazawa Gakuin College*en;金沢学院短期大学*ja,,https://www.kanazawa-gu.ac.jp/college/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kanazawa,Japan,1860243,NID201200745499200 +,https://ror.org/004mgh374,Kofu Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kofu Municipal Hospital*en;市立甲府病院*ja,,https://www.city-kofu-hp.jp,,city-kofu-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kofu,Japan,1859100,NID201200717664078 +,https://ror.org/02tzncp91,Kitakyushu General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kitakyushu General Hospital*en;特定医療法人北九州病院北九州総合病院*ja,,https://sogo.kitakyu-hp.or.jp,,sogo.kitakyu-hp.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kitakyushu,Japan,1859307,NID201200482223449 +,https://ror.org/05xya7b65,Jyoban Hospital of Tokiwa Foundation*en,active,healthcare,ときわ会常磐病院*ja,Jyoban Hospital of Tokiwa Foundation*en;公益財団法人ときわ会常磐病院*ja,,http://www.tokiwa.or.jp,,tokiwa.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Iwaki,Japan,2112539,NID201200825808540 +,https://ror.org/00frth518,Hiroshima International Center*en,active,facility,ひろしま国際センター*ja,Hiroshima International Center*en;公益財団法人ひろしま国際センター*ja,,https://hiroshima-ic.or.jp,,hiroshima-ic.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hiroshima,Japan,1862415,NID201200246347590 +,https://ror.org/01j5j6632,Industrial Research Center of Shiga Prefecture*en,active,facility,シガケン コウギョウ ギジュツ ソウゴウ センター*ja;Shigaken Kogyo Gijutsu Sogo Senta*ja,Industrial Research Center of Shiga Prefecture*en;滋賀県工業技術総合センター*ja,,https://www.shiga-irc.go.jp,,shiga-irc.go.jp,,,,,,,,,,Ritto,Japan,6822115,NID201200908190096 +,https://ror.org/00vjwyg07,Kinjo College*en,active,education,Kinjo Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja;キンジョウ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja,Kinjo College*en;金城大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.kinjo.ac.jp/kjc/,,,,,,,,,,,,Hakusan,Japan,7467881,NID201200486050733 +,https://ror.org/03d85wd75,Urban Renaissance Agency*en,active,government,,Urban Renaissance Agency*en;独立行政法人都市再生機構*ja,,https://www.ur-net.go.jp,,ur-net.go.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yokohama,Japan,1848354,NID201200407105423 +,https://ror.org/02bm3x632,AKO City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,アコウ シミン ビョウイン*ja;Ako Shimin Byoin*ja,AKO City Hospital*en;赤穂市民病院*ja,,https://amh.ako.hyogo.jp,,amh.ako.hyogo.jp,,,,,,,,,,Akō,Japan,1865406,NID201200890339226 +,https://ror.org/01bb9k904,Hokkaido Medical Center for Child Health and Rehabilitation*en,active,healthcare,,Hokkaido Medical Center for Child Health and Rehabilitation*en;北海道立子ども総合医療・療育センター*ja,,https://kodomo.hospital.pref.hokkaido.lg.jp,,kodomo.hospital.pref.hokkaido.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sapporo,Japan,2128295,NID201200781560175 +,https://ror.org/01gxncx39,Sagamihara Kyodo Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Sagamihara Kyodo Hospital*en;JA神奈川厚生連相模原協同病院*ja,,https://www.sagamiharahp.com,,sagamiharahp.com,,,,,,,,,,Sagamihara,Japan,11611609,NID201200349748151 +,https://ror.org/02e6jwz14,Radioactive Waste Management Funding and Research Center*en,active,facility,原子力環境整備促進・資金管理センター*ja,Radioactive Waste Management Funding and Research Center*en;公益財団法人原子力環境整備促進・資金管理センター*ja,,https://www.rwmc.or.jp,,rwmc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200722710885 +,https://ror.org/032jssp65,Hekinan Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Hekinan Municipal Hospital*en;碧南市民病院*ja,,http://hospital.city.hekinan.aichi.jp,,hospital.city.hekinan.aichi.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hekinan,Japan,1862912,NID201200319748495 +,https://ror.org/03e0v3w65,Itabashi Chuo Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Itabashi Chuo Medical Center*en;医療法人社団明芳会板橋中央総合病院*ja,,https://ims-itabashi.jp,,ims-itabashi.jp,,,,,,,,,,Itabashi,Japan,1861321,NID201200969537009 +,https://ror.org/03vvt5470,International Development Center of Japan*en,active,facility,国際開発センター*ja,International Development Center of Japan*en;一般財団法人国際開発センター*ja,,https://www.idcj.jp,,idcj.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200161083098 +,https://ror.org/01c8g5837,Sanda City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,サンダ シミン ビョウイン*ja;Sanda Shimin Byoin*ja,Sanda City Hospital*en;三田市民病院*ja,,https://www.hospital.sanda.hyogo.jp,,hospital.sanda.hyogo.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sanda,Japan,7370813,NID201200530780429 +,https://ror.org/0037bkn51,Sanyo Gakuen Junior College*en,active,education,サンヨウ ガクエン タンキ ダイガク*ja;San'Yo Gakuen Tanki Daigaku*ja,Sanyo Gakuen Junior College*en;山陽学園短期大学*ja,,https://www.sguc.ac.jp,,sguc.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Okayama,Japan,1854383,NID201200995095490 +,https://ror.org/031sr5j33,Mie Prefecture Industrial Research Institute*en,active,facility,ミエケン コウギョウ ケンキュウジョ*ja;Mieken Kogyo Kenkyujo*ja,Mie Prefecture Industrial Research Institute*en;三重県工業研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.mie.lg.jp/kougi/hp/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tsu,Japan,1849796,NID201200003434891 +,https://ror.org/01fs5y210,Nagano Prefecture General Industrial Technology Center*en,active,facility,Naganoken Kogyo Gijutsu Sogo Senta*ja;ナガノケン コウギョウ ギジュツ ソウゴウ センター*ja,Nagano Prefecture General Industrial Technology Center*en;長野県工業技術総合センター*ja,,https://www.gitc.pref.nagano.lg.jp,,gitc.pref.nagano.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagano,Japan,1856215,NID201200887244957 +,https://ror.org/03pgfk695,Nagaoka Chuo General hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Nagaoka Chuo General hospital*en;JA新潟厚生連長岡中央綜合病院*ja,,https://www.nagachu.jp,,nagachu.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagaoka,Japan,1856199,NID201200231746261 +,https://ror.org/04w7eg945,Public Health Research Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,パブリックヘルスリサーチセンター*ja,Public Health Research Foundation*en;公益財団法人パブリックヘルスリサーチセンター*ja,,https://www.phrf.jp,,phrf.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200886024389 +,https://ror.org/00xfecy77,Aichi Center for Industry and Science Technology*en,active,facility,,Aichi Center for Industry and Science Technology*en;あいち産業科学技術総合センター*ja,,https://www.aichi-inst.jp,,aichi-inst.jp,,,,,,,,,,Toyota,Japan,1849814,NID201200661277661 +,https://ror.org/05qg1fd04,Fukuoka Agriculture and Forestry Research Center*en,active,facility,フクオカケン ノウリンギョウ ソウゴウ シケンジョウ*ja;Fukuokaken Noringyo Sogo Shikenjo*ja,Fukuoka Agriculture and Forestry Research Center*en;福岡県農林業総合試験場*ja,,https://farc.pref.fukuoka.jp,,farc.pref.fukuoka.jp,,,,,,,,,,Chikushino,Japan,1864572,NID201200356099114 +,https://ror.org/014572h89,Unnan City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,ウンナン シリツ ビョウイン*ja;Unnan Shiritsu Byoin*ja,Unnan City Hospital*en;雲南市立病院*ja,,https://unnan-hp.jp,,unnan-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Unnan,Japan,11612633,NID201200338958916 +,https://ror.org/00zpddd51,Kumamoto Rehabilitation Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kumamoto Rehabilitation Hospital*en;社会医療法人令和会熊本リハビリテーション病院*ja,,https://kumareha.net,,kumareha.net,,,,,,,,,,Kikuyo,Japan,7413160,NID201200168815818 +,https://ror.org/050np5j74,Institute for Horticultural Plant Breeding*en,active,facility,園芸植物育種研究所*ja,Institute for Horticultural Plant Breeding*en;公益財団法人園芸植物育種研究所*ja,,https://www.enken.jp,,enken.jp,,,,,,,,,,Matsudo,Japan,1857553,NID201200307504087 +,https://ror.org/03jzxwd55,Japan Institute of Marine Engineering*en,active,facility,,Japan Institute of Marine Engineering*en;公益社団法人日本マリンエンジニアリング学会*ja,,https://www.jime.jp,,jime.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200000792626 +,https://ror.org/017ryfk58,Iwate University of Health and Medical Sciences*en,active,education,,Iwate University of Health and Medical Sciences*en;岩手保健医療大学*ja,,https://www.iwate-uhms.ac.jp,,iwate-uhms.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Morioka,Japan,2111834,NID201200886948924 +,https://ror.org/007g1vn56,Yuri Kumiai General Hospital*en,active,nonprofit,,Yuri Kumiai General Hospital*en;JA秋田厚生連由利組合総合病院*ja,,https://www.yuri-hospital.honjo.akita.jp,,yuri-hospital.honjo.akita.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yurihonjo,Japan,6822202,NID201200925645674 +,https://ror.org/050wvyk52,Matsusaka City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,マツサカ シミン ビョウイン*ja;Matsusaka Shimin Byoin*ja,Matsusaka City Hospital*en;松阪市民病院*ja,,https://www.city.matsusaka.mie.jp/site/hosannai/,,,,,,,,,,,,Matsusaka,Japan,11468431,NID201200627191781 +,https://ror.org/01qf62403,SUWA Central Hospital*en,active,healthcare,クミアイリツ スワ チュウオウ ビョウイン*ja;Kumiairitsu Suwa Chuo Byoin*ja,SUWA Central Hospital*en;組合立諏訪中央病院*ja,,https://www.suwachuo.jp,,suwachuo.jp,,,,,,,,,,Chino,Japan,1864557,NID201200192040264 +,https://ror.org/025mxtn51,Center for Environmental Information Science*en,active,nonprofit,,Center for Environmental Information Science*en;一般社団法人環境情報科学センター*ja,,https://www.ceis.or.jp,,ceis.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200624727615 +,https://ror.org/0305wnm79,Kanagawa Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Kanagawa Prefectural Government*en;神奈川県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.kanagawa.jp,,pref.kanagawa.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yokohama,Japan,1848354,NID201200191285589 +,https://ror.org/05bfveq94,Fukuoka Nursing College*en,active,education,,Fukuoka Nursing College*en;福岡看護大学*ja,,https://n.fdcnet.ac.jp,,n.fdcnet.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fukuoka,Japan,1863967,NID201200166237993 +,https://ror.org/00nhpg097,Kobe College of Education*en,active,education,コウベ キョウイク タンキ ダイガク*ja;Kobe Kyoiku Tanki Daigaku*ja,Kobe College of Education*en;神戸教育短期大学*ja,,https://www.shukugawa-c.ac.jp,,shukugawa-c.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kobe,Japan,1859171,NID201200586794571 +,https://ror.org/01e6xrt80,Japanese Nursing Association*en,active,other,,Japanese Nursing Association*en;公益社団法人日本看護協会*ja,,https://www.nurse.or.jp,,nurse.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kobe,Japan,1859171,NID201200269385171 +,https://ror.org/030t15102,Matsuyama Shinonome Junior College*en,active,education,Matsuyama Shinonome Tanki Daigaku*ja;マツヤマ シノノメ タンキ ダイガク*ja,Matsuyama Shinonome Junior College*en;松山東雲短期大学*ja,,https://college.shinonome.ac.jp,,college.shinonome.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Matsuyama,Japan,1926099,NID201200411256504 +,https://ror.org/02bxhgv17,The Japan Research Institute for Local Government*en,active,facility,Japan Research Institute for Local Government*en;地方自治総合研究所*ja,The Japan Research Institute for Local Government*en;公益財団法人地方自治総合研究所*ja,,https://jichisoken.jp,,jichisoken.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200984963379 +,https://ror.org/01eah2841,"Oita Prefectural Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Center*en",active,facility,オオイタケン ノウリン スイサン ケンキュウ シドウ センター*ja;Ooitaken Norin Suisan Kenkyu Shido Senta*ja,"Oita Prefectural Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Center*en;大分県農林水産研究指導センター*ja",,https://www.pref.oita.jp/soshiki/15082/,,,,,,,,,,,,Ōita,Japan,1854487,NID201200223693454 +,https://ror.org/00hc8av43,Japan Space Systems*en,active,nonprofit,宇宙システム開発利用推進機構*ja,Japan Space Systems*en;一般財団法人宇宙システム開発利用推進機構*ja,,https://www.jspacesystems.or.jp,,jspacesystems.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200799086010 +,https://ror.org/05wd4m765,Osaka Medical Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Osaka Medical Association*en;一般社団法人大阪府医師会*ja,,https://www.osaka.med.or.jp,,osaka.med.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200690889279 +,https://ror.org/02j1mt797,Yokosuka General Hospital Uwamachi*en,active,healthcare,,Yokosuka General Hospital Uwamachi*en;横須賀市立うわまち病院*ja,,https://www.jadecomhp-uwamachi.jp,,jadecomhp-uwamachi.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yokosuka,Japan,1848313,NID201200584028197 +,https://ror.org/00w16jn86,Uji-Tokushukai Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Uji-Tokushukai Medical Center*en;医療法人徳洲会宇治徳洲会病院*ja,,https://www.tokushukai.or.jp,,tokushukai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Uji,Japan,1849372,NID201200481433238 +,https://ror.org/02vdyab02,NUCLEAR Safety Technology Center*en,active,facility,原子力安全技術センター*ja,NUCLEAR Safety Technology Center*en;公益財団法人原子力安全技術センター*ja,,https://www.nustec.or.jp,,nustec.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200825929353 +,https://ror.org/03mwd2t56,Cardiovascular Hospital of Central Japan*en,active,healthcare,,Cardiovascular Hospital of Central Japan*en;北関東循環器病院*ja,,https://www.ccj.or.jp,,ccj.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Shibukawa,Japan,1852595,NID201200164551800 +,https://ror.org/042wasb67,"Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries*en",active,facility,ノウリン スイサンショウ ノウリン スイサン セイサク ケンキュウジョ*ja;Norin Suisansho Norin Suisan Seisaku Kenkyujo*ja,"Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries*en;農林水産省農林水産政策研究所*ja",,https://www.maff.go.jp/primaff/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200284696476 +,https://ror.org/01yen8f82,Yachiyo Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Yachiyo Hospital*en;社会医療法人財団新和会八千代病院*ja,,https://www.yachiyo-hosp.or.jp,,yachiyo-hosp.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Anjo,Japan,1865294,NID201200452203916 +,https://ror.org/04ympke82,General Building Research Corporation of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,日本建築総合試験所*ja,General Building Research Corporation of Japan*en;一般財団法人日本建築総合試験所*ja,,https://www.gbrc.or.jp,,gbrc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Suita,Japan,1851483,NID201200441111169 +,https://ror.org/01ww30x54,Public Tomioka General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Public Tomioka General Hospital*en;公立富岡総合病院*ja,,https://www.tomioka-hosp.jp,,tomioka-hosp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tomioka,Japan,1850091,NID201200968682919 +,https://ror.org/02cpxvv16,Teikyo Junior College*en,active,education,テイキョウ タンキ ダイガク*ja;Teikyo Tanki Daigaku*ja,Teikyo Junior College*en;帝京短期大学*ja,,https://www.teikyo-jc.ac.jp,,teikyo-jc.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200290813799 +,https://ror.org/0399pg384,Tokushima Prefectural Industrial Technology Center*en,active,facility,トクシマ ケンリツ コウギョウ ギジュツ センター*ja;Tokushima Kenritsu Kogyo Gijutsu Senta*ja,Tokushima Prefectural Industrial Technology Center*en;徳島県立工業技術センター*ja,,https://www.itc.pref.tokushima.jp,,itc.pref.tokushima.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokushima,Japan,1850158,NID201200333572182 +,https://ror.org/04h9pf148,Okayama Prefectural Institute for Environmental Science and Public Health*en,active,facility,Okayamaken Kankyo Hoken Senta*ja;オカヤマケン カンキョウ ホケン センター*ja,Okayama Prefectural Institute for Environmental Science and Public Health*en;岡山県環境保健センター*ja,,https://www.pref.okayama.jp/site/712/,,,,,,,,,,,,Okayama,Japan,1854383,NID201200160148448 +,https://ror.org/011xdz256,Iwate Prefectural Forestry Technology Center*en,active,facility,イワテケン リンギョウ ギジュツ センター*ja;Iwateken Ringyo Gijutsu Senta*ja,Iwate Prefectural Forestry Technology Center*en;岩手県林業技術センター*ja,,https://www2.pref.iwate.jp/~hp1017/,,,,,,,,,,,,Shiwa,Japan,2111005,NID201200507640473 +,https://ror.org/04gvrc423,Okitama Public General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Okitama Public General Hospital*en;公立置賜総合病院*ja,,https://www.okitama-hp.or.jp,,okitama-hp.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kawanishi,Japan,1859675,NID201200624078478 +,https://ror.org/042qg8e60,Atsugi City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,アツギ シリツ ビョウイン*ja;Atsugi Shiritsu Byoin*ja,Atsugi City Hospital*en;厚木市立病院*ja,,https://www.atsugicity-hp.jp,,atsugicity-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Atsugi,Japan,1847963,NID201200456010893 +,https://ror.org/019xtd122,Japan Management Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Japan Management Association*en;一般社団法人日本能率協会*ja,,https://www.jma.or.jp,,jma.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200009097151 +,https://ror.org/01sysa144,Seikeikai Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Seikeikai Hospital*en;社会医療法人清恵会清恵会病院*ja,,https://seikeikai.or.jp/seikeikai/,,,,,,,,,,,,Sakai,Japan,1853195,NID201200739945917 +,https://ror.org/02h8ntn95,Fukuoka Wajiro Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Fukuoka Wajiro Hospital*en;社会医療法人財団池友会福岡和白病院*ja,,https://www.f-wajirohp.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Fukuoka,Japan,1863967,NID201200481652365 +,https://ror.org/03wm0hx40,Ofuna Chuo Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Ofuna Chuo Hospital*en;社会医療法人財団互恵会大船中央病院*ja,,https://www.ofunachuohp.net,,ofunachuohp.net,,,,,,,,,,Kamakura,Japan,1860672,NID201200323907767 +,https://ror.org/03m0f1043,Tsukuba Central Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Tsukuba Central Hospital*en;社会医療法人若竹会つくばセントラル病院*ja,,https://www.central.or.jp,,central.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Ushiku,Japan,2110629,NID201200622001461 +,https://ror.org/00xvcvx97,Nagasaki Memorial Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Nagasaki Memorial Hospital*en;社会医療法人長崎記念病院*ja,,https://www.nmhp.or.jp,,nmhp.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagasaki,Japan,1856177,NID201200084629942 +,https://ror.org/03ydjev11,IRYO Sosei University*en,active,education,,IRYO Sosei University*en;医療創生大学*ja,,https://www.isu.ac.jp,,isu.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Iwaki,Japan,2112539,NID201200725460835 +,https://ror.org/01q9hyq02,Sasebo Kyosai Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Sasebo Kyosai Hospital*en;国家公務員共済組合連合会佐世保共済病院*ja,,https://sb.kkr.or.jp,,sb.kkr.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sasebo,Japan,1852899,NID201200060611813 +,https://ror.org/046cmpm03,Iwate Fisheries Technology Center*en,active,facility,Iwateken Suisan Gijutsu Senta*ja;イワテケン スイサン ギジュツ センター*ja,Iwate Fisheries Technology Center*en;岩手県水産技術センター*ja,,https://www2.suigi.pref.iwate.jp,,suigi.pref.iwate.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kamaishi,Japan,2112444,NID201200727004921 +,https://ror.org/01zdtdh72,Yamaguchi Prefectural Industrial Technology Institute*en,active,facility,山口県産業技術センター*ja,Yamaguchi Prefectural Industrial Technology Institute*en;地方独立行政法人山口県産業技術センター*ja,,https://www.iti-yamaguchi.or.jp,,iti-yamaguchi.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Ube,Japan,1849498,NID201200303545651 +,https://ror.org/02fe00a81,Environmental Management And Technology Center*en,active,facility,関西環境管理技術センター*ja,Environmental Management And Technology Center*en;一般財団法人関西環境管理技術センター*ja,,https://www.ematec.or.jp,,ematec.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200276895108 +,https://ror.org/037va9e86,Hirakata Kohsai Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Hirakata Kohsai Hospital*en;国家公務員共済組合連合会枚方公済病院*ja,,https://hirakoh.kkr.or.jp,,hirakoh.kkr.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hirakata,Japan,1862540,NID201200087239470 +,https://ror.org/00cq1sr42,Food and Agricultural Materials Inspection Center*en,active,facility,,Food and Agricultural Materials Inspection Center*en;独立行政法人農林水産消費安全技術センター*ja,,http://www.famic.go.jp,,famic.go.jp,,,,,,,,,,Saitama,Japan,6940394,NID201200845666342 +,https://ror.org/038hap456,Niigata Rheumatic Center*en,active,healthcare,,Niigata Rheumatic Center*en;新潟県立リウマチセンター*ja,,https://www.ra-center.com,,ra-center.com,,,,,,,,,,Shibata,Japan,1852607,NID201200683683442 +,https://ror.org/052eb8626,Shimane Institute Of Health Science*en,active,facility,ヘルスサイエンスセンター島根*ja,Shimane Institute Of Health Science*en;公益財団法人ヘルスサイエンスセンター島根*ja,,https://www.hsc-shimane.jp,,hsc-shimane.jp,,,,,,,,,,Izumo,Japan,1861084,NID201200205588716 +,https://ror.org/016nnmm16,Miyagi Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Miyagi Prefectural Government*en;宮城県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.miyagi.jp,,pref.miyagi.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sendai,Japan,2111149,NID201200104128118 +,https://ror.org/03s0kpb69,JR Sapporo Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,JR Sapporo Hospital*en;JR札幌病院*ja,,https://hospital.jrhokkaido.co.jp,,hospital.jrhokkaido.co.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sapporo,Japan,2128295,NID201200618718449 +,https://ror.org/01ws30v92,Gamagori City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Gamagori City Hospital*en;蒲郡市民病院*ja,,https://gamagori-hospital.com,,gamagori-hospital.com,,,,,,,,,,Gamagori,Japan,1863693,NID201200796305516 +,https://ror.org/05bpgjr24,Rissho Kosei-kai Hospital*en,inactive,healthcare,,Rissho Kosei-kai Hospital*en;立正佼成会附属佼成病院*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200370089917 +,https://ror.org/03cgzzr66,Minamisoma Municipal General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Minamisoma Municipal General Hospital*en;南相馬市立総合病院*ja,,https://m-soma-hsp.com,,m-soma-hsp.com,,,,,,,,,,Minamisoma,Japan,6822149,NID201200881709856 +,https://ror.org/05amt1h64,Electron Science Institute*en,active,facility,電子科学研究所*ja,Electron Science Institute*en;一般財団法人電子科学研究所*ja,,https://www.esi.or.jp,,esi.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200460764007 +,https://ror.org/05227xs87,Tagawa Hospital*en,active,healthcare,福岡県社会保険医療協会社会保険田川病院*ja,Tagawa Hospital*en;一般財団法人福岡県社会保険医療協会社会保険田川病院*ja,,https://www.s-tagawa-hp.tagawa.fukuoka.jp,,s-tagawa-hp.tagawa.fukuoka.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tagawa,Japan,1851273,NID201200978098764 +,https://ror.org/0468zj874,Tokyo Health Service Association*en,active,nonprofit,東京都予防医学協会*ja,Tokyo Health Service Association*en;公益財団法人東京都予防医学協会*ja,,https://www.yobouigaku-tokyo.or.jp,,yobouigaku-tokyo.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200344406731 +,https://ror.org/0561be828,Iwate Prefectural Iwai Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Iwate Prefectural Iwai Hospital*en;岩手県立磐井病院*ja,,https://www.iwai-hp.com,,iwai-hp.com,,,,,,,,,,Ichinoseki,Japan,2112656,NID201200210058084 +,https://ror.org/01ac0ay07,Kawasaki City Institute for Public Health*en,active,facility,Kawasakishi Kenko Anzen Kenkyujo*ja;カワサキシ ケンコウ アンゼン ケンキュウジョ*ja,Kawasaki City Institute for Public Health*en;川崎市健康安全研究所*ja,,https://www.city.kawasaki.jp/kurashi/category/22-13-8-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Kawasaki,Japan,1859642,NID201200176074038 +,https://ror.org/04n1h6833,Isehara Kyodo Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Isehara Kyodo Hospital*en;JA神奈川厚生連伊勢原協同病院*ja,,https://www.iseharahp.com,,iseharahp.com,,,,,,,,,,Isehara,Japan,1861449,NID201200820131959 +,https://ror.org/05k8qyy21,Japan Medical Imaging and Radiological Systems Industries Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Japan Medical Imaging and Radiological Systems Industries Association*en;一般社団法人日本画像医療システム工業会*ja,,https://www.jira-net.or.jp,,jira-net.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200534132682 +,https://ror.org/04bht2a94,Ise Municipal General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Ise Municipal General Hospital*en;市立伊勢総合病院*ja,,https://hospital.city.ise.mie.jp,,hospital.city.ise.mie.jp,,,,,,,,,,Ise,Japan,1861450,NID201200784649570 +,https://ror.org/059vb7y44,Nanpuh Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Nanpuh Hospital*en;公益社団法人鹿児島共済会南風病院*ja,,https://www.nanpuh.or.jp,,nanpuh.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kagoshima,Japan,1860827,NID201200937135660 +,https://ror.org/05kf0fr54,Suzuka Kaisei Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Suzuka Kaisei Hospital*en;社会医療法人峰和会鈴鹿回生病院*ja,,http://www.kaiseihp.com,,kaiseihp.com,,,,,,,,,,Suzuka,Japan,1851348,NID201200834526402 +,https://ror.org/01dxv6p09,Japan Water Research Center*en,active,nonprofit,水道技術研究センター*ja,Japan Water Research Center*en;公益財団法人水道技術研究センター*ja,,https://www.jwrc-net.or.jp,,jwrc-net.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200382642858 +,https://ror.org/054kjfv40,Yamanashi Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Yamanashi Prefectural Government*en;山梨県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.yamanashi.jp,,pref.yamanashi.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kofu,Japan,1859100,NID201200290046102 +,https://ror.org/00n1gz317,Tokyo Kasei Junior College*en,active,education,Tokyo Kasei Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja;トウキョウ カセイ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja,Tokyo Kasei Junior College*en;東京家政大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.tokyo-kasei.ac.jp/academics/junior_college/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200760774078 +,https://ror.org/00x62xy97,The Land Institute of Japan*en,active,facility,土地総合研究所*ja;Land Institute of Japan*en,The Land Institute of Japan*en;一般財団法人土地総合研究所*ja,,https://www.lij.jp,,lij.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200129239095 +,https://ror.org/0128bs295,Inazawa Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Inazawa Shimin Byoin*ja;イナザワ シミン ビョウイン*ja,Inazawa Municipal Hospital*en;稲沢市民病院*ja,,https://www.inazawa-hospital.jp,,inazawa-hospital.jp,,,,,,,,,,Inazawa,Japan,1861602,NID201200002654164 +,https://ror.org/016r0x448,Mie Prefecture Fisheries Research Institute*en,active,facility,Mieken Suisan Kenkyujo*ja;ミエケン スイサン ケンキュウジョ*ja,Mie Prefecture Fisheries Research Institute*en;三重県水産研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.mie.lg.jp/suigi/hp/,,,,,,,,,,,,Shima,Japan,1852481,NID201200830128091 +,https://ror.org/03dq5hx50,Chutoen General Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Chutoen General Medical Center*en;掛川市・袋井市病院企業団立中東遠総合医療センター*ja,,https://www.chutoen-hp.shizuoka.jp,,chutoen-hp.shizuoka.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kakegawa,Japan,1860728,NID201200563271082 +,https://ror.org/03e1qkx04,Yamagata Prefectural Forest Research and Instruction Center*en,active,facility,ヤマガタケン シンリン ケンキュウ ケンシュウ センター*ja;Yamagataken Shinrin Kenkyu Kenshu Senta*ja,Yamagata Prefectural Forest Research and Instruction Center*en;山形県森林研究研修センター*ja,,https://www.pref.yamagata.jp/sangyo/nourinsuisangyou/ringyo/142003/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Sagae,Japan,2111248,NID201200104439607 +,https://ror.org/02fc7c239,Tsushima City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Tsushima City Hospital*en;津島市民病院*ja,,http://www.tsushimacity-hp.jp,,tsushimacity-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tsushima,Japan,1849539,NID201200745933078 +,https://ror.org/02mn89d43,Nishio Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Nishio Shimin Byoin*ja;ニシオ シミン ビョウイン*ja,Nishio Municipal Hospital*en;西尾市民病院*ja,,https://hospital.city.nishio.aichi.jp,,hospital.city.nishio.aichi.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nishio,Japan,1855189,NID201200576391056 +,https://ror.org/02tzt1z19,The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan*en,The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan*en;一般社団法人電気学会*ja,,https://www.iee.jp,,iee.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200043885839 +,https://ror.org/00vc3qb55,Japan Power Engineering and Inspection Corporation*en,active,nonprofit,発電設備技術検査協会*ja,Japan Power Engineering and Inspection Corporation*en;一般財団法人発電設備技術検査協会*ja,,https://japeic.or.jp,,japeic.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200421116252 +,https://ror.org/01p6f7g83,SAITAMA SEKISHINKAI Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,SAITAMA SEKISHINKAI Hospital*en;社会医療法人財団石心会埼玉石心会病院*ja,,https://saitama-sekishinkai.jp,,saitama-sekishinkai.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sayama,Japan,1907146,NID201200385990330 +,https://ror.org/057p7sf36,Japan Testing Center for Construction Materials*en,active,facility,建材試験センター*ja,Japan Testing Center for Construction Materials*en;一般財団法人建材試験センター*ja,,https://www.jtccm.or.jp,,jtccm.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200411929736 +,https://ror.org/03rzv1186,Tagawa Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Tagawa Municipal Hospital*en;田川市立病院*ja,,http://hospital.city.tagawa.fukuoka.jp,,hospital.city.tagawa.fukuoka.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tagawa,Japan,1851273,NID201200779203367 +,https://ror.org/015xqjq34,Yokohama Brain and Spine Center*en,active,healthcare,,Yokohama Brain and Spine Center*en;横浜市立脳卒中・神経脊椎センター*ja,,https://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/kenko-iryo-fukushi/kenko-iryo/byoin/ybsc/,,,,,,,,,,,,Yokohama,Japan,1848354,NID201200636191196 +,https://ror.org/00ye93n57,Yoka Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Yoka Hospital*en;公立八鹿病院*ja,,http://www.hosp.yoka.hyogo.jp,,hosp.yoka.hyogo.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yabu,Japan,1848852,NID201200413281953 +,https://ror.org/04tq97318,"Society of Environmental Science, Japan*en",active,nonprofit,,"Society of Environmental Science, Japan*en;公益社団法人環境科学会*ja",,https://www.ses.or.jp,,ses.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200326074945 +,https://ror.org/014d2dj78,Yamaguchi Prefectural Agriculture and Forestry General Technology Center*en,active,facility,Yamaguchiken Norin Sogo Gijutsu Senta*ja;ヤマグチケン ノウリン ソウゴウ ギジュツ センター*ja,Yamaguchi Prefectural Agriculture and Forestry General Technology Center*en;山口県農林総合技術センター*ja,,https://www.pref.yamaguchi.lg.jp/soshiki/122/,,,,,,,,,,,,Hofu,Japan,1862302,NID201200535434824 +,https://ror.org/0208kvs35,Nagoya Public Institute of Medicine*en,active,facility,名古屋公衆医学研究所*ja,Nagoya Public Institute of Medicine*en;一般財団法人名古屋公衆医学研究所*ja,,https://www.meikoui.or.jp,,meikoui.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagoya,Japan,1856057,NID201200477143253 +,https://ror.org/013qjyp86,Industrial Technology Center of Tochigi Prefecture*en,active,facility,Tochigiken Sangyo Gijutsu Senta*ja;トチギケン サンギョウ ギジュツ センター*ja,Industrial Technology Center of Tochigi Prefecture*en;栃木県産業技術センター*ja,,https://iri.pref.tochigi.lg.jp,,iri.pref.tochigi.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Utsunomiya,Japan,1849053,NID201200856921900 +,https://ror.org/007ag2e14,Fujieda Heisei Memorial Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Fujieda Heisei Memorial Hospital*en;医療法人社団平成会藤枝平成記念病院*ja,,https://heiseihp.com,,heiseihp.com,,,,,,,,,,Fujieda,Japan,1864132,NID201200473539269 +,https://ror.org/037teva93,Manufacturing Science and Technology Center*en,active,facility,製造科学技術センター*ja,Manufacturing Science and Technology Center*en;一般財団法人製造科学技術センター*ja,,https://www.mstc.or.jp,,mstc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200766857054 +,https://ror.org/028hemt13,Tokiwa Junior College*en,active,education,,Tokiwa Junior College*en;常磐短期大学*ja,,https://www.tokiwa.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Mito,Japan,2111901,NID201200390171135 +,https://ror.org/047mtdf33,Agency for Natural Resources and Energy*en,active,government,シゲン エネルギーチョウ*ja;Shigen Enerugicho*ja,Agency for Natural Resources and Energy*en;資源エネルギー庁*ja,,https://www.enecho.meti.go.jp,,enecho.meti.go.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200615081214 +,https://ror.org/04v440f32,Konan Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,甲南病院*ja;Konan Hospital*en,Konan Medical Center*en;公益財団法人甲南会甲南医療センター*ja,,https://kohnan.or.jp/kohnan/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kobe,Japan,1859171,NID201200454896826 +,https://ror.org/05m88m864,Yonezawa City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Yonezawa Shiritsu Byoin*ja;ヨネザワ シリツ ビョウイン*ja,Yonezawa City Hospital*en;米沢市立病院*ja,,https://yonezawa-city-hospital.jp,,yonezawa-city-hospital.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yonezawa,Japan,2110498,NID201200020253428 +,https://ror.org/038wr0v37,Tottori Institute of Industrial Technology*en,active,facility,鳥取県産業技術センター*ja,Tottori Institute of Industrial Technology*en;地方独立行政法人鳥取県産業技術センター*ja,,https://tiit.or.jp,,tiit.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tottori,Japan,1849892,NID201200735196269 +,https://ror.org/026hasc65,Shinbeppu Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Shinbeppu Hospital*en;国家公務員共済組合連合会新別府病院*ja,,https://sbh.kkr.or.jp,,sbh.kkr.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Beppu,Japan,1864750,NID201200950628291 +,https://ror.org/03wjngf63,Ibaraki Prefectural Institute of Public Health*en,active,facility,Ibarakiken Eisei Kenkyujo*ja;イバラキケン エイセイ ケンキュウジョ*ja,Ibaraki Prefectural Institute of Public Health*en;茨城県衛生研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.ibaraki.jp/soshiki/hokenfukushi/eiken/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Mito,Japan,2111901,NID201200450336416 +,https://ror.org/04100x327,Gifu Prefectural Agricultural Technology Center*en,active,facility,Gifuken Nogyo Gijutsu Senta*ja;ギフケン ノウギョウ ギジュツ センター*ja,Gifu Prefectural Agricultural Technology Center*en;岐阜県農業技術センター*ja,,https://www.g-agri.rd.pref.gifu.lg.jp,,g-agri.rd.pref.gifu.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Gifu,Japan,1863641,NID201200824649351 +,https://ror.org/029yr5c74,Kagawa Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station*en,active,facility,Kagawaken Nogyo Shikenjo*ja;カガワケン ノウギョウ シケンジョウ*ja,Kagawa Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station*en;香川県農業試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.kagawa.lg.jp/noshi/,,,,,,,,,,,,Takamatsu,Japan,1851100,NID201200888461735 +,https://ror.org/0373e2w33,Japan Public Health Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本公衆衛生協会*ja,Japan Public Health Association*en;一般財団法人日本公衆衛生協会*ja,JPHA*en,http://www.jpha.or.jp,,jpha.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200800931236 +,https://ror.org/05jtnqh09,Osaka Design Center*en,active,facility,大阪デザインセンター*ja,Osaka Design Center*en;一般財団法人大阪デザインセンター*ja,,https://www.osakadc.jp,,osakadc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200273364162 +,https://ror.org/00jkndb94,Japan Water Agency*en,active,government,,Japan Water Agency*en;独立行政法人水資源機構*ja,,https://www.water.go.jp,,water.go.jp,,,,,,,,,,Saitama,Japan,6940394,NID201200846025465 +,https://ror.org/0189v8q85,Yame General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Koritsu Yame Sogo Byoin*ja;コウリツ ヤメ ソウゴウ ビョウイン*ja,Yame General Hospital*en;公立八女総合病院*ja,,https://hosp-yame.jp/hospital/,,,,,,,,,,,,Yame,Japan,11611476,NID201200597085600 +,https://ror.org/033wde937,Fussa Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Koritsu Fussa Byoin*ja;コウリツ フッサ ビョウイン*ja,Fussa Hospital*en;公立福生病院*ja,,https://www.fussahp.jp,,fussahp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fussa,Japan,1907148,NID201200623854604 +,https://ror.org/01f8dzj77,Kuwana City Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,桑名市総合医療センター*ja,Kuwana City Medical Center*en;地方独立行政法人桑名市総合医療センター*ja,,https://www.kuwanacmc.or.jp,,kuwanacmc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Wakayama,Japan,1926004,NID201200674893209 +,https://ror.org/05dbskv62,PL Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,PL Hospital*en;医療法人宝生会PL病院*ja,,https://www.plhospital.or.jp,,plhospital.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tondabayashi,Japan,1850034,NID201200470799073 +,https://ror.org/04e4qr749,Japan Environment Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本環境協会*ja,Japan Environment Association*en;公益財団法人日本環境協会*ja,JEA*en,https://www.jeas.or.jp,,jeas.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200927085641 +,https://ror.org/049dv0m11,Mutsu General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Mutsu Sogo Byoin*ja;ムツ ソウゴウ ビョウイン*ja,Mutsu General Hospital*en;むつ総合病院*ja,,https://www.hospital-mutsu.or.jp,,hospital-mutsu.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Mutsu,Japan,2127878,NID201200356897659 +,https://ror.org/023ss7c43,"Tokushima Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Technology Support Center*en",active,facility,Tokushima Kenritsu Norin Suisan Sogo Gijutsu Shien Senta*ja;トクシマ ケンリツ ノウリン スイサン ソウゴウ ギジュツ シエン センター*ja,"Tokushima Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Technology Support Center*en;徳島県立農林水産総合技術支援センター*ja",,https://www.pref.tokushima.lg.jp/tafftsc/,,,,,,,,,,,,Ishii,Japan,1861400,NID201200787134831 +,https://ror.org/02g5mge27,Nishiwaki Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Nishiwaki Shiritsu Nishiwaki Byoin*ja;ニシワキ シリツ ニシワキ ビョウイン*ja,Nishiwaki Municipal Hospital*en;西脇市立西脇病院*ja,,https://www.city.nishiwaki.lg.jp/hospital/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Nishiwaki,Japan,1855134,NID201200735999350 +,https://ror.org/05ajree11,Kohka Public Hospital*en,active,healthcare,公立甲賀病院*ja,Kohka Public Hospital*en;地方独立行政法人公立甲賀病院*ja,,https://www.kohka-hp.or.jp,,kohka-hp.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kōka,Japan,6822117,NID201200047823992 +,https://ror.org/00hb4j726,Yokohama Environmental Science Research Institute*en,active,facility,ヨコハマシ カンキョウ カガク ケンキュウジョ*ja;Yokohamashi Kankyo Kagaku Kenkyujo*ja,Yokohama Environmental Science Research Institute*en;横浜市環境科学研究所*ja,,https://www.city.yokohama.lg.jp/kurashi/machizukuri-kankyo/kankyohozen/kansoku/science/,,,,,,,,,,,,Yokohama,Japan,1848354,NID201200489615070 +,https://ror.org/00brrcj79,Nagano Animal Industry Experiment Station*en,active,facility,Naganoken Chikusan Shikenjo*ja;ナガノケン チクサン シケンジョウ*ja,Nagano Animal Industry Experiment Station*en;長野県畜産試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.nagano.lg.jp/chikusanshiken/,,,,,,,,,,,,Shiojiri,Japan,1852003,NID201200739030642 +,https://ror.org/00qsrmq07,"Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology Agency*en",active,government,,"Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology Agency*en;独立行政法人鉄道建設・運輸施設整備支援機構*ja",JRTT*en,https://www.jrtt.go.jp,,jrtt.go.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yokohama,Japan,1848354,NID201200693805753 +,https://ror.org/0244p6188,Okinawa Prefectural Plant Protection Center*en,active,facility,Okinawaken Byogaichu Bojo Gijutsu Senta*ja;オキナワケン ビョウガイチュウ ボウジョ ギジュツ センター*ja,Okinawa Prefectural Plant Protection Center*en;沖縄県病害虫防除技術センター*ja,,https://www.pref.okinawa.jp/shigoto/nogyo/1010700/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Naha,Japan,1856035,NID201200404997407 +,https://ror.org/01nf7g970,Aiseikai Yamashina Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Aiseikai Yamashina Hospital*en;一般社団法人愛生会山科病院*ja,,https://www.aiseikaihp.or.jp,,aiseikaihp.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200672676880 +,https://ror.org/00msgqq02,Steel Memorial Muroran Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Steel Memorial Muroran Hospital*en;社会医療法人製鉄記念室蘭病院*ja,,https://www.nshp-muroran.or.jp,,nshp-muroran.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Muroran,Japan,2129101,NID201200760265860 +,https://ror.org/03w63ta28,Kato Ladies Clinic*en,active,healthcare,,Kato Ladies Clinic*en;加藤レディスクリニック*ja,,https://www.towako-kato.com,,towako-kato.com,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200841249963 +,https://ror.org/0044png46,Tottori Agricultural Experiment Station*en,active,facility,Tottoriken Nogyo Shikenjo*ja;トットリケン ノウギョウ シケンジョウ*ja,Tottori Agricultural Experiment Station*en;鳥取県農業試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.tottori.lg.jp/nogyoshiken/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tottori,Japan,1849892,NID201200083758090 +,https://ror.org/01grym831,"Shikoku University, Junior College*en",active,education,Shikoku Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja;シコク ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja,"Shikoku University, Junior College*en;四国大学短期大学部*ja",,https://www.shikoku-u.ac.jp/academics/junior/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokushima,Japan,1850158,NID201200211933021 +,https://ror.org/05nn4ph13,Hata Kenmin Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Hata Kenmin Hospital*en;高知県立幡多けんみん病院*ja,,https://www.pref.kochi.lg.jp/hata/,,,,,,,,,,,,Sukumo,Japan,1851462,NID201200568582521 +,https://ror.org/05kpa2035,Industrial Research Institute of Niigata Prefecture*en,active,facility,Niigataken Kogyo Gijutsu Sogo Kenkyujo*ja;ニイガタケン コウギョウ ギジュツ ソウゴウ ケンキュウジョ*ja,Industrial Research Institute of Niigata Prefecture*en;新潟県工業技術総合研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.niigata.lg.jp/site/iri/,,,,,,,,,,,,Niigata,Japan,1855431,NID201200355732016 +,https://ror.org/02mpa7586,Yamanashi Gakuin Junior College*en,active,education,ヤマナシ ガクイン タンキ ダイガク*ja;Yamanashi Gakuin Tanki Daigaku*ja,Yamanashi Gakuin Junior College*en;山梨学院短期大学*ja,,https://www.ygjc.ac.jp,,ygjc.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kofu,Japan,1859096,NID201200415992729 +,https://ror.org/05kapbh20,Niigata Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Niigata Prefectural Government*en;新潟県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.niigata.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Niigata,Japan,1855431,NID201200569773445 +,https://ror.org/05vsgas81,Nagoya City Institute For Environmental Sciences*en,active,facility,ナゴヤシ カンキョウ カガク チョウサ センター*ja;Nagoyashi Kankyo Kagaku Chosa Senta*ja,Nagoya City Institute For Environmental Sciences*en;名古屋市環境科学調査センター*ja,,https://www.city.nagoya.jp/kurashi/category/19-21-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Nagoya,Japan,1856057,NID201200500205226 +,https://ror.org/032rjhh75,Nagano Fruit Tree Experiment Station*en,active,facility,Naganoken Kaju Shikenjo*ja;ナガノケン カジュ シケンジョウ*ja,Nagano Fruit Tree Experiment Station*en;長野県果樹試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.nagano.lg.jp/kajushiken/,,,,,,,,,,,,Nagano,Japan,1856215,NID201200542369403 +,https://ror.org/03psq8c32,Iwaki City Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,イワキシ イリョウ センター*ja;Iwakishi Iryo Senta*ja,Iwaki City Medical Center*en;いわき市医療センター*ja,,https://iwaki-city-medical-center.jp,,iwaki-city-medical-center.jp,,,,,,,,,,Iwaki,Japan,2112539,NID201200149041043 +,https://ror.org/0183te774,The Institute of Statistical Research*en,active,facility,統計研究会*ja;Institute of Statistical Research*en,The Institute of Statistical Research*en;一般財団法人統計研究会*ja,,https://www.zai-keicho.or.jp,,zai-keicho.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200917371884 +,https://ror.org/006m32489,Hyogo Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Hyogo Prefectural Government*en;兵庫県庁*ja,,https://web.pref.hyogo.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Kobe,Japan,1859171,NID201200191709210 +,https://ror.org/02p1mzj94,National Statistics Center*en,active,facility,,National Statistics Center*en;独立行政法人統計センター*ja,,https://www.nstac.go.jp,,nstac.go.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200403996539 +,https://ror.org/007j3xx12,Jikei University of Health Care Sciences*en,active,education,,Jikei University of Health Care Sciences*en;滋慶医療科学大学*ja,,https://www.juhs.ac.jp,,juhs.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200215254896 +,https://ror.org/052kp6r10,Saka General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,宮城厚生協会坂総合病院*ja,Saka General Hospital*en;公益財団法人宮城厚生協会坂総合病院*ja,,https://www.m-kousei.com/saka/,,,,,,,,,,,,Shiogama,Japan,2111049,NID201200649079522 +,https://ror.org/028p89q89,North Eastern Industrial Research Center of Shiga Prefecture*en,active,facility,Shigaken Tohokubu Kogyo Gijutsu Senta*ja;シガケン トウホクブ コウギョウ ギジュツ センター*ja,North Eastern Industrial Research Center of Shiga Prefecture*en;滋賀県東北部工業技術センター*ja,,https://www.hik.shiga-irc.go.jp,,hik.shiga-irc.go.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagahama,Japan,1856243,NID201200360202687 +,https://ror.org/04a79d524,International Medical Information Center*en,active,facility,国際医学情報センター*ja,International Medical Information Center*en;一般財団法人国際医学情報センター*ja,IMIC*en,https://www.imic.or.jp,,imic.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200850012624 +,https://ror.org/02t989p36,Chihaya Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Chihaya Hospital*en;国家公務員共済組合連合会千早病院*ja,,https://chihaya-hp.kkr.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Fukuoka,Japan,1863967,NID201200735466461 +,https://ror.org/04p6trc94,Tsukuba Gakuen Hospital*en,active,healthcare,筑波麓仁会筑波学園病院*ja,Tsukuba Gakuen Hospital*en;一般財団法人筑波麓仁会筑波学園病院*ja,,https://gakuen-hospital.or.jp,,gakuen-hospital.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tsukuba,Japan,2110681,NID201200227370843 +,https://ror.org/01tpx7q41,Kochi Prefectural Forest Technology Center*en,active,facility,コウチ ケンリツ シンリン ギジュツ センター*ja;Kochi Kenritsu Shinrin Gijutsu Senta*ja,Kochi Prefectural Forest Technology Center*en;高知県立森林技術センター*ja,,https://www.pref.kochi.lg.jp/soshiki/030000/030102/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kami,Japan,7405900,NID201200110247724 +,https://ror.org/03gngkv54,Sapporo City Institute of Public Health*en,active,facility,サッポロシ エイセイ ケンキュウジョ*ja;Sapporoshi Eisei Kenkyujo*ja,Sapporo City Institute of Public Health*en;札幌市衛生研究所*ja,,https://www.city.sapporo.jp/eiken/,,,,,,,,,,,,Sapporo,Japan,2128295,NID201200621328260 +,https://ror.org/00jakdf17,The Social Development Research Center*en,active,facility,社会開発研究センター*ja;Social Development Research Center*en,The Social Development Research Center*en;一般財団法人社会開発研究センター*ja,,https://www.sdrc.jp,,sdrc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200192540854 +,https://ror.org/03rkrnn78,Takamatsu Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,タカマツ シリツ ミンナ ノ ビョウイン*ja;Takamatsu Shiritsu Minna No Byoin*ja,Takamatsu Municipal Hospital*en;高松市立みんなの病院*ja,,https://www.takamatsu-municipal-hospital.jp,,takamatsu-municipal-hospital.jp,,,,,,,,,,Takamatsu,Japan,1851100,NID201200199634192 +,https://ror.org/049jaya88,Japanese Society of School Health*en,active,nonprofit,日本学校保健会*ja,Japanese Society of School Health*en;公益財団法人日本学校保健会*ja,,https://www.hokenkai.or.jp,,hokenkai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200083053526 +,https://ror.org/01t9d4c21,Tokyo Shinagawa Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Tokyo Shinagawa Hospital*en;医療法人社団緑野会東京品川病院*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200996561534 +,https://ror.org/01e87x925,The Institute of Cetacean Research*en,active,facility,Institute of Cetacean Research*en;日本鯨類研究所*ja,The Institute of Cetacean Research*en;一般財団法人日本鯨類研究所*ja,,https://www.icrwhale.org,,icrwhale.org,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200484736417 +,https://ror.org/03827k711,Chugoku Junior College*en,active,education,Chugoku Tanki Daigaku*ja;チュウゴク タンキ ダイガク*ja,Chugoku Junior College*en;中国短期大学*ja,,https://www.cjc.ac.jp,,cjc.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Okayama,Japan,1854383,NID201200852436840 +,https://ror.org/05erkh051,Ibaraki Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Ibaraki Prefectural Government*en;茨城県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.ibaraki.jp,,pref.ibaraki.jp,,,,,,,,,,Mito,Japan,2111901,NID201200848139025 +,https://ror.org/04xfw1m83,Shingu Municipal Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Shingu Municipal Medical Center*en;新宮市立医療センター*ja,,http://www.hsp.shingu.wakayama.jp,,hsp.shingu.wakayama.jp,,,,,,,,,,Shingu,Japan,1847947,NID201200270864546 +,https://ror.org/02je4dt23,Hyogo Prefectural Harima-Himeji General Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Hyogo Prefectural Harima-Himeji General Medical Center*en;兵庫県立はりま姫路総合医療センター*ja,,https://hgmc.hyogo.jp/,,hgmc.hyogo.jp,,,,,,,,,,Himeji,Japan,1862627,NID201200483576036 +,https://ror.org/04vd4xz14,Shizuoka Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Shizuoka Prefectural Government*en;静岡県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.shizuoka.jp,,pref.shizuoka.jp,,,,,,,,,,Shizuoka,Japan,1851717,NID201200043078282 +,https://ror.org/05t9myw53,Nakatsugawa Municipal General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Nakatsugawa Municipal General Hospital*en;総合病院中津川市民病院*ja,,https://nakatsugawa-hp.jp,,nakatsugawa-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nakatsugawa,Japan,1855753,NID201200393901612 +,https://ror.org/00vbp6334,Tokyo Bay Rehabilitation Hospital*en,active,healthcare,東京湾岸リハビリテーション病院*ja,Tokyo Bay Rehabilitation Hospital*en;医療法人社団保健会東京湾岸リハビリテーション病院*ja,,https://wanreha.net,,wanreha.net,,,,,,,,,,Narashino,Japan,11612347,NID201200330054634 +,https://ror.org/019vk3e29,Kyushu Environmental Evaluation Association*en,active,nonprofit,九州環境管理協会*ja,Kyushu Environmental Evaluation Association*en;一般財団法人九州環境管理協会*ja,,https://keea.or.jp,,keea.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fukuoka,Japan,1863967,NID201200036327887 +,https://ror.org/0545mcb72,Miyagi Prefectural Institute of Agriculture and Horticulture*en,active,facility,,Miyagi Prefectural Institute of Agriculture and Horticulture*en;宮城県農業・園芸総合研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.miyagi.jp/soshiki/res_center/,,,,,,,,,,,,Natori,Japan,2111669,NID201200168180150 +,https://ror.org/01dj4ez18,Okayama City General Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,岡山市立総合医療センター*ja,Okayama City General Medical Center*en;地方独立行政法人岡山市立総合医療センター*ja,,https://okayama-gmc.or.jp,,okayama-gmc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Okayama,Japan,1854383,NID201200598055327 +,https://ror.org/0499gg586,Nagasaki Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Nagasaki Prefectural Government*en;長崎県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.nagasaki.jp,,pref.nagasaki.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagasaki,Japan,1856177,NID201200623090763 +,https://ror.org/03rp86n04,Japan Society for the Promotion of Machine Industry*en,active,nonprofit,機械振興協会*ja,Japan Society for the Promotion of Machine Industry*en;一般財団法人機械振興協会*ja,JSPMI*en,http://www.jspmi.or.jp,,jspmi.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200250069103 +,https://ror.org/018402t03,The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan*en,active,facility,Iron and Steel Institute of Japan*en;日本鉄鋼協会*ja,The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan*en;一般社団法人日本鉄鋼協会*ja,,https://www.isij.or.jp,,isij.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200141048053 +,https://ror.org/019yv5w19,Japan Fisheries Association*en,active,nonprofit,大日本水産会*ja,Japan Fisheries Association*en;一般社団法人大日本水産会*ja,,https://suisankai.or.jp,,suisankai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200508752254 +,https://ror.org/005hx4g64,The Salt Industry Center of Japan*en,active,facility,Salt Industry Center of Japan*en;塩事業センター*ja,The Salt Industry Center of Japan*en;公益財団法人塩事業センター*ja,,https://www.shiojigyo.com,,shiojigyo.com,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200285623589 +,https://ror.org/00cfbfw05,Ibaraki Kasumigaura Environmental Science Center*en,active,facility,イバラキケン カスミガウラ カンキョウ カガク センター*ja;Ibarakiken Kasumigaura Kankyo Kagaku Senta*ja,Ibaraki Kasumigaura Environmental Science Center*en;茨城県霞ケ浦環境科学センター*ja,,https://www.pref.ibaraki.jp/soshiki/seikatsukankyo/kasumigauraesc/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tsuchiura,Japan,6822099,NID201200905202604 +,https://ror.org/04tac8f56,Wild Bird Society of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,日本野鳥の会*ja,Wild Bird Society of Japan*en;公益財団法人日本野鳥の会*ja,,https://www.wbsj.org,,wbsj.org,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200157190902 +,https://ror.org/03nr6mx92,Chiba Keizai College*en,active,education,Chiba Keizai Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja;チバ ケイザイ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja,Chiba Keizai College*en;千葉経済大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.chiba-kc.ac.jp,,chiba-kc.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Chiba,Japan,2113015,NID201200491454489 +,https://ror.org/01nnzt520,Yamato Takada Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Yamatotakada Shiritsu Byoin*ja;ヤマトタカダ シリツ ビョウイン*ja,Yamato Takada Municipal Hospital*en;大和高田市立病院*ja,,https://ym-hp.yamatotakada.nara.jp,,ym-hp.yamatotakada.nara.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nara,Japan,1855612,NID201200143060677 +,https://ror.org/05t2w7768,R Professional University Of Rehabilitation*en,active,education,,R Professional University Of Rehabilitation*en;アール医療専門職大学*ja,,https://a-ru.ac.jp/university/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tsuchiura,Japan,6822099,NID201200418765179 +,https://ror.org/01k38fe56,Katsuragi Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Katsuragi Hospital*en;医療法人大植会葛城病院*ja,,https://www.katsuragi-hosp.or.jp,,katsuragi-hosp.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kishiwada,Japan,1859383,NID201200924096998 +,https://ror.org/053h8r787,Saitama Citizens Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Saitama Citizens Medical Center*en;社会医療法人さいたま市民医療センター*ja,,https://www.scmc.or.jp,,scmc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Saitama,Japan,6940394,NID201200113003569 +,https://ror.org/04aywby51,Toyama Prefectural Environmental Science Research Center*en,active,facility,トヤマケン カンキョウ カガク センター*ja;Toyamaken Kankyo Kagaku Senta*ja,Toyama Prefectural Environmental Science Research Center*en;富山県環境科学センター*ja,,https://www.pref.toyama.jp/1730/kensei/kenseiunei/kensei/soshiki/17/1730.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Imizu,Japan,6822125,NID201200787112006 +,https://ror.org/01g307a52,Gifu Prefectural Livestock Research Institute*en,active,facility,Gifuken Chikusan Kenkyujo*ja;ギフケン チクサン ケンキュウジョ*ja,Gifu Prefectural Livestock Research Institute*en;岐阜県畜産研究所*ja,,https://www.livestock.rd.pref.gifu.lg.jp,,livestock.rd.pref.gifu.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Takayama,Japan,1850892,NID201200433429555 +,https://ror.org/04y0s1771,Tokyo Metropolitan Hospital Organization*en,active,healthcare,東京都立病院機構*ja,Tokyo Metropolitan Hospital Organization*en;地方独立行政法人東京都立病院機構*ja,,https://www.tmhp.jp,,tmhp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200314376701 +,https://ror.org/035n4wk95,Kyoto Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Kyoto Prefectural Government*en;京都府庁*ja,,https://www.pref.kyoto.jp,,pref.kyoto.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200833893992 +,https://ror.org/02spwfy20,Nagoya Tokushukai General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,名古屋徳洲会総合病院*ja,Nagoya Tokushukai General Hospital*en;医療法人徳洲会名古屋徳洲会総合病院*ja,,https://www.nagoya.tokushukai.or.jp,,nagoya.tokushukai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kasugai,Japan,1859891,NID201200889501641 +,https://ror.org/03cxavb34,Seirei Yokohama Hospital*en,active,healthcare,聖隷福祉事業団聖隷横浜病院*ja,Seirei Yokohama Hospital*en;社会福祉法人聖隷福祉事業団聖隷横浜病院*ja,,https://www.seirei.or.jp/yokohama/,,,,,,,,,,,,Yokohama,Japan,1848354,NID201200698257939 +,https://ror.org/03h5b6q78,Wakkanai City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Wakkanai City Hospital*en;市立稚内病院*ja,,https://www.city.wakkanai.hokkaido.jp/hospital/,,,,,,,,,,,,Wakkanai,Japan,2127515,NID201200524682164 +,https://ror.org/05cd29s30,Gifu Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Gifu Prefectural Government*en;岐阜県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.gifu.lg.jp,,pref.gifu.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Gifu,Japan,1863641,NID201200860469632 +,https://ror.org/031bmh670,Chiba Prefectural Fisheries Research Center*en,active,facility,Chibaken Suisan Sogo Kenkyu Senta*ja;チバケン スイサン ソウゴウ ケンキュウ センター*ja,Chiba Prefectural Fisheries Research Center*en;千葉県水産総合研究センター*ja,,https://www.pref.chiba.lg.jp/lab-suisan/,,,,,,,,,,,,Chiba,Japan,2113015,NID201200749061669 +,https://ror.org/02wqt4811,Fukushima Forestry Research Center*en,active,facility,フクシマケン リンギョウ ケンキュウ センター*ja;Fukushimaken Ringyo Kenkyu Senta*ja,Fukushima Forestry Research Center*en;福島県林業研究センター*ja,,https://www.pref.fukushima.lg.jp/sec/37370a/,,,,,,,,,,,,Fukushima,Japan,2112923,NID201200723764537 +,https://ror.org/02yedhf35,Shiraumegakuen College*en,active,education,シラウメ ガクエン タンキ ダイガク*ja;Shiraume Gakuen Tanki Daigaku*ja,Shiraumegakuen College*en;白梅学園短期大学*ja,,https://daigaku.shiraume.ac.jp,,daigaku.shiraume.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200253363518 +,https://ror.org/0068d6x78,Aino Hospital*en,active,healthcare,恒昭会藍野病院*ja,Aino Hospital*en;医療法人恒昭会藍野病院*ja,,https://www.koshokai.or.jp/aino/,,,,,,,,,,,,Ibaraki,Japan,1862033,NID201200556509796 +,https://ror.org/04hba3q82,Yashima General hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Yashima General hospital*en;JA香川厚生連屋島総合病院*ja,,https://www.yashima-hp.com,,yashima-hp.com,,,,,,,,,,Takamatsu,Japan,1851100,NID201200847390786 +,https://ror.org/00beq8h88,Shirakawa Kosei General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Shirakawa Kosei General Hospital*en;JA福島厚生連白河厚生総合病院*ja,,https://www.shirakawa-kosei.jp,,shirakawa-kosei.jp,,,,,,,,,,Shirakawa,Japan,11612472,NID201200976825906 +,https://ror.org/00p6b0z91,Nippon Koukan Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Nippon Koukan Hospital*en;医療法人社団こうかん会日本鋼管病院*ja,,https://www.koukankai.or.jp,,koukankai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kawasaki,Japan,1859642,NID201200092632136 +,https://ror.org/05j05sz90,Omuta City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,大牟田市立病院*ja,Omuta City Hospital*en;地方独立行政法人大牟田市立病院*ja,,https://www.ghp.omuta.fukuoka.jp,,ghp.omuta.fukuoka.jp,,,,,,,,,,Omuta,Japan,1854083,NID201200575028939 +,https://ror.org/02jzg8331,Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium*en,active,archive,Okinawa Churaumi Suizokukan*ja;オキナワ チュラウミ スイゾクカン*ja,Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium*en;沖縄美ら海水族館*ja,,https://churaumi.okinawa,,churaumi.okinawa,,,,,,,,,,Okinawa,Japan,1894616,NID201200682505185 +,https://ror.org/03myv4x23,Kumamoto Prefectural Fisheries Research Center*en,active,facility,クマモトケン スイサン ケンキュウ センター*ja;Kumamotoken Suisan Kenkyu Senta*ja,Kumamoto Prefectural Fisheries Research Center*en;熊本県水産研究センター*ja,,https://www.pref.kumamoto.jp/soshiki/95/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kumamoto,Japan,1858421,NID201200932118712 +,https://ror.org/01e08v038,Yawatahama City General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Yawatahama City General Hospital*en;市立八幡浜総合病院*ja,,https://yawatahama-cgh.jp,,yawatahama-cgh.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yawatahama,Japan,7303003,NID201200602286778 +,https://ror.org/02f4g7t12,CARE International Japan*en,active,nonprofit,ケア・インターナショナルジャパン*ja,CARE International Japan*en;公益財団法人ケア・インターナショナルジャパン*ja,,https://www.careintjp.org,,careintjp.org,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200659694357 +,https://ror.org/0414v5413,The Hyogo Institute of Assistive Technology*en,active,facility,ヒョウゴ ケンリツ フクシ ノ マチズクリ ケンキュウジョ*ja;Hyogo Kenritsu Fukushi No Machizukuri Kenkyujo*ja;Hyogo Institute of Assistive Technology*en,The Hyogo Institute of Assistive Technology*en;兵庫県立福祉のまちづくり研究所*ja,,https://assistech.hwc.or.jp,,assistech.hwc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kobe,Japan,1859171,NID201200051724032 +,https://ror.org/01e2d5r18,Navitas Clinic*en,active,healthcare,,Navitas Clinic*en;医療法人社団鉄医会ナビタスクリニック*ja,,https://navitasclinic.jp,,navitasclinic.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200780056455 +,https://ror.org/04wwtb809,Ichinomiyanishi Hospital*en,active,healthcare,杏嶺会一宮西病院*ja,Ichinomiyanishi Hospital*en;社会医療法人杏嶺会一宮西病院*ja,,https://www.anzu.or.jp/ichinomiyanishi/,,,,,,,,,,,,Ichinomiya,Japan,1861949,NID201200465844775 +,https://ror.org/04xzxak21,The Building Center of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,Building Center of Japan*en;日本建築センター*ja,The Building Center of Japan*en;一般財団法人日本建築センター*ja,,https://www.bcj.or.jp,,bcj.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200732234540 +,https://ror.org/04fv0zf35,Shiga Prefecture Agricultural Technology Promotion Center*en,active,facility,シガケン ノウギョウ ギジュツ シンコウ センター*ja;Shigaken Nogyo Gijutsu Shinko Senta*ja,Shiga Prefecture Agricultural Technology Promotion Center*en;滋賀県農業技術振興センター*ja,,https://www.pref.shiga.lg.jp/nougicenter/,,,,,,,,,,,,Omihachiman,Japan,1863451,NID201200831139993 +,https://ror.org/033b1bz24,Koto Memorial Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Koto Memorial Hospital*en;医療法人社団昴会湖東記念病院*ja,,https://www.koto-hp.jp,,koto-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Higashiomi,Japan,6822197,NID201200865730188 +,https://ror.org/04byjrr35,The Miyagi Prefectural Izunuma-Uchinuma Environmental Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,Miyagi Prefectural Izunuma-Uchinuma Environmental Foundation*en;宮城県伊豆沼・内沼環境保全財団*ja,The Miyagi Prefectural Izunuma-Uchinuma Environmental Foundation*en;公益財団法人宮城県伊豆沼・内沼環境保全財団*ja,,http://izunuma.org,,izunuma.org,,,,,,,,,,Izu,Japan,6822190,NID201200254300543 +,https://ror.org/01k0ds106,National Institute for Research Advancement*en,active,nonprofit,総合研究開発機構*ja,National Institute for Research Advancement*en;公益財団法人総合研究開発機構*ja,NIRA*en,https://www.nira.or.jp,,nira.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200759279133 +,https://ror.org/04rpc4v21,Hokkaido Prefectural Government*en,active,government,Hokkaidocho*ja;ホッカイドウチョウ*ja,Hokkaido Prefectural Government*en;北海道庁*ja,,https://www.pref.hokkaido.lg.jp/chosha/,,,,,,,,,,,,Sapporo,Japan,2128295,NID201200635255567 +,https://ror.org/04ea1wf37,Uonuma kikan Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Uonuma kikan Hospital*en;新潟大学地域医療教育センター魚沼基幹病院*ja,,https://www.uonuma-kikan-hospital.jp,,uonuma-kikan-hospital.jp,,,,,,,,,,Minamiuonuma,Japan,6825490,NID201200003087592 +,https://ror.org/037vd2e78,Mie Prefecture Health and Environment Research Institute*en,active,facility,ミエケン ホケン カンキョウ ケンキュウジョ*ja;Mieken Hoken Kankyo Kenkyujo*ja,Mie Prefecture Health and Environment Research Institute*en;三重県保健環境研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.mie.lg.jp/HOKAN/,,,,,,,,,,,,Yokkaichi,Japan,1848373,NID201200144419351 +,https://ror.org/01fk7f614,Gakushuin Women's College*en,active,education,Gakushuin Joshi Daigaku*ja;ガクシュウイン ジョシ ダイガク*ja,Gakushuin Women's College*en;学習院女子大学*ja,,https://www.gwc.gakushuin.ac.jp,,gwc.gakushuin.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200710630287 +,https://ror.org/016yns761,Kyoto Okamoto Memorial Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kyoto Okamoto Memorial Hospital*en;社会医療法人岡本病院(財団)京都岡本記念病院*ja,,https://www.okamoto-hp.or.jp/oka2/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200289326044 +,https://ror.org/03bsybc69,Mie Prefectural Shima Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Mie Prefectural Shima Hospital*en;三重県立志摩病院*ja,,https://kenritsushima.jadecom.or.jp,,kenritsushima.jadecom.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Shima,Japan,1852481,NID201200592460084 +,https://ror.org/04sbmhc14,Nagasaki Agriculture and Forestry Technical Development Center*en,active,facility,Nagasakiken Norin Gijutsu Kaihatsu Senta*ja;ナガサキケン ノウリン ギジュツ カイハツ センター*ja,Nagasaki Agriculture and Forestry Technical Development Center*en;長崎県農林技術開発センター*ja,,https://www.pref.nagasaki.jp/e-nourin/nougi/,,,,,,,,,,,,Isahaya,Japan,1861464,NID201200638917633 +,https://ror.org/04r0rzf56,Komazawa Women's Junior College*en,active,education,コマザワ ジョシ タンキ ダイガク*ja;Komazawa Joshi Tanki Daigaku*ja,Komazawa Women's Junior College*en;駒沢女子短期大学*ja,,https://www.komajo.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200510757061 +,https://ror.org/02y8cd205,Systems Research & Development Institute of Japan*en,active,facility,日本システム開発研究所*ja;Systems Research and Development Institute of Japan*en,Systems Research & Development Institute of Japan*en;一般財団法人日本システム開発研究所*ja,,https://www.srdi.or.jp,,srdi.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200030054372 +,https://ror.org/01xxhmy70,Ibaraki Fisheries Research Institute*en,active,facility,Ibarakiken Suisan Shikenjo*ja;イバラキケン スイサン シケンジョウ*ja,Ibaraki Fisheries Research Institute*en;茨城県水産試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.ibaraki.jp/nourinsuisan/suishi/,,,,,,,,,,,,Mito,Japan,2111901,NID201200815073352 +,https://ror.org/01g23ms62,Saitama Agricultural Technology Research Center*en,active,facility,サイタマケン ノウギョウ ギジュツ ケンキュウ センター*ja;Saitamaken Nogyo Gijutsu Kenkyu Senta*ja,Saitama Agricultural Technology Research Center*en;埼玉県農業技術研究センター*ja,,https://www.pref.saitama.lg.jp/soshiki/b0909/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kumagaya,Japan,1858428,NID201200970714558 +,https://ror.org/05n9ybf95,Japan Livestock Technology Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Japan Livestock Technology Association*en;公益社団法人畜産技術協会*ja,,https://jlta.jp,,lta.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200745502799 +,https://ror.org/01z528e40,Coastal Development Institute of Technology*en,active,facility,沿岸技術研究センター*ja,Coastal Development Institute of Technology*en;一般財団法人沿岸技術研究センター*ja,,https://www.cdit.or.jp,,cdit.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200981753058 +,https://ror.org/04zee8776,International Consortium on Landslides*en,active,nonprofit,,International Consortium on Landslides*en;特定非営利活動法人国際斜斜面災害研究機構*ja,,https://icljp.landslides.org,,icljp.landslides.org,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200049849329 +,https://ror.org/03tw56e23,Akita Fruit-Tree Experiment Station*en,active,facility,アキタケン カジュ シケンジョウ*ja;Akitaken Kaju Shikenjo*ja,Akita Fruit-Tree Experiment Station*en;秋田県果樹試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.akita.lg.jp/pages/genre/13863,,,,,,,,,,,,Yokote,Japan,2110506,NID201200606576077 +,https://ror.org/0381yqw52,Fukushima Institute of Public Health*en,active,facility,,Fukushima Institute of Public Health*en;福島県衛生研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.fukushima.lg.jp/sec/21910a/,,,,,,,,,,,,Minamisoma,Japan,2112923,NID201200338868994 +,https://ror.org/00pm9ra94,Kumamoto Shinto General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kumamoto Shinto General Hospital*en;医療法人創起会くまもと森都総合病院*ja,,https://www.k-shinto.or.jp,,k-shinto.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kumamoto,Japan,1858421,NID201200347570455 +,https://ror.org/01vsged97,Ishinkai Yao General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Ishinkai Yao General Hospital*en;社会医療法人医真会八尾総合病院*ja,,https://ishinkai.or.jp/hospital/,,,,,,,,,,,,Yao,Japan,1848522,NID201200881904763 +,https://ror.org/04jt3r546,Kamagaya General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kamagaya General Hospital*en;社会医療法人社団木下会鎌ケ谷総合病院*ja,,https://www.kamagaya-hp.jp,,kamagaya-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kamagaya,Japan,11611942,NID201200286457518 +,https://ror.org/00kpwzc89,Musashino Junior College*en,active,education,,Musashino Junior College*en;武蔵野短期大学*ja,,https://www.musashino.ac.jp/mjc/,,,,,,,,,,,,Sayama,Japan,1907146,NID201200600391481 +,https://ror.org/01e4yrb49,Mie Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Mie Prefectural Government*en;三重県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.mie.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Tsu,Japan,1849796,NID201200173921205 +,https://ror.org/03jmt9g16,Akita Kousei Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Akita Kousei Medical Center*en;JA秋田厚生連秋田厚生医療センター*ja,,https://www.akikumihsp.com,,akikumihsp.com,,,,,,,,,,Akita,Japan,2113126,NID201200921383770 +,https://ror.org/02jj93j25,Johoku Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Johoku Hospital*en;公益社団法人石川勤労者医療協会城北病院*ja,,http://jouhoku-hosp.com,,jouhoku-hosp.com,,,,,,,,,,Kanazawa,Japan,1860243,NID201200462885014 +,https://ror.org/027qmrv63,Yasuda Women's College*en,active,education,ヤスダ ジョシ タンキ ダイガク*ja;Yasuda Joshi Tanki Daigaku*ja,Yasuda Women's College*en;安田女子短期大学*ja,,https://www.yasuda-u.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Hiroshima,Japan,1862415,NID201200105099464 +,https://ror.org/01xegsd60,Oyokyo Kidney Research Institute*en,active,facility,鷹揚郷腎研究所*ja,Oyokyo Kidney Research Institute*en;公益財団法人鷹揚郷腎研究所*ja,,http://www.oyokyo.jp,,oyokyo.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hirosaki,Japan,2130057,NID201200608766711 +,https://ror.org/02ksnjk05,Kyoto City Institute of Health and Environmental Sciences*en,active,facility,キョウトシ エイセイ カンキョウ ケンキュウジョ*ja;Kyotoshi Eisei Kankyo Kenkyujo*ja,Kyoto City Institute of Health and Environmental Sciences*en;京都市衛生環境研究所*ja,,https://www.city.kyoto.lg.jp/menu3/category/41-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200989247379 +,https://ror.org/020ay5m03,Japan Plant Protection Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本植物防疫協会*ja,Japan Plant Protection Association*en;一般社団法人日本植物防疫協会*ja,,https://www.jppa.or.jp,,jppa.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200692152027 +,https://ror.org/01188dy18,Tochigi Prefectural Museum*en,active,archive,Tochigi Kenritsu Hakubutsukan*ja;トチギ ケンリツ ハクブツカン*ja,Tochigi Prefectural Museum*en;栃木県立博物館*ja,,http://www.muse.pref.tochigi.lg.jp,,muse.pref.tochigi.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Utsunomiya,Japan,1849053,NID201200864810579 +,https://ror.org/049y5v215,Mimihara General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Mimihara General Hospital*en;社会医療法人同仁会耳原総合病院*ja,,https://www.mimihara.or.jp/sogo/,,,,,,,,,,,,Sakai,Japan,1853195,NID201200849196243 +,https://ror.org/03nc4h531,National Printing Bureau*en,active,government,,National Printing Bureau*en;独立行政法人国立印刷局*ja,,https://www.npb.go.jp,,npb.go.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200313080847 +,https://ror.org/04y31xb63,Center for Better Living*en,active,nonprofit,ベターリビング*ja,Center for Better Living*en;一般財団法人ベターリビング*ja,,https://www.cbl.or.jp,,cbl.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200125861520 +,https://ror.org/00396tw82,Kohsei Chuo General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kohsei Chuo General Hospital*en;全国土木建築国民健康保険組合総合病院厚生中央病院*ja,,https://kohseichuo.jp,,kohseichuo.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200271789273 +,https://ror.org/04z4ygh26,Iwate Prefectural Kuji Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Iwate Prefectural Kuji Hospital*en;岩手県立久慈病院*ja,,https://kuji-hp.com,,kuji-hp.com,,,,,,,,,,Kuji,Japan,2129427,NID201200090779888 +,https://ror.org/02c9sby34,Miyagi Prefecture Fisheries Technology Institute*en,active,facility,Miyagiken Suisan Gijutsu Sogo Senta*ja;ミヤギケン スイサン ギジュツ ソウゴウ センター*ja,Miyagi Prefecture Fisheries Technology Institute*en;宮城県水産技術総合センター*ja,,https://www.pref.miyagi.jp/soshiki/mtsc/,,,,,,,,,,,,Ishinomaki,Japan,2112576,NID201200583879505 +,https://ror.org/00cvmch98,Tokyo Seitoku College*en,active,education,Tokyo Seitoku Tanki Daigaku*ja;トウキョウ セイトク タンキ ダイガク*ja,Tokyo Seitoku College*en;東京成徳短期大学*ja,,https://www.tsu.ac.jp,,tsu.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200091697046 +,https://ror.org/03rpe7357,Nagano Chuo Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Nagano Chuo Hospital*en;長野医療生活協同組合長野中央病院*ja,,https://www.nagano-chuo-hospital.jp,,nagano-chuo-hospital.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagano,Japan,1856215,NID201200221874341 +,https://ror.org/00pdqy006,Textile Research Institute of Gunma*en,active,facility,グンマケン センイ コウギョウ シケンジョウ*ja;Gunmaken Sen'I Kogyo Shikenjo*ja,Textile Research Institute of Gunma*en;群馬県繊維工業試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.gunma.jp/soshiki/157/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kiryu,Japan,1859405,NID201200023558238 +,https://ror.org/05ptvzg43,Fukushima Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Fukushima Prefectural Government*en;福島県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.fukushima.lg.jp,,pref.fukushima.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fukushima,Japan,2112923,NID201200819999184 +,https://ror.org/01aaq3s61,IVF Namba Clinic*en,active,healthcare,,IVF Namba Clinic*en;医療法人三慧会IVFなんばクリニック*ja,,https://www.ivfnamba.com,,,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200923466101 +,https://ror.org/00j9zbm39,Gifu Prefectural Ceramics Research Institute*en,active,facility,Gifuken Seramikkusu Kenkyujo*ja;ギフケン セラミックス ケンキュウジョ*ja,Gifu Prefectural Ceramics Research Institute*en;岐阜県セラミックス研究所*ja,,https://www.ceram.rd.pref.gifu.lg.jp,,ceram.rd.pref.gifu.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tajimi,Japan,1851193,NID201200240614153 +,https://ror.org/04mnyr134,Sonoda Women's College*en,active,education,Sonoda Gakuen Joshi Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja;ソノダ ガクエン ジョシ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja,Sonoda Women's College*en;園田学園女子大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.sonoda-u.ac.jp,,sonoda-u.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Amagasaki,Japan,1865387,NID201200609446492 +,https://ror.org/018wh2466,Japan Food Hygiene Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本食品衛生協会*ja,Japan Food Hygiene Association*en;公益社団法人日本食品衛生協会*ja,,https://www.n-shokuei.jp,,n-shokuei.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200798750534 +,https://ror.org/044fpa022,Suiseikai Kajikawa Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Suiseikai Kajikawa Hospital*en;医療法人翠清会翠清会梶川病院*ja,,https://www.suiseikai.jp,,suiseikai.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hiroshima,Japan,1862415,NID201200779919079 +,https://ror.org/02dkt6479,"National Center for Presons with Severe Intellectual Disabilities, Nozominosono*en",active,facility,,"National Center for Presons with Severe Intellectual Disabilities, Nozominosono*en;独立行政法人国立重度知的障害者総合施設のぞみの園*ja",,https://www.nozomi.go.jp,,nozomi.go.jp,,,,,,,,,,Takasaki,Japan,1851002,NID201200624305729 +,https://ror.org/0140wyg37,KKR Takamatsu Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,KKR Takamatsu Hospital*en;国家公務員共済組合連合会KKR高松病院*ja,,https://takamatsu.kkr.or.jp,,takamatsu.kkr.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Takamatsu,Japan,1851100,NID201200897426444 +,https://ror.org/055tbc836,Fondation Maison franco-japonaise*fr,active,nonprofit,Maison Franco-Japonaise (Public Interest Foundation);Maison franco-japonaise*fr,Fondation Maison franco-japonaise*fr;公益財団法人日仏会館*ja,,https://www.fmfj.or.jp,,fmfj.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200969467540 +,https://ror.org/01tkga408,Kokugakuin Tochigi Junior College*en,active,education,,Kokugakuin Tochigi Junior College*en;國學院大学栃木短期大学*ja,,https://www.kokugakuintochigi.ac.jp/tandai/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200487494916 +,https://ror.org/02m6br644,Osaka Gyoumeikan Hospital*en,active,healthcare,大阪暁明館大阪暁明館病院*ja,Osaka Gyoumeikan Hospital*en;社会福祉法人大阪暁明館大阪暁明館病院*ja,,https://www.gyoumeikan.or.jp,,gyoumeikan.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200841975734 +,https://ror.org/04phfvx94,National Sanatorium Tama Zenshoen*en,active,healthcare,コクリツ リョウヨウジョ タマ ゼンショウエン*ja;Kokuritsu Ryoyojo Tama Zenshoen*ja,National Sanatorium Tama Zenshoen*en;国立療養所多磨全生園*ja,,https://www.mhlw.go.jp/seisakunitsuite/bunya/kenkou_iryou/iryou/hansen/zenshoen/,,,,,,,,,,,,Higashimurayama,Japan,7279570,NID201200125015925 +,https://ror.org/00c7s9h48,Kyoto Medical Association*en,active,nonprofit,京都府医師会*ja,Kyoto Medical Association*en;一般社団法人京都府医師会*ja,,https://www.kyoto.med.or.jp,,kyoto.med.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200366786163 +,https://ror.org/02tqf3106,Nishichita General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Nishichita General Hospital*en;公立西知多総合病院*ja,,https://www.nishichita-hp.aichi.jp/,,nishichita-hp.aichi.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokai,Japan,11612537,NID201200954390910 +,https://ror.org/053hfm619,Hayama Heart Center*en,active,healthcare,,Hayama Heart Center*en;特定医療法人沖縄徳洲会葉山ハートセンター*ja,,https://www.hayamaheart.gr.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Kamakura,Japan,1862992,NID201200904353105 +,https://ror.org/00573e884,Nagano Nanshin Agricultural Experiment Station*en,active,facility,Naganoken Nanshin Nogyo Shikenjo*ja;ナガノケン ナンシン ノウギョウ シケンジョウ*ja,Nagano Nanshin Agricultural Experiment Station*en;長野県南信農業試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.nagano.lg.jp/nannoshiken/,,,,,,,,,,,,Takamori,Japan,1851079,NID201200061762013 +,https://ror.org/02x6dxy73,Kochi Professional University of Rehabilitation*en,active,education,Kochi Rihabiriteshon Senmonshoku Daigaku*ja;コウチ リハビリテーション センモンショク ダイガク*ja,Kochi Professional University of Rehabilitation*en;高知リハビリテーション専門職大学*ja,,https://kpur.ac.jp,,kpur.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tosa,Japan,1849928,NID201200699219758 +,https://ror.org/015d1gt07,Japan Quality Assurance Organization*en,active,nonprofit,日本品質保証機構*ja,Japan Quality Assurance Organization*en;一般財団法人日本品質保証機構*ja,,https://www.jqa.jp,,jqa.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200048844457 +,https://ror.org/0086pzr68,Nanbu Child Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Nanbu Child Medical Center*en;沖縄県立南部医療センター・こども医療センター*ja,,https://nanbuweb.hosp.pref.okinawa.jp,,nanbuweb.hosp.pref.okinawa.jp,,,,,,,,,,Okinawa,Japan,1894616,NID201200981472630 +,https://ror.org/01gyv0x79,Gifu Prefectural Research Institute for Health and Environmental Sciences*en,active,facility,ギフケン ホケン カンキョウ ケンキュウジョ*ja;Gifuken Hoken Kankyo Kenkyujo*ja,Gifu Prefectural Research Institute for Health and Environmental Sciences*en;岐阜県保健環境研究所*ja,,https://www.health.rd.pref.gifu.lg.jp,,health.rd.pref.gifu.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kakamigahara,Japan,1860735,NID201200585421218 +,https://ror.org/03bdrf724,Shimane Prefectural Mountainous Regions Research Center*en,active,facility,シマネケン チュウサンカン チイキ ケンキュウ センター*ja;Shimaneken Chusankan Chiiki Kenkyu Senta*ja,Shimane Prefectural Mountainous Regions Research Center*en;島根県中山間地域研究センター*ja,,https://www.pref.shimane.lg.jp/chusankan/,,,,,,,,,,,,Iinan Chō,Japan,7392555,NID201200582845338 +,https://ror.org/00xhy9s30,Toyama International Center*en,active,facility,とやま国際センター*ja,Toyama International Center*en;公益財団法人とやま国際センター*ja,,https://www.tic-toyama.or.jp,,tic-toyama.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Toyama,Japan,1849876,NID201200606087502 +,https://ror.org/05n6vkd45,Miyazaki Prefectural Institute for Public Health and Environment*en,active,facility,Miyazakiken Eisei Kankyo Kenkyujo*ja;ミヤザキケン エイセイ カンキョウ ケンキュウジョ*ja,Miyazaki Prefectural Institute for Public Health and Environment*en;宮崎県衛生環境研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.miyazaki.lg.jp/contents/org/fukushi/eikanken/,,,,,,,,,,,,Miyazaki,Japan,1856717,NID201200917793062 +,https://ror.org/00hm1dp75,Japan Meteorological Business Support Center*en,active,facility,気象業務支援センター*ja,Japan Meteorological Business Support Center*en;一般財団法人気象業務支援センター*ja,,https://www.jmbsc.or.jp,,jmbsc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200923803881 +,https://ror.org/0031fc687,THE Institute Of Clinical Psychiatry*en,active,nonprofit,Institute Of Clinical Psychiatry*en;精神医学研究所*ja,THE Institute Of Clinical Psychiatry*en;一般財団法人精神医学研究所*ja,,https://www.tmh.or.jp,,tmh.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200127223782 +,https://ror.org/05e06xw13,International Nature Farming Research Center*en,active,facility,自然農法国際研究開発センター*ja,International Nature Farming Research Center*en;公益財団法人自然農法国際研究開発センター*ja,,https://www.infrc.or.jp,,infrc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Matsumoto,Japan,1857519,NID201200598184027 +,https://ror.org/01j392911,Kido Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kido Hospital*en;新潟医療生活協同組合木戸病院*ja,,https://kido.iryo-coop.com,,kido.iryo-coop.com,,,,,,,,,,Niigata,Japan,1855431,NID201200957055483 +,https://ror.org/02xjwnh68,National Sanatorium Kikuchi Keifuen*en,active,healthcare,コクリツ リョウヨウジョ キクチ ケイフウエン*ja;Kokuritsu Ryoyojo Kikuchi Keifuen*ja,National Sanatorium Kikuchi Keifuen*en;国立療養所菊池恵楓園*ja,,https://www.mhlw.go.jp/seisakunitsuite/bunya/kenkou_iryou/iryou/hansen/keifuen/,,,,,,,,,,,,Koshi,Japan,7413153,NID201200044579065 +,https://ror.org/021djqe90,Ikegami General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Ikegami General Hospital*en;医療法人社団松和会池上総合病院*ja,,https://ikegamihosp.jp,,ikegamihosp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200136970781 +,https://ror.org/05vjvdn70,Agricultural Society of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,,Agricultural Society of Japan*en;公益社団法人大日本農会*ja,,https://www.dainihon-noukai.or.jp,,dainihon-noukai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200287172502 +,https://ror.org/00b3mwd12,Yamaguchi Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Yamaguchi Prefectural Government*en;山口県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.yamaguchi.lg.jp,,pref.yamaguchi.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yamaguchi,Japan,1848689,NID201200126231139 +,https://ror.org/03xes6q20,Utsunomiya Junior College*en,active,education,ウツノミヤ タンキ ダイガク*ja;Utsunomiya Tanki Daigaku*ja,Utsunomiya Junior College*en;宇都宮短期大学*ja,,https://www.ujc.ac.jp,,ujc.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Utsunomiya,Japan,1849053,NID201200344566963 +,https://ror.org/02d2yy683,Research Institute for Local Government*en,active,facility,地方自治研究機構*ja,Research Institute for Local Government*en;一般財団法人地方自治研究機構*ja,RILG*en,https://www.rilg.or.jp,,rilg.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200186008867 +,https://ror.org/014zgm880,The Association for Preventive Medicine of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,Association for Preventive Medicine of Japan*en;日本予防医学協会*ja,The Association for Preventive Medicine of Japan*en;一般財団法人日本予防医学協会*ja,,https://www.jpm1960.org,,jpm1960.org,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200220021399 +,https://ror.org/040ja7936,Japan Energy Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本動力協会*ja,Japan Energy Association*en;一般社団法人日本動力協会*ja,,https://www.jea-wec.or.jp,,jea-wec.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200821714261 +,https://ror.org/03wk7a387,The Graduate School of Project Design*en,active,education,Graduate School of Project Design*en;Jigyo Koso Daigakuin Daigaku*ja;ジギョウ コウソウ ダイガクイン ダイガク*ja,The Graduate School of Project Design*en;事業構想大学院大学*ja,,https://www.mpd.ac.jp,,mpd.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200302311864 +,https://ror.org/04k6ang09,Nagoya Medical Association*en,active,nonprofit,名古屋市医師会*ja,Nagoya Medical Association*en;一般社団法人名古屋市医師会*ja,,https://ishikai.nagoya,,ishikai.nagoya,,,,,,,,,,Nagoya,Japan,1856057,NID201200088971126 +,https://ror.org/05sjtt732,Hiroshima HIGH-PRECISION Radiotherapy Cancer Center*en,active,healthcare,,Hiroshima HIGH-PRECISION Radiotherapy Cancer Center*en;広島がん高精度放射線治療センター*ja,,https://hiprac.jp,,hiprac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hiroshima,Japan,1862415,NID201200632885079 +,https://ror.org/03d1edh55,Kasukabe Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Kasukabe Medical Center*en;春日部市立医療センター*ja,,http://www.kasukabe-cityhp.jp,,kasukabe-cityhp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kasukabe,Japan,1859884,NID201200357659049 +,https://ror.org/0359kqn13,Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry*en,active,nonprofit,産業環境管理協会*ja,Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry*en;一般社団法人産業環境管理協会*ja,JEMAI*en,https://www.jemai.or.jp,,jemai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200819627812 +,https://ror.org/02vje2a46,Iwate Prefectural Ofunato Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Iwate Kenritsu Ofunato Byoin*ja;イワテ ケンリツ オオフナト ビョウイン*ja,Iwate Prefectural Ofunato Hospital*en;岩手県立大船渡病院*ja,,http://oofunato-hp.com,,oofunato-hp.com,,,,,,,,,,Ofunato,Japan,2111530,NID201200652008933 +,https://ror.org/042p3sp68,Niigata Prefecture Yoshida Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Niigata Prefecture Yoshida Hospital*en;新潟県立吉田病院*ja,,https://yoshida-hp.jp,,yoshida-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tsubame,Japan,1849788,NID201200909552617 +,https://ror.org/04w3b2231,Fukuoka Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Fukuoka Prefectural Government*en;福岡県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.fukuoka.lg.jp,,pref.fukuoka.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fukuoka,Japan,1863967,NID201200046975944 +,https://ror.org/04w9xep10,Kyoto Min-iren Chuo Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kyoto Min-iren Chuo Hospital*en;公益社団法人京都保健会京都民医連中央病院*ja,,https://kyoto-min-iren-c-hp.jp,,kyoto-min-iren-c-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200602963411 +,https://ror.org/03jekm885,Hokkaido Nuclear Energy Environmental Research Center*en,active,facility,Hokkaido Genshiryoku Kankyo Senta*ja;ホッカイドウ ゲンシリョク カンキョウ センター*ja,Hokkaido Nuclear Energy Environmental Research Center*en;北海道原子力環境センター*ja,,https://www.pref.hokkaido.lg.jp/sm/gkc/,,,,,,,,,,,,Sapporo,Japan,2128295,NID201200179299850 +,https://ror.org/00k5r5s45,Iwaki Junior College*en,active,education,Iwaki Tanki Daigaku*ja;イワキ タンキ ダイガク*ja,Iwaki Junior College*en;いわき短期大学*ja,,https://www.iwaki-jc.ac.jp,,iwaki-jc.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Iwaki,Japan,2112539,NID201200288351658 +,https://ror.org/01jrscb12,Miyakojima iGRT Clinic*en,active,facility,,Miyakojima iGRT Clinic*en;都島放射線科クリニック*ja,,http://www.osaka-igrt.or.jp,,osaka-igrt.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200284968175 +,https://ror.org/00sv37239,Sakai City Institute of Public Health*en,active,facility,サカイシ エイセイ ケンキュウジョ*ja;Sakaishi Eisei Kenkyujo*ja,Sakai City Institute of Public Health*en;堺市衛生研究所*ja,,https://www.city.sakai.lg.jp/kenko/kenko/hokencenter/eiken/,,,,,,,,,,,,Sakai,Japan,1853195,NID201200713308024 +,https://ror.org/05c42js38,Engaru-Kosei General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Engaru-Kosei General Hospital*en;JA北海道厚生連遠軽厚生病院*ja,,https://www.dou-kouseiren.com/byouin/engaru/,,,,,,,,,,,,Mombetsu,Japan,2129163,NID201200067310546 +,https://ror.org/05mf8aw81,Research Institute for Animal Science in Biochemistry and Toxicology*en,active,facility,生物科学安全研究所*ja,Research Institute for Animal Science in Biochemistry and Toxicology*en;一般財団法人生物科学安全研究所*ja,,https://www.riasbt.jp,,riasbt.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sagamihara,Japan,11611609,NID201200161641830 +,https://ror.org/052je9n03,Inabe General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Inabe General Hospital*en;JA三重厚生連三重北医療センターいなべ総合病院*ja,,http://www.miekosei.or.jp/4_ish/,,,,,,,,,,,,Inabe,Japan,6822173,NID201200837613345 +,https://ror.org/04h1pq403,Materials Process Technology Center*en,active,facility,素形材センター*ja,Materials Process Technology Center*en;一般財団法人素形材センター*ja,,https://www.sokeizai.or.jp,,sokeizai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200258364110 +,https://ror.org/02hht4t25,Urban Innovation Institute*en,active,facility,都市活力研究所*ja,Urban Innovation Institute*en;公益財団法人都市活力研究所*ja,,https://urban-ii.or.jp,,urban-ii.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200991939426 +,https://ror.org/049hm3d27,Miyazaki Prefectural Fisheries Research Institute*en,active,facility,Miyazakiken Suisan Shikenjo*ja;ミヤザキケン スイサン シケンジョウ*ja,Miyazaki Prefectural Fisheries Research Institute*en;宮崎県水産試験場*ja,,https://www.mz-suishi.jp,,mz-suishi.jp,,,,,,,,,,Miyazaki,Japan,1856717,NID201200320932212 +,https://ror.org/0020pds25,Kyoto Koka Women's College*en,active,education,キョウト コウカ ジョシ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja;Kyoto Koka Joshi Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja,Kyoto Koka Women's College*en;京都光華女子大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.koka.ac.jp,,koka.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200999266337 +,https://ror.org/03zsqw120,Higashisumiyoshi Morimoto Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Higashisumiyoshi Morimoto Hospital*en;医療法人橘会東住吉森本病院*ja,,https://tachibana-med.or.jp,,tachibana-med.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200626364793 +,https://ror.org/04renyd42,The University of Shimane Junior College*en,active,education,Shimane Kenritsu Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja;シマネ ケンリツ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja;University of Shimane Junior College*en,The University of Shimane Junior College*en;島根県立大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.u-shimane.ac.jp/junior_college_department/,,,,,,,,,,,,Matsue,Japan,1857550,NID201200072078688 +,https://ror.org/04924p703,Iwate Prefectural Miyako Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Iwate Prefectural Miyako Hospital*en;岩手県立宮古病院*ja,,https://miyako-hp.jp,,miyako-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Miyako,Japan,2111884,NID201200390462532 +,https://ror.org/04hd12s89,Tsurumi Junior College*en,active,education,ツルミ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja;Tsurumi Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja,Tsurumi Junior College*en;鶴見大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.tsurumi-u.ac.jp,,tsurumi-u.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yokohama,Japan,1848354,NID201200599352328 +,https://ror.org/009e9xc03,Shinseikai-Toyama Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Shinseikai-Toyama Hospital*en;医療法人真生会富山病院*ja,,https://www.shinseikai.jp,,shinseikai.jp,,,,,,,,,,Imizu,Japan,6822125,NID201200812623136 +,https://ror.org/04abgsr31,Japan Council for Quality Health Care*en,active,nonprofit,日本医療機能評価機構*ja,Japan Council for Quality Health Care*en;公益財団法人日本医療機能評価機構*ja,,https://jcqhc.or.jp,,jcqhc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200295730679 +,https://ror.org/05g6ct380,Iwate Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Iwate Prefectural Government*en;岩手県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.iwate.jp,,pref.iwate.jp,,,,,,,,,,Morioka,Japan,2111834,NID201200070065659 +,https://ror.org/03mffej36,Shiga Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Shiga Prefectural Government*en;滋賀県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.shiga.lg.jp,,pref.shiga.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Otsu,Japan,1853574,NID201200931995107 +,https://ror.org/02bjreh63,Munakata Suikokai General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Munakata Suikokai General Hospital*en;医療法人社団水光会宗像水光会総合病院*ja,,https://www.suikokai.or.jp,,suikokai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fukutsu,Japan,11612700,NID201200256459810 +,https://ror.org/00c8w1e05,Yamanashi Prefectural Industrial Technology Center*en,active,facility,ヤマナシケン サンギョウ ギジュツ センター*ja;Yamanashiken Sangyo Gijutsu Senta*ja,Yamanashi Prefectural Industrial Technology Center*en;山梨県産業技術センター*ja,,https://www.pref.yamanashi.jp/yitc/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kofu,Japan,1859100,NID201200423254538 +,https://ror.org/04kaff912,Osaka City Research Center of Environmental Science*en,active,facility,Osaka Shiritsu Kankyo Kagaku Kenkyu Senta*ja;オオサカ シリツ カンキョウ カガク ケンキュウ センター*ja,Osaka City Research Center of Environmental Science*en;大阪市立環境科学研究センター*ja,,https://www.city.osaka.lg.jp/kenko/page/0000008417.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200601896347 +,https://ror.org/05bevt606,Shin-Oyama City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,新小山市民病院*ja,Shin-Oyama City Hospital*en;地方独立行政法人新小山市民病院*ja,,https://tochigi.hospital-shinoyama.jp,,tochigi.hospital-shinoyama.jp,,,,,,,,,,Oyama,Japan,1853483,NID201200523186870 +,https://ror.org/01fgged21,Toyooka Junior College*en,active,education,豊岡短期大学*ja;Toyooka College*en;Toyooka Tanki Daigaku*ja;トヨオカ タンキ ダイガク*ja,Toyooka Junior College*en;豊岡短期大学*ja,,https://koutoku.ac.jp/toyooka/,,,,,,,,,,,,Toyooka,Japan,1849831,NID201200559949450 +,https://ror.org/04pde1m41,Chiba Tokushukai Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Chiba Tokushukai Hospital*en;特定医療法人沖縄徳洲会千葉徳洲会病院*ja,,https://www.chibatoku.or.jp,,chibatoku.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200799880090 +,https://ror.org/05xsza309,Kagoshima Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Kagoshima Prefectural Government*en;鹿児島県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.kagoshima.jp,,pref.kagoshima.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kagoshima,Japan,1860827,NID201200750049274 +,https://ror.org/04cb5cb57,Yamaguchi Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environment*en,active,facility,ヤマグチケン カンキョウ ホケン センター*ja;Yamaguchiken Kankyo Hoken Senta*ja,Yamaguchi Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environment*en;山口県環境保健センター*ja,,https://www.pref.yamaguchi.lg.jp/soshiki/246/,,,,,,,,,,,,Yamaguchi,Japan,1848689,NID201200589556132 +,https://ror.org/010y48890,Tottori Horticultural Experiment Station*en,active,facility,トットリケン エンゲイ シケンジョウ*ja;Tottoriken Engei Shikenjo*ja,Tottori Horticultural Experiment Station*en;鳥取県園芸試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.tottori.lg.jp/engei/,,,,,,,,,,,,Hokuei Chō,Japan,7392252,NID201200123425816 +,https://ror.org/02rsmd323,Koga Red Cross Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Koga Red Cross Hospital*en;認可法人日本赤十字社古河赤十字病院*ja,,https://www.koga.jrc.or.jp,,koga.jrc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Koga,Japan,1859093,NID201200455566629 +,https://ror.org/04a5zrn98,Chuno Kosei Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Chuno Kosei Hospital*en;JA岐阜厚生連中濃厚生病院*ja,,http://www.chuno.gfkosei.or.jp,,chuno.gfkosei.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Seki,Japan,1852765,NID201200813004400 +,https://ror.org/02vyesn05,Abashiri-Kosei General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Abashiri-Kosei General Hospital*en;JA北海道厚生連網走厚生病院*ja,,https://www.dou-kouseiren.com/byouin/abasiri/,,,,,,,,,,,,Abashiri,Japan,2130741,NID201200488569684 +,https://ror.org/05k9kcg68,Shizuoka Professional University of Agriculture*en,active,education,シズオカ ケンリツ ノウリン カンキョウ センモンショク ダイガク*ja;Shizuoka Kenritsu Norin Kankyo Senmonshoku Daigaku*ja,Shizuoka Professional University of Agriculture*en;静岡県立農林環境専門職大学*ja,,https://shizuoka-norin-u.ac.jp,,shizuoka-norin-u.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Iwata,Japan,1861171,NID201200746588648 +,https://ror.org/01m38g178,Yamanashi Fruit Tree Experiment Station*en,active,facility,Yamanashiken Kaju Shikenjo*ja;ヤマナシケン カジュ シケンジョウ*ja,Yamanashi Fruit Tree Experiment Station*en;山梨県果樹試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.yamanashi.jp/kajushiken/,,,,,,,,,,,,Yamanashi,Japan,1848648,NID201200498600737 +,https://ror.org/0194f6935,Hokkaido Medical Association*en,active,nonprofit,北海道医師会*ja,Hokkaido Medical Association*en;一般社団法人北海道医師会*ja,,http://www.hokkaido.med.or.jp,,hokkaido.med.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sapporo,Japan,2128295,NID201200574959021 +,https://ror.org/000rfqn88,Amagasaki Chuo Hospital*en,active,healthcare,尼崎中央病院*ja,Amagasaki Chuo Hospital*en;社会医療法人中央会尼崎中央病院*ja,,https://www.chuoukai.or.jp,,chuoukai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Amagasaki,Japan,1865387,NID201200193543993 +,https://ror.org/03tw8sj29,Yamanashi Prefectural Agricultural Technology Center*en,active,facility,ヤマナシケン ソウゴウ ノウギョウ ギジュツ センター*ja;Yamanashiken Sogo Nogyo Gijutsu Senta*ja,Yamanashi Prefectural Agricultural Technology Center*en;山梨県総合農業技術センター*ja,,https://www.pref.yamanashi.jp/sounou-gjt/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kofu,Japan,1859100,NID201200435139825 +,https://ror.org/03s63xr43,Japan Pharmaceutical Information Center*en,active,nonprofit,日本医薬情報センター*ja,Japan Pharmaceutical Information Center*en;一般財団法人日本医薬情報センター*ja,,https://www.japic.or.jp,,japic.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200607176513 +,https://ror.org/01cjdqj81,The Japan Forestry Association*en,active,nonprofit,Japan Forestry Association*en;日本山林会*ja,The Japan Forestry Association*en;公益社団法人大日本山林会*ja,,https://www.sanrinkai.or.jp,,sanrinkai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200807077852 +,https://ror.org/010a7ac66,Soseikai General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Soseikai General Hospital*en;医療法人社団蘇生会蘇生会総合病院*ja,,https://www.soseikai.or.jp,,soseikai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200395145535 +,https://ror.org/043ysj081,Research Institute of Human Engineering for Quality Life*en,active,facility,人間生活工学研究センター*ja,Research Institute of Human Engineering for Quality Life*en;一般社団法人人間生活工学研究センター*ja,,https://www.hql.jp,,hql.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200554297710 +,https://ror.org/05ds4px46,Ibaraki Prefectural Forestry Research Institute*en,active,facility,Ibarakiken Ringyo Gijutsu Senta*ja;イバラキケン リンギョウ ギジュツ センター*ja,Ibaraki Prefectural Forestry Research Institute*en;茨城県林業技術センター*ja,,https://www.pref.ibaraki.jp/nourinsuisan/ringyose/seikf-gaiyo.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Naka,Japan,2111749,NID201200080609889 +,https://ror.org/022zdgp77,Kumamoto Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Kumamoto Prefectural Government*en;熊本県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.kumamoto.jp,,pref.kumamoto.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kumamoto,Japan,1858421,NID201200298009244 +,https://ror.org/05ayjgf78,Wakayama Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station*en,active,facility,Wakayamaken Nogyo Shikenjo*ja;ワカヤマケン ノウギョウ シケンジョウ*ja,Wakayama Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station*en;和歌山県農業試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.wakayama.lg.jp/prefg/070100/070109/gaiyou/001/nougyoushikenjyou/top.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Kinokawa,Japan,6822171,NID201200519546505 +,https://ror.org/008z75r39,Kumamoto Prefectural Institute of Public-Health and Environmental Science*en,active,facility,クマモトケン ホケン カンキョウ カガク ケンキュウジョ*ja;Kumamotoken Hoken Kankyo Kagaku Kenkyujo*ja,Kumamoto Prefectural Institute of Public-Health and Environmental Science*en;熊本県保健環境科学研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.kumamoto.jp/soshiki/29/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kumamoto,Japan,1858421,NID201200913153877 +,https://ror.org/04qgk0f68,"NHK Engineering System, Inc.*en",active,nonprofit,NHKエンジニアリングシステム*ja,"NHK Engineering System, Inc.*en;一般財団法人NHKエンジニアリングシステム*ja",,https://www.nhk-fdn.or.jp,,nhk-fdn.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200954418809 +,https://ror.org/00j04tm62,Japanese Drug Organization of Appropriate Use and Research*en,active,nonprofit,,Japanese Drug Organization of Appropriate Use and Research*en;特定非営利活動法人医薬品適正使用推進機構*ja,,https://www.j-do.org,,j-do.org,,,,,,,,,,Nagoya,Japan,1856057,NID201200420294168 +,https://ror.org/0386syr84,Tokyo Dental Junior College*en,active,education,,Tokyo Dental Junior College*en;東京歯科大学短期大学*ja,,https://www.tdc.ac.jp/jc/tabid/378/Default.aspx,,tdc.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200408228745 +,https://ror.org/04q876q10,The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research*en,active,nonprofit,東京財団政策研究所*ja;Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research*en,The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research*en;公益財団法人東京財団政策研究所*ja,,https://www.tkfd.or.jp,,tkfd.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200228517331 +,https://ror.org/005q86y64,Radiation Effects Association*en,active,nonprofit,放射線影響協会*ja,Radiation Effects Association*en;公益財団法人放射線影響協会*ja,,https://www.rea.or.jp,,rea.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200238228308 +,https://ror.org/0156a8r12,Miyagi Prefectural Livestock Experiment Station*en,active,facility,Miyagiken Chikusan Shikenjo*ja;ミヤギケン チクサン シケンジョウ*ja,Miyagi Prefectural Livestock Experiment Station*en;宮城県畜産試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.miyagi.jp/soshiki/tikusans/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Osaki,Japan,6822188,NID201200036218819 +,https://ror.org/04xndpe63,Chiba City Institute of Health and Environment*en,active,facility,チバシ カンキョウ ホケン ケンキュウジョ*ja;Chibashi Kankyo Hoken Kenkyujo*ja,Chiba City Institute of Health and Environment*en;千葉市環境保健研究所*ja,,https://www.city.chiba.jp/shisetsu/sonota/0008.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Chiba,Japan,2113015,NID201200032417333 +,https://ror.org/03n6vpg27,Biwako Professional University of Rehabilitation*en,active,education,Biwako Rihabiriteshon Senmonshoku Daigaku*ja;ビワコ リハビリテーション センモンショク ダイガク*ja,Biwako Professional University of Rehabilitation*en;びわこリハビリテーション専門職大学*ja,,https://bpur.aino.ac.jp,,bpur.aino.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Higashiomi,Japan,6822197,NID201200835341105 +,https://ror.org/00nrj9146,Kobe Tokiwa Junior College*en,active,education,Kobe Tokiwa Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja;コウベ トキワ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja,Kobe Tokiwa Junior College*en;神戸常盤大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.kobe-tokiwa.ac.jp,,kobe-tokiwa.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kobe,Japan,1859171,NID201200001197266 +,https://ror.org/03jx1y547,Japan Map Center*en,active,nonprofit,日本地図センター*ja,Japan Map Center*en;一般財団法人日本地図センター*ja,,https://www.jmc.or.jp,,jmc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200322419472 +,https://ror.org/02955j881,Hokkaido Cancer Society*en,active,nonprofit,北海道対がん協会*ja,Hokkaido Cancer Society*en;公益財団法人北海道対がん協会*ja,,https://hokkaido-taigan.jp,,hokkaido-taigan.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sapporo,Japan,2128295,NID201200742008382 +,https://ror.org/05fsqrn62,Kagawa Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Kagawa Prefectural Government*en;香川県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.kagawa.lg.jp,,pref.kagawa.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Takamatsu,Japan,1851100,NID201200178082624 +,https://ror.org/02yahyh51,Matsuyama Junior College*en,active,education,Matsuyama Tanki Daigaku*ja;マツヤマ タンキ ダイガク*ja,Matsuyama Junior College*en;松山短期大学*ja,,https://www.matsuyama-u.ac.jp/juniorcollege/,,,,,,,,,,,,Matsuyama,Japan,1926099,NID201200862611790 +,https://ror.org/057sfvh62,Chidoribashi Hospital*en,active,healthcare,千鳥橋病院*ja,Chidoribashi Hospital*en;公益社団法人福岡医療団千鳥橋病院*ja,,https://www.chidoribashi-hp.or.jp,,chidoribashi-hp.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fukuoka,Japan,1863967,NID201200453951524 +,https://ror.org/001my6k32,Akita Prefectural Institute of Fisheries*en,active,facility,アキタケン スイサン シンコウ センター*ja;Akitaken Suisan Shinko Senta*ja,Akita Prefectural Institute of Fisheries*en;秋田県水産振興センター*ja,,https://www.pref.akita.lg.jp/pages/genre/akisuishi,,,,,,,,,,,,Akita,Japan,2113126,NID201200903495190 +,https://ror.org/02sygzf32,Hokkaido Center Of Environmental Sciences & Technology*en,active,facility,北海道環境科学技術センター*ja,Hokkaido Center Of Environmental Sciences & Technology*en;一般財団法人北海道環境科学技術センター*ja,,https://www.kankyotec.or.jp,,kankyotec.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sapporo,Japan,2128295,NID201200761304393 +,https://ror.org/004jgvp16,Mimasaka Junior College*en,active,education,Mimasaka Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja;ミマサカ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja,Mimasaka Junior College*en;美作大学短期大学部*ja,,https://mimasaka.jp/undergraduate/junior-college/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tsuyama,Japan,1849519,NID201200785178028 +,https://ror.org/03wssfd89,SABO & Landslide Technical Center*en,active,facility,砂防・地すべり技術センター*ja,SABO & Landslide Technical Center*en;一般財団法人砂防・地すべり技術センター*ja,,https://www.stc.or.jp,,stc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200559582240 +,https://ror.org/0486g6b11,The Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion*en,active,nonprofit,全日本鍼灸学会*ja;Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion*en,The Japan Society of Acupuncture and Moxibustion*en;公益社団法人全日本鍼灸学会*ja,,https://jsam.jp,,jsam.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200065340143 +,https://ror.org/03pdrsd12,Osaka Gakuin Junior College*en,active,education,,Osaka Gakuin Junior College*en;大阪学院大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.ogu.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Suita,Japan,1851483,NID201200200249951 +,https://ror.org/03ygpv007,Otakanomori Hospital*en,active,government,,Otakanomori Hospital*en;医療法人社団誠高会おおたかの森病院*ja,,https://otakanomori-hp.com,,otakanomori-hp.com,,,,,,,,,,Kashiwazaki,Japan,1859924,NID201200698989278 +,https://ror.org/027s9cy89,Hara Genitourinary Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Hara Genitourinary Hospital*en;原泌尿器科病院*ja,,https://harahospital.jp,,harahospital.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kobe,Japan,1859171,NID201200515641158 +,https://ror.org/05an9fc88,Kyoto Prefectural International Center*en,active,facility,京都府国際センター*ja,Kyoto Prefectural International Center*en;公益財団法人京都府国際センター*ja,,https://www.kpic.or.jp,,kpic.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200029436655 +,https://ror.org/020kqfe02,Yamanashi Kosei Hospital*en,active,healthcare,山梨厚生会山梨厚生病院*ja,Yamanashi Kosei Hospital*en;公益財団法人山梨厚生会山梨厚生病院*ja,,http://www.kosei.jp,,kosei.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yamanashi,Japan,1848648,NID201200904078918 +,https://ror.org/00gq2av75,Kagoshima Seikyo Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kagoshima Seikyo Hospital*en;鹿児島医療生活協同組合鹿児島生協病院*ja,,http://www.kaseikyohp.jp,,kaseikyohp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kagoshima,Japan,1860827,NID201200515774436 +,https://ror.org/04k6amx66,Yamagata Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Yamagata Prefectural Government*en;山形県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.yamagata.jp,,pref.yamagata.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yamagata,Japan,2110556,NID201200301654863 +,https://ror.org/00d57gd44,Fujimoto General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,藤元メディカルシステム藤元総合病院*ja,Fujimoto General Hospital*en;一般社団法人藤元メディカルシステム藤元総合病院*ja,,https://fgh.fujimoto.com,,fgh.fujimoto.com,,,,,,,,,,Miyakonojō,Japan,1856775,NID201200246860286 +,https://ror.org/022brxy17,Gifu International Center*en,active,facility,岐阜県国際交流センター*ja,Gifu International Center*en;公益財団法人岐阜県国際交流センター*ja,,https://www.gic.or.jp,,gic.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Gifu,Japan,1863641,NID201200746182918 +,https://ror.org/01trsq591,Okinawa Miyako Hospital*en,active,healthcare,オキナワ ケンリツ ミヤコ ビョウイン*ja;Okinawa Kenritsu Miyako Byoin*ja,Okinawa Miyako Hospital*en;沖縄県立宮古病院*ja,,https://miyakoweb.hosp.pref.okinawa.jp,,miyakoweb.hosp.pref.okinawa.jp,,,,,,,,,,Miyakojima,Japan,6822158,NID201200859402312 +,https://ror.org/01fz2dm70,Ochanomizu Institute for Medical Mycology and Allergology*en,active,facility,,Ochanomizu Institute for Medical Mycology and Allergology*en;お茶の水真菌アレルギー研究所*ja,,https://www.tonsurans.jp/oimma/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200859391140 +,https://ror.org/01x36m247,Japan Forest Technology Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本森林技術協会*ja,Japan Forest Technology Association*en;一般社団法人日本森林技術協会*ja,,https://www.jafta.or.jp,,jafta.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200124149540 +,https://ror.org/023hy0x04,Asakayama General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,浅香山病院*ja,Asakayama General Hospital*en;公益財団法人浅香山病院*ja,,https://www.asakayama.or.jp,,asakayama.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sakai,Japan,1853195,NID201200882665634 +,https://ror.org/0162y3f52,The Japan Bird Research Association*en,active,nonprofit,Japan Bird Research Association*en,The Japan Bird Research Association*en;認定NPO法人バードリサーチ*ja,,https://www.bird-research.jp,,bird-research.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200751691762 +,https://ror.org/000w8yc17,Okinawa Prefectural Institute of Animal Health*en,active,facility,オキナワケン カチク エイセイ シケンジョウ*ja;Okinawaken Kachiku Eisei Shikenjo*ja,Okinawa Prefectural Institute of Animal Health*en;沖縄県家畜衛生試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.okinawa.lg.jp/kensei/kencho/1000011/1017655/1023967.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Uruma,Japan,6822153,NID201200479659651 +,https://ror.org/01np3cz56,Tokyo Professional University of Health Sciences*en,active,education,トウキョウ ホケン イリョウ センモンショク ダイガク*ja;Tokyo Hoken Iryo Senmonshoku Daigaku*ja,Tokyo Professional University of Health Sciences*en;東京保健医療専門職大学*ja,,https://www.tpu.ac.jp,,tpu.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200143028648 +,https://ror.org/03ndtc605,Institute of Kampo Medicine*en,active,facility,日本漢方医学研究所*ja,Institute of Kampo Medicine*en;一般財団法人日本漢方医学研究所*ja,,https://jkme.or.jp,,jkme.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200527288518 +,https://ror.org/056mzm948,Kagoshima Prefectural Fisheries Technology and Development Center*en,active,facility,Kagoshimaken Suisan Gijutsu Kaihatsu Senta*ja;カゴシマケン スイサン ギジュツ カイハツ センター*ja,Kagoshima Prefectural Fisheries Technology and Development Center*en;鹿児島県水産技術開発センター*ja,,https://kagoshima.suigi.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Ibusuki,Japan,1862010,NID201200272158049 +,https://ror.org/02r472m60,Chiba Prefectural Livestock Research Center*en,active,facility,Chibaken Chikusan Sogo Kenkyu Senta*ja;チバケン チクサン ソウゴウ ケンキュウ センター*ja,Chiba Prefectural Livestock Research Center*en;千葉県畜産総合研究センター*ja,,https://www.pref.chiba.lg.jp/lab-chikusan/,,,,,,,,,,,,Chiba,Japan,2113015,NID201200579505090 +,https://ror.org/05w035e71,Japan Grain Inspection Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本穀物検定協会*ja,Japan Grain Inspection Association*en;一般財団法人日本穀物検定協会*ja,,https://www.kokken.or.jp,,kokken.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200224945792 +,https://ror.org/007gbh138,Sakurakai Takahashi Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Sakurakai Takahashi Hospital*en;医療社団法人さくら会高橋病院*ja,,http://www.takahashi-hp.or.jp,,takahashi-hp.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kobe,Japan,1859171,NID201200729949280 +,https://ror.org/05s76re36,The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,照明学会*ja;Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan*en,The Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan*en;一般社団法人照明学会*ja,,https://www.ieij.or.jp,,ieij.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200260766209 +,https://ror.org/01q4ekd43,Hiroshima City Institute of Public Health*en,active,facility,Hiroshimashi Eisei Kenkyujo*ja;ヒロシマシ エイセイ ケンキュウジョ*ja,Hiroshima City Institute of Public Health*en;広島市衛生研究所*ja,,https://www.city.hiroshima.lg.jp/site/eiken/,,,,,,,,,,,,Hiroshima,Japan,1862415,NID201200108992403 +,https://ror.org/03m8f4963,Itami Kousei Neurosurgical Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Itami Kousei Neurosurgical Hospital*en;伊丹恒生脳神経外科病院*ja,,https://itami-kousei.jp,,itami-kousei.jp,,,,,,,,,,Itnami,Japan,1861310,NID201200244403670 +,https://ror.org/01b23yw56,Shiraniwa Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Shiraniwa Hospital*en;医療法人社団松下会白庭病院*ja,,https://www.allpines.jp/shiraniwa/,,,,,,,,,,,,Ikoma,Japan,1861749,NID201200016350791 +,https://ror.org/041pxbv16,Ushiku Aiwa General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Ushiku Aiwa General Hospital*en;医療法人社団常仁会牛久愛和総合病院*ja,,https://www.jojinkai.com/ushiku/,,,,,,,,,,,,Ushiku,Japan,2110629,NID201200025075313 +,https://ror.org/00pzcqk77,Asakura Medical Association Hospital*en,active,healthcare,朝倉医師会朝倉医師会病院*ja,Asakura Medical Association Hospital*en;一般社団法人朝倉医師会朝倉医師会病院*ja,,https://www.asakura-med.or.jp/hospital/,,,,,,,,,,,,Asakura,Japan,11612701,NID201200588691074 +,https://ror.org/01cnyr648,"International College of Technology, Kanazawa*en",active,education,コクサイ コウトウ センモン ガッコウ*ja;Kokusai Koto Senmon Gakko*ja,"International College of Technology, Kanazawa*en;国際高等専門学校*ja",,https://www.ict-kanazawa.ac.jp,,ict-kanazawa.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kanazawa,Japan,1860243,NID201200198208705 +,https://ror.org/03ccw9774,Fukui Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Fukui Prefectural Government*en;福井県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.fukui.lg.jp,,pref.fukui.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fukui,Japan,1863985,NID201200207818657 +,https://ror.org/059r0wf81,Aidu Chuo Hospital*en,active,healthcare,温知会会津中央病院*ja;会津中央病院*ja,Aidu Chuo Hospital*en;一般財団法人温知会会津中央病院*ja,,https://www.onchikai.jp,,onchikai.jp,,,,,,,,,,Aizuwakamatsu,Japan,6822148,NID201200192766629 +,https://ror.org/02x0yjy88,Research Institute of Urbanization*en,active,facility,都市化研究公室*ja,Research Institute of Urbanization*en;公益財団法人都市化研究公室*ja,,https://www.riu.or.jp,,riu.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200778157038 +,https://ror.org/031q7h902,THE Research Foundation For Pharmaceutical Sciences*en,active,nonprofit,Research Foundation For Pharmaceutical Sciences*en;薬学研究奨励財団*ja,THE Research Foundation For Pharmaceutical Sciences*en;公益財団法人薬学研究奨励財団*ja,,https://yakusho.org,,yakusho.org,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200734635615 +,https://ror.org/00k4p0q25,Kurihara Central Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kurihara Central Hospital*en;栗原市立栗原中央病院*ja,,https://www.kurihara-central-hp.jp,,kurihara-central-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kurihara,Japan,6822190,NID201200511167607 +,https://ror.org/04xh72p96,Chukyo Junior College*en,active,education,チュウキョウ ガクイン ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja;Chukyo Gakuin Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja,Chukyo Junior College*en;中京学院大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.chukyogakuin-u.ac.jp/department/junior-college/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Nakatsugawa,Japan,1855753,NID201200289711503 +,https://ror.org/03z3pjf09,Akiru Municipal Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Akiru Municipal Medical Center*en;公立阿伎留医療センター*ja,,https://www.akiru-med.jp,,akiru-med.jp,,,,,,,,,,Akiru,Japan,11612343,NID201200258074703 +,https://ror.org/056cay145,Saga Fruit Research Laboratory*en,active,facility,Sagaken Kaju Shikenjo*ja;サガケン カジュ シケンジョウ*ja,Saga Fruit Research Laboratory*en;佐賀県果樹試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.saga.lg.jp/kiji00322166/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Ogi,Japan,11611611,NID201200238358199 +,https://ror.org/05b08sa84,Niigata Prefectural Forest Experiment Station*en,active,facility,Niigataken Shinrin Kenkyujo*ja;ニイガタケン シンリン ケンキュウジョ*ja,Niigata Prefectural Forest Experiment Station*en;新潟県森林研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.niigata.lg.jp/site/shinrin/,,,,,,,,,,,,Murakami,Japan,1856434,NID201200692642739 +,https://ror.org/03jdf4784,Asada Ladies Clinic*en,active,healthcare,,Asada Ladies Clinic*en;医療法人浅田レディースクリニック*ja,,https://ivf-asada.jp,,ivf-asada.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagoya,Japan,1856057,NID201200573184862 +,https://ror.org/026gtp362,Optoelectronic Industry and Technology Development Association*en,active,nonprofit,光産業技術振興協会*ja,Optoelectronic Industry and Technology Development Association*en;一般財団法人光産業技術振興協会*ja,,https://www.oitda.or.jp,,oitda.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200569555139 +,https://ror.org/00j20yy16,Nuclear Safety Research Association*en,active,nonprofit,原子力安全研究協会*ja,Nuclear Safety Research Association*en;公益財団法人原子力安全研究協会*ja,,https://www.nsra.or.jp,,nsra.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200955269523 +,https://ror.org/04ez83p88,Okinawa Hokubu Hospital*en,active,facility,,Okinawa Hokubu Hospital*en;沖縄県立北部病院*ja,,http://www.hosp.pref.okinawa.jp/hokubu/,,,,,,,,,,,,Nago,Japan,1856068,NID201200594907789 +,https://ror.org/03gthnr76,Fukuoka Fisheries and Marine Technology Research Center*en,active,facility,フクオカケン スイサン カイヨウ ギジュツ センター*ja;Fukuokaken Suisan Kaiyo Gijutsu Senta*ja,Fukuoka Fisheries and Marine Technology Research Center*en;福岡県水産海洋技術センター*ja,,https://www.sea-net.pref.fukuoka.jp,,sea-net.pref.fukuoka.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fukuoka,Japan,1863967,NID201200956491149 +,https://ror.org/016kdhy07,Nishinihon Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Nishinihon Hospital*en;医療法人財団聖十字会西日本病院*ja,,https://www.nishinihon.or.jp,,nishinihon.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kumamoto,Japan,1858421,NID201200210803688 +,https://ror.org/01rxcdb50,Laboratories of Image Information Science and Technology*en,active,facility,,Laboratories of Image Information Science and Technology*en;財団法人イメージ情報科学研究所*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200220659891 +,https://ror.org/01esb9c72,Sugita Genpaku Memorial Obama Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Sugita Genpaku Memorial Obama Municipal Hospital*en;杉田玄白記念公立小浜病院*ja,,https://www.obamahp-wakasa.jp/hospital/,,,,,,,,,,,,Obama,Japan,1854849,NID201200388718768 +,https://ror.org/02cpwqf16,Ogachi Central Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Ogachi Central Hospital*en;JA秋田厚生連雄勝中央病院*ja,,https://www.ogachi-hsp.jp,,ogachi-hsp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yuzawa,Japan,2110460,NID201200577728646 +,https://ror.org/02ta2q948,"The Society of Materials Science, Japan*en",active,nonprofit,"Society of Materials Science, Japan*en;日本材料学会*ja","The Society of Materials Science, Japan*en;公益社団法人日本材料学会*ja",,https://www.jsms.jp,,jsms.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200387427900 +,https://ror.org/0457rd124,National Sanatorium Nagashima-Aiseien*en,active,healthcare,Kokuritsu Ryoyojo Nagashima Aiseien*ja;コクリツ リョウヨウジョ ナガシマ アイセイエン*ja,National Sanatorium Nagashima-Aiseien*en;国立療養所長島愛生園*ja,,https://www.mhlw.go.jp/seisakunitsuite/bunya/kenkou_iryou/iryou/hansen/aiseien/,,,,,,,,,,,,Setouchi,Japan,11612566,NID201200877765651 +,https://ror.org/00n4rzk96,Kurashiki Sweet Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kurashiki Sweet Hospital*en;医療法人和香会倉敷スイートホスピタル*ja,,https://sweet-town.jp/station/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Kurashiki,Japan,1858311,NID201200820815127 +,https://ror.org/04kz5f756,Tohoku Institute for Management of Blood Pressure*en,active,nonprofit,東北血圧管理協会*ja,Tohoku Institute for Management of Blood Pressure*en;一般社団法人東北血圧管理協会*ja,,http://www.t-mbp.com,,t-mbp.com,,,,,,,,,,Hanamaki,Japan,2112823,NID201200931392872 +,https://ror.org/04wpjpv62,Tajimi Iwase Eye Clinic*en,active,nonprofit,,Tajimi Iwase Eye Clinic*en;たじみ岩瀬眼科*ja,,http://www.iwase-eye.jp,,iwase-eye.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tajimi,Japan,1851193,NID201200404398985 +,https://ror.org/01dfakn83,Gunma Prefectural Livestock Experiment Station*en,active,facility,グンマケン チクサン シケンジョウ*ja;Gunmaken Chikusan Shikenjo*ja,Gunma Prefectural Livestock Experiment Station*en;群馬県畜産試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.gunma.jp/soshiki/146/,,,,,,,,,,,,Maebashi,Japan,1857843,NID201200733831397 +,https://ror.org/00vepg991,Ceramic Research Center of Nagasaki*en,active,facility,ナガサキケン ヨウギョウ ギジュツ センター*ja;Nagasakiken Yogyo Gijutsu Senta*ja,Ceramic Research Center of Nagasaki*en;長崎県窯業技術センター*ja,,https://www.pref.nagasaki.jp/yogyo/,,,,,,,,,,,,Nagasaki,Japan,1856177,NID201200089232789 +,https://ror.org/05xs1pz44,Uekusa Gakuen Junior College*en,active,education,Uekusa Gakuen Tanki Daigaku*ja;ウエクサ ガクエン タンキ ダイガク*ja,Uekusa Gakuen Junior College*en;植草学園短期大学*ja,,https://www.uekusa.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Chiba,Japan,2113015,NID201200341025511 +,https://ror.org/02ekfha90,Chukyo Eye Clinic*en,active,healthcare,,Chukyo Eye Clinic*en;医療法人いさな会中京眼科*ja,,https://chukyo-eye.or.jp,,chukyo-eye.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagoya,Japan,1856057,NID201200286426233 +,https://ror.org/00t134269,Aichi Medical Association*en,active,nonprofit,愛知県医師会*ja,Aichi Medical Association*en;公益社団法人愛知県医師会*ja,,https://www.aichi.med.or.jp,,aichi.med.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagoya,Japan,1856057,NID201200632881637 +,https://ror.org/00813j607,Miyazaki Prefecture Industrial Technology Center*en,active,facility,Miyazakiken Kogyo Gijutsu Senta*ja;ミヤザキケン コウギョウ ギジュツ センター*ja,Miyazaki Prefecture Industrial Technology Center*en;宮崎県工業技術センター*ja,,https://www.iri.pref.miyazaki.jp,,iri.pref.miyazaki.jp,,,,,,,,,,Miyazaki,Japan,1856717,NID201200523832014 +,https://ror.org/05whv5732,Tohoku Seikatsu Bunka Junior College*en,active,education,,Tohoku Seikatsu Bunka Junior College*en;東北生活文化大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.mishima.ac.jp/tsb/,,,,,,,,,,,,Sendai,Japan,2111149,NID201200420350048 +,https://ror.org/03fdbez45,Kyoto Industrial Association*en,active,nonprofit,京都工業会*ja,Kyoto Industrial Association*en;公益社団法人京都工業会*ja,,https://www.kyokogyo.or.jp,,kyokogyo.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200467598795 +,https://ror.org/03wvqgn13,Hiroshima Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Hiroshima Prefectural Government*en;広島県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.hiroshima.lg.jp,,pref.hiroshima.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hiroshima,Japan,1862415,NID201200662619246 +,https://ror.org/04bghay88,Shiga Prefectural Fishery Experiment Station*en,active,facility,Shigaken Suisan Shikenjo*ja;シガケン スイサン シケンジョウ*ja,Shiga Prefectural Fishery Experiment Station*en;滋賀県水産試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.shiga.lg.jp/suisan-s/,,,,,,,,,,,,Maibara,Japan,1857769,NID201200873281593 +,https://ror.org/038btwr93,Fukuoka Prefectural Police*en,active,government,,Fukuoka Prefectural Police*en;福岡県警察*ja,,https://www.police.pref.fukuoka.jp,,police.pref.fukuoka.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fukuoka,Japan,1863967,NID201200033412801 +,https://ror.org/03nk1jp69,Miyazaki Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Miyazaki Prefectural Government*en;宮崎県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.miyazaki.lg.jp,,pref.miyazaki.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Miyazaki,Japan,1856717,NID201200828952970 +,https://ror.org/03tr61b37,Okinawa Christian Junior College*en,active,education,Okinawa Kirisutokyo Tanki Daigaku*ja;オキナワ キリストキョウ タンキ ダイガク*ja,Okinawa Christian Junior College*en;沖縄キリスト教短期大学*ja,,https://www.ocjc.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Okinawa,Japan,1894616,NID201200580707221 +,https://ror.org/01v4vm136,Japan Environmental Technology Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本環境技術協会*ja,Japan Environmental Technology Association*en;公益社団法人日本環境技術協会*ja,,https://www.jeta.or.jp,,jeta.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200993897410 +,https://ror.org/0213h2a91,Ohda Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Ohda Municipal Hospital*en;大田市立病院*ja,,https://www.ohda-hp.ohda.shimane.jp,,ohda-hp.ohda.shimane.jp,,,,,,,,,,Oda-shi,Japan,1854750,NID201200310393245 +,https://ror.org/048997274,Chikugo City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,筑後市立病院*ja,Chikugo City Hospital*en;地方独立行政法人筑後市立病院*ja,,https://www.chikugocity-hp.jp,,chikugocity-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Chikugo,Japan,11611638,NID201200691228334 +,https://ror.org/00kktwv09,Inuyama Hospital*en,active,healthcare,桜桂会犬山病院*ja,Inuyama Hospital*en;医療法人桜桂会犬山病院*ja,,https://www.okeikai.or.jp,,okeikai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Inuyama,Japan,1861528,NID201200629820030 +,https://ror.org/04t3v6492,Kyoto Kujo Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kyoto Kujo Hospital*en;医療法人同仁会京都九条病院*ja,,https://www.dojinkai.com/kujohp/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200584014709 +,https://ror.org/02efcyw28,Inokashira Hospital*en,active,healthcare,井之頭病院*ja,Inokashira Hospital*en;公益財団法人井之頭病院*ja,,https://www.inokashira-hp.or.jp,,inokashira-hp.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Mitaka,Japan,11790343,NID201200450076372 +,https://ror.org/02st0pe74,The Sasakawa Peace Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,Sasakawa Peace Foundation*en;笹川平和財団*ja,The Sasakawa Peace Foundation*en;公益財団法人笹川平和財団*ja,,https://www.spf.org,,spf.org,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200672185166 +,https://ror.org/04e76k847,Kobe Institute of Urban Research*en,active,facility,神戸都市問題研究所*ja,Kobe Institute of Urban Research*en;公益財団法人神戸都市問題研究所*ja,,https://www.city.kobe.lg.jp/a95287/shise/kekaku/kikakuchosekyoku/toshimonken.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Kobe,Japan,1859171,NID201200764720534 +,https://ror.org/04y2jhf44,Nissho*en,active,nonprofit,日本消防協会*ja,Nissho*en;公益財団法人日本消防協会*ja,,https://www.nissho.or.jp,,nissho.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200788998986 +,https://ror.org/054y9ww65,Nishinomiya Watanabe Cardiovascular Center*en,active,healthcare,西宮渡辺心臓・血管センター*ja,Nishinomiya Watanabe Cardiovascular Center*en;社会医療法人渡邊高記念会西宮渡辺心臓・血管センター*ja,,https://www.n-watanabe-hosp.jp/hab/,,,,,,,,,,,,Nishinomiya,Japan,1855207,NID201200140828340 +,https://ror.org/04xqm0b91,Professional College of Arts and Tourism*en,active,education,ゲイジュツ ブンカ カンコウ センモンショク ダイガク*ja;Geijutsu Bunka Kanko Senmonshoku Daigaku*ja,Professional College of Arts and Tourism*en;芸術文化観光専門職大学*ja,,https://www.at-hyogo.jp,,at-hyogo.jp,,,,,,,,,,Toyooka,Japan,1849831,NID201200689916784 +,https://ror.org/05gw0md72,Saga Prefectural Ariake Fisheries Research and Development Center*en,active,facility,Sagaken Ariake Suisan Shinko Senta*ja;サガケン アリアケ スイサン シンコウ センター*ja,Saga Prefectural Ariake Fisheries Research and Development Center*en;佐賀県有明水産振興センター*ja,,https://www.pref.saga.lg.jp/list02480.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Saga,Japan,1853303,NID201200686264349 +,https://ror.org/01vwq9032,Tanaka Growth Clinic*en,active,healthcare,,Tanaka Growth Clinic*en;たなか成長クリニック*ja,,http://tanaka-growth-clinic.com,,tanaka-growth-clinic.com,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200831656076 +,https://ror.org/053yx7592,J A Kyosai Research Institute*en,active,facility,JA共済総合研究所*ja,J A Kyosai Research Institute*en;一般社団法人JA共済総合研究所*ja,,https://www.jkri.or.jp,,jkri.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200573221101 +,https://ror.org/05japqc65,International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning*en,active,facility,,International Research Institute for Nuclear Decommissioning*en;技術研究組合国際廃炉研究開発機構*ja,IRD*en,https://irid.or.jp,,irid.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200168936823 +,https://ror.org/00t09ra09,Toyama Prefectural Police*en,active,government,,Toyama Prefectural Police*en;富山県警察*ja,,https://police.pref.toyama.jp,,police.pref.toyama.jp,,,,,,,,,,Toyama,Japan,1849876,NID201200534348243 +,https://ror.org/05fkc6595,Ogaki Tokushukai Hospital*en,active,nonprofit,,Ogaki Tokushukai Hospital*en;医療法人徳洲会大垣徳洲会病院*ja,,https://www.ogaki.tokushukai.or.jp,,ogaki.tokushukai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Ogaki,Japan,1854703,NID201200063826173 +,https://ror.org/002wgkd29,Association for Health Economics Research and Social Insurance and Welfare*en,active,nonprofit,医療経済研究・社会保険福祉協会*ja,Association for Health Economics Research and Social Insurance and Welfare*en;一般財団法人医療経済研究・社会保険福祉協会*ja,,https://www.shafuku.jp,,shafuku.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200917617304 +,https://ror.org/05exn8n22,Association for Disaster Prevention Research*en,active,nonprofit,防災研究協会*ja,Association for Disaster Prevention Research*en;一般財団法人防災研究協会*ja,,https://www.bosaikyo.jp,,bosaikyo.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200806384818 +,https://ror.org/01r281910,Tokyo Nursing Association*en,active,nonprofit,東京都看護協会*ja,Tokyo Nursing Association*en;公益社団法人東京都看護協会*ja,,https://www.tna.or.jp,,tna.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200096006056 +,https://ror.org/05epddd96,"House of Councillors, the National Diet of Japan*en",active,government,House of Councillors of the National Diet of Japan*en;サンギイン*ja;Sangiin*ja,"House of Councillors, the National Diet of Japan*en;参議院*ja",,https://www.sangiin.go.jp,,sangiin.go.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200021430178 +,https://ror.org/05pbevm62,Aichi Prefectural Forestry Research Institute*en,active,facility,,Aichi Prefectural Forestry Research Institute*en;愛知県森林・林業技術センター*ja,,https://www.pref.aichi.jp/soshiki/shinrin-ringyo-c/,,,,,,,,,,,,Shinshiro,Japan,1852046,NID201200001014691 +,https://ror.org/05wkg1r24,Yamaguchi Prefectural Fisheries Research Center*en,active,facility,Yamaguchiken Suisan Kenkyu Senta*ja;ヤマグチケン スイサン ケンキュウ センター*ja,Yamaguchi Prefectural Fisheries Research Center*en;山口県水産研究センター*ja,,https://www.pref.yamaguchi.lg.jp/soshiki/125/21871.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Nagato; Yamaguchi,Japan,1899102;1848689,NID201200076792753 +,https://ror.org/0244vtq08,Shizuoka Prefectural Research Institute of Fishery*en,active,facility,,Shizuoka Prefectural Research Institute of Fishery*en;静岡県水産・海洋技術研究所*ja,,https://fish-exp.pref.shizuoka.jp,,fish-exp.pref.shizuoka.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yaizu,Japan,1848774,NID201200689298473 +,https://ror.org/00gmq0p08,Nara Prefecture Agricultural Research and Development Center*en,active,facility,Naraken Nogyo Kenkyu Kaihatsu Senta*ja;ナラケン ノウギョウ ケンキュウ カイハツ センター*ja,Nara Prefecture Agricultural Research and Development Center*en;奈良県農業研究開発センター*ja,,https://www.pref.nara.jp/1761.htm,,,,,,,,,,,,Sakurai,Japan,1853066,NID201200699630047 +,https://ror.org/03edrct07,Hyogo Prefectural Tamba Medical Center*en,active,facility,,Hyogo Prefectural Tamba Medical Center*en;兵庫県立丹波医療センター*ja,,https://tmc.hyogo.jp,,tmc.hyogo.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tanba,Japan,11612482,NID201200323898159 +,https://ror.org/04xdag444,Osaka University of Arts Junior College*en,active,education,Osaka Geijutsu Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja;オオサカ ゲイジュツ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja,Osaka University of Arts Junior College*en;大阪芸術大学短期大学部*ja,,https://osaka-geitan.jp,,osaka-geitan.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200554287270 +,https://ror.org/042q4kf72,Brewing Society of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,日本醸造協会*ja,Brewing Society of Japan*en;公益財団法人日本醸造協会*ja,,https://www.jozo.or.jp,,jozo.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200128697115 +,https://ror.org/01pq2gy67,Kumagaya General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,熊谷総合病院*ja,Kumagaya General Hospital*en;社会医療法人熊谷総合病院*ja,,https://www.kumasou.or.jp,,kumasou.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kumagaya,Japan,1858428,NID201200958050625 +,https://ror.org/04a1sdj76,Shizuoka Prefectural Research Institute of Animal Industry*en,active,facility,シズオカケン チクサン ギジュツ ケンキュウジョ*ja;Shizuokaken Chikusan Gijutsu Kenkyujo*ja,Shizuoka Prefectural Research Institute of Animal Industry*en;静岡県畜産技術研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.shizuoka.jp/sangyoshigoto/norinjimusho/1046796/1044314.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Fujinomiya,Japan,1864105,NID201200644982137 +,https://ror.org/01z2bgb86,Reproduction Clinic Osaka*en,active,healthcare,,Reproduction Clinic Osaka*en;リプロダクションクリニック大阪*ja,,http://www.reposaka.jp,,reposaka.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200596317618 +,https://ror.org/027t3y253,Fukuoka Mirai Hospital*en,active,healthcare,福岡みらい病院*ja,Fukuoka Mirai Hospital*en;医療法人相生会福岡みらい病院*ja,,https://www.fukuoka-mirai.jp,,fukuoka-mirai.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fukuoka,Japan,1863967,NID201200259629081 +,https://ror.org/03ddrbp36,Japan Travel Bureau Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,日本交通公社*ja,Japan Travel Bureau Foundation*en;公益財団法人日本交通公社*ja,,https://www.jtb.or.jp,,jtb.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200039218441 +,https://ror.org/04rjn2z79,Sanjo City University*en,active,education,,Sanjo City University*en;三条市立大学*ja,,https://www.sanjo-u.ac.jp,,sanjo-u.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagaoka,Japan,1856199,NID201200566129065 +,https://ror.org/05d1de378,Civil Engineering Center Tokyo Metropolitan Government*en,active,facility,Tokyo Metropolitan Government Civil Engineering Center*en,Civil Engineering Center Tokyo Metropolitan Government*en;東京都土木技術支援・人材育成センター*ja,,https://www.kensetsu.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/jimusho/tech,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200868663669 +,https://ror.org/00941jr33,The Japan Electric Association*en,active,nonprofit,Japan Electric Association*en;日本電気協会*ja,The Japan Electric Association*en;一般社団法人日本電気協会*ja,,https://www.denki.or.jp,,denki.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200727308287 +,https://ror.org/04f8q4539,Toyama College of Welfare Science*en,active,education,,Toyama College of Welfare Science*en;富山福祉短期大学*ja,,https://www.t-fukushi.urayama.ac.jp,,t-fukushi.urayama.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Imizu,Japan,6822125,NID201200879328186 +,https://ror.org/03vzxt803,Japan Marine Science Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,日本海洋科学振興財団*ja,Japan Marine Science Foundation*en;公益財団法人日本海洋科学振興財団*ja,,http://jmsfmml.or.jp,,jmsfmml.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200798848992 +,https://ror.org/00ytawf04,Akita Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Akita Prefectural Government*en;秋田県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.akita.lg.jp,,pref.akita.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Akita,Japan,2113126,NID201200837859718 +,https://ror.org/00qq6h941,St. Andrew's University of Education*en,active,education,Momoyama Gakuin Kyoiku Daigaku*ja;モモヤマ ガクイン キョウイク ダイガク*ja,St. Andrew's University of Education*en;桃山学院教育大学*ja,,https://www.andrew-edu.ac.jp,,andrew-edu.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sakai,Japan,1853195,NID201200511335053 +,https://ror.org/05hf5kp66,Fukuoka Renal Clinic*en,active,healthcare,福岡腎臓内科クリニック*ja,Fukuoka Renal Clinic*en;医療法人医心会福岡腎臓内科クリニック*ja,,https://www.fukuoka-renal-clinic.jp,,fukuoka-renal-clinic.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fukuoka,Japan,1863967,NID201200190170907 +,https://ror.org/00k0q6e68,Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation*en,active,facility,建築環境・省エネルギー機構*ja,Institute for Building Environment and Energy Conservation*en;一般財団法人建築環境・省エネルギー機構*ja,,https://www.ibecs.or.jp,,ibecs.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200563926483 +,https://ror.org/0493g0246,Osaka Health Medical Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,大阪府保健医療財団*ja,Osaka Health Medical Foundation*en;公益財団法人大阪府保健医療財団*ja,,http://www.osaka-mf.jp,,osaka-mf.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200269320002 +,https://ror.org/05rk57t35,Sendai Akamon College*en,active,education,,Sendai Akamon College*en;仙台赤門短期大学*ja,,https://sendai-akamon.ac.jp,,sendai-akamon.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sendai,Japan,2111149,NID201200298956694 +,https://ror.org/02zpmxf06,Medical Information System Development Center*en,active,nonprofit,医療情報システム開発センター*ja,Medical Information System Development Center*en;一般財団法人医療情報システム開発センター*ja,,https://www.medis.or.jp,,medis.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200962189476 +,https://ror.org/00xcej302,The Japan Iron and Steel Federation*en,active,nonprofit,日本鉄鋼連盟*ja;Japan Iron and Steel Federation*en,The Japan Iron and Steel Federation*en;一般社団法人日本鉄鋼連盟*ja,,https://www.jisf.or.jp,,jisf.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200843645910 +,https://ror.org/05ad39p10,Ishikawa Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Science*en,active,facility,イシカワケン ホケン カンキョウ センター*ja;Ishikawaken Hoken Kankyo Senta*ja,Ishikawa Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Science*en;石川県保健環境センター*ja,,https://www.pref.ishikawa.lg.jp/hokan/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kanazawa,Japan,1860243,NID201200537084344 +,https://ror.org/00pv5gd36,Kameoka Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kameoka Municipal Hospital*en;亀岡市立病院*ja,,https://www.city.kameoka.kyoto.jp/site/hospital/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200738634832 +,https://ror.org/050wdfq62,THE Nippon Agricultural Research Institute*en,active,facility,日本農業研究所*ja;Nippon Agricultural Research Institute*en,THE Nippon Agricultural Research Institute*en;公益財団法人日本農業研究所*ja,,http://www.nohken.or.jp,,nohken.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200900139316 +,https://ror.org/00xn6v638,KANO General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,協和会加納総合病院*ja,KANO General Hospital*en;社会医療法人協和会加納総合病院*ja,,https://www.heartfull.or.jp/kano/,,,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200159274086 +,https://ror.org/02k107z27,Yonemori Hospital*en,active,healthcare,緑泉会米盛病院*ja,Yonemori Hospital*en;社会医療法人緑泉会米盛病院*ja,,https://www.yonemorihp.jp,,yonemorihp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kagoshima,Japan,1860827,NID201200153965818 +,https://ror.org/02f3v2286,Saga Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Saga Prefectural Government*en;佐賀県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.saga.lg.jp,,pref.saga.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Saga,Japan,1853303,NID201200505569987 +,https://ror.org/03jy2g328,Toyama Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Toyama Prefectural Government*en;富山県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.toyama.jp,,pref.toyama.jp,,,,,,,,,,Toyama,Japan,1849876,NID201200729326470 +,https://ror.org/01p29af69,Yokohama Women's Junior College*en,active,education,ヨコハマ ジョシ タンキ ダイガク*ja;Yokohama Joshi Tanki Daigaku*ja,Yokohama Women's Junior College*en;横浜女子短期大学*ja,,https://www.yokotan.ac.jp,,yokotan.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yokohama,Japan,1848354,NID201200811769732 +,https://ror.org/0175rgg14,Sakura General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,医仁会さくら総合病院*ja,Sakura General Hospital*en;医療法人医仁会さくら総合病院*ja,,https://www.ijinkai.or.jp,,ijinkai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Oguchi,Japan,13132739,NID201200017220912 +,https://ror.org/026k08163,Eisei Hospital*en,active,healthcare,永生病院*ja,Eisei Hospital*en;医療法人社団永生会永生病院*ja,,https://www.eisei.or.jp/eisei-hospital/,,,,,,,,,,,,Hachiōji,Japan,1863440,NID201200032320189 +,https://ror.org/00fn9q691,Niigata Prefectural Institute Of Brewing*en,active,facility,Niigataken Jozo Shikenjo*ja;ニイガタケン ジョウゾウ シケンジョウ*ja,Niigata Prefectural Institute Of Brewing*en;新潟県醸造試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.niigata.lg.jp/sec/jozo/annai.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Niigata,Japan,1855431,NID201200921212760 +,https://ror.org/05v4axe68,Ishikawa Prefecture Fisheries Research Center*en,active,facility,Ishikawaken Suisan Sogo Senta*ja;イシカワケン スイサン ソウゴウ センター*ja,Ishikawa Prefecture Fisheries Research Center*en;石川県水産総合センター*ja,,https://www.pref.ishikawa.lg.jp/suisan/center/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Kanazawa,Japan,1860243,NID201200896825952 +,https://ror.org/03m8f5n28,Shonan Keiiku Hospital*en,active,healthcare,湘南慶育病院*ja,Shonan Keiiku Hospital*en;医療法人社団健育会湘南慶育病院*ja,,https://keiiku.gr.jp,,keiiku.gr.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fujisawa,Japan,1864092,NID201200217896957 +,https://ror.org/05hd91813,Urban Design Center*en,active,facility,都市づくりパブリックデザインセンター*ja,Urban Design Center*en;公益財団法人都市づくりパブリックデザインセンター*ja,,https://www.udc.or.jp,,udc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200959558360 +,https://ror.org/03memf294,Gunma Prefectural Forestry Experiment Station*en,active,facility,グンマケン リンギョウ シケンジョウ*ja;Gunmaken Ringyo Shikenjo*ja,Gunma Prefectural Forestry Experiment Station*en;群馬県林業試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.gunma.jp/soshiki/103/,,,,,,,,,,,,Maebashi,Japan,1857843,NID201200922668834 +,https://ror.org/0058xdx33,Japan Welding Society*en,active,nonprofit,溶接学会*ja,Japan Welding Society*en;一般社団法人溶接学会*ja,,https://jweld.jp,,jweld.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200215523345 +,https://ror.org/0370bwp13,The New Industry Research Organization*en,active,nonprofit,新産業創造研究機構*ja;New Industry Research Organization*en,The New Industry Research Organization*en;公益財団法人新産業創造研究機構*ja,,https://www.niro.or.jp,,niro.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kobe,Japan,1859171,NID201200477398581 +,https://ror.org/01exadq33,Okayama Southern Institute of Health*en,active,facility,,Okayama Southern Institute of Health*en;岡山県南部健康づくりセンター*ja,,https://www.okakenko.jp/center/,,,,,,,,,,,,Okayama,Japan,1854383,NID201200309859879 +,https://ror.org/0476qjd65,Hakusan Nature Conservation Center*en,active,facility,イシカワケン ハクサン シゼン ホゴ センター*ja;Ishikawaken Hakusan Shizen Hogo Senta*ja,Hakusan Nature Conservation Center*en;石川県白山自然保護センター*ja,,https://www.pref.ishikawa.lg.jp/hakusan/,,,,,,,,,,,,Hakusan,Japan,7467881,NID201200218278154 +,https://ror.org/05tre4438,Nagano Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Nagano Prefectural Government*en;長野県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.nagano.lg.jp,,pref.nagano.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagano,Japan,1856215,NID201200088983231 +,https://ror.org/00fg4wc36,Shimane Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Shimane Prefectural Government*en;島根県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.shimane.lg.jp,,pref.shimane.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Matsue,Japan,1857550,NID201200625592436 +,https://ror.org/02kx5fx64,Tochigi Prefectural Forestry Research Center*en,active,facility,トチギケン リンギョウ センター*ja;Tochigiken Ringyo Senta*ja,Tochigi Prefectural Forestry Research Center*en;栃木県林業センター*ja,,https://www.pref.tochigi.lg.jp/d57/050511rindai.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Utsunomiya,Japan,1849053,NID201200581754987 +,https://ror.org/00wghwr85,Daini Osaka Police Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Daini Osaka Police Hospital*en;医療法人警和会第二大阪警察病院*ja,,https://www.oph-2.jp,,oph-2.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200483646663 +,https://ror.org/02t4mp811,Japan Bioindustry Association*en,active,nonprofit,バイオインダストリー協会*ja,Japan Bioindustry Association*en;一般財団法人バイオインダストリー協会*ja,,https://www.jba.or.jp,,jba.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200283263778 +,https://ror.org/018c4h365,Japan Educational Research Institute*en,active,facility,教育調査研究所*ja,Japan Educational Research Institute*en;一般財団法人教育調査研究所*ja,,http://www.chou-ken.or.jp,,chou-ken.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200523637376 +,https://ror.org/04d6h2y86,Warakukai Incorporated Medical Institution*en,active,healthcare,,Warakukai Incorporated Medical Institution*en;医療法人和楽会*ja,,https://fuanclinic.com,,fuanclinic.com,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200295790675 +,https://ror.org/03558c952,Botanic Gardens of Toyama*en,active,archive,トヤマケン チュウオウ ショクブツエン*ja;Toyamaken Chuo Shokubutsuen*ja,Botanic Gardens of Toyama*en;富山県中央植物園*ja,,https://www.bgtym.org,,bgtym.org,,,,,,,,,,Toyama,Japan,1849876,NID201200678617230 +,https://ror.org/05qck8y15,Kameda Daiichi Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kameda Daiichi Hospital*en;医療法人愛仁会亀田第一病院*ja,,https://www.ijn.or.jp,,ijn.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Niigata,Japan,1855431,NID201200316177308 +,https://ror.org/01vqn8764,Saitama Health Promotion*en,active,healthcare,埼玉県健康づくり事業団*ja,Saitama Health Promotion*en;公益財団法人埼玉県健康づくり事業団*ja,,https://www.saitama-kenkou.or.jp,,saitama-kenkou.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Saitama,Japan,6940394,NID201200549830122 +,https://ror.org/01dwytp71,Gifu Prefectural Police*en,active,government,,Gifu Prefectural Police*en;岐阜県警察*ja,,https://www.pref.gifu.lg.jp/site/police/,,,,,,,,,,,,Gifu,Japan,1863641,NID201200614121005 +,https://ror.org/00xcsac28,Kochi Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Kochi Prefectural Government*en;高知県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.kochi.lg.jp,,pref.kochi.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kochi,Japan,1859146,NID201200282915063 +,https://ror.org/04p3g7x29,Sapporo Medical Association*en,active,nonprofit,札幌市医師会*ja,Sapporo Medical Association*en;一般社団法人札幌市医師会*ja,,https://www.spmed.jp,,spmed.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sapporo,Japan,2128295,NID201200359095494 +,https://ror.org/00w8wc934,"Tokyo Metropolitan Islands Area Research and Development Center for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries*en",active,facility,トウキョウト トウショ ノウリン スイサン ソウゴウ センター*ja;Tokyoto Tosho Norin Suisan Sogo Senta*ja,"Tokyo Metropolitan Islands Area Research and Development Center for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries*en;東京都島しょ農林水産総合センター*ja",,https://www.ifarc.metro.tokyo.lg.jp,,ifarc.metro.tokyo.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200483393055 +,https://ror.org/0028wg630,Global Environmental Forum*en,active,nonprofit,地球・人間環境フォーラム*ja,Global Environmental Forum*en;一般財団法人地球・人間環境フォーラム*ja,,https://www.gef.or.jp,,gef.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200489995644 +,https://ror.org/04h7yms32,Nagasaki Prefectural Institute for Environmental Research and Public Health*en,active,facility,Nagasakiken Kankyo Hoken Kenkyu Senta*ja;ナガサキケン カンキョウ ホケン ケンキュウ センター*ja,Nagasaki Prefectural Institute for Environmental Research and Public Health*en;長崎県環境保健研究センター*ja,,https://www.pref.nagasaki.jp/section/kankyo-c/,,,,,,,,,,,,Nagasaki,Japan,1856177,NID201200916396824 +,https://ror.org/004ngv535,Sapporo Yamanoue Hospital*en,active,nonprofit,,Sapporo Yamanoue Hospital*en;医療法人札幌山の上病院*ja,,https://www.yamanoue.ne.jp,,yamanoue.ne.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sapporo,Japan,2128295,NID201200331845183 +,https://ror.org/05d7x7x53,Japan Gas Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本ガス協会*ja,Japan Gas Association*en;一般社団法人日本ガス協会*ja,,https://www.gas.or.jp,,gas.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200300577574 +,https://ror.org/00m3ptg97,Toyosato Hospital*en,active,healthcare,豊郷病院*ja,Toyosato Hospital*en;公益財団法人豊郷病院*ja,,http://www.toyosato.or.jp,,toyosato.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Toyosato,Japan,7394804,NID201200734128139 +,https://ror.org/04f8zmj78,Kyoto Yamashiro General Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Kyoto Yamashiro General Medical Center*en;京都山城総合医療センター*ja,,https://www.yamashiro-hp.jp,,yamashiro-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kizugawa,Japan,11611622,NID201200260343648 +,https://ror.org/05s7zab55,Tottori College of Nursing*en,active,education,トットリ カンゴ ダイガク*ja;Tottori Kango Daigaku*ja,Tottori College of Nursing*en;鳥取看護大学*ja,,https://www.tcn.ac.jp,,tcn.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kurayoshi,Japan,1858301,NID201200132239235 +,https://ror.org/03gt88y48,Aino University Junior College*en,active,education,Aino College*en,Aino University Junior College*en;藍野大学短期大学部*ja,,http://aoba.aino.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Takatsuki,Japan,1850910,NID201200458478736 +,https://ror.org/02s3af642,Saitama Medical Association*en,active,nonprofit,埼玉県医師会*ja,Saitama Medical Association*en;一般社団法人埼玉県医師会*ja,,https://www.saitama.med.or.jp,,saitama.med.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Saitama-shi,Japan,6940394,NID201200081759392 +,https://ror.org/052vbfx84,The Nature Conservation Society of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,Nature Conservation Society of Japan*en;日本自然保護協会*ja,The Nature Conservation Society of Japan*en;公益財団法人日本自然保護協会*ja,NACS-J*en,https://www.nacsj.or.jp/,,nacsj.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200967270359 +,https://ror.org/0240a1c32,Nihon Medical Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本医学協会*ja,Nihon Medical Association*en;公益社団法人日本医学協会*ja,,https://www.igaku-kyokai.org,,igaku-kyokai.org,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200481155576 +,https://ror.org/03ggkx359,Gunma Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Gunma Prefectural Government*en;群馬県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.gunma.jp,,pref.gunma.jp,,,,,,,,,,Maebashi,Japan,1857843,NID201200815109217 +,https://ror.org/02ngp7z50,Saga Livestock Research Laboratory*en,active,facility,サガケン チクサン シケンジョウ*ja;Sagaken Chikusan Shikenjo*ja,Saga Livestock Research Laboratory*en;佐賀県畜産試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.saga.lg.jp/kiji00320773/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Saga,Japan,1853303,NID201200948835771 +,https://ror.org/05j1fb737,Kashiwa Kousei General Hospital*en,active,nonprofit,柏厚生総合病院*ja,Kashiwa Kousei General Hospital*en;医療法人社団協友会柏厚生総合病院*ja,,https://www.kashiwakousei.or.jp,,kashiwakousei.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kashiwa,Japan,1859924,NID201200777999840 +,https://ror.org/01g8jmb35,Japan Health Promotion Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,日本健康増進財団*ja,Japan Health Promotion Foundation*en;一般財団法人日本健康増進財団*ja,,https://www.e-kenkou21.or.jp,,e-kenkou21.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200447888896 +,https://ror.org/02zab2r83,Hirosaki Stroke and Rehabilitation Center*en,active,healthcare,黎明郷弘前脳卒中・リハビリテーションセンター*ja,Hirosaki Stroke and Rehabilitation Center*en;一般財団法人黎明郷弘前脳卒中・リハビリテーションセンター*ja,,https://reimeikyou.jp/hsc/,,,,,,,,,,,,Hirosaki,Japan,2130057,NID201200468964018 +,https://ror.org/05m7x5j55,Central Japan Industries*en,active,nonprofit,中部産業連盟*ja,Central Japan Industries*en;一般社団法人中部産業連盟*ja,,https://www.chusanren.or.jp,,chusanren.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagoya,Japan,1856057,NID201200777345159 +,https://ror.org/027gdbg63,Tokyo Metropolitan Leather Technology Center*en,active,facility,トウキョウ トリツ ヒカク ギジュツ センター*ja;Tokyo Toritsu Hikaku Gijutsu Senta*ja,Tokyo Metropolitan Leather Technology Center*en;東京都立皮革技術センター*ja,,https://www.hikaku.metro.tokyo.lg.jp,,hikaku.metro.tokyo.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200951077201 +,https://ror.org/03a649882,Hanyu General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Hanyu General Hospital*en;埼玉医療生活協同組合羽生総合病院*ja,,https://www.fureaihosp.or.jp/hanyuhp/,,,,,,,,,,,,Hanyū,Japan,1863173,NID201200826395081 +,https://ror.org/023tvfz15,National Sanatorium Oku-Komyoen*en,active,healthcare,コクリツ リョウヨウジョ オク コウミョウエン*ja;Kokuritsu Ryoyojo Oku Komyoen*ja,National Sanatorium Oku-Komyoen*en;国立療養所邑久光明園*ja,,https://www.mhlw.go.jp/seisakunitsuite/bunya/kenkou_iryou/iryou/hansen/komyo/,,,,,,,,,,,,Setouchi,Japan,11612566,NID201200878389407 +,https://ror.org/056zesk73,Tottori Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Tottori Prefectural Government*en;鳥取県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.tottori.lg.jp,,pref.tottori.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tottori,Japan,1849892,NID201200908572506 +,https://ror.org/00qsv5a30,Iida Junior College*en,active,education,イイダ タンキ ダイガク*ja;Iida Tanki Daigaku*ja,Iida Junior College*en;飯田短期大学*ja,,https://www.iida.ac.jp,,iida.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Iida,Japan,1861864,NID201200994991281 +,https://ror.org/044qwwh31,Infrastructure Development INSTITUTE-JAPAN*en,active,nonprofit,国際建設技術協会*ja,Infrastructure Development INSTITUTE-JAPAN*en;一般社団法人国際建設技術協会*ja,,http://www.idi.or.jp/ja/,,idi.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200180508754 +,https://ror.org/04wb7ez66,KKR Hokuriku Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,KKR Hokuriku Hospital*en;国家公務員共済組合連合会北陸病院*ja,,https://hokuriku.kkr.or.jp,,hokuriku.kkr.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kanazawa,Japan,1860243,NID201200848891480 +,https://ror.org/01eyz2v57,Nanbu Tokushukai Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Nanbu Tokushukai Hospital*en;特定医療法人沖縄徳洲会南部徳洲会病院*ja,,https://www.nantoku.org,,nantoku.org,,,,,,,,,,Yaese,Japan,6822225,NID201200036366060 +,https://ror.org/03tpcyh35,"Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Finance*en",active,facility,Zaimusho Zaimu Sogo Seisaku Kenkyujo*ja;ザイムショウ ザイム ソウゴウ セイサク ケンキュウジョ*ja;Policy Research Institute of Ministry of Finance*en,"Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Finance*en;財務省財務総合政策研究所*ja",,https://www.mof.go.jp/pri/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200775445114 +,https://ror.org/01e7bym67,Aomori Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Aomori Prefectural Government*en;青森県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.aomori.lg.jp,,pref.aomori.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Aomori,Japan,2130658,NID201200356846978 +,https://ror.org/05sqj2j86,Sanmu Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,さんむ医療センター*ja,Sanmu Medical Center*en;地方独立行政法人さんむ医療センター*ja,,https://www.sanmu-mc.jp,,sanmu-mc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sanmu,Japan,6822168,NID201200274843367 +,https://ror.org/0368r1627,Geological Carbon Dioxide Storage Technology Research Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Geological Carbon Dioxide Storage Technology Research Association*en;二酸化炭素地中貯留技術研究組合*ja,,https://www.co2choryu-kumiai.or.jp,,co2choryu-kumiai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kizugawa,Japan,11611622,NID201200884123590 +,https://ror.org/03165bw24,Photocoding*en,active,other,,Photocoding*en;フォトコーディング*ja,,http://www.photocoding.com,,photocoding.com,,,,,,,,,,Sagamihara,Japan,11611609,NID201200831269256 +,https://ror.org/05dcna836,The Acoustical Society of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,日本音響学会*ja;Acoustical Society of Japan*en,The Acoustical Society of Japan*en;一般社団法人日本音響学会*ja,,https://acoustics.jp,,acoustics.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200794591027 +,https://ror.org/03eyzfr91,National Sanatorium Okinawa Airakuen*en,active,healthcare,コクリツ リョウヨウジョ オキナワ アイラクエン*ja;Kokuritsu Ryoyojo Okinawa Airakuen*ja,National Sanatorium Okinawa Airakuen*en;国立療養所沖縄愛楽園*ja,,https://www.mhlw.go.jp/seisakunitsuite/bunya/kenkou_iryou/iryou/hansen/airakuen/site/top.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Nago,Japan,1856068,NID201200179002021 +,https://ror.org/01ftapy35,Kagoshima Prefectural Forestry Technology Center*en,active,facility,Kagoshimaken Shinrin Gijutsu Sogo Senta*ja;カゴシマケン シンリン ギジュツ ソウゴウ センター*ja,Kagoshima Prefectural Forestry Technology Center*en;鹿児島県森林技術総合センター*ja,,https://www.pref.kagoshima.jp/ab02/soshiki/kankyo/desaki/shinrin.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Aira,Japan,11611646,NID201200651227733 +,https://ror.org/00m6y2w67,Kakeyu-Misayama Rehabilitation Center*en,active,healthcare,,Kakeyu-Misayama Rehabilitation Center*en;JA長野厚生連鹿教湯三才山リハビリテーションセンター*ja,,https://km-rehacenter.jp,,km-rehacenter.jp,,,,,,,,,,Ueda,Japan,1849429,NID201200556476700 +,https://ror.org/02mjn1p68,Tottori Swine & Poultry Experiment Station*en,active,facility,トットリケン チュウショウ カチク シケンジョウ*ja;Tottoriken Chusho Kachiku Shikenjo*ja,Tottori Swine & Poultry Experiment Station*en;鳥取県中小家畜試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.tottori.lg.jp/chushokachiku/,,,,,,,,,,,,Nanbu Cho,Japan,7392256,NID201200927682105 +,https://ror.org/055h12990,Ube Frontier College*en,active,education,ウベ フロンティア ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja;Ube Furontia Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja,Ube Frontier College*en;宇部フロンティア大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.ube-c.ac.jp,,ube-c.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Ube,Japan,1849498,NID201200029829987 +,https://ror.org/00tydck69,Software Information Center*en,active,facility,ソフトウェア情報センター*ja,Software Information Center*en;一般財団法人ソフトウェア情報センター*ja,,https://www.softic.or.jp,,softic.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200771317444 +,https://ror.org/03vnpk711,Sendai City Institute of Public Health*en,active,facility,,Sendai City Institute of Public Health*en;仙台市衛生研究所*ja,,https://www.fujisan-climb.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Shizuoka,Japan,1851714,NID201200194374413 +,https://ror.org/04vv8tv34,Hasuda Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Hasuda Hospital*en;医療法人顕正会蓮田病院*ja,,https://kango.mynavi.jp/r/cno_210296/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200880197586 +,https://ror.org/041k7vj66,Japan Aging Research Center*en,active,facility,エイジング総合研究センター*ja,Japan Aging Research Center*en;一般社団法人エイジング総合研究センター*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200264979928 +,https://ror.org/002mztf78,Japan Scientific Feeds Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本科学飼料協会*ja,Japan Scientific Feeds Association*en;一般社団法人日本科学飼料協会*ja,,https://kashikyo.lin.gr.jp,,kashikyo.lin.gr.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200226326483 +,https://ror.org/034qq8j36,High Pressure Institute of Japan*en,active,facility,日本高圧力技術協会*ja,High Pressure Institute of Japan*en;一般社団法人日本高圧力技術協会*ja,,https://www.hpij.org,,hpij.org,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200444193476 +,https://ror.org/01efr2w87,Institute for Traffic Accident Research and Data Analysis*en,active,facility,交通事故総合分析センター*ja,Institute for Traffic Accident Research and Data Analysis*en;公益財団法人交通事故総合分析センター*ja,,https://www.itarda.or.jp,,itarda.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200265233607 +,https://ror.org/046jrga91,Zikei Institute of Psychiatry*en,active,facility,慈圭会慈圭病院*ja,Zikei Institute of Psychiatry*en;公益財団法人慈圭会慈圭病院*ja,,https://www.zikei.or.jp,,zikei.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Okayama,Japan,1854383,NID201200793012349 +,https://ror.org/05e571q11,Ikuei University*en,active,education,Ikuei Daigaku*ja;イクエイ ダイガク*ja,Ikuei University*en;育英大学*ja,,https://www.ikuei-g.ac.jp/university/,,ikuei-g.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Takasaki,Japan,1851002,NID201200482015741 +,https://ror.org/044npbj02,Okayama Healthcare Professional University*en,active,education,オカヤマ イリョウ センモンショク ダイガク*ja;Okayama Iryo Senmonshoku Daigaku*ja,Okayama Healthcare Professional University*en;岡山医療専門職大学*ja,,https://opu.ac.jp,,opu.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Okayama,Japan,1854380,NID201200645743807 +,https://ror.org/00w7qnw63,Sapporo International Junior College*en,active,education,,Sapporo International Junior College*en;札幌国際大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.siu.ac.jp,,siu.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sapporo,Japan,2128295,NID201200498604315 +,https://ror.org/04g386355,Shioda Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Shioda Hospital*en;医療法人SHIODA塩田病院*ja,,https://www.shioda.or.jp,,shioda.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Katsuura,Japan,2112309,NID201200367869638 +,https://ror.org/007413320,Seichiryo Hospital*en,active,healthcare,医療法人交正会精治寮病院*ja,Seichiryo Hospital*en;医療法人交正会精治寮病院*ja,,https://seichiryo.com,,seichiryo.com,,,,,,,,,,Nagoya,Japan,1856057,NID201200175898277 +,https://ror.org/043x4kv51,Shin-Kuki General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Shin-Kuki General Hospital*en;医療法人社団埼玉巨樹の会新久喜総合病院*ja,,https://shinkuki-hp.jp,,shinkuki-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kuki,Japan,7464124,NID201200526762828 +,https://ror.org/01p5z3v19,Japan Consulting Institute*en,active,nonprofit,日本プラント協会*ja,Japan Consulting Institute*en;一般社団法人日本プラント協会*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200377258619 +,https://ror.org/00gn1bk57,Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society*en,active,nonprofit,日本消化器内視鏡学会*ja,Japan Gastroenterological Endoscopy Society*en;一般社団法人日本消化器内視鏡学会*ja,JGES*en,https://www.jges.net,,jges.net,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200860200073 +,https://ror.org/03258q629,Kobe Tokushukai Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kobe Tokushukai Hospital*en;特定医療法人沖縄徳洲会神戸徳洲会病院*ja,,https://www.kobetokushukai.org,,kobetokushukai.org,,,,,,,,,,Kobe,Japan,1859171,NID201200628698278 +,https://ror.org/045v44z74,Ibaraki Prefectural Medical Center of Psychiatry*en,active,healthcare,Ibaraki Kenritsu Kokoro No Iryo Senta*ja;イバラキ ケンリツ ココロ ノ イリョウ センター*ja,Ibaraki Prefectural Medical Center of Psychiatry*en;茨城県立こころの医療センター*ja,,https://www.mc-kokoro.pref.ibaraki.jp,,mc-kokoro.pref.ibaraki.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kasama,Japan,912764,NID201200126689912 +,https://ror.org/030chaq85,Yamaguchi College of Arts*en,active,education,ヤマグチ ゲイジュツ タンキ ダイガク*ja;Yamaguchi Geijutsu Tanki Daigaku*ja,Yamaguchi College of Arts*en;山口芸術短期大学*ja,,https://www.yamaguchi-jca.ac.jp,,yamaguchi-jca.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yamaguchi,Japan,1848689,NID201200493195517 +,https://ror.org/01wdxt577,Chubu Gakuin Junior College*en,active,education,チュウブ ガクイン ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja;Chubu Gakuin Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja,Chubu Gakuin Junior College*en;中部学院大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.chubu-gu.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Seki; Kakamigahara,Japan,1852765; 1860735,NID201200707653109 +,https://ror.org/047svzh56,Wakakusa-Tatsuma Rehabilitation Hospital*en,active,nonprofit,,Wakakusa-Tatsuma Rehabilitation Hospital*en;社会医療法人若弘会わかくさ竜間リハビリテーション病院*ja,,https://www.wakakoukai.or.jp/rihabili/,,,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200572953540 +,https://ror.org/04edvhw11,The Japanese Society for Cardiovascular Surgery*en,active,nonprofit,日本心臓血管外科学会*ja;Japanese Society for Cardiovascular Surgery*en,The Japanese Society for Cardiovascular Surgery*en;特定非営利活動法人日本心臓血管外科学会*ja,,https://jscvs.or.jp,,jscvs.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200505931081 +,https://ror.org/00mw3k977,Miyazaki Prefectural Forestry Technology Center*en,active,facility,ミヤザキケン リンギョウ ギジュツ センター*ja;Miyazakiken Ringyo Gijutsu Senta*ja,Miyazaki Prefectural Forestry Technology Center*en;宮崎県林業技術センター*ja,,https://www.pref.miyazaki.lg.jp/contents/org/kankyo/shinrin/mfc/,,,,,,,,,,,,Misato,Japan,7413980,NID201200946405828 +,https://ror.org/03dgaxm65,The Japan P.E.N. club*en,active,nonprofit,Japan P.E.N. club*en;日本ペンクラブ*ja,The Japan P.E.N. club*en;一般社団法人日本ペンクラブ*ja,,https://japanpen.or.jp,,japanpen.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200767569695 +,https://ror.org/02gbj1120,Tsugaru General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Tsugaru General Hospital*en;つがる総合病院*ja,,https://www.tsgren.jp/tsugaru-general-hospital/,,,,,,,,,,,,Goshogawara,Japan,2131612,NID201200454002690 +,https://ror.org/032k1g572,Akita Research Center for Public Health and Environment*en,active,facility,アキタケン ケンコウ カンキョウ センター*ja;Akitaken Kenko Kankyo Senta*ja,Akita Research Center for Public Health and Environment*en;秋田県健康環境センター*ja,,https://www.pref.akita.lg.jp/pages/genre/rcphe,,,,,,,,,,,,Akita,Japan,2113126,NID201200416155675 +,https://ror.org/04xkn8h91,Gifu Prefectural Gero Hospital*en,active,healthcare,岐阜県立下呂温泉病院*ja,Gifu Prefectural Gero Hospital*en;地方独立行政法人岐阜県立下呂温泉病院*ja,,https://www.gero-hp.jp,,gero-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Gero,Japan,1848055,NID201200577127920 +,https://ror.org/0339vwz86,Tsukuba International Junior College*en,active,education,Tsukuba Kokusai Tanki Daigaku*ja;ツクバ コクサイ タンキ ダイガク*ja,Tsukuba International Junior College*en;つくば国際短期大学*ja,,https://www.ktt.ac.jp/tijc/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tsuchiura,Japan,6822099,NID201200965019291 +,https://ror.org/05e48s567,The Medical and Pharmacological Research Center Foundation*en,inactive,nonprofit,Medical and Pharmacological Research Center Foundation*en;先端医学薬学研究センター*ja,The Medical and Pharmacological Research Center Foundation*en;一般財団法人先端医学薬学研究センター*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hakui,Japan,1863341,NID201200205122013 +,https://ror.org/04d5ay023,Tokushima Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Tokushima Prefectural Government*en;徳島県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.tokushima.lg.jp,,pref.tokushima.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokushima,Japan,1850158,NID201200020411097 +,https://ror.org/01vbs6145,Japan Fisheries Information Service Center*en,active,nonprofit,漁業情報サービスセンター*ja,Japan Fisheries Information Service Center*en;一般社団法人漁業情報サービスセンター*ja,JAFIC*en,https://www.jafic.or.jp,,jafic.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200387993065 +,https://ror.org/03x38rw49,Shinozaki Medical Clinic*en,active,healthcare,,Shinozaki Medical Clinic*en;篠崎内科クリニック*ja,,http://shinozaki-cl.com,,shinozaki-cl.com,,,,,,,,,,Utsunomiya,Japan,1849053,NID201200268702814 +,https://ror.org/04qpepa75,Minami Seikyo Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Minami Seikyo Hospital*en;南医療生活協同組合総合病院南生協病院*ja,,https://www.minami-hp.jp,,minami-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagoya,Japan,1856057,NID201200148346231 +,https://ror.org/02d9tjn82,National Sanatorium Suruga*en,active,healthcare,Kokuritsu Suruga Ryoyojo*ja;コクリツ スルガ リョウヨウジョ*ja,National Sanatorium Suruga*en;国立駿河療養所*ja,,https://www.mhlw.go.jp/seisakunitsuite/bunya/kenkou_iryou/iryou/hansen/suruga/,,,,,,,,,,,,Gotemba,Japan,1863528,NID201200970745541 +,https://ror.org/00kdk2k41,Okinawa Prefectural Fisheries Research and Extension Center*en,active,facility,オキナワケン スイサン カイヨウ ギジュツ センター*ja;Okinawaken Suisan Kaiyo Gijutsu Senta*ja,Okinawa Prefectural Fisheries Research and Extension Center*en;沖縄県水産海洋技術センター*ja,,https://www.pref.okinawa.jp/fish/,,,,,,,,,,,,Itoman,Japan,1861280,NID201200165915423 +,https://ror.org/02tqzbq72,Saitama Cooperative Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Saitama Cooperative Hospital*en;医療生協さいたま生活協同組合埼玉協同病院*ja,,https://kyoudou-hp.com,,kyoudou-hp.com,,,,,,,,,,Kawaguchi,Japan,1859730,NID201200943393337 +,https://ror.org/04yjz9j46,St. Marguerite Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,St. Marguerite Hospital*en;医療法人社団恵仁会セントマーガレット病院*ja,,https://www.st-marguerite.or.jp,,st-marguerite.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yachiyo,Japan,6822182,NID201200267634457 +,https://ror.org/02e45e442,Yokohama Asahi Chuo General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,横浜旭中央総合病院*ja,Yokohama Asahi Chuo General Hospital*en;医療法人社団明芳会横浜旭中央総合病院*ja,,https://imsgroup.jp/yokohama-asahi/,,,,,,,,,,,,Yokohama,Japan,1848354,NID201200134453910 +,https://ror.org/0314n2018,Shiretoko Nature Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,知床財団*ja,Shiretoko Nature Foundation*en;公益財団法人知床財団*ja,,https://www.shiretoko.or.jp,,shiretoko.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Onnebetsu,Japan,2128656,NID201200877655468 +,https://ror.org/05rp22271,National Sanatorium Hoshizuka Keiaien*en,active,healthcare,Kokuritsu Ryoyojo Hoshizuka Keiaien*ja;コクリツ リョウヨウジョ ホシズカ ケイアイエン*ja,National Sanatorium Hoshizuka Keiaien*en;国立療養所星塚敬愛園*ja,,https://www.mhlw.go.jp/seisakunitsuite/bunya/kenkou_iryou/iryou/hansen/keiaien/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kanoya,Japan,1860112,NID201200919805158 +,https://ror.org/03prf0r66,Tochigi Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Tochigi Prefectural Government*en;栃木県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.tochigi.lg.jp,,pref.tochigi.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Utsunomiya,Japan,1849053,NID201200440722919 +,https://ror.org/03zcsz552,Takamatsu Junior College*en,active,education,タカマツ タンキ ダイガク*ja;Takamatsu Tanki Daigaku*ja,Takamatsu Junior College*en;高松短期大学*ja,,https://www.takamatsu-u.ac.jp,,takamatsu-u.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Takamatsu,Japan,1851100,NID201200240576239 +,https://ror.org/01a9fqn74,HORAC GRAND FRONT OSAKA Clinic*en,active,healthcare,,HORAC GRAND FRONT OSAKA Clinic*en;HORACグランフロント大阪クリニック*ja,,https://www.ivfhorac.com,,ivfhorac.com,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200840488338 +,https://ror.org/04cqf4q11,Miyamoto Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Miyamoto Hospital*en;医療法人盡誠会宮本病院*ja,,https://miyamoto-hp.or.jp,,miyamoto-hp.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Inashiki,Japan,6822108,NID201200512873668 +,https://ror.org/04w2akp96,Advanced Construction Technology Center*en,active,facility,先端建設技術センター*ja,Advanced Construction Technology Center*en;一般財団法人先端建設技術センター*ja,ACTEC*en,https://www.actec.or.jp,,actec.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200873289546 +,https://ror.org/01rgz7g32,"Institute for Agriculture, Medicine, and the Environment*en",active,facility,農業・環境・健康研究所*ja,"Institute for Agriculture, Medicine, and the Environment*en;公益財団法人農業・環境・健康研究所*ja",,https://iame.or.jp,,iame.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Izunokuni,Japan,6822191,NID201200864694973 +,https://ror.org/04p1hmw66,Meijibashi Hospital*en,active,healthcare,垣谷会明治橋病院*ja,Meijibashi Hospital*en;社会医療法人垣谷会明治橋病院*ja,,https://www.meijibashi.or.jp,,meijibashi.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Matsubara,Japan,1857568,NID201200092547467 +,https://ror.org/04z44m122,Miyamoto Hospital*en,active,healthcare,宮本病院*ja,Miyamoto Hospital*en;医療法人宮本病院*ja,,https://www.miyamoto-hp.jp,,miyamoto-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Wakayama,Japan,1926004,NID201200921199528 +,https://ror.org/04qmfwz39,Yamanoue Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Yamanoue Hospital*en;医療法人社団健寿会山の上病院*ja,,https://www.yamanoue-hospital.jp,,yamanoue-hospital.jp,,,,,,,,,,Shizuoka,Japan,1851717,NID201200249477676 +,https://ror.org/05aqxs106,Hyogo Environmental Advancement Association*en,active,nonprofit,ひょうご環境創造協会*ja,Hyogo Environmental Advancement Association*en;公益財団法人ひょうご環境創造協会*ja,,https://www.eco-hyogo.jp,,eco-hyogo.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kobe,Japan,1859171,NID201200365343442 +,https://ror.org/02dwjbw48,Osaka Heavy Ion Therapy Center*en,active,facility,大阪国際がん治療財団大阪重粒子線センター*ja,Osaka Heavy Ion Therapy Center*en;公益財団法人大阪国際がん治療財団大阪重粒子線センター*ja,,https://www.osaka-himak.or.jp,,osaka-himak.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200327459583 +,https://ror.org/05eya0167,Ishikawa Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Ishikawa Prefectural Government*en;石川県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.ishikawa.lg.jp,,pref.ishikawa.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kanazawa,Japan,1860243,NID201200528742569 +,https://ror.org/03azpm588,Shonan Kamakura University of Medical Sciences*en,active,education,Shonan Kamakura Iryo Daigaku*ja;ショウナン カマクラ イリョウ ダイガク*ja,Shonan Kamakura University of Medical Sciences*en;湘南鎌倉医療大学*ja,,https://www.sku.ac.jp,,sku.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kamakura,Japan,1860672,NID201200006241676 +,https://ror.org/053290d43,The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology*en,active,nonprofit,日本消化器病学会*ja;Japanese Society of Gastroenterology*en,The Japanese Society of Gastroenterology*en;一般財団法人日本消化器病学会*ja,,https://www.jsge.or.jp,,jsge.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200753792687 +,https://ror.org/01tz05n88,Omuta Tenryo Hospital*en,active,healthcare,大牟田天領病院*ja;福岡県社会保険医療協会社会保険大牟田天領病院*ja,Omuta Tenryo Hospital*en;一般財団法人福岡県社会保険医療協会社会保険大牟田天領病院*ja,,https://omutatenryo-hp.jp,,omutatenryo-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Omuta,Japan,1854083,NID201200892852318 +,https://ror.org/04gzand64,New Glass Forum*en,active,nonprofit,ニューガラスフォーラム*ja,New Glass Forum*en;一般社団法人ニューガラスフォーラム*ja,,https://www.newglass.jp,,newglass.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200467396780 +,https://ror.org/00gj5p964,Research Institute for High-Life*en,active,facility,ハイライフ研究所*ja,Research Institute for High-Life*en;公益財団法人ハイライフ研究所*ja,,https://www.hilife.or.jp,,hilife.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200894399383 +,https://ror.org/05jvtxd47,Ehime Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Ehime Prefectural Government*en;愛媛県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.ehime.jp,,pref.ehime.jp,,,,,,,,,,Matsuyama,Japan,1926099,NID201200142986819 +,https://ror.org/023qw0p91,Hokkaido Tokachi Area Regional Food Processing Technology Center*en,active,facility,,Hokkaido Tokachi Area Regional Food Processing Technology Center*en;北海道立十勝圏地域食品加工技術センター*ja,,https://www.food-tokachi.com,,food-tokachi.com,,,,,,,,,,Obihiro,Japan,2128815,NID201200862457978 +,https://ror.org/02qhhm014,Wakayama Prefectural Forestry Experiment Station*en,active,facility,ワカヤマケン リンギョウ シケンジョウ*ja;Wakayamaken Ringyo Shikenjo*ja,Wakayama Prefectural Forestry Experiment Station*en;和歌山県林業試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.wakayama.lg.jp/prefg/070100/070109/gaiyou/006/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Wakayama,Japan,1926004,NID201200823325991 +,https://ror.org/00vx61498,Aichi University of Technology Automotive Junior College*en,active,education,Aichi Koka Daigaku Jidosha Tanki Daigaku*ja;アイチ コウカ ダイガク ジドウシャ タンキ ダイガク*ja,Aichi University of Technology Automotive Junior College*en;愛知工科大学自動車短期大学*ja,,https://www.autjc.ac.jp,,autjc.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Gamagori,Japan,1863693,NID201200890931505 +,https://ror.org/04a7t5284,"Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc.*en",active,nonprofit,日本自動車工業会*ja,"Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc.*en;一般社団法人日本自動車工業会*ja",,https://www.jama.or.jp,,jama.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200094266669 +,https://ror.org/00ksm0582,Japan Sport Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本スポーツ協会*ja,Japan Sport Association*en;公益社団法人日本スポーツ協会*ja,JSPO*en,https://www.japan-sports.or.jp,,japan-sports.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200520393697 +,https://ror.org/02q7ncz83,Hosogi Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Hosogi Hospital*en;社会医療法人仁生会細木病院*ja,,https://www.hosogi-hospital.jp,,hosogi-hospital.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kochi,Japan,1859146,NID201200844686286 +,https://ror.org/00f083n24,National Sanatorium KURIU-RAKUSENEN*en,active,healthcare,コクリツ リョウヨウジョ クリュウ ラクセンエン*ja;Kokuritsu Ryoyojo Kuryu Rakusen'En*ja,National Sanatorium KURIU-RAKUSENEN*en;国立療養所栗生楽泉園*ja,,https://www.mhlw.go.jp/seisakunitsuite/bunya/kenkou_iryou/iryou/hansen/kuriu/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kusatsu,Japan,1858067,NID201200275578745 +,https://ror.org/05gf6be35,Japan Prosthodontic Society*en,active,nonprofit,日本補綴歯科学会*ja,Japan Prosthodontic Society*en;公益社団法人日本補綴歯科学会*ja,,https://www.hotetsu.com,,hotetsu.com,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200115044139 +,https://ror.org/02p3rmf37,Toyota Yahagi River Institute*en,active,facility,Toyotashi Yahagigawa Kenkyujo*ja;トヨタシ ヤハギガワ ケンキュウジョ*ja,Toyota Yahagi River Institute*en;豊田市矢作川研究所*ja,,https://www.yahagigawa.jp,,yahagigawa.jp,,,,,,,,,,Toyota,Japan,1849814,NID201200716436760 +,https://ror.org/03nv2sd82,Wakayama Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station*en,active,facility,Wakayamaken Suisan Shikenjo*ja;ワカヤマケン スイサン シケンジョウ*ja,Wakayama Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station*en;和歌山県水産試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.wakayama.lg.jp/prefg/071001/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kushimoto,Japan,1858033,NID201200386585421 +,https://ror.org/04fn0fc92,Tsukiji Neurological Clinic*en,active,healthcare,,Tsukiji Neurological Clinic*en;医療法人社団高恵会築地神経科クリニック*ja,,https://tguc.jp,,tguc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200978557382 +,https://ror.org/00qembr49,The Japanese Society of Hematology*en,active,nonprofit,日本血液学会*ja;Japanese Society of Hematology*en,The Japanese Society of Hematology*en;一般社団法人日本血液学会*ja,,http://www.jshem.or.jp,,jshem.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200373055799 +,https://ror.org/04betma47,Tachikawa Sogo Hospital*en,active,healthcare,立川相互病院*ja,Tachikawa Sogo Hospital*en;社会医療法人社団健生会立川相互病院*ja,,https://www.t-kenseikai.jp/tachisou/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tachikawa,Japan,11611487,NID201200396957818 +,https://ror.org/05nmgz888,Okinawa Prefectural Livestock and Grassland Research Center*en,active,facility,オキナワケン チクサン ケンキュウ センター*ja;Okinawaken Chikusan Kenkyu Senta*ja,Okinawa Prefectural Livestock and Grassland Research Center*en;沖縄県畜産研究センター*ja,,https://www.pref.okinawa.jp/shigoto/kenkyu/1011264/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Nakijin,Japan,1855713,NID201200441915059 +,https://ror.org/02q12v714,Kansai Gaidai College*en,active,education,Kansai Gaikokugo Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja;カンサイ ガイコクゴ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja,Kansai Gaidai College*en;関西外国語大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.kansaigaidai.ac.jp/academics/college/,,,,,,,,,,,,Hirakata,Japan,1862540,NID201200753426119 +,https://ror.org/00k09zh24,Japan Patent Information Organization*en,active,nonprofit,日本特許情報機構*ja,Japan Patent Information Organization*en;一般財団法人日本特許情報機構*ja,,https://www.japio.or.jp,,japio.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200930484389 +,https://ror.org/04jks9y88,Hakodate Medical Association*en,active,nonprofit,函館市医師会*ja,Hakodate Medical Association*en;公益社団法人函館市医師会*ja,,https://hakodate-med.org,,hakodate-med.org,,,,,,,,,,Hakodate,Japan,2130188,NID201200521813516 +,https://ror.org/05xenc464,Kawasaki Rinko General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Kawasaki Rinko General Hospital*en;総合川崎臨港病院*ja,,https://rinko.or.jp,,rinko.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kawasaki,Japan,1859642,NID201200124029468 +,https://ror.org/01m6drz27,Tokoha Gakuen Junior College*en,active,education,トコハ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja;Tokoha Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja,Tokoha Gakuen Junior College*en;常葉大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.tokoha-u.ac.jp/junior-college/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kusanagi; Sena; Mizuochi; Hamamatsu,Japan,11776999;11790606;1863289,NID201200839432054 +,https://ror.org/00zbywh04,Kyoto Kizugawa Hospital*en,active,healthcare,京都きづ川病院*ja,Kyoto Kizugawa Hospital*en;医療法人啓信会京都きづ川病院*ja,,https://www.kyoto-keishinkai.or.jp/kizugawa/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200037484028 +,https://ror.org/05rhq6v14,Motojima General hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Motojima General hospital*en;医療法人島門会本島総合病院*ja,,https://www.motojima.jp,,motojima.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hitachiota,Japan,6822107,NID201200825770593 +,https://ror.org/05r7hdk89,Sendai Medical Association*en,active,nonprofit,仙台市医師会*ja,Sendai Medical Association*en;一般社団法人仙台市医師会*ja,,https://www.sendai.miyagi.med.or.jp,,sendai.miyagi.med.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sendai,Japan,2111149,NID201200724718548 +,https://ror.org/02mdzkw21,Japan Association For Advancement Of PHYTO-REGULATORS*en,active,nonprofit,日本植物調節剤研究協会*ja,Japan Association For Advancement Of PHYTO-REGULATORS*en;公益財団法人日本植物調節剤研究協会*ja,,https://japr.or.jp,,japr.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200640699554 +,https://ror.org/058c33149,Minamiosaka Hospital*en,active,healthcare,南大阪病院*ja,Minamiosaka Hospital*en;社会医療法人景岳会南大阪病院*ja,,https://minamiosaka.or.jp,,minamiosaka.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200707960548 +,https://ror.org/01jqtw136,Seikei-kai Chiba Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Seikei-kai Chiba Medical Center*en;医療法人社団誠馨会千葉メディカルセンター*ja,,https://www.seikeikai-cmc.jp,,seikeikai-cmc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Chiba,Japan,2113015,NID201200206579087 +,https://ror.org/026tt3h56,The City Planning Institute of Japan*en,active,facility,City Planning Institute of Japan*en;日本都市計画学会*ja,The City Planning Institute of Japan*en;公益社団法人日本都市計画学会*ja,,https://www.cpij.or.jp,,cpij.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200870591404 +,https://ror.org/00cjz8690,Tohoku Bunkyo Junior College*en,active,education,Tohoku Bunkyo Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja;トウホク ブンキョウ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja,Tohoku Bunkyo Junior College*en;東北文教大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.t-bunkyo.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Yamagata,Japan,2110556,NID201200977675719 +,https://ror.org/00yaak728,Omagari Kousei Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Omagari Kousei Medical Center*en;JA秋田厚生連大曲厚生医療センター*ja,,https://www.okmc.jp,,okmc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Daisen,Japan,6822199,NID201200011937001 +,https://ror.org/00ex29c91,Atago Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Atago Hospital*en;医療法人新松田会愛宕病院*ja,,http://atago-hp.or.jp,,atago-hp.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kochi,Japan,1859146,NID201200044493644 +,https://ror.org/0531smp09,Kitasato Research Center of Environmental Sciences*en,active,facility,北里環境科学センター*ja,Kitasato Research Center of Environmental Sciences*en;一般財団法人北里環境科学センター*ja,,https://www.kitasato-e.or.jp,,kitasato-e.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sagamihara,Japan,11611609,NID201200214224948 +,https://ror.org/02j0pzx46,Foundation for Detection of Early Gastric Carcinoma*en,active,nonprofit,早期胃癌検診協会*ja,Foundation for Detection of Early Gastric Carcinoma*en;公益財団法人早期胃癌検診協会*ja,,https://www.soiken.or.jp,,soiken.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200059831893 +,https://ror.org/00gcc1r92,Saitama Prefectural Hospital Organization*en,active,healthcare,埼玉県立病院機構*ja,Saitama Prefectural Hospital Organization*en;地方独立行政法人埼玉県立病院機構*ja,,https://www.saitama-pho.jp,,saitama-pho.jp,,,,,,,,,,Inamachi,Japan,1861632,NID201200516919168 +,https://ror.org/02p3fnn23,Tokyo Online University*en,active,education,トウキョウ ツウシン ダイガク*ja;Tokyo Tsushin Daigaku*ja,Tokyo Online University*en;東京通信大学*ja,,https://www.internet.ac.jp,,internet.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200069070844 +,https://ror.org/02zzfq177,The Japan Geriatrics Society*en,active,nonprofit,Japan Geriatrics Society*en;日本老年医学会*ja,The Japan Geriatrics Society*en;一般社団法人日本老年医学会*ja,,https://www.jpn-geriat-soc.or.jp,,jpn-geriat-soc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200675055086 +,https://ror.org/00wgkqx32,The River Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,河川財団*ja;River Foundation*en,The River Foundation*en;公益財団法人河川財団*ja,,https://www.kasen.or.jp,,kasen.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200324718926 +,https://ror.org/0412swj16,Osaka Nursing Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Osaka Nursing Association*en;公益社団法人大阪府看護協会*ja,,https://www.osaka-kangokyokai.or.jp,,osaka-kangokyokai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200772835035 +,https://ror.org/01qw7w969,Gyoda General Hospital*en,active,nonprofit,,Gyoda General Hospital*en;社会医療法人壮幸会行田総合病院*ja,,https://gyoda-hp.or.jp,,gyoda-hp.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Gyoda,Japan,1863482,NID201200824943549 +,https://ror.org/044sn6f93,Miyagi Prefectural Forestry Technology Institute*en,active,facility,Miyagiken Ringyo Gijutsu Sogo Senta*ja;ミヤギケン リンギョウ ギジュツ ソウゴウ センター*ja,Miyagi Prefectural Forestry Technology Institute*en;宮城県林業技術総合センター*ja,,https://www.pref.miyagi.jp/soshiki/stsc/,,,,,,,,,,,,Ohira,Japan,2114107,NID201200495281582 +,https://ror.org/04f4ae402,The Advanced Materials Processing Institute Kinki Japan*en,active,facility,近畿高エネルギー加工技術研究所*ja;Advanced Materials Processing Institute Kinki Japan*en,The Advanced Materials Processing Institute Kinki Japan*en;一般財団法人近畿高エネルギー加工技術研究所*ja,,https://www.ampi.or.jp,,ampi.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Amagasaki,Japan,1865387,NID201200744011715 +,https://ror.org/02qnq4988,Japan Center for Regional Development*en,active,facility,地域活性化センター*ja,Japan Center for Regional Development*en;一般財団法人地域活性化センター*ja,,https://www.jcrd.jp,,jcrd.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200527140458 +,https://ror.org/03q6zg452,Obihiro First Hospital*en,active,healthcare,北海道医療団帯広第一病院*ja;帯広第一病院*ja,Obihiro First Hospital*en;公益財団法人北海道医療団帯広第一病院*ja,,https://www.zhi.or.jp,,zhi.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Obihiro,Japan,2128815,NID201200544276581 +,https://ror.org/03n062t48,Gifu Prefectural Industrial Technology Center*en,active,facility,ギフケン サンギョウ ギジュツ ソウゴウ センター*ja;Gifuken Sangyo Gijutsu Sogo Senta*ja,Gifu Prefectural Industrial Technology Center*en;岐阜県産業技術総合センター*ja,,https://www.gitec.rd.pref.gifu.lg.jp,,gitec.rd.pref.gifu.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Seki,Japan,1852775,NID201200459983480 +,https://ror.org/03h5w3785,Kyoto Prefectural Technology Center for Small and Medium Enterprises*en,active,facility,,Kyoto Prefectural Technology Center for Small and Medium Enterprises*en;京都府中小企業技術センタ−*ja,,https://www.kptc.jp,,kptc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200442309495 +,https://ror.org/00cvcp097,Kochi Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station*en,active,facility,Kochiken Suisan Shikenjo*ja;コウチケン スイサン シケンジョウ*ja,Kochi Prefectural Fisheries Experiment Station*en;高知県水産試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.kochi.lg.jp/soshiki/040000/040409/,,,,,,,,,,,,Susaki,Japan,1851390,NID201200066160638 +,https://ror.org/04g926778,Wakayama Prefectural Government*en,active,government,,Wakayama Prefectural Government*en;和歌山県庁*ja,,https://www.pref.wakayama.lg.jp,,pref.wakayama.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Wakayama,Japan,1926004,NID201200863019412 +,https://ror.org/05m0neb33,Nagoya College of Music*en,active,education,Nagoya Ongaku Daigaku*ja;ナゴヤ オンガク ダイガク*ja,Nagoya College of Music*en;名古屋音楽大学*ja,,https://www.meion.ac.jp,,meion.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagoya,Japan,1856057,NID201200739472361 +,https://ror.org/05k623468,Foundation for Ambulance Service Development*en,active,nonprofit,救急振興財団*ja,Foundation for Ambulance Service Development*en;一般財団法人救急振興財団*ja,,https://fasd.jp,,fasd.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200982580552 +,https://ror.org/04a45k919,Nagaoka Sutoku University*en,active,education,,Nagaoka Sutoku University*en;長岡崇徳大学*ja,,https://sutoku-u.ac.jp,,sutoku-u.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagaoka,Japan,1856199,NID201200201662861 +,https://ror.org/02nc3nq40,Nishinippon Junior College*en,active,education,Nishinihon Tanki Daigaku*ja;ニシニホン タンキ ダイガク*ja,Nishinippon Junior College*en;西日本短期大学*ja,,https://www.nishitan.ac.jp,,nishitan.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fukuoka,Japan,1863967,NID201200899675688 +,https://ror.org/03gp3tf26,Yuai Memorial Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Yuai Memorial Hospital*en;茨城県民生活協同組合友愛記念病院*ja,,https://www.yuai-hosp-jp.org,,yuai-hosp-jp.org,,,,,,,,,,Koga,Japan,1859093,NID201200860720632 +,https://ror.org/002b4pj73,Japan Foundation for AIDS Prevention*en,active,nonprofit,エイズ予防財団*ja,Japan Foundation for AIDS Prevention*en;公益財団法人エイズ予防財団*ja,,https://www.jfap.or.jp,,jfap.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200295630229 +,https://ror.org/01zsf5a90,Tango Central Hospital*en,active,healthcare,丹後中央病院*ja,Tango Central Hospital*en;公益財団法人丹後中央病院*ja,,https://www.tangohp.com/,,tangohp.com,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200126403028 +,https://ror.org/006s4cj68,Industrial Technology Innovation Center of Ibaraki Prefecture*en,active,facility,Ibarakiken Sangyo Gijutsu Inobeshon Senta*ja;イバラキケン サンギョウ ギジュツ イノベーション センター*ja,Industrial Technology Innovation Center of Ibaraki Prefecture*en;茨城県産業技術イノベーションセンター*ja,,https://www.itic.pref.ibaraki.jp,,itic.pref.ibaraki.jp,,,,,,,,,,Ibaraki,Japan,1862033,NID201200712712178 +,https://ror.org/00bxtx484,Akita Prefectural Livestock Experiment Station*en,active,facility,アキタケン チクサン シケンジョウ*ja;Akitaken Chikusan Shikenjo*ja,Akita Prefectural Livestock Experiment Station*en;秋田県畜産試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.akita.lg.jp/pages/genre/chikushi,,,,,,,,,,,,Akita,Japan,2113126,NID201200711675333 +,https://ror.org/05a04tz09,Tottori Prefectural Police*en,active,government,,Tottori Prefectural Police*en;鳥取県警察*ja,,https://www.pref.tottori.lg.jp/police/,,,,,,,,,,,,Higashimachi,Japan,11672789,NID201200601147436 +,https://ror.org/0202tms25,Gihoku Kosei Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Gihoku Kosei Hospital*en;JA岐阜厚生連岐北厚生病院*ja,,http://www.gihoku.gfkosei.or.jp,,gihoku.gfkosei.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yamagata,Japan,2110556,NID201200861745067 +,https://ror.org/05xek1n35,Todachuo General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,戸田中央総合病院*ja,Todachuo General Hospital*en;医療法人社団東光会戸田中央総合病院*ja,,https://www.chuobyoin.or.jp,,chuobyoin.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Toda,Japan,11611482,NID201200519968413 +,https://ror.org/0166m3x03,Japan International Forestry Promotion and Cooperation Center*en,active,facility,国際緑化推進センター*ja,Japan International Forestry Promotion and Cooperation Center*en;公益財団法人国際緑化推進センター*ja,,https://jifpro.or.jp,,jifpro.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200021456648 +,https://ror.org/04d8f7w44,Saga Prefectural Upland Farming Research and Extension Center*en,active,facility,Sagaken Uwaba Eino Senta*ja;サガケン ウワバ エイノウ センター*ja,Saga Prefectural Upland Farming Research and Extension Center*en;佐賀県上場営農センター*ja,,https://www.pref.saga.lg.jp/list02459.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Saga,Japan,1853303,NID201200676551088 +,https://ror.org/01nwhyj12,Toyama Design Center*en,active,facility,トヤマケン ソウゴウ デザイン センター*ja;Toyamaken Sogo Dezain Senta*ja,Toyama Design Center*en;富山県総合デザインセンター*ja,,https://toyamadesign.jp,,toyamadesign.jp,,,,,,,,,,Takaoka,Japan,1849876,NID201200586476332 +,https://ror.org/033jecd97,Nagayoshi General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,長吉総合病院*ja,Nagayoshi General Hospital*en;医療法人寺西報恩会長吉総合病院*ja,,https://www.ngh.or.jp,,ngh.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200171195598 +,https://ror.org/011rjky44,NIIZASHIKI Central General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,新座志木中央総合病院*ja,NIIZASHIKI Central General Hospital*en;医療法人社団武蔵野会新座志木中央総合病院*ja,,https://niizashiki-hp.jp,,niizashiki-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200751893979 +,https://ror.org/03qfes209,Sugiyama Chemical and Industrial Laboratory*en,active,facility,杉山産業化学研究所*ja,Sugiyama Chemical and Industrial Laboratory*en;一般財団法人杉山産業化学研究所*ja,,https://www.sugiyama-c-i-l.or.jp,,sugiyama-c-i-l.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yokohama,Japan,1848354,NID201200546894343 +,https://ror.org/0409v6m60,Japanese Standards Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本規格協会*ja,Japanese Standards Association*en;一般財団法人日本規格協会*ja,,https://www.jsa.or.jp,,jsa.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200919371189 +,https://ror.org/04adnng28,International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems*en,active,nonprofit,,International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems*en;特別非営利活動法人国際マングローブ生態系協会*ja,,https://mangrove.or.jp,,mangrove.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Okinawa,Japan,1894616,NID201200050586341 +,https://ror.org/03xdfcy19,Tatebayashi Kosei General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Tatebayashi Kosei General Hospital*en;公立館林厚生病院*ja,,https://www.tatebayashikoseibyoin.jp,,tatebayashikoseibyoin.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tatebayashi,Japan,1850559,NID201200666317672 +,https://ror.org/006j78v46,Kitakyushu City Hospital Organization*en,active,healthcare,北九州市立病院機構*ja,Kitakyushu City Hospital Organization*en;地方独立行政法人北九州市立病院機構*ja,,https://www.kitakyu-cho.jp,,kitakyu-cho.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kitakyushu,Japan,1859307,NID201200867825545 +,https://ror.org/00nj85p14,Nishimino Kosei Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Nishimino Kosei Hospital*en;JA岐阜厚生連西美濃厚生病院*ja,,http://www.nishimino.gfkosei.or.jp,,nishimino.gfkosei.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yoro,Japan,7418821,NID201200417253675 +,https://ror.org/05wg82p98,Jusendo Hospital*en,active,healthcare,湯浅報恩会寿泉堂綜合病院*ja,Jusendo Hospital*en;公益財団法人湯浅報恩会寿泉堂綜合病院*ja,,https://www.jusendo.or.jp,,jusendo.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Koriyama,Japan,2112141,NID201200834698402 +,https://ror.org/02ab3cb17,Research Association of High-Throughput Design and Development for Advanced Functional Materials*en,active,nonprofit,,Research Association of High-Throughput Design and Development for Advanced Functional Materials*en;先端素材高速開発技術研究組合*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tsukuba,Japan,2110681,NID201200307080244 +,https://ror.org/015f26s43,Photovoltaic Power Generation Technology Research Association*en,active,nonprofit,タイヨウコウ ハツデン ギジュツ ケンキュウ クミアイ*ja;Taiyoko Hatsuden Gijutsu Kenkyu Kumiai*ja,Photovoltaic Power Generation Technology Research Association*en;太陽光発電技術研究組合*ja,,https://www.pvtec.or.jp,,pvtec.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200075899031 +,https://ror.org/01jb2fs87,Gunma Livestock Health Laboratory*en,active,facility,,Gunma Livestock Health Laboratory*en;群馬県家畜衛生研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.gunma.jp/soshiki/144/,,,,,,,,,,,,Maebashi,Japan,1857843,NID201200895633879 +,https://ror.org/039rqan90,Architectural Research Association*en,active,nonprofit,建築研究協会*ja,Architectural Research Association*en;一般財団法人建築研究協会*ja,,http://www.kenkyo.org,,kenkyo.org,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200631319384 +,https://ror.org/022471030,Hokkaido Development Association*en,active,nonprofit,北海道開発協会*ja,Hokkaido Development Association*en;一般財団法人北海道開発協会*ja,,https://www.hkk.or.jp,,hkk.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sapporo,Japan,2128295,NID201200403239933 +,https://ror.org/01k0ckf23,Japan Organ Transplant Network*en,active,nonprofit,日本臓器移植ネットワーク*ja,Japan Organ Transplant Network*en;公益社団法人日本臓器移植ネットワーク*ja,,https://www.jotnw.or.jp,,jotnw.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200649359365 +,https://ror.org/057j7nx65,Wakayama Prefectural Fruit Tree Experiment Station*en,active,facility,Wakayamaken Kaju Shikenjo*ja;ワカヤマケン カジュ シケンジョウ*ja,Wakayama Prefectural Fruit Tree Experiment Station*en;和歌山県果樹試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.wakayama.lg.jp/prefg/070100/070109/gaiyou/002/002.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Aridagawa Cho,Japan,7411115,NID201200904572232 +,https://ror.org/00jqjdp84,The Japanese Society of Pathology*en,active,nonprofit,日本病理学会*ja;Japanese Society of Pathology*en,The Japanese Society of Pathology*en;一般社団法人日本病理学会*ja,,https://pathology.or.jp,,pathology.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200994519197 +,https://ror.org/03dntmd83,NMEMS Technology Research Organization*en,active,nonprofit,,NMEMS Technology Research Organization*en;技術研究組合NMEMS技術研究機構*ja,,http://www.nmems.or.jp,,nmems.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200305974660 +,https://ror.org/01mq28k31,Sakurajyuji Hospital*en,active,healthcare,桜十字病院*ja,Sakurajyuji Hospital*en;医療法人桜十字桜十字病院*ja,,https://www.sakurajyuji.or.jp,,sakurajyuji.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kumamoto,Japan,1858421,NID201200366850187 +,https://ror.org/01t871e57,Hakuhokai Central Hospital*en,active,healthcare,はくほう会セントラル病院*ja,Hakuhokai Central Hospital*en;医療法人伯鳳会はくほう会セントラル病院*ja,,https://www.amahakuho.jp,,amahakuho.jp,,,,,,,,,,Amagasaki,Japan,1865387,NID201200389470359 +,https://ror.org/02wt02e97,River Center Of Hokkaido*en,active,facility,北海道河川財団*ja,River Center Of Hokkaido*en;一般財団法人北海道河川財団*ja,,https://www.ric.or.jp,,ric.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sapporo,Japan,2128295,NID201200248091532 +,https://ror.org/025ys5y27,Japan Health Promotion and Fitness Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,健康・体力づくり事業財団*ja,Japan Health Promotion and Fitness Foundation*en;公益財団法人健康・体力づくり事業財団*ja,,https://www.health-net.or.jp,,health-net.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200766798586 +,https://ror.org/03s7b3g60,Cryogenics and Superconductivity Society of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,低温工学・超電導学会*ja,Cryogenics and Superconductivity Society of Japan*en;公益社団法人低温工学・超電導学会*ja,,https://www.csj.or.jp,,csj.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200682844620 +,https://ror.org/04apbg334,Tsurugi Municipal Handa Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Tsurugi Municipal Handa Hospital*en;つるぎ町立半田病院*ja,,https://www.handa-hospital.jp,,handa-hospital.jp,,,,,,,,,,Handa,Japan,1863209,NID201200809578096 +,https://ror.org/00nmbr691,Japan Inspection Association of Food and Food Industry Environment*en,active,nonprofit,食品環境検査協会*ja,Japan Inspection Association of Food and Food Industry Environment*en;一般財団法人食品環境検査協会*ja,,https://www.jiafe.or.jp,,jiafe.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200851218779 +,https://ror.org/02czxf571,Fisheries Infrastructure Development Center*en,active,facility,水産土木建設技術センター*ja,Fisheries Infrastructure Development Center*en;一般社団法人水産土木建設技術センター*ja,,https://www.fidec.or.jp,,fidec.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200042203483 +,https://ror.org/02490gh04,Shizuoka Professional University Junior College of Agriculture*en,active,education,シズオカ ケンリツ ノウリン カンキョウ センモンショク ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja;Shizuoka Kenritsu Norin Kankyo Senmonshoku Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja,Shizuoka Professional University Junior College of Agriculture*en;静岡県立農林環境専門職大学短期大学部*ja,,https://shizuoka-norin-u.ac.jp,,shizuoka-norin-u.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Iwata,Japan,1861171,NID201200888057770 +,https://ror.org/00d238852,Saitamaken Chagyo Research Institute*en,active,facility,Saitamaken Chagyo Kenkyujo*ja;サイタマケン チャギョウ ケンキュウジョ*ja,Saitamaken Chagyo Research Institute*en;埼玉県茶業研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.saitama.lg.jp/soshiki/b0914/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokorozawa,Japan,1850180,NID201200577100369 +,https://ror.org/01zb8dw34,Chiba City Education Center*en,active,facility,Chibashi Kyoiku Senta*ja;チバシ キョウイク センター*ja,Chiba City Education Center*en;千葉市教育センター*ja,,https://www.city.chiba.jp/shisetsu/shiyakusho/0033.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Chiba,Japan,2113015,NID201200501605007 +,https://ror.org/02a3mnt93,Jiyugaoka Sanno College*en,active,education,ジユウガオカ サンノウ タンキ ダイガク*ja;Jiyugaoka Sanno Tanki Daigaku*ja,Jiyugaoka Sanno College*en;自由が丘産能短期大学*ja,,https://www.sanno.ac.jp/tandai/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200608050997 +,https://ror.org/01ef7p617,Senzoku Junior College of Childhood Education*en,active,education,Senzoku Kodomo Tanki Daigaku*ja;センゾク コドモ タンキ ダイガク*ja,Senzoku Junior College of Childhood Education*en;洗足こども短期大学*ja,,https://kodomo.senzoku.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Kawasaki,Japan,1859642,NID201200350706821 +,https://ror.org/05baafc90,Hokusho College*en,active,education,Hokusho Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja;ホクショウ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja,Hokusho College*en;北翔大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.hokusho-u.ac.jp/school/juniorcollege/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Ebetsu,Japan,2130404,NID201200485837689 +,https://ror.org/04v67fd63,Tsudanuma Central General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,津田沼中央総合病院*ja,Tsudanuma Central General Hospital*en;医療法人社団愛友会津田沼中央総合病院*ja,,https://tcgh.jp,,tcgh.jp,,,,,,,,,,Narashino,Japan,11612347,NID201200077128645 +,https://ror.org/05720c510,Nozaki Hospital*en,active,healthcare,弘潤会野崎病院*ja,Nozaki Hospital*en;一般財団法人弘潤会野崎病院*ja,,https://www.koujunkai.jp/nozaki/,,,,,,,,,,,,Miyazaki,Japan,1856717,NID201200667579932 +,https://ror.org/03dhqwb76,Japan Building Management Institute*en,active,nonprofit,日本ビルヂング経営センター*ja,Japan Building Management Institute*en;一般財団法人日本ビルヂング経営センター*ja,,https://www.bmi.or.jp,,bmi.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200121313573 +,https://ror.org/00p9hna44,Aisei Hospital*en,active,healthcare,愛世会愛誠病院*ja,Aisei Hospital*en;公益財団法人愛世会愛誠病院*ja,,https://www.aisei-byouin.or.jp,,aisei-byouin.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200105419987 +,https://ror.org/005qbkr94,Association for Nuclear Technology in Medicine*en,active,nonprofit,医用原子力技術研究振興財団*ja,Association for Nuclear Technology in Medicine*en;公益財団法人医用原子力技術研究振興財団*ja,,https://www.antm.or.jp,,antm.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Chiba,Japan,2113015,NID201200173385894 +,https://ror.org/01hrftf03,Japan Maritime Center*en,active,facility,日本海事センター*ja,Japan Maritime Center*en;公益財団法人日本海事センター*ja,,https://www.jpmac.or.jp,,jpmac.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200405916825 +,https://ror.org/056fncw72,The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials*en,active,facility,Japan Institute of Metals and Materials*en;日本金属学会*ja,The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials*en;公益社団法人日本金属学会*ja,,https://jimm.jp,,jimm.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sendai,Japan,2111149,NID201200362182114 +,https://ror.org/055bn7729,Hiroshima City Industrial Technology Center*en,active,facility,ヒロシマシ コウギョウ ギジュツ センター*ja;Hiroshimashi Kogyo Gijutsu Senta*ja,Hiroshima City Industrial Technology Center*en;広島市工業技術センター*ja,,https://www.itc.city.hiroshima.jp,,itc.city.hiroshima.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hiroshima,Japan,1862415,NID201200871476441 +,https://ror.org/053mdsa13,Fukushima Prefectural Inland Water Fisheries Experimental Station*en,active,facility,フクシマケン ナイスイメン スイサン シケンジョウ*ja;Fukushimaken Naisuimen Suisan Shikenjo*ja,Fukushima Prefectural Inland Water Fisheries Experimental Station*en;福島県内水面水産試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.fukushima.lg.jp/sec/37400a/,,,,,,,,,,,,Inawashiromachi,Japan,2112615,NID201200653407982 +,https://ror.org/006tv5x42,Medical Corporation JR Hiroshima Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Medical Corporation JR Hiroshima Hospital*en;医療法人JR広島病院*ja,,https://www.jrhh.or.jp,,jrhh.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hiroshima,Japan,1862415,NID201200347566113 +,https://ror.org/03t61bk55,Fukui Memorial Hospital*en,active,healthcare,福井記念病院*ja,Fukui Memorial Hospital*en;医療法人財団青山会福井記念病院*ja,,http://www.bmk.or.jp/fukui/,,,,,,,,,,,,Miura,Japan,1907309,NID201200118002811 +,https://ror.org/0148jqz97,Public Opinion Research Center*en,active,facility,輿論科学協会*ja,Public Opinion Research Center*en;一般社団法人輿論科学協会*ja,,https://www.yoron-kagaku.or.jp,,yoron-kagaku.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200999836778 +,https://ror.org/01y7jk925,Japan Industrial Waste Information Center*en,active,facility,日本産業廃棄物処理振興センター*ja,Japan Industrial Waste Information Center*en;公益財団法人日本産業廃棄物処理振興センター*ja,,https://www.jwnet.or.jp,,jwnet.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200369066998 +,https://ror.org/04tqen686,Japan Productivity Center*en,active,facility,日本生産性本部*ja,Japan Productivity Center*en;公益財団法人日本生産性本部*ja,,https://www.jpc-net.jp,,jpc-net.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200582594362 +,https://ror.org/00b51r420,Institute of Radiation Measurements*en,active,facility,放射線計測協会*ja,Institute of Radiation Measurements*en;公益財団法人放射線計測協会*ja,,https://www.irm.or.jp,,irm.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokai,Japan,11612537,NID201200657156729 +,https://ror.org/059kpn068,Policy Research Institute for Land Infrastructure and Transport*en,active,facility,コクド コウツウショウ コクド コウツウ セイサク ケンキュウジョ*ja;Kokudo Kotsusho Kokudo Kotsu Seisaku Kenkyujo*ja,Policy Research Institute for Land Infrastructure and Transport*en;国土交通省国土交通政策研究所*ja,,https://www.mlit.go.jp/pri/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200717748734 +,https://ror.org/04vgz7238,Akita Prefecture Forestry Research and Training Center*en,active,facility,アキタケン リンギョウ ケンキュウ ケンシュウ センター*ja;Akitaken Ringyo Kenkyu Kenshu Senta*ja,Akita Prefecture Forestry Research and Training Center*en;秋田県林業研究研修センター*ja,,https://www.mapion.co.jp/phonebook/M16006/05201/20530087845/,,,,,,,,,,,,Akita,Japan,2113126,NID201200208633912 +,https://ror.org/0510mg863,Reiwa Health Scienses University*en,active,education,,Reiwa Health Scienses University*en;令和健康科学大学*ja,,https://www.rhs-u.ac.jp,,rhs-u.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fukuoka,Japan,1863967,NID201200353038057 +,https://ror.org/023r10y33,Japan Grassland Agriculture and Forage Seed Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本草地畜産種子協会*ja,Japan Grassland Agriculture and Forage Seed Association*en;一般社団法人日本草地畜産種子協会*ja,,https://souchi.lin.gr.jp,,souchi.lin.gr.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200427124651 +,https://ror.org/03wz4p175,The Japan Welding Engineering Society*en,active,nonprofit,日本溶接協会*ja;Japan Welding Engineering Society*en,The Japan Welding Engineering Society*en;一般社団法人日本溶接協会*ja,JWES*en,https://www.jwes.or.jp,,jwes.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200057531641 +,https://ror.org/04dq3z287,Iwamizawa Asuka Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Iwamizawa Asuka Hospital*en;岩見沢明日佳病院*ja,,https://asuka-gp.or.jp/iwamizawa/,,,,,,,,,,,,Iwamizawa,Japan,2129870,NID201200402030784 +,https://ror.org/05h6tzw52,Yamagata Promotional Organization for Industrial Technology*en,active,nonprofit,山形県産業技術振興機構*ja,Yamagata Promotional Organization for Industrial Technology*en;公益財団法人山形県産業技術振興機構*ja,,http://www.ynet.or.jp,,ynet.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yamagata,Japan,2110556,NID201200849165058 +,https://ror.org/03pxeg974,Ishikawa Insect Museum*en,active,archive,イシカワケン フレアイ コンチュウカン*ja;Ishikawaken Fureai Konchukan*ja,Ishikawa Insect Museum*en;石川県ふれあい昆虫館*ja,,https://www.furekon.jp,,furekon.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hakusan,Japan,7467881,NID201200601568815 +,https://ror.org/035f5kg94,Teikyo Gakuen Junior College*en,active,education,Teikyo Gakuen Tanki Daigaku*ja;テイキョウ ガクエン タンキ ダイガク*ja,Teikyo Gakuen Junior College*en;帝京学園短期大学*ja,,https://teikyo-gjc.ac.jp,,teikyo-gjc.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yamanashi,Japan,1848648,NID201200229323607 +,https://ror.org/04txrm941,Japanese Association of Medical Technologists*en,active,nonprofit,日本臨床衛生検査技師会*ja,Japanese Association of Medical Technologists*en;一般社団法人日本臨床衛生検査技師会*ja,,https://www.jamt.or.jp,,jamt.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200782998654 +,https://ror.org/01w1yrw69,Fuel Cell Cutting-Edge Research Center Technology Research Association*en,active,facility,,Fuel Cell Cutting-Edge Research Center Technology Research Association*en;技術研究組合FC-Cubic*ja,,https://www.fc-cubic.or.jp,,fc-cubic.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kofu,Japan,1859100,NID201200713217270 +,https://ror.org/01t7rrn64,Niigata Industrial Creation Organization*en,active,nonprofit,にいがた産業創造機構*ja,Niigata Industrial Creation Organization*en;公益財団法人にいがた産業創造機構*ja,,https://www.nico.or.jp,,nico.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Niigata,Japan,1855431,NID201200818278251 +,https://ror.org/03r4yvq42,Wagyu Registry Association*en,active,nonprofit,全国和牛登録協会*ja,Wagyu Registry Association*en;公益社団法人全国和牛登録協会*ja,,http://cus4.zwtk.or.jp,,cus4.zwtk.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200283911442 +,https://ror.org/02v9z1h82,Manufacturing Technology Association of Biologics*en,active,nonprofit,,Manufacturing Technology Association of Biologics*en;次世代バイオ医薬品製造技術研究組合*ja,,https://cho-mab.or.jp,,cho-mab.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200985643173 +,https://ror.org/032f2kz07,Micromachine Center*en,active,nonprofit,マイクロマシンセンター*ja,Micromachine Center*en;一般財団法人マイクロマシンセンター*ja,,http://www.mmc.or.jp,,mmc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200921393434 +,https://ror.org/01v7ahx52,Water Re-use Promotion Center*en,active,nonprofit,造水促進センター*ja,Water Re-use Promotion Center*en;一般財団法人造水促進センター*ja,,http://www.wrpc.jp,,wrpc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200781069001 +,https://ror.org/04z8fv018,The Mushroom Research Institute of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,Mushroom Research Institute of Japan*en;日本きのこ研究所*ja,The Mushroom Research Institute of Japan*en;一般財団法人日本きのこ研究所*ja,,http://www.kinoko.or.jp,,kinoko.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kiryu,Japan,1859405,NID201200884762757 +,https://ror.org/02srmp066,Suzuki Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,スズキ財団*ja,Suzuki Foundation*en;公益財団法人スズキ財団*ja,,https://www.suzukifound.jp,,suzukifound.jp,,,,,,,,,,Shizuoka,Japan,1851714,NID201200237961750 +,https://ror.org/05vf68943,Niigata Seiryo WOMEN'S Junior College*en,active,education,,Niigata Seiryo WOMEN'S Junior College*en;新潟青陵大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.n-seiryo.ac.jp/faculty/nsujc/,,,,,,,,,,,,Niigata,Japan,1855431,NID201200490910249 +,https://ror.org/02e420914,Kashiwazaki General Hospital and Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,柏崎総合医療センター*ja,Kashiwazaki General Hospital and Medical Center*en;JA新潟厚生連柏崎総合医療センター*ja,,https://www.kashiwazaki-ghmc.jp,,kashiwazaki-ghmc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kashiwazaki,Japan,1859908,NID201200126298345 +,https://ror.org/002hy1z05,Japan Hydrographic Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本水路協会*ja,Japan Hydrographic Association*en;一般財団法人日本水路協会*ja,,https://www.jha.or.jp,,jha.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200738802435 +,https://ror.org/040cqjs91,New Technology Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,ニューテクノロジー振興財団*ja,New Technology Foundation*en;公益財団法人ニューテクノロジー振興財団*ja,,https://www.ntf.or.jp/foundation/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200626386720 +,https://ror.org/006pbws28,Japan Seafarers Relief Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Japan Seafarers Relief Association*en;公益社団法人日本海員掖済会*ja,,https://www.ekisaikai.com,,ekisaikai.com,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200430289691 +,https://ror.org/04nhgac81,Jissen Women's Junior College*en,active,education,ジッセン ジョシ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja;Jissen Joshi Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja,Jissen Women's Junior College*en;実践女子大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.jissen.ac.jp/learning/junior_college/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200904916290 +,https://ror.org/05da84g64,SOUSEIKAI Hakata Clinic*en,active,healthcare,相生会博多クリニック*ja,SOUSEIKAI Hakata Clinic*en;医療法人相生会博多クリニック*ja,,https://souseikai-crd.com/service/hakatacl/,,,,,,,,,,,,Fukuoka,Japan,1863967,NID201200041326916 +,https://ror.org/04sv18103,The Mathematical Society of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,Mathematical Society of Japan*en;日本数学会*ja,The Mathematical Society of Japan*en;一般社団法人日本数学会*ja,,https://www.mathsoc.jp/publicity/news20100101.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200182121656 +,https://ror.org/03fxjgq92,Asian Health Institute*en,active,facility,アジア保健研修所*ja,Asian Health Institute*en;公益財団法人アジア保健研修所*ja,,https://ahi-japan.jp,,ahi-japan.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nisshin,Japan,6822209,NID201200889292211 +,https://ror.org/04701bc03,Japan Industrial Management Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本経営工学会*ja,Japan Industrial Management Association*en;公益社団法人日本経営工学会*ja,,https://www.jimanet.jp,,jimanet.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200595232961 +,https://ror.org/04250ya65,Sodegaura Satsukidai Hospital*en,active,nonprofit,社団さつき会袖ケ浦さつき台病院*ja,Sodegaura Satsukidai Hospital*en;社会医療法人社団さつき会袖ケ浦さつき台病院*ja,,https://satsuki-kai.or.jp,,satsuki-kai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sodegaura,Japan,11612456,NID201200362269536 +,https://ror.org/04x9cdm35,Wakayama Shin-ai University*en,active,education,,Wakayama Shin-ai University*en;和歌山信愛大学*ja,,https://www.wsu.ac.jp,,wsu.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Wakayama,Japan,1926004,NID201200879283412 +,https://ror.org/00cc2cj67,Japan Cooperation Center Petroleum*en,active,facility,JCCP国際石油・ガス協力機関*ja,Japan Cooperation Center Petroleum*en;一般財団法人JCCP国際石油・ガス協力機関*ja,,https://www.jccp.or.jp,,jccp.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200295095785 +,https://ror.org/028mk3t27,Science and Technology Promotion Foundation of Ibaraki*en,active,nonprofit,茨城県科学技術振興財団*ja,Science and Technology Promotion Foundation of Ibaraki*en;一般財団法人茨城県科学技術振興財団*ja,,https://www.i-step.org,,i-step.org,,,,,,,,,,Tsukuba,Japan,2110681,NID201200086102153 +,https://ror.org/00dbg3003,Economic Research Association*en,active,nonprofit,経済調査会*ja,Economic Research Association*en;一般財団法人経済調査会*ja,,https://www.zai-keicho.or.jp,,zai-keicho.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200097313711 +,https://ror.org/00fb64e91,Miyazaki Prefectural Industrial Support Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,宮崎県産業振興機構*ja,Miyazaki Prefectural Industrial Support Foundation*en;公益財団法人宮崎県産業振興機構*ja,,https://www.mepo.or.jp,,mepo.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Miyazaki,Japan,1856717,NID201200747212384 +,https://ror.org/05yc82y16,Kamma Memorial Hospital*en,active,healthcare,博愛会菅間記念病院*ja,Kamma Memorial Hospital*en;社会医療法人博愛会菅間記念病院*ja,,https://www.hakuai.or.jp/kamma/,,,,,,,,,,,,Nasushiobara,Japan,6822174,NID201200545780986 +,https://ror.org/02nc1mn78,The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics*en,active,nonprofit,日本栄養改善学会*ja;Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics*en,The Japanese Society of Nutrition and Dietetics*en;特定非営利活動法人日本栄養改善学会*ja,,https://jsnd.jp,,jsnd.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200913877296 +,https://ror.org/05jjkap67,Institute for Information and Communications Policy*en,active,facility,,Institute for Information and Communications Policy*en;総務省情報通信政策研究所*ja,,https://www.soumu.go.jp,,soumu.go.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200555447785 +,https://ror.org/00ga49p33,Nagano Prefectural Police*en,active,government,,Nagano Prefectural Police*en;長野県警察*ja,,https://www.pref.nagano.lg.jp/police/,,,,,,,,,,,,Nagano,Japan,1856215,NID201200226122746 +,https://ror.org/00ee9rw54,The Society of Non-Traditional Technology*en,active,nonprofit,Society of Non-Traditional Technology*en;未踏科学技術協会*ja,The Society of Non-Traditional Technology*en;一般社団法人未踏科学技術協会*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200792257158 +,https://ror.org/00phkb172,Arts Flanders Japan*en,active,nonprofit,Flanders Center*en;フランダースセンター*ja,Arts Flanders Japan*en; 公益財団法人フランダースセンター*ja,,http://www.flanders.jp,,flanders.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200456690404 +,https://ror.org/05dnvsb41,Chemical Materials Evaluation and Research Base*en,active,nonprofit,,Chemical Materials Evaluation and Research Base*en;次世代化学材料評価技術研究組合*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tsukuba,Japan,2110681,NID201200087645291 +,https://ror.org/01srz1t22,Research and Training Institute of the Ministry of Justice*en,active,facility,,Research and Training Institute of the Ministry of Justice*en;法務省法務総合研究所*ja,,https://www.moj.go.jp/housouken/houso_index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200899620464 +,https://ror.org/02nf82x34,Kagoshima Prefectural Institute for Environmental Research and Public Health*en,active,facility,Kagoshimaken Kankyo Hoken Senta*ja;カゴシマケン カンキョウ ホケン センター*ja,Kagoshima Prefectural Institute for Environmental Research and Public Health*en;鹿児島県環境保健センター*ja,,https://www.pref.kagoshima.jp/kurashi-kankyo/kankyo/kankyohoken/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Kagoshima,Japan,1860827,NID201200628955342 +,https://ror.org/05vvex219,Kamakura Women's Junior College*en,active,education,,Kamakura Women's Junior College*en;鎌倉女子大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.kamakura-u.ac.jp,,kamakura-u.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kamakura,Japan,1860672,NID201200038288504 +,https://ror.org/04xzp4624,Josai Junior College*en,active,education,Josai Tanki Daigaku*ja;ジョウサイ タンキ ダイガク*ja,Josai Junior College*en;城西短期大学*ja,,https://www.josai.ac.jp/college/,,,,,,,,,,,,Sakado,Japan,1853209,NID201200645100264 +,https://ror.org/02f7src36,Sainokuni Higashiomiya Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Sainokuni Higashiomiya Medical Center*en;医療法人社団協友会彩の国東大宮メディカルセンター*ja,,https://www.shmc.jp,,shmc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Saitama,Japan,6940394,NID201200626458337 +,https://ror.org/03t988a77,Japan Food Industry Center*en,active,facility,食品産業センター*ja,Japan Food Industry Center*en;一般財団法人食品産業センター*ja,,https://www.shokusan.or.jp,,shokusan.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200087062834 +,https://ror.org/05qxhp197,The Japanese Respiratory Society*en,active,nonprofit,Japanese Respiratory Society*en;日本呼吸器学会*ja,The Japanese Respiratory Society*en;一般社団法人日本呼吸器学会*ja,,https://www.jrs.or.jp,,jrs.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200209176083 +,https://ror.org/02gtc5h12,Japan Medical Women's Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本女医会*ja,Japan Medical Women's Association*en;公益社団法人日本女医会*ja,,https://www.jmwa.or.jp,,jmwa.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200173443417 +,https://ror.org/01m316d02,"Center for Reproductive Medicine and Implantation Research, Sugiyama Clinic*en",active,facility,,"Center for Reproductive Medicine and Implantation Research, Sugiyama Clinic*en;杉山産婦人科*ja",,https://www.sugiyama.or.jp,,sugiyama.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200568034040 +,https://ror.org/03vsze143,Niigata Prefectural Inland Water Fisheries Experiment Station*en,active,facility,Niigataken Naisuimen Suisan Shikenjo*ja;ニイガタケン ナイスイメン スイサン シケンジョウ*ja,Niigata Prefectural Inland Water Fisheries Experiment Station*en;新潟県内水面水産試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.niigata.lg.jp/site/naisuimen/,,,,,,,,,,,,Nagaoka,Japan,1856199,NID201200121574011 +,https://ror.org/03egn3336,Aomori Prefectural Public Health and Environment Center*en,active,facility,Aomoriken Kankyo Hoken Senta*ja;アオモリケン カンキョウ ホケン センター*ja,Aomori Prefectural Public Health and Environment Center*en;青森県環境保健センター*ja,,https://www.pref.aomori.lg.jp/soshiki/kenko/eisei/center-home.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Aomori,Japan,2130658,NID201200451248868 +,https://ror.org/05y7et149,Nara Prefectural Pharmaceutical Research Center*en,active,facility,,Nara Prefectural Pharmaceutical Research Center*en;奈良県薬事研究センター*ja,,https://www.pref.nara.jp/1744.htm,,,,,,,,,,,,Nara,Japan,1855612,NID201200842525095 +,https://ror.org/033r5zc58,Kumiai Kousei Hospital*en,active,healthcare,久美愛厚生病院*ja,Kumiai Kousei Hospital*en;JA岐阜厚生連久美愛厚生病院*ja,,http://www.kumiai.gfkosei.or.jp,,kumiai.gfkosei.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Takayama,Japan,1850892,NID201200834368518 +,https://ror.org/02zgfrv63,Kyoto Interdisciplinary Institute of Community Medicine*en,active,facility,京都地域医療学際研究所*ja,Kyoto Interdisciplinary Institute of Community Medicine*en;一般財団法人京都地域医療学際研究所*ja,,https://gakusai.or.jp,,gakusai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200249410189 +,https://ror.org/03528cg63,Japan AeroSpace Technology Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,航空宇宙技術振興財団*ja,Japan AeroSpace Technology Foundation*en;一般財団法人航空宇宙技術振興財団*ja,,https://www.f-jast.or.jp,,f-jast.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sendai,Japan,2111149,NID201200241337897 +,https://ror.org/03crfce94,Livestock Industry's Environmental Improvement Organization*en,active,nonprofit,畜産環境整備機構*ja,Livestock Industry's Environmental Improvement Organization*en;一般財団法人畜産環境整備機構*ja,,https://www.leio.or.jp,,leio.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200873225940 +,https://ror.org/04zp58p78,Japan Cement Association*en,active,nonprofit,セメント協会*ja,Japan Cement Association*en;一般社団法人セメント協会*ja,,https://www.jcassoc.or.jp,,jcassoc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200091606811 +,https://ror.org/05nksec02,Shirahama Foundation for Health and Welfare*en,active,nonprofit,白浜医療福祉財団*ja,Shirahama Foundation for Health and Welfare*en;公益財団法人白浜医療福祉財団*ja,,https://www.hamayu-hp.or.jp,,hamayu-hp.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Shirahama,Japan,1851936,NID201200205887134 +,https://ror.org/02n9c6w39,Hyogo Health Service Association*en,active,nonprofit,兵庫県予防医学協会*ja,Hyogo Health Service Association*en;公益財団法人兵庫県予防医学協会*ja,,https://hyogo-yobouigaku.or.jp,,hyogo-yobouigaku.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kobe,Japan,1859171,NID201200234928132 +,https://ror.org/00v5mf634,Hiroshima Community Research Center*en,active,facility,,Hiroshima Community Research Center*en;財団法人広島地域社会研究センター*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hiroshima,Japan,1862415,NID201200986277627 +,https://ror.org/02t8qyv80,Kochi Prefectural Deep Seawater Laboratory*en,active,facility,コウチケン カイヨウ シンソウスイ ケンキュウジョ*ja;Kochiken Kaiyo Shinsosui Kenkyujo*ja,Kochi Prefectural Deep Seawater Laboratory*en;高知県海洋深層水研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.kochi.lg.jp/soshiki/150000/151407/,,,,,,,,,,,,Muroto,Japan,1856389,NID201200627020951 +,https://ror.org/022q30y61,Yamanashi Prefectural Police*en,active,government,,Yamanashi Prefectural Police*en;山梨県警察*ja,,https://www.pref.yamanashi.jp/police/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kofu,Japan,1859100,NID201200700071476 +,https://ror.org/03v8pkb73,Oita Prefectural Police*en,active,government,,Oita Prefectural Police*en;大分県警察*ja,,https://www.pref.oita.jp/site/keisatu/,,,,,,,,,,,,Ōita,Japan,1854487,NID201200236713495 +,https://ror.org/002k0xe08,Sensho-kai Eye Institute*en,active,healthcare,,Sensho-kai Eye Institute*en;医療法人千照会千原眼科医院*ja,,https://www.chihara-ganka.or.jp,,chihara-ganka.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Uji,Japan,1849372,NID201200416985463 +,https://ror.org/0430ewv75,Jyuzen General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,積善会十全総合病院*ja,Jyuzen General Hospital*en;一般財団法人積善会十全総合病院*ja,,https://jyuzen.jp,,jyuzen.jp,,,,,,,,,,Niihama,Japan,1855425,NID201200324840821 +,https://ror.org/040mpqc50,Japan Foods Inspection Corporation*en,active,nonprofit,日本食品検査*ja,Japan Foods Inspection Corporation*en;一般財団法人日本食品検査*ja,,https://www.jffic.or.jp,,jffic.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200593878459 +,https://ror.org/04rpzaq65,Rural Development Planning Commission*en,active,nonprofit,農村開発企画委員会*ja,Rural Development Planning Commission*en;一般財団法人農村開発企画委員会*ja,,https://www.rdpc.or.jp,,rdpc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200291902564 +,https://ror.org/00kh69w15,Institute Of Geriatric Medicine And Dentistry*en,active,facility,老年歯科医学総合研究所*ja,Institute Of Geriatric Medicine And Dentistry*en;一般財団法人老年歯科医学総合研究所*ja,,https://www.gerodontology.jp,,gerodontology.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200213512587 +,https://ror.org/05jxd4z48,"The Society for Biotechnology, Japan*en",active,nonprofit,"Society for Biotechnology, Japan*en;日本生物工学会*ja","The Society for Biotechnology, Japan*en;公益社団法人日本生物工学会*ja",,https://www.sbj.or.jp,,sbj.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Suita,Japan,1851482,NID201200181448657 +,https://ror.org/05ggcve06,Eikei University Of Hiroshima*en,active,education,,Eikei University Of Hiroshima*en;叡啓大学*ja,,https://www.eikei.ac.jp,,eikei.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hiroshima,Japan,1862415,NID201200732862334 +,https://ror.org/04jh8cx24,Professional Institute of International Fashion*en,active,education,Kokusai Fasshon Senmonshoku Daigaku*ja;コクサイ ファッション センモンショク ダイガク*ja,Professional Institute of International Fashion*en;国際ファッション専門職大学*ja,,https://www.piif.ac.jp,,piif.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200904478653 +,https://ror.org/03nyq1252,Nihon Wellness Sports University*en,active,education,,Nihon Wellness Sports University*en;日本ウェルネススポーツ大学*ja,,https://www.nihonwellness.jp,,nihonwellness.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tone,Japan,2110738,NID201200968491670 +,https://ror.org/023s81402,The Japanese Red Cross Junior College of Akita*en,active,education,ニホン セキジュウジ アキタ タンキ ダイガク*ja;Nihon Sekijuji Akita Tanki Daigaku*ja;Japanese Red Cross Junior College of Akita*en,The Japanese Red Cross Junior College of Akita*en;日本赤十字秋田短期大学*ja,,https://www.rcakita.ac.jp/department,,,,,,,,,,,,Akita,Japan,2113126,NID201200030026810 +,https://ror.org/05bt52s63,Fukui Science Education Academy*en,active,nonprofit,,Fukui Science Education Academy*en;NPO法人ふくい科学学園*ja,,http://www.fukuikagakugakuen.com,,fukuikagakugakuen.com,,,,,,,,,,Fukui,Japan,1863985,NID201200247687633 +,https://ror.org/03hp3mw60,Institute of Administrative Management*en,active,facility,行政管理研究センター*ja,Institute of Administrative Management*en;一般財団法人行政管理研究センター*ja,,https://www.iam.or.jp,,iam.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200696501041 +,https://ror.org/05r92j264,The Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan*en,active,nonprofit,Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan*en;日本オリエント学会*ja,The Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan*en;一般社団法人日本オリエント学会*ja,,https://www.j-orient.com,,j-orient.com,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200491688343 +,https://ror.org/048jm0g87,PRO Natura Foundation Japan*en,active,nonprofit,自然保護助成基金*ja,PRO Natura Foundation Japan*en;公益財団法人自然保護助成基金*ja,,https://www.pronaturajapan.com,,pronaturajapan.com,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200473766159 +,https://ror.org/0227zyy26,Toyota Regional Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,豊田地域医療センター*ja,Toyota Regional Medical Center*en;公益財団法人豊田地域医療センター*ja,,https://www.toyotachiiki-mc.or.jp,,toyotachiiki-mc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Toyota,Japan,1849814,NID201200857835602 +,https://ror.org/01y42f538,Japan Canners Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本缶詰びん詰レトルト食品協会*ja,Japan Canners Association*en;公益社団法人日本缶詰びん詰レトルト食品協会*ja,,https://www.jca-can.or.jp,,jca-can.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200541108830 +,https://ror.org/032ymr618,Musashimurayama Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Musashimurayama Hospital*en;社会医療法人財団大和会武蔵村山病院*ja,,https://www.yamatokai.or.jp/musasimurayama/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200557150632 +,https://ror.org/03qhh6685,Vector Magnetic Characteristic Technical Lavoratory*en,active,other,,Vector Magnetic Characteristic Technical Lavoratory*en;ベクトル磁気特性技術研究所*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Hino,Japan,1862599,NID201200142037669 +,https://ror.org/01vtvs553,Hokusho Central Hospital*en,active,healthcare,北松中央病院*ja,Hokusho Central Hospital*en;地方独立行政法人北松中央病院*ja,,http://www.hokusho.dr-clinic.jp,,hokusho.dr-clinic.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sasebo,Japan,1852899,NID201200906581537 +,https://ror.org/04c292595,Japan Municipal Hospital Association*en,active,nonprofit,全国自治体病院協議会*ja,Japan Municipal Hospital Association*en;公益社団法人全国自治体病院協議会*ja,,https://www.jmha.or.jp,,jmha.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200569744959 +,https://ror.org/01aeda621,Matsue Seikyo General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,松江生協病院*ja,Matsue Seikyo General Hospital*en;松江保健生活協同組合総合病院松江生協病院*ja,,https://www.matsue-seikyo.jp,,matsue-seikyo.jp,,,,,,,,,,Matsue,Japan,1857550,NID201200719671810 +,https://ror.org/050x4es15,Niigata Prefectural Fisheries and Marine Research Institute*en,active,facility,ニイガタケン スイサン カイヨウ ケンキュウジョ*ja;Niigataken Suisan Kaiyo Kenkyujo*ja,Niigata Prefectural Fisheries and Marine Research Institute*en;新潟県水産海洋研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.niigata.lg.jp/site/suisan-kenkyu/,,,,,,,,,,,,Niigata,Japan,1855431,NID201200147232942 +,https://ror.org/00xgca252,Kawasaki Environment Research Institute*en,active,facility,カワサキシ カンキョウ ソウゴウ ケンキュウジョ*ja;Kawasakishi Kankyo Sogo Kenkyujo*ja,Kawasaki Environment Research Institute*en;川崎市環境総合研究所*ja,,https://eri-kawasaki.jp,,eri-kawasaki.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kawasaki,Japan,1859642,NID201200561838966 +,https://ror.org/03kp94284,THE Japan Welding Technology Center*en,active,nonprofit,Japan Welding Technology Center*en;日本溶接技術センター*ja,THE Japan Welding Technology Center*en;一般財団法人日本溶接技術センター*ja,,https://jwsc.jp,,jwsc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kawasaki,Japan,1859642,NID201200123342959 +,https://ror.org/04fav5970,Kanagawa Health Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,かながわ健康財団*ja,Kanagawa Health Foundation*en;公益財団法人かながわ健康財団*ja,,https://www.khf.or.jp,,khf.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yokohama,Japan,1848354,NID201200756625898 +,https://ror.org/05k1zsp15,Japan Visiting Nursing Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,日本訪問看護財団*ja,Japan Visiting Nursing Foundation*en;公益財団法人日本訪問看護財団*ja,,https://www.jvnf.or.jp,,jvnf.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200651925288 +,https://ror.org/00dnn6j70,Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology*en,active,nonprofit,日本産科婦人科学会*ja,Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology*en;公益社団法人日本産科婦人科学会*ja,,https://www.jsog.or.jp,,jsog.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200392382322 +,https://ror.org/02v30xn43,Kagawa Forestry Center*en,active,facility,Kagawaken Shinrin Senta*ja;カガワケン シンリン センター*ja,Kagawa Forestry Center*en;香川県森林センター*ja,,https://www.pref.kagawa.lg.jp/shinrincenter/,,,,,,,,,,,,Manno-cho,Japan,1857679,NID201200198586478 +,https://ror.org/05hw4mw40,Sakuyo Junior College*en,active,education,Sakuyo Ongaku Tanki Daigaku*ja;サクヨウ オンガク タンキ ダイガク*ja,Sakuyo Junior College*en;作陽音楽短期大学*ja,,https://www.ksu.ac.jp/junior_college,,,,,,,,,,,,Kurashiki,Japan,1858311,NID201200088554066 +,https://ror.org/00c5pmp34,Shinjo Ophthalmologic Institute*en,active,facility,,Shinjo Ophthalmologic Institute*en;医療法人財団シロアム会新城眼科医院*ja,,https://shinjo-ganka.or.jp,,shinjo-ganka.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Miyazaki,Japan,1856717,NID201200820041601 +,https://ror.org/03thcgz97,Shonai Amarume Hospital*en,active,nonprofit,庄内余目病院*ja,Shonai Amarume Hospital*en;医療法人社団山形愛心会庄内余目病院*ja,,https://www.amarume-hp.jp,,amarume-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Shonai,Japan,10630004,NID201200988717336 +,https://ror.org/04ahz4m50,The Hokkaido Centre for Family Medicine*en,active,healthcare,Hokkaido Centre for Family Medicine*en,The Hokkaido Centre for Family Medicine*en;医療法人北海道家庭医療学センター*ja,,https://www.hcfm.jp,,hcfm.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sapporo,Japan,2128295,NID201200463638763 +,https://ror.org/02gxxzb83,Japan Network Information Center*en,active,facility,日本ネットワークインフォメーションセンター*ja,Japan Network Information Center*en;一般社団法人日本ネットワークインフォメーションセンター*ja,,https://www.nic.ad.jp,,nic.ad.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200621222555 +,https://ror.org/01cpt0h14,The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases*en,active,nonprofit,Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases*en;日本感染症学会*ja,The Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases*en;一般社団法人日本感染症学会*ja,,https://www.kansensho.or.jp,,kansensho.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200402699347 +,https://ror.org/03f74xd51,Japan Osteoporosis Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,骨粗鬆症財団*ja,Japan Osteoporosis Foundation*en;公益財団法人骨粗鬆症財団*ja,,https://www.jpof.or.jp,,jpof.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200864444381 +,https://ror.org/04kfj2295,Japan Marrow Donor Program*en,active,nonprofit,日本骨髄バンク*ja,Japan Marrow Donor Program*en;公益財団法人日本骨髄バンク*ja,,https://www.jmdp.or.jp,,jmdp.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200979521531 +,https://ror.org/00g2asy76,Japan Guide Dog Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本盲導犬協会*ja,Japan Guide Dog Association*en;公益財団法人日本盲導犬協会*ja,,https://www.moudouken.net,,moudouken.net,,,,,,,,,,Yokohama,Japan,1848354,NID201200541338295 +,https://ror.org/01eeckp72,The Electrochemical Society of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,電気化学会*ja;Electrochemical Society of Japan*en,The Electrochemical Society of Japan*en;公益社団法人電気化学会*ja,,https://www.electrochem.jp,,electrochem.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200243949809 +,https://ror.org/023zs7d73,Cupid Clinic*en,active,healthcare,クピド・フェアくぴどクリニック*ja,Cupid Clinic*en;社会福祉法人クピド・フェアくぴどクリニック*ja,,https://www.cupid.or.jp/clinic/,,,,,,,,,,,,Iwamizawa,Japan,2129870,NID201200774291033 +,https://ror.org/035gxp094,The Japan Lung Cancer Society*en,active,nonprofit,Japan Lung Cancer Society*en,The Japan Lung Cancer Society*en;特定非営利活動法人日本肺癌学会*ja,,https://www.haigan.gr.jp,,haigan.gr.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200808978606 +,https://ror.org/02ppaa456,Okinawa Prefectural Forest Resources Research Center*en,active,facility,オキナワケン シンリン シゲン ケンキュウ センター*ja;Okinawaken Shinrin Shigen Kenkyu Senta*ja,Okinawa Prefectural Forest Resources Research Center*en;沖縄県森林資源研究センター*ja,,https://www.pref.okinawa.jp/shigoto/kenkyu/1010919/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Naha,Japan,1856035,NID201200240267405 +,https://ror.org/00c3rvj09,Nagasaki Prefectural Police*en,active,government,,Nagasaki Prefectural Police*en;長崎県警察*ja,,https://www.police.pref.nagasaki.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Nagasaki,Japan,1856177,NID201200572341338 +,https://ror.org/00a5h0053,Sanokousei General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,佐野厚生総合病院*ja,Sanokousei General Hospital*en;JA佐野厚生連佐野厚生総合病院*ja,,https://jasanoko.or.jp,,jasanoko.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sano,Japan,1852964,NID201200509952482 +,https://ror.org/00x53ay56,Musashino Central Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Musashino Central Hospital*en;医療法人社団総合会武蔵野中央病院*ja,,https://musashino-chuou.com,,musashino-chuou.com,,,,,,,,,,Koganei,Japan,11612579,NID201200478395769 +,https://ror.org/00dreqn16,Waterfront Vitalization and Environment Research Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,みなと総合研究財団*ja,Waterfront Vitalization and Environment Research Foundation*en;一般財団法人みなと総合研究財団*ja,,https://www.wave.or.jp,,wave.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200560234134 +,https://ror.org/05mhc7495,The Japan Diabetes Society*en,active,nonprofit,日本糖尿病学会*ja;Japan Diabetes Society*en,The Japan Diabetes Society*en;一般社団法人日本糖尿病学会*ja,,https://www.jds.or.jp,,jds.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200917914540 +,https://ror.org/041cyqf41,Tokyo Veterinary Medical Association*en,active,nonprofit,東京都獣医師会*ja,Tokyo Veterinary Medical Association*en;公益社団法人東京都獣医師会*ja,,https://www.tvma.or.jp,,tvma.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200343714181 +,https://ror.org/05r0whd85,International Medical Foundation of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,日本国際医療団*ja,International Medical Foundation of Japan*en;財団法人日本国際医療団*ja,,https://www.japanheart.org,,japanheart.org,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200625108181 +,https://ror.org/00xrkfw53,Gifu Prefectural Research Institute for Agricultural Technology in Hilly and Mountainous Areas*en,active,facility,ギフケン チュウサンカン ノウギョウ ケンキュウジョ*ja;Gifuken Chusankan Nogyo Kenkyujo*ja,Gifu Prefectural Research Institute for Agricultural Technology in Hilly and Mountainous Areas*en;岐阜県中山間農業研究所*ja,,https://www.k-agri.rd.pref.gifu.lg.jp,,k-agri.rd.pref.gifu.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hida,Japan,7419032,NID201200191211432 +,https://ror.org/02m9md307,Ibaraki Medical Association*en,active,nonprofit,茨城県医師会*ja,Ibaraki Medical Association*en;一般社団法人茨城県医師会*ja,,https://www.ibaraki.med.or.jp,,ibaraki.med.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Mito,Japan,2111901,NID201200227575996 +,https://ror.org/02hrb2387,Japan Aluminium Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本アルミニウム協会*ja,Japan Aluminium Association*en;一般社団法人日本アルミニウム協会*ja,,https://www.aluminum.or.jp,,aluminum.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200349771528 +,https://ror.org/0079tm437,Tobacco Academic Studies Center*en,active,nonprofit,たばこ総合研究センター*ja,Tobacco Academic Studies Center*en;公益財団法人たばこ総合研究センター*ja,,https://www.tasc.or.jp,,tasc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200076466706 +,https://ror.org/016ryph89,Japan Society for Design Engineering*en,active,nonprofit,日本設計工学会*ja,Japan Society for Design Engineering*en;公益社団法人日本設計工学会*ja,,https://jsde.or.jp,,jsde.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200758076104 +,https://ror.org/00e2t3013,Reconstruction Agency*en,active,government,フッコウチョウ*ja;Fukkocho*ja,Reconstruction Agency*en;復興庁*ja,,https://www.reconstruction.go.jp,,reconstruction.go.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200379140082 +,https://ror.org/00b296q39,Kochi Prefectural Freshwater Fisheries Center*en,active,facility,Kochiken Naisuimen Gyogyo Senta*ja;コウチケン ナイスイメン ギョギョウ センター*ja,Kochi Prefectural Freshwater Fisheries Center*en;高知県内水面漁業センター*ja,,https://www.pref.kochi.lg.jp/soshiki/040000/040408/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kami,Japan,7405900,NID201200465522363 +,https://ror.org/02mn5bt07,Shimonoseki Junior College*en,active,education,Shimonoseki Tanki Daigaku*ja;シモノセキ タンキ ダイガク*ja,Shimonoseki Junior College*en;下関短期大学*ja,,https://www.shimotan.jp,,shimotan.jp,,,,,,,,,,Shimonoseki,Japan,1852225,NID201200944847983 +,https://ror.org/02j2vw786,Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen Two-Year College*en,active,education,Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen Tanki Daigaku*ja;ヒロシマ ブンカ ガクエン タンキ ダイガク*ja,Hiroshima Bunka Gakuen Two-Year College*en;広島文化学園短期大学*ja,,https://www.hbg.ac.jp,,hbg.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hiroshima,Japan,1862415,NID201200766626913 +,https://ror.org/05qxybn54,Kyoto Saga Art College*en,active,education,サガ ビジュツ タンキ ダイガク*ja;Saga Bijutsu Tanki Daigaku*ja,Kyoto Saga Art College*en;嵯峨美術短期大学*ja,,https://www.kyoto-saga.ac.jp,,kyoto-saga.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200222699077 +,https://ror.org/04epjbk36,Institute of Housing and Urban Technology*en,active,nonprofit,住宅都市工学研究所*ja;住宅都市工学研究所*ka,Institute of Housing and Urban Technology*en;一般財団法人住宅都市工学研究所*ja,,https://toshikolab.org,,toshikolab.org,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200892341658 +,https://ror.org/048b6ft22,Ibaraki Medical Association*en,active,nonprofit,茨木市医師会*ja,Ibaraki Medical Association*en;一般社団法人茨木市医師会*ja,,https://www.ibaraki.osaka.med.or.jp,,ibaraki.osaka.med.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Ibaraki,Japan,1862033,NID201200733444836 +,https://ror.org/05ckf9v85,The Japan Society for Oriental Medicine*en,active,nonprofit,Japan Society for Oriental Medicine*en;日本東洋医学会*ja,The Japan Society for Oriental Medicine*en;一般社団法人日本東洋医学会*ja,,https://www.jsom.or.jp,,jsom.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200187819857 +,https://ror.org/031aq0s38,Hyogo Nursing Association*en,active,nonprofit,兵庫県看護協会*ja,Hyogo Nursing Association*en;公益社団法人兵庫県看護協会*ja,,https://www.hna.or.jp,,hna.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kobe,Japan,1859171,NID201200542747515 +,https://ror.org/015gz1707,Kyoaikai Hospital*en,active,healthcare,函館共愛会共愛会病院*ja;共愛会共愛会病院*ja,Kyoaikai Hospital*en;社会福祉法人函館共愛会共愛会病院*ja,,https://www.kyoaikai-hosp.com,,kyoaikai-hosp.com,,,,,,,,,,Hakodate,Japan,2130188,NID201200128456444 +,https://ror.org/04c7kr625,National Sanatorium Amami-Wakouen*en,active,healthcare,コクリツ リョウヨウジョ アマミ ワコウエン*ja;Kokuritsu Ryoyojo Amami Wakoen*ja,National Sanatorium Amami-Wakouen*en;国立療養所奄美和光園*ja,,https://www.mhlw.go.jp/seisakunitsuite/bunya/kenkou_iryou/iryou/hansen/amami/,,,,,,,,,,,,Amami,Japan,7383987,NID201200301195470 +,https://ror.org/05k7hsv70,Hiroshima City Education Center*en,active,facility,ヒロシマシ キョウイク センター*ja;Hiroshimashi Kyoiku Senta*ja,Hiroshima City Education Center*en;広島市教育センター*ja,,https://www.center.edu.city.hiroshima.jp,,center.edu.city.hiroshima.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hiroshima,Japan,1862415,NID201200996516938 +,https://ror.org/029dyna49,Saga Forestry Research Laboratory*en,active,facility,Sagaken Ringyo Shikenjo*ja;サガケン リンギョウ シケンジョウ*ja,Saga Forestry Research Laboratory*en;佐賀県林業試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.saga.lg.jp/kiji00319424/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Saga,Japan,1853303,NID201200804702449 +,https://ror.org/05r7da694,Fukushima Prefectural Environmental Center*en,active,facility,フクシマケン カンキョウ センター*ja;Fukushimaken Kankyo Senta*ja,Fukushima Prefectural Environmental Center*en;福島県環境センター*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Koriyama,Japan,2112141,NID201200778105547 +,https://ror.org/031nbmf07,Social Sports Center*en,inactive,facility,社会スポーツセンター*ja,Social Sports Center*en;一般財団法人社会スポーツセンター*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200522762677 +,https://ror.org/04q3w4q22,Japan Textile Products Quality and Technology Center*en,active,facility,日本繊維製品品質技術センター*ja,Japan Textile Products Quality and Technology Center*en;一般財団法人日本繊維製品品質技術センター*ja,QTEC,https://www.qtec.or.jp,,qtec.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200996244778 +,https://ror.org/05814ha56,Japan Dairy Association*en,active,facility,Jミルク*ja,Japan Dairy Association*en;一般社団法人Jミルク*ja,,https://www.j-milk.jp,,j-milk.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200112174073 +,https://ror.org/05mv5zk02,Plastic Waste Management Institute*en,active,facility,プラスチック循環利用協会*ja,Plastic Waste Management Institute*en;一般社団法人プラスチック循環利用協会*ja,,https://www.pwmi.or.jp,,pwmi.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200650926143 +,https://ror.org/03she8458,Association of International Research Initiatives for Environmental Studies*en,active,nonprofit,国際環境研究協会*ja,Association of International Research Initiatives for Environmental Studies*en;一般社団法人国際環境研究協会*ja,,https://www.airies.or.jp,,airies.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200129517847 +,https://ror.org/02wa6sn09,Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery*en,active,nonprofit,日本形成外科学会*ja,Japan Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery*en;一般社団法人日本形成外科学会*ja,,https://jsprs.or.jp,,jsprs.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200327508005 +,https://ror.org/02fhgzv56,Okinawa Prefectural Sea Farming Center*en,active,facility,,Okinawa Prefectural Sea Farming Center*en;沖縄県栽培漁業センター*ja,,https://www.pref.okinawa.jp/shigoto/suisangyo/1011078/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Naha,Japan,1856035,NID201200866475196 +,https://ror.org/03rh0ye08,Fukui Prefectural General Green Center*en,active,facility,Fukuiken Sogo Gurin Senta*ja;フクイケン ソウゴウ グリーン センター*ja,Fukui Prefectural General Green Center*en;福井県総合グリーンセンター*ja,,https://www.pref.fukui.lg.jp/doc/green-c/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Sakai,Japan,1853195,NID201200269540714 +,https://ror.org/04pvv2m50,Noshiro Kousei Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,,Noshiro Kousei Medical Center*en;JA秋田厚生連能代厚生医療センター*ja,,https://yamamoto-hosp.noshiro.akita.jp,,yamamoto-hosp.noshiro.akita.jp,,,,,,,,,,Noshiro,Japan,2128867,NID201200722762534 +,https://ror.org/059hgec16,Osaka Management Association*en,active,nonprofit,大阪能率協会*ja,Osaka Management Association*en;一般社団法人大阪能率協会*ja,,https://kansai.jma.or.jp,,ansai.jma.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200287211911 +,https://ror.org/02a0gt662,The Japan Society of Hepatology*en,active,nonprofit,Japan Society of Hepatology*en;日本肝臓学会*ja,The Japan Society of Hepatology*en;一般社団法人日本肝臓学会*ja,,https://jsh.or.jp,,jsh.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200056700143 +,https://ror.org/01stv0b46,Nuclear Material Control Center*en,active,facility,核物質管理センター*ja,Nuclear Material Control Center*en;公益財団法人核物質管理センター*ja,,https://www.jnmcc.or.jp,,jnmcc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200069600708 +,https://ror.org/00tecsr44,Gunma Industry Support Organization*en,active,nonprofit,群馬県産業支援機構*ja,Gunma Industry Support Organization*en;公益財団法人群馬県産業支援機構*ja,,https://www.g-inf.or.jp,,g-inf.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Maebashi,Japan,1857842,NID201200618534074 +,https://ror.org/04aqrg319,Japan Industrial Waste Management Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,産業廃棄物処理事業振興財団*ja,Japan Industrial Waste Management Foundation*en;公益財団法人産業廃棄物処理事業振興財団*ja,,https://www.sanpainet.or.jp,,sanpainet.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200977216608 +,https://ror.org/00pkaf287,The Distribution Economics Institute of Japan.*en,active,facility,Distribution Economics Institute of Japan.*en;流通経済研究所*ja,The Distribution Economics Institute of Japan.*en;公益財団法人流通経済研究所*ja,,https://www.dei.or.jp,,dei.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200452390115 +,https://ror.org/03w0jkt32,Technology Research Association for Next generation natural products chemistry*en,active,nonprofit,,Technology Research Association for Next generation natural products chemistry*en;次世代天然物化学技術研究組合*ja,,https://www.natprodchem.jp,,natprodchem.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200239069368 +,https://ror.org/05k0sbt34,SAGA Prefectural Environmental Research Center*en,active,facility,サガケン カンキョウ センター*ja;Sagaken Kankyo Senta*ja,SAGA Prefectural Environmental Research Center*en;佐賀県環境センター*ja,,https://www.pref.saga.lg.jp/list00024.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Saga,Japan,1853303,NID201200263629165 +,https://ror.org/008bamj58,Saga Prefectural Genkai Fisheries Research and Development Center*en,active,facility,Sagaken Genkai Suisan Shinko Senta*ja;サガケン ゲンカイ スイサン シンコウ センター*ja,Saga Prefectural Genkai Fisheries Research and Development Center*en;佐賀県玄海水産振興センター*ja,,https://www.pref.saga.lg.jp/list02481.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Saga,Japan,1853303,NID201200592770921 +,https://ror.org/03x27fd96,Shizuoka City Institute Of Environmental Sciences And Public Health*en,active,facility,シズオカシ カンキョウ ホケン ケンキュウジョ*ja;Shizuokashi Kankyo Hoken Kenkyujo*ja,Shizuoka City Institute Of Environmental Sciences And Public Health*en;静岡市環境保健研究所*ja,,https://www.city.shizuoka.lg.jp/s2386/s001754.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Shizuoka,Japan,1851717,NID201200952266606 +,https://ror.org/024e7gt83,Shimane Prefectural Agriculture And Livestock Industry Promotion Division*en,active,government,,Shimane Prefectural Agriculture And Livestock Industry Promotion Division*en;島根県農林水産部*ja,,https://www.pref.shimane.lg.jp/admin/pref/soshiki/norin/,,,,,,,,,,,,Matsue,Japan,1857550,NID201200183421447 +,https://ror.org/016f98811,St. Catherine Junior College*en,active,education,セイ カタリナ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja;Sei Katarina Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja,St. Catherine Junior College*en;聖カタリナ大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.catherine.ac.jp,,catherine.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Matsuyama,Japan,1926099,NID201200123272434 +,https://ror.org/0529fhg57,Morioka Yuai Hospital*en,active,healthcare,盛岡友愛病院*ja,Morioka Yuai Hospital*en;医療法人友愛会盛岡友愛病院*ja,,https://www.yu-ai-hp.net,,yu-ai-hp.net,,,,,,,,,,Morioka,Japan,2111834,NID201200821672589 +,https://ror.org/00e5sp938,Construction Engineering Research Institute Foundation*en,active,healthcare,建設工学研究所*ja,Construction Engineering Research Institute Foundation*en;一般財団法人建設工学研究所*ja,,http://www.kensetsuk.or.jp,,kensetsuk.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kobe,Japan,1859171,NID201200314571450 +,https://ror.org/03kb2zm15,Land Information Center*en,active,nonprofit,土地情報センター*ja,Land Information Center*en;一般財団法人土地情報センター*ja,,https://www.lic.or.jp,,lic.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200011609298 +,https://ror.org/0200bd281,Asahikawa Medical Association*en,active,nonprofit,旭川市医師会*ja,Asahikawa Medical Association*en;一般社団法人旭川市医師会*ja,,https://asamed.jp,,asamed.jp,,,,,,,,,,Asahikawa,Japan,2130629,NID201200206690306 +,https://ror.org/04aawnm78,Technology Research Association for Future Additive Manufacturing*en,active,nonprofit,,Technology Research Association for Future Additive Manufacturing*en;技術研究組合次世代3D積層造形技術総合開発機構*ja,,https://www.trafam.or.jp,,trafam.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200769500186 +,https://ror.org/03vk2ee13,Japanese Society of Periodontology*en,active,nonprofit,,Japanese Society of Periodontology*en;特定非営利活動法人日本歯周病学会*ja,,https://www.perio.jp,,perio.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200986432080 +,https://ror.org/004bcc434,Fukuoka City Education Center*en,active,facility,フクオカシ キョウイク センター*ja;Fukuokashi Kyoiku Senta*ja,Fukuoka City Education Center*en;福岡市教育センター*ja,,https://sites.google.com/fuku-c.ed.jp/f-educenter/,,,,,,,,,,,,Fukuoka,Japan,1863967,NID201200191419083 +,https://ror.org/0116en103,Kaken Test Center*en,active,nonprofit,カケンテストセンター*ja,Kaken Test Center*en;一般財団法人カケンテストセンター*ja,,https://www.kaken.or.jp,,kaken.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200522154212 +,https://ror.org/00t76qa96,KIDS First*en,active,nonprofit,キッズファースト*ja,KIDS First*en;一般財団法人キッズファースト*ja,,https://www.kidsfirst-gif.com,,kidsfirst-gif.com,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200129968612 +,https://ror.org/03hb9hm67,The Holstein Cattle Association of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,日本ホルスタイン登録協会*ja;Holstein Cattle Association of Japan*en,The Holstein Cattle Association of Japan*en;一般社団法人日本ホルスタイン登録協会*ja,,https://info.gbiz.go.jp/hojin/ichiran?hojinBango=7011205000050,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200749666367 +,https://ror.org/02a6etc13,Japan Racing Horse Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Japan Racing Horse Association*en;一般社団法人日本競走馬協会*ja,,https://www.jrha.or.jp,,jrha.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200022435736 +,https://ror.org/01py0xw12,Keidanren*en,active,nonprofit,,Keidanren*en;一般社団法人日本経済団体連合会*ja,,https://www.keidanren.or.jp,,keidanren.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200107813167 +,https://ror.org/04qgbbk05,Japan Meat Processors Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Japan Meat Processors Association*en;一般社団法人日本食肉加工協会*ja,,https://www.niku-kakou.or.jp/gaiyo/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200587307235 +,https://ror.org/03zkz9130,Japan RiverFront research Center*en,active,facility,リバーフロント研究所*ja,Japan RiverFront research Center*en;公益財団法人リバーフロント研究所*ja,,https://www.rfc.or.jp,,rfc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200263623619 +,https://ror.org/04a5x0a43,Kurate Hospital*en,active,healthcare,くらて病院*ja,Kurate Hospital*en;地方独立行政法人くらて病院*ja,,https://kurate-hp.com,,kurate-hp.com,,,,,,,,,,Kurate,Japan,782633,NID201200460991470 +,https://ror.org/05mbb3g87,Akitsu Kounoike Hospital*en,active,healthcare,秋津鴻池病院*ja,Akitsu Kounoike Hospital*en;医療法人鴻池会秋津鴻池病院*ja,,https://www.kounoikekai.com/akitsu/,,,,,,,,,,,,Nara,Japan,1855604,NID201200475856544 +,https://ror.org/01kfvpq31,Yashio Central General hospital*en,active,healthcare,八潮中央総合病院*ja,Yashio Central General hospital*en;医療法人社団協友会八潮中央総合病院*ja,,https://yashio-cgh.jp,,yashio-cgh.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yashio,Japan,1848499,NID201200337195233 +,https://ror.org/0306zjp26,Tamakyuryo Hospital*en,active,healthcare,多摩丘陵病院*ja,Tamakyuryo Hospital*en;医療法人社団幸隆会多摩丘陵病院*ja,,https://www.tamakyuryo.or.jp/hospital/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200673671268 +,https://ror.org/01crjdg76,Shonan Fujisawa Tokusyukai Hospital*en,active,healthcare,医療法人徳洲会湘南藤沢徳洲会病院*ja,Shonan Fujisawa Tokusyukai Hospital*en;医療法人徳洲会湘南藤沢徳洲会病院*ja,,https://fujisawatokushukai.jp,,fujisawatokushukai.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fujisawa,Japan,1864092,NID201200900011113 +,https://ror.org/05s7yq554,Omiya Medical Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Omiya Medical Association*en;一般社団法人大宮医師会*ja,,https://www.omiyamed.com,,omiyamed.com,,,,,,,,,,Saitama,Japan,6940394,NID201200173869767 +,https://ror.org/04y5x0d62,Central Japan Cord Blood Bank*en,active,healthcare,,Central Japan Cord Blood Bank*en;一般社団法人中部さい帯血バンク*ja,,https://www.chubu-cbb.org,,chubu-cbb.org,,,,,,,,,,Seto,Japan,1852663,NID201200292371903 +,https://ror.org/02ccw7t09,The Robotics Society of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,Robotics Society of Japan*en,The Robotics Society of Japan*en;一般社団法人日本ロボット学会*ja,,https://www.rsj.or.jp,,rsj.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200339520596 +,https://ror.org/01kkk1p70,Hot Spring Research Center*en,active,facility,中央温泉研究所*ja,Hot Spring Research Center*en;公益財団法人中央温泉研究所*ja,,http://www.onken.or.jp,,onken.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200524172944 +,https://ror.org/04g76yf98,Nagasaki Industrial Promotion Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,長崎県産業振興財団*ja,Nagasaki Industrial Promotion Foundation*en;公益財団法人長崎県産業振興財団*ja,,https://www.joho-nagasaki.or.jp,,joho-nagasaki.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagasaki,Japan,1856177,NID201200463686867 +,https://ror.org/01mpd7s19,Japan Education Center of Environmental Sanitation*en,active,nonprofit,日本環境整備教育センター*ja,Japan Education Center of Environmental Sanitation*en;公益財団法人日本環境整備教育センター*ja,,https://www.jeces.or.jp,,jeces.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200039481140 +,https://ror.org/01yf5j164,Japan Health Food & Nutrition Food Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本健康・栄養食品協会*ja,Japan Health Food & Nutrition Food Association*en;公益財団法人日本健康・栄養食品協会*ja,,https://www.jhnfa.org,,jhnfa.org,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200418113008 +,https://ror.org/03hremv38,Japan Library Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Japan Library Association*en;公益社団法人日本図書館協会*ja,,https://www.jla.or.jp/,,jla.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200669344642 +,https://ror.org/0501fpn39,Japan Fisheries Resource Conservation Association*en,active,facility,,Japan Fisheries Resource Conservation Association*en;公益社団法人日本水産資源保護協会*ja,,https://www.fish-jfrca.jp,,fish-jfrca.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200781733010 +,https://ror.org/00a429j56,Agano City Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Agano City Hospital*en;あがの市民病院*ja,,https://www.aganocity-hp.jp,,aganocity-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Agano,Japan,11837950,NID201200097594329 +,https://ror.org/04gf8db07,Kochi Prefectural Livestock Experiment Station*en,active,facility,コウチケン チクサン シケンジョウ*ja;Kochiken Chikusan Shikenjo*ja,Kochi Prefectural Livestock Experiment Station*en;高知県畜産試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.kochi.lg.jp/soshiki/160000/160908/,,,,,,,,,,,,Sakawa,Japan,1853127,NID201200468078564 +,https://ror.org/047fh3h41,Fukui Food Processing Research Institute*en,active,facility,Fukuiken Shokuhin Kako Kenkyujo*ja;フクイケン ショクヒン カコウ ケンキュウジョ*ja,Fukui Food Processing Research Institute*en;福井県食品加工研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.fukui.lg.jp/doc/021115/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Sakai,Japan,1853195,NID201200654626627 +,https://ror.org/05c2wqt85,Gifu Junior College of Health Science*en,inactive,education,,Gifu Junior College of Health Science*en;岐阜保健大学短期大学部*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Gifu,Japan,1863641,NID201200784907713 +,https://ror.org/03n8g4k47,Kwansei Gakuin Junior College*en,active,education,聖和短期大学*ja;Seiwa Junior College*en,Seiwa Junior College*en;関西学院短期大学*ja,,https://jc.kwansei.ac.jp,,jc.kwansei.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nishinomiya,Japan,1855207,NID201200482333092 +,https://ror.org/02btb7z30,Tsurugaya Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Tsurugaya Hospital*en;医療法人鶴谷会鶴谷病院*ja,,https://www.tsurugaya.or.jp,,tsurugaya.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Isesaki,Japan,1861436,NID201200481451766 +,https://ror.org/00f3fvn46,Japan Dam Engineering Center*en,active,facility,ダム技術センター*ja,Japan Dam Engineering Center*en;一般財団法人ダム技術センター*ja,,https://www.jdec.or.jp,,jdec.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200477927400 +,https://ror.org/0264f4e78,Institute of Local Finance*en,active,facility,地方財務協会*ja,Institute of Local Finance*en;一般財団法人地方財務協会*ja,,https://www.chihou-zaimu.com,,chihou-zaimu.com,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200216829873 +,https://ror.org/007qq9s41,Hokkaido Aquaculture Promotion Corporation*en,active,nonprofit,,Hokkaido Aquaculture Promotion Corporation*en;公益社団法人北海道栽培漁業振興公社*ja,,https://www.saibai.or.jp,,saibai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sapporo,Japan,2128295,NID201200141962115 +,https://ror.org/006qqg238,Seirei Hamamatsu City Rehabilitation Hospital*en,active,healthcare,聖隷福祉事業団浜松市リハビリテーション病院*ja,Seirei Hamamatsu City Rehabilitation Hospital*en;社会福祉法人聖隷福祉事業団浜松市リハビリテーション病院*ja,,https://www.hriha.jp,,hriha.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hamamatsu,Japan,1863289,NID201200808867704 +,https://ror.org/007zj6g46,Gunma Sericultural Technology Center*en,active,facility,Gunmaken Sanshi Gijutsu Senta*ja;グンマケン サンシ ギジュツ センター*ja,Gunma Sericultural Technology Center*en;群馬県蚕糸技術センター*ja,,https://www.pref.gunma.jp/soshiki/140/,,,,,,,,,,,,Maebashi,Japan,1857843,NID201200412306185 +,https://ror.org/017ew4470,Kumamoto Kenhoku Hospital*en,active,healthcare,くまもと県北病院*ja,Kumamoto Kenhoku Hospital*en;地方独立行政法人くまもと県北病院*ja,,https://kumakenhoku-hp.jp,,kumakenhoku-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kumamoto,Japan,1858421,NID201200163216818 +,https://ror.org/02g61vs33,Incorporated Foundation Okinawa Prefecture Environment Science Center*en,active,facility,沖縄県環境科学センター*ja,Incorporated Foundation Okinawa Prefecture Environment Science Center*en;一般財団法人沖縄県環境科学センター*ja,,https://www.okikanka.or.jp,,okikanka.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Urasoe,Japan,6822152,NID201200378956367 +,https://ror.org/0126h8t90,Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers*en,active,nonprofit,日本科学技術連盟*ja,Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers*en;一般財団法人日本科学技術連盟*ja,,https://www.juse.or.jp,,juse.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200343696966 +,https://ror.org/03grecp63,Nagasaki City Medical Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Nagasaki City Medical Association*en;一般社団法人長崎市医師会*ja,,https://www.nagasaki.med.or.jp/n-city/,,,,,,,,,,,,Nagasaki,Japan,1856177,NID201200691020761 +,https://ror.org/015a2rt79,Ecosystem Conservation SOCIETY-JAPAN*en,active,nonprofit,日本生態系協会*ja,Ecosystem Conservation SOCIETY-JAPAN*en;公益財団法人日本生態系協会*ja,,https://www.ecosys.or.jp,,ecosys.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200168137545 +,https://ror.org/05jhmfs41,Zama General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Zama General Hospital*en;社会医療法人ジャパンメディカルアラインス座間総合病院*ja,,https://zama.jinai.jp,,zama.jinai.jp,,,,,,,,,,Zama,Japan,1848004,NID201200999567612 +,https://ror.org/05jkxnr58,Shakomae Kokorono Clinic*en,active,healthcare,,Shakomae Kokorono Clinic*en;車庫前こころのクリニック*ja,,https://www.shakomae-cl.com,,shakomae-cl.com,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200145348522 +,https://ror.org/0126kmk90,Yamanashi Institute for Public Health and Environment*en,active,nonprofit,Yamanashiken Eisei Kankyo Kenkyujo*ja;ヤマナシケン エイセイ カンキョウ ケンキュウジョ*ja,Yamanashi Institute for Public Health and Environment*en;山梨県衛生環境研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.yamanashi.jp/eikanken/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kofu,Japan,1859096,NID201200809453380 +,https://ror.org/05p939w45,Tochigi Prefecture Kenou Animal Hygiene Service Center Of Tochigi*en,active,facility,,Tochigi Prefecture Kenou Animal Hygiene Service Center Of Tochigi*en;栃木県県央家畜保健衛生所*ja,,https://www.pref.tochigi.lg.jp/g66/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Utsunomiya,Japan,1849053,NID201200717300424 +,https://ror.org/02hs16028,Fukushima Prefectual Center for Environmental Creation*en,active,facility,Fukushimaken Kankyo Sozo Senta*ja;フクシマケン カンキョウ ソウゾウ センター*ja,Fukushima Prefectual Center for Environmental Creation*en;福島県環境創造センター*ja,,https://www.fukushima-kankyosozo.jp,,fukushima-kankyosozo.jp,,,,,,,,,,Miharu,Japan,2111943,NID201200671415745 +,https://ror.org/04s3cat53,Wakayama Prefectural Research Center of Environment and Public Health*en,active,facility,Wakayamaken Kankyo Eisei Kenkyu Senta*ja;ワカヤマケン カンキョウ エイセイ ケンキュウ センター*ja,Wakayama Prefectural Research Center of Environment and Public Health*en;和歌山県環境衛生研究センター*ja,,https://www.pref.wakayama.lg.jp/prefg/031801/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Wakayama,Japan,1926004,NID201200969736044 +,https://ror.org/040j99w46,Osaka College of Music Junior College*en,active,education,オオサカ オンガク ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja;Oosaka Ongaku Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja,Osaka College of Music Junior College*en;大阪音楽大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.daion.ac.jp/course/junior-college/,,,,,,,,,,,,Toyonaka,Japan,1849837,NID201200233801546 +,https://ror.org/0433m7c65,Tanushimaru Central Hospital*en,active,nonprofit,,Tanushimaru Central Hospital*en;医療法人聖峰会田主丸中央病院*ja,,https://seihoukai.or.jp,,seihoukai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kurume,Japan,1858088,NID201200267069583 +,https://ror.org/00f8c2k07,Foundation of River&Basin Integrated Communications*en,active,nonprofit,河川情報センター*ja,Foundation of River&Basin Integrated Communications*en;一般財団法人河川情報センター*ja,,https://www.river.or.jp,,river.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200870449901 +,https://ror.org/02f90t643,Kansai Airport Research Institute*en,active,nonprofit,関西空港調査会*ja,Kansai Airport Research Institute*en;一般財団法人関西空港調査会*ja,,http://www.kar.or.jp,,kar.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200058438637 +,https://ror.org/05xs52z55,The Takeda Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,Takeda Foundation*en;武田計測先端知財団*ja,The Takeda Foundation*en;一般財団法人武田計測先端知財団*ja,,http://www.takeda-foundation.jp,,takeda-foundation.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200618068481 +,https://ror.org/02d0sp989,Consortium for Lithium Ion Battery Technology and Evaluation Center*en,active,facility,,Consortium for Lithium Ion Battery Technology and Evaluation Center*en;技術研究組合リチウムイオン電池材料評価研究センター*ja,,https://www.libtec.or.jp,,libtec.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Ikeda,Japan,2129951,NID201200504181470 +,https://ror.org/02meqw785,The SKYLARK Food Science Institute*en,active,facility,すかいらーくフードサイエンス研究所*ja;SKYLARK Food Science Institute*en,The SKYLARK Food Science Institute*en;公益財団法人すかいらーくフードサイエンス研究所*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200195270767 +,https://ror.org/054en7g85,Life Sports Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,ライフスポーツ財団*ja,Life Sports Foundation*en;公益財団法人ライフスポーツ財団*ja,,https://www.lsf.or.jp,,lsf.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Suita,Japan,1851483,NID201200312912446 +,https://ror.org/04yzg0e77,Mie Industry and Enterprise Support Center*en,active,facility,三重県産業支援センター*ja,Mie Industry and Enterprise Support Center*en;公益財団法人三重県産業支援センター*ja,,https://www.miesc.or.jp,,miesc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tsu,Japan,1849796,NID201200614570676 +,https://ror.org/04f5ykh80,International Media Research Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,,International Media Research Foundation*en;財団法人国際メディア研究財団*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200396740324 +,https://ror.org/0444ptj69,Gunma Prefectural Police*en,active,government,,Gunma Prefectural Police*en;群馬県警察*ja,,https://www.police.pref.gunma.jp,,police.pref.gunma.jp,,,,,,,,,,Maebashi,Japan,1857843,NID201200240420811 +,https://ror.org/00vmrsn64,Fujiyoshida Municipal Medical Center*en,active,facility,富士吉田市立病院*ja,Fujiyoshida Municipal Medical Center*en;国民健康保険富士吉田市立病院*ja,,https://www.fymh.jp,,fymh.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fujiyoshida,Japan,10629856,NID201200608461588 +,https://ror.org/04gmpq477,Saga Tea Research Laboratory*en,active,facility,Sagaken Chagyo Shikenjo*ja;サガケン チャギョウ シケンジョウ*ja,Saga Tea Research Laboratory*en;佐賀県茶業試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.saga.lg.jp/kiji00322066/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Saga,Japan,1853303,NID201200965896092 +,https://ror.org/01641cv78,Soka Women's College*en,active,education,ソウカ ジョシ タンキ ダイガク*ja;Soka Joshi Tanki Daigaku*ja,Soka Women's College*en;創価女子短期大学*ja,,https://www.soka.ac.jp/swc/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200891913898 +,https://ror.org/02z2bfb91,Asahino General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,朝日野総合病院*ja,Asahino General Hospital*en;医療法人朝日野会朝日野総合病院*ja,,https://www.asahino.or.jp,,asahino.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kumamoto,Japan,1858421,NID201200889757576 +,https://ror.org/02c58qy62,Kansai Occupational Health Association*en,active,nonprofit,関西労働保健協会*ja,Kansai Occupational Health Association*en;一般財団法人関西労働保健協会*ja,,https://www.krk-osaka.or.jp,,krk-osaka.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200166242135 +,https://ror.org/04qxf2010,Akita Prefectural Resources Technology Development Organization*en,active,nonprofit,秋田県資源技術開発機構*ja,Akita Prefectural Resources Technology Development Organization*en;一般財団法人秋田県資源技術開発機構*ja,,https://amtec.or.jp,,amtec.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kosaka,Japan,2129450,NID201200259644897 +,https://ror.org/04s3apq10,Miyazaki Prefecture Foods Development Center*en,active,facility,Miyazakiken Shokuhin Kaihatsu Senta*ja;ミヤザキケン ショクヒン カイハツ センター*ja,Miyazaki Prefecture Foods Development Center*en;宮崎県食品開発センター*ja,,https://www.iri.pref.miyazaki.jp/?page_id=32,,,,,,,,,,,,Miyazaki,Japan,1856717,NID201200671113111 +,https://ror.org/006pvs224,Hirosaki University of Health and Welfare Junior College*en,active,education,ヒロサキ イリョウ フクシ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja;Hirosaki Iryo Fukushi Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja,Hirosaki University of Health and Welfare Junior College*en;弘前医療福祉大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.hirosakiuhw.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Hirosaki,Japan,2130057,NID201200804446017 +,https://ror.org/01p1f8250,Toyohashi Sozo Junior College*en,active,education,Toyohashi Sozo Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja;トヨハシ ソウゾウ ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja,Toyohashi Sozo Junior College*en;豊橋創造大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.sozo.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Toyohashi,Japan,1849846,NID201200411652234 +,https://ror.org/00ye6zh98,Kita-akita Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,北秋田市民病院*ja,Kita-akita Municipal Hospital*en;JA秋田厚生連北秋田市民病院*ja,,https://www.kitaakita-hp.jp,,kitaakita-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kita-Akita,Japan,6822204,NID201200634073182 +,https://ror.org/033zp8j66,The Life Planning Center Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,Life Planning Center Foundation*en;ライフ・プランニング・センター*ja,The Life Planning Center Foundation*en;一般財団法人ライフ・プランニング・センター*ja,,https://lpc.or.jp,,lpc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200103948128 +,https://ror.org/05sm4qw49,The Japanese Institute of Irrigation and Drainage*en,active,facility,Japanese Institute of Irrigation and Drainage*en;日本水土総合研究所*ja,The Japanese Institute of Irrigation and Drainage*en;一般財団法人日本水土総合研究所*ja,,http://www.jiid.or.jp,,jiid.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200656561874 +,https://ror.org/052dn0m48,Japanese Society of Tribologists*en,active,nonprofit,,Japanese Society of Tribologists*en;一般社団法人日本トライボロジー学会*ja,,https://www.tribology.jp,,tribology.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200188693342 +,https://ror.org/016svmr24,Nishina Memorial Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,仁科記念財団*ja,Nishina Memorial Foundation*en;公益財団法人仁科記念財団*ja,,https://www.nishina-mf.or.jp,,nishina-mf.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200275032267 +,https://ror.org/05aqg9159,Japan Association on Odor Environment*en,active,nonprofit,,Japan Association on Odor Environment*en;公益社団法人におい・かおり環境協会*ja,,https://orea.or.jp,,orea.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200143429227 +,https://ror.org/00v5th343,Tokyo Geographical Society*en,active,nonprofit,,Tokyo Geographical Society*en;公益社団法人東京地学協会*ja,,https://www.geog.or.jp,,geog.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200694211597 +,https://ror.org/05kss3581,Aichi Blood Disease Research Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,,Aichi Blood Disease Research Foundation*en;財団法人愛知血液疾患研究財団*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Nagoya,Japan,1856057,NID201200944064838 +,https://ror.org/02t5tv480,Aomori Prefectural Nuclear Power Safety Center*en,active,facility,アオモリケン ゲンシリョク センター*ja;Aomoriken Genshiryoku Senta*ja,Aomori Prefectural Nuclear Power Safety Center*en;青森県原子力センター*ja,,https://www.pref.aomori.lg.jp/soshiki/kikikanri/g-center/center-home.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Rokkasho,Japan,2128399,NID201200869094613 +,https://ror.org/02g7kyh11,Shibata Gakuen University*en,active,education,,Shibata Gakuen University*en;柴田学園大学*ja,,https://univ.shibata.ac.jp,,univ.shibata.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hirosaki,Japan,2130057,NID201200341931764 +,https://ror.org/0053cs676,Research Institute for Urban & Environmental Development*en,active,facility,Research Institute for Urban and Environmental Development*en;日本開発構想研究所*ja,Research Institute for Urban & Environmental Development*en;一般財団法人日本開発構想研究所*ja,,https://www.ued.or.jp,,ued.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200955698259 +,https://ror.org/03kedtk42,JIPDEC*en,active,nonprofit,日本情報経済社会推進協会*ja,JIPDEC*en;一般財団法人日本情報経済社会推進協会*ja,,https://www.jipdec.or.jp,,jipdec.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200318299428 +,https://ror.org/009xkwf56,Japan Techno-Economics Society*en,active,nonprofit,,Japan Techno-Economics Society*en;一般社団法人科学技術と経済の会*ja,,https://www.jates.or.jp,,jates.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200238137992 +,https://ror.org/03hapbz02,Electric Technology Research Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Electric Technology Research Association*en;一般社団法人電気協同研究会*ja,,https://www.etra.or.jp,,etra.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200873921325 +,https://ror.org/02ftyfe43,Control System Security Center*en,active,facility,,Control System Security Center*en;技術研究組合制御システムセキュリティセンター*ja,,https://www.css-center.or.jp,,css-center.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sendai,Japan,2111149,NID201200101234865 +,https://ror.org/04ry0xt97,Nagoya Industries Promotion Corporation*en,active,nonprofit,名古屋産業振興公社*ja,Nagoya Industries Promotion Corporation*en;公益財団法人名古屋産業振興公社*ja,,https://www.nipc.or.jp,,nipc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagoya,Japan,1856057,NID201200129913128 +,https://ror.org/01qag5b35,Child Information and Research Center*en,active,facility,,Child Information and Research Center*en;公益社団法人子ども情報研究センター*ja,,https://kojoken.jp,,kojoken.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200636304316 +,https://ror.org/00nava455,The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine*en,active,nonprofit,Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine*en,The Japanese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine*en;公益社団法人日本リハビリテーション医学会*ja,,https://www.jarm.or.jp,,jarm.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200349155333 +,https://ror.org/02qr20086,"The Institute of Professional Engineers, Japan*en",active,facility,"Institute of Professional Engineers, Japan*en","The Institute of Professional Engineers, Japan*en;公益社団法人日本技術士会*ja",,https://www.engineer.or.jp,,engineer.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200750210274 +,https://ror.org/03pvja988,Variable Star Observers League in Japan*en,active,nonprofit,Nihon Henkosei Kansokusha Renmei*ja;ニホン ヘンコウセイ カンソクシャ レンメイ*ja,Variable Star Observers League in Japan*en;日本変光星観測者連盟*ja,,https://www.ananscience.jp/variablestar/,,,,,,,,,,,,Anan,Japan,1865309,NID201200486739973 +,https://ror.org/02pec9g39,Iwate Prefectural Inland Fisheries Technology Center*en,active,facility,イワテケン ナイスイメン スイサン ギジュツ センター*ja;Iwateken Naisuimen Suisan Gijutsu Senta*ja,Iwate Prefectural Inland Fisheries Technology Center*en;岩手県内水面水産技術センター*ja,,https://www.pref.iwate.jp/soshiki/nousui/1016063.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Hachimantai,Japan,6822186,NID201200548588334 +,https://ror.org/02jm2sa52,The Gunma Prefectural Education Center*en,active,facility,Gunma Prefectural Education Center*en;Gunmaken Sogo Kyoiku Senta*ja;グンマケン ソウゴウ キョウイク センター*ja,The Gunma Prefectural Education Center*en;群馬県総合教育センター*ja,,https://center.gsn.ed.jp,,center.gsn.ed.jp,,,,,,,,,,Isesaki,Japan,1861436,NID201200498457748 +,https://ror.org/01k3n4406,Asama Nanroku Komoro Medical Center*en,active,healthcare,浅間南麓こもろ医療センター*ja,Asama Nanroku Komoro Medical Center*en;JA長野厚生連浅間南麓こもろ医療センター*ja,,https://komoro-mc.com,,komoro-mc.com,,,,,,,,,,Komoro,Japan,1858858,NID201200402680123 +,https://ror.org/05dhcxc25,Highway Technology Research Center*en,active,facility,首都高速道路技術センター*ja,Highway Technology Research Center*en;一般財団法人首都高速道路技術センター*ja,,https://www.tecmex.or.jp,,tecmex.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200966535194 +,https://ror.org/04bpbcc82,Japan Weathering Test Center*en,active,facility,日本ウエザリングテストセンター*ja,Japan Weathering Test Center*en;一般財団法人日本ウエザリングテストセンター*ja,,http://www.jwtc.or.jp,,jwtc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200968565481 +,https://ror.org/01z745x67,The Laser Society of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,Laser Society of Japan*en,The Laser Society of Japan*en;一般社団法人レーザー学会*ja,,https://www.lsj.or.jp,,lsj.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200069183793 +,https://ror.org/0263b6f89,Japanese Society of Allergology*en,active,nonprofit,,Japanese Society of Allergology*en;一般社団法人日本アレルギー学会*ja,,https://www.jsaweb.jp,,jsaweb.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200189169666 +,https://ror.org/015y5ng21,Ehime Prefectural International Center*en,active,facility,愛媛県国際交流協会*ja,Ehime Prefectural International Center*en;公益財団法人愛媛県国際交流協会*ja,,https://www.epic.or.jp,,epic.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Matsuyama,Japan,1926099,NID201200328413876 +,https://ror.org/03aphgr60,Radioactive and Decommissioning Center*en,active,facility,原子力バックエンド推進センター*ja,Radioactive and Decommissioning Center*en;公益財団法人原子力バックエンド推進センター*ja,,https://randec.securesite.jp,,randec.securesite.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200143692498 +,https://ror.org/022mwkf84,THE General Insurance Institute Of Japan*en,active,facility,損害保険事業総合研究所*ja;General Insurance Institute Of Japan*en,THE General Insurance Institute Of Japan*en;公益財団法人損害保険事業総合研究所*ja,,https://www.sonposoken.or.jp,,sonposoken.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200378552257 +,https://ror.org/004hg5r31,Hiraoka Environmental Science Laboratory*en,active,facility,平岡環境科学研究所*ja,Hiraoka Environmental Science Laboratory*en;公益財団法人平岡環境科学研究所*ja,,https://hiraokaken.or.jp,,hiraokaken.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sagamihara,Japan,11611609,NID201200442209652 +,https://ror.org/01rd31k26,Japan Packaging Institute*en,active,facility,,Japan Packaging Institute*en;公益社団法人日本包装技術協会*ja,,https://www.jpi.or.jp,,jpi.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200132417301 +,https://ror.org/059r6em50,Gihu Prefecture Research Institute for Human Life Technology*en,active,facility,Gifuken Seikatsu Gijutsu Kenkyujo*ja;ギフケン セイカツ ギジュツ ケンキュウジョ*ja,Gihu Prefecture Research Institute for Human Life Technology*en;岐阜県生活技術研究所*ja,,https://www.life.rd.pref.gifu.lg.jp,,life.rd.pref.gifu.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Takayama,Japan,1850892,NID201200562697724 +,https://ror.org/00cr19p86,Shizuoka Prefectural Environmental Radiation Monitoring Center*en,active,facility,,Shizuoka Prefectural Environmental Radiation Monitoring Center*en;静岡県環境放射線監視センター*ja,,http://www.hoshasen.pref.shizuoka.jp/radiation/home.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Makinohara,Japan,1857737,NID201200766122172 +,https://ror.org/03yb7n124,Kakogawa City Hospital Organization*en,active,healthcare,加古川市民病院機構*ja,Kakogawa City Hospital Organization*en;地方独立行政法人加古川市民病院機構*ja,,https://www.kakohp.jp,,kakohp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kakogawa,Japan,1860704,NID201200400573908 +,https://ror.org/00hyv6j94,Tochigi Prefectural Livestock & Dairy Experimental Center*en,active,facility,トチギケン チクサン ラクノウ ケンキュウ センター*ja;Tochigiken Chikusan Rakuno Kenkyu Senta*ja,Tochigi Prefectural Livestock & Dairy Experimental Center*en;栃木県畜産酪農研究センター*ja,,https://www.pref.tochigi.lg.jp/g70/index.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Nasushiobara,Japan,6822174,NID201200944149540 +,https://ror.org/03bmwz664,Wakayama Prefectural Police*en,active,government,,Wakayama Prefectural Police*en;和歌山県警察*ja,,https://www.police.pref.wakayama.lg.jp,,police.pref.wakayama.lg.jp,,,,,,,,,,Wakayama,Japan,1926004,NID201200569375139 +,https://ror.org/0274bkc50,Toho Gakuen College of Drama and Music*en,active,education,Toho Gakuen Geijutsu Tanki Daigaku*ja;トウホウ ガクエン ゲイジュツ タンキ ダイガク*ja,Toho Gakuen College of Drama and Music*en;桐朋学園芸術短期大学*ja,,https://college.toho.ac.jp,,college.toho.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Chōfu,Japan,1864518,NID201200156810720 +,https://ror.org/01258d510,Sugino Fashion Junior College*en,inactive,education,Sugino Fukushoku Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja;スギノ フクショク ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja,Sugino Fashion Junior College*en;杉野服飾大学短期大学部*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200753371512 +,https://ror.org/017h2dy10,Electro-Chemical and Cancer Institute*en,active,facility,,Electro-Chemical and Cancer Institute*en;医療法人社団珠光会蓮見癌研究所*ja,,https://www.shukokai.org/hasumi.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200805371374 +,https://ror.org/057tpd183,Hanshin Expressway Research Institute for Advanced Technology*en,active,facility,阪神高速先進技術研究所*ja,Hanshin Expressway Research Institute for Advanced Technology*en;一般財団法人阪神高速先進技術研究所*ja,,https://www.hit.or.jp,,hit.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200967206404 +,https://ror.org/00qar5s49,The Japan Society of Information and Communication*en,active,nonprofit,情報通信学会*ja;Japan Society of Information and Communication*en,The Japan Society of Information and Communication*en;公益財団法人情報通信学会*ja,,http://www.jsicr.jp,,jsicr.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200063221925 +,https://ror.org/05c6s8n11,Kyoto Nursing Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Kyoto Nursing Association*en;公益社団法人京都府看護協会*ja,,https://www.kyokango.or.jp,,kyokango.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200587076384 +,https://ror.org/01ywqnr15,"Japan Association for Techno-innovation in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries*en",active,nonprofit,,"Japan Association for Techno-innovation in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries*en;公益社団法人農林水産・食品産業技術振興協会*ja",,https://www.jataff.or.jp,,jataff.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200529576835 +,https://ror.org/059wkht85,Hokkaido Club*en,active,nonprofit,,Hokkaido Club*en;公益社団法人北海道倶楽部*ja,,https://hkd-ouendankaigi.jp/cheering/enterprise/106.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200641717051 +,https://ror.org/05awykg63,Seiyo Municipal Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Seiyo Municipal Hospital*en;西予市立西予市民病院*ja,,https://www.seiyo-mh.jp,,seiyo-mh.jp,,,,,,,,,,Seiyo,Japan,10861187,NID201200281536825 +,https://ror.org/04vxejn53,Fukui Prefectural Sea Farming Center*en,active,facility,Fukuiken Saibai Gyogyo Senta*ja;フクイケン サイバイ ギョギョウ センター*ja,Fukui Prefectural Sea Farming Center*en;福井県栽培漁業センター*ja,,https://www.fklab.fukui.fukui.jp/sc/,,,,,,,,,,,,Obama,Japan,1854849,NID201200299651406 +,https://ror.org/05j0zv629,Kansai Institute of Information Systems*en,active,nonprofit,関西情報センター*ja,Kansai Institute of Information Systems*en;一般財団法人関西情報センター*ja,,https://www.kiis.or.jp,,kiis.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200403930391 +,https://ror.org/0583bza14,Matsuoka Research Institute for Science*en,active,facility,松岡科学研究所*ja,Matsuoka Research Institute for Science*en;一般財団法人松岡科学研究所*ja,,https://www.matsuoka-institute.com,,matsuoka-institute.com,,,,,,,,,,Koganei,Japan,11612579,NID201200697604776 +,https://ror.org/03gvvw626,Association of Radio Industries and Businesses*en,active,nonprofit,,Association of Radio Industries and Businesses*en;一般社団法人電波産業会*ja,,https://www.arib.or.jp,,arib.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200746369881 +,https://ror.org/01gj2n097,Iwate Industry Promotion Center*en,active,facility,いわて産業振興センター*ja,Iwate Industry Promotion Center*en;公益財団法人いわて産業振興センター*ja,,https://www.joho-iwate.or.jp,,joho-iwate.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Morioka,Japan,2111834,NID201200108381405 +,https://ror.org/02jx8ck11,Viral Hepatitis Research Foundation of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,ウイルス肝炎研究財団*ja,Viral Hepatitis Research Foundation of Japan*en;公益財団法人ウイルス肝炎研究財団*ja,,https://vhfj.or.jp,,vhfj.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200535619313 +,https://ror.org/015ac6d32,Okayama Prefecture Industrial Promotion Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,岡山県産業振興財団*ja,Okayama Prefecture Industrial Promotion Foundation*en;公益財団法人岡山県産業振興財団*ja,,https://www.optic.or.jp,,optic.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Okayama,Japan,1854383,NID201200266269089 +,https://ror.org/00hdh0747,Northwest Pacific Region Environmental Cooperation Center*en,active,facility,環日本海環境協力センター*ja,Northwest Pacific Region Environmental Cooperation Center*en;公益財団法人環日本海環境協力センター*ja,,https://www.npec.or.jp,,npec.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Toyama,Japan,1849876,NID201200129099022 +,https://ror.org/00kw8nz94,SANKO Research Institute*en,active,facility,三康文化研究所*ja,SANKO Research Institute*en;公益財団法人三康文化研究所*ja,,https://sanko-bunka-kenkyujo.or.jp,,sanko-bunka-kenkyujo.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200401799875 +,https://ror.org/022vghp55,The Occupational Health Promotion Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,産業医学振興財団*ja;Occupational Health Promotion Foundation*en,The Occupational Health Promotion Foundation*en;公益財団法人産業医学振興財団*ja,,https://www.zsisz.or.jp,,zsisz.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200413756578 +,https://ror.org/009t4th85,The Institute For Zen Studies*en,active,facility,Institute For Zen Studies*en;禅文化研究所*ja,The Institute For Zen Studies*en;公益財団法人禅文化研究所*ja,,https://www.zenbunka.or.jp,,zenbunka.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200682182715 +,https://ror.org/00nf9rg18,Japan Accreditation Board*en,active,nonprofit,日本適合性認定協会*ja,Japan Accreditation Board*en;公益財団法人日本適合性認定協会*ja,,https://www.jab.or.jp,,jab.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200340564978 +,https://ror.org/032rqtv20,The Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association of Tokyo*en,active,nonprofit,Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association of Tokyo*en,The Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Association of Tokyo*en;公益社団法人東京医薬品工業協会*ja,,https://www.pmat.or.jp,,pmat.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200995706949 +,https://ror.org/03ajxah49,Japanese Society of Oral Implantology*en,active,nonprofit,,Japanese Society of Oral Implantology*en;公益社団法人日本口腔インプラント学会*ja,,https://www.shika-implant.org,,shika-implant.org,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200594795627 +,https://ror.org/024701x39,Kagoshima Prefectural Police*en,active,government,,Kagoshima Prefectural Police*en;鹿児島県警察*ja,,https://www.pref.kagoshima.jp/police/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kagoshima,Japan,1860827,NID201200958483883 +,https://ror.org/007tyhq53,Niigata Prefectural Police*en,active,government,,Niigata Prefectural Police*en;新潟県警察*ja,,https://www.pref.niigata.lg.jp/site/kenkei/,,,,,,,,,,,,Niigata,Japan,1855431,NID201200357898066 +,https://ror.org/017b2d067,Tokyo Information Design Professional University*en,active,education,,Tokyo Information Design Professional University*en;東京情報デザイン専門職大学*ja,,https://www.tid.ac.jp,,tid.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200241747487 +,https://ror.org/04me52195,Kyoto Junior College of Foreign Languages*en,active,education,Kyoto Gaikokugo Tanki Daigaku*ja;キョウト ガイコクゴ タンキ ダイガク*ja,Kyoto Junior College of Foreign Languages*en;京都外国語短期大学*ja,,https://www.kufs.ac.jp/kjcl/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200512373809 +,https://ror.org/03chdv970,Yamaha Music Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,ヤマハ音楽振興会*ja,Yamaha Music Foundation*en;一般財団法人ヤマハ音楽振興会*ja,,https://www.yamaha-mf.or.jp,,yamaha-mf.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200518010678 +,https://ror.org/0001k0954,All Japan Labor Welfare Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,全日本労働福祉協会*ja,All Japan Labor Welfare Foundation*en;一般財団法人全日本労働福祉協会*ja,,https://zrf.or.jp,,zrf.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200309586371 +,https://ror.org/05b2w9c34,Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging*en,active,nonprofit,,Japan Institute of Electronics Packaging*en;一般社団法人エレクトロニクス実装学会*ja,,https://www.jiep.or.jp,,jiep.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200508733949 +,https://ror.org/01aqcpe75,Japan Association for Building Research Promotion*en,active,nonprofit,,Japan Association for Building Research Promotion*en;一般社団法人建築研究振興協会*ja,,https://www.kksk.or.jp,,kksk.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200562067208 +,https://ror.org/01mbjxe28,Japan Sabo Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Japan Sabo Association*en;一般社団法人全国治水砂防協会*ja,,https://www.sabo.or.jp,,sabo.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200091944861 +,https://ror.org/04krhex92,Research Institute for Regional Planning and Development*en,active,nonprofit,,Research Institute for Regional Planning and Development*en;一般社団法人地域問題研究所*ja,,https://www.chimonken.or.jp,,chimonken.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagoya,Japan,1856057,NID201200067772470 +,https://ror.org/04t5mt493,OKINAWA Science and Technology Promotion Center*en,active,facility,沖縄科学技術振興センター*ja,OKINAWA Science and Technology Promotion Center*en;公益財団法人沖縄科学技術振興センター*ja,,https://www.ostc-okinawa.org,,ostc-okinawa.org,,,,,,,,,,Uruma,Japan,6822153,NID201200513259331 +,https://ror.org/05evsxq57,Chiba Industry Advancement Center*en,active,facility,千葉県産業振興センター*ja,Chiba Industry Advancement Center*en;公益財団法人千葉県産業振興センター*ja,,https://www.ccjc-net.or.jp,,ccjc-net.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Chiba,Japan,2113015,NID201200420711780 +,https://ror.org/03b92a478,Chugoku Occupational Health Association*en,active,nonprofit,中国労働衛生協会*ja,Chugoku Occupational Health Association*en;公益財団法人中国労働衛生協会*ja,,https://churou-wp.sub.jp,,churou-wp.sub.jp,,,,,,,,,,Fukuyama,Japan,1863917,NID201200843913389 +,https://ror.org/05ebds523,Japan Antibiotics Research Association*en,active,nonprofit,日本感染症医薬品協会*ja,Japan Antibiotics Research Association*en;公益財団法人日本感染症医薬品協会*ja,,https://www.antibiotics.or.jp,,antibiotics.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200998709899 +,https://ror.org/059v2tb26,Japan Housing & Wood Technology Center*en,active,facility,日本住宅・木材技術センター*ja,Japan Housing & Wood Technology Center*en;公益財団法人日本住宅・木材技術センター*ja,,https://www.howtec.or.jp,,howtec.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200645346019 +,https://ror.org/02k60m694,Japan Association For Inspection And Investigation Of Foods Including Fats And Oils*en,active,nonprofit,日本食品油脂検査協会*ja,Japan Association For Inspection And Investigation Of Foods Including Fats And Oils*en;公益財団法人日本食品油脂検査協会*ja,,https://www.syken.or.jp,,syken.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200820554431 +,https://ror.org/00tykj324,Kihara Memorial Yokohama Foundation for the Advancement of Life Sciences*en,active,nonprofit,木原記念横浜生命科学振興財団*ja,Kihara Memorial Yokohama Foundation for the Advancement of Life Sciences*en;公益財団法人木原記念横浜生命科学振興財団*ja,,https://kihara.or.jp,,kihara.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yokohama,Japan,1848354,NID201200303933753 +,https://ror.org/01z8nwq27,Chugoku Regional Research Center*en,active,facility,,Chugoku Regional Research Center*en;公益社団法人中国地方総合研究センター*ja,,https://crirc.jp,,crirc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Hiroshima,Japan,1862415,NID201200567769257 +,https://ror.org/048arg914,The Operations Research Society of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,Operations Research Society of Japan*en,The Operations Research Society of Japan*en;公益社団法人日本オペレーションズ・リサーチ学会*ja,,https://orsj.org,,orsj.org,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200729339328 +,https://ror.org/02g7vqw33,Japan Association for Real Estate Sciences*en,active,nonprofit,,Japan Association for Real Estate Sciences*en;公益社団法人日本不動産学会*ja,,https://www.jares.or.jp,,jares.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200239086930 +,https://ror.org/033ba9e70,Hokkaido Veterinary Medical Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Hokkaido Veterinary Medical Association*en;公益社団法人北海道獣医師会*ja,,https://www.hokkaido-juishikai.jp,,hokkaido-juishikai.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sapporo,Japan,2128295,NID201200331073052 +,https://ror.org/00tzybz48,Japan Child and Family Research Institute*en,active,facility,恩賜財団母子愛育会日本子ども家庭総合研究所*ja,Japan Child and Family Research Institute*en;社会福祉法人恩賜財団母子愛育会日本子ども家庭総合研究所*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200163841867 +,https://ror.org/04t0wry96,Institute for Health Outcomes & Process Evaluation Research*en,active,facility,,Institute for Health Outcomes & Process Evaluation Research*en;特定非営利活動法人健康医療評価研究機構*ja,,https://www.i-hope.jp,,i-hope.jp,,,,,,,,,,Kyoto,Japan,1857910,NID201200417048330 +,https://ror.org/02vvaeh07,Iwate Prefectural Nihohe Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Iwate Kenritsu Ninohe Byoin*ja;イワテ ケンリツ ニノヘ ビョウイン*ja,Iwate Prefectural Nihohe Hospital*en;岩手県立二戸病院*ja,,https://www.ninohe-hp.net,,ninohe-hp.net,,,,,,,,,,Ninohe,Japan,6822187,NID201200300481208 +,https://ror.org/053vczf59,Kumamoto Prefecture Forestry Research Guidance Place*en,active,facility,,Kumamoto Prefecture Forestry Research Guidance Place*en;熊本県林業研究・研修センター*ja,,https://www.pref.kumamoto.jp/soshiki/91/,,,,,,,,,,,,Kumamoto,Japan,1858421,NID201200535665976 +,https://ror.org/01am20874,Osaka Industrial Design Center*en,active,facility,オオサカフ サンギョウ デザイン センター*ja;Oosakafu Sangyo Dezain Senta*ja,Osaka Industrial Design Center*en;大阪府産業デザインセンター*ja,,https://www.osakadc.jp,,osakadc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200640411354 +,https://ror.org/04p7cv903,"The Energy Conservation Center, Japan*en",active,facility,"Energy Conservation Center, Japan*en;省エネルギーセンター*ja","The Energy Conservation Center, Japan*en;一般財団法人省エネルギーセンター*ja",,https://www.eccj.or.jp,,eccj.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200192698364 +,https://ror.org/05qxwej02,THE Japan Soy Sauce Technology Center*en,active,facility,Japan Soy Sauce Technology Center*en;日本醤油技術センター*ja,THE Japan Soy Sauce Technology Center*en;一般財団法人日本醤油技術センター*ja,,https://www.shoyu.or.jp,,shoyu.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200501698986 +,https://ror.org/01wpjrv46,Defense Facilities Environment Improvement Association*en,active,nonprofit,防衛施設協会*ja,Defense Facilities Environment Improvement Association*en;一般財団法人防衛施設協会*ja,,http://www.dfeia.or.jp,,dfeia.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200415059217 +,https://ror.org/00czxgw88,Thermal and Nuclear Power Engineering Society*en,active,nonprofit,,Thermal and Nuclear Power Engineering Society*en;一般社団法人火力原子力発電技術協会*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200073837468 +,https://ror.org/059czkb40,The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence*en,active,nonprofit,Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence*en,The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence*en;一般社団法人人工知能学会*ja,,https://www.ai-gakkai.or.jp,,ai-gakkai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200270949247 +,https://ror.org/03kx44b81,Japan Die Casting Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Japan Die Casting Association*en;一般社団法人日本ダイカスト協会*ja,,https://www.diecasting.or.jp,,diecasting.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200484874780 +,https://ror.org/01h30sx92,The Society of Photography and Imaging of Japan*en,active,nonprofit,Society of Photography and Imaging of Japan*en,The Society of Photography and Imaging of Japan*en;一般社団法人日本写真学会*ja,,https://www.spij.jp,,spij.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200206132699 +,https://ror.org/00j5vv741,The Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association*en,active,nonprofit,Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association*en,The Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Association*en;一般社団法人日本電機工業会*ja,,https://www.jema-net.or.jp,,jema-net.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200909886550 +,https://ror.org/00c5mww57,Japan Frozen Food Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Japan Frozen Food Association*en;一般社団法人日本冷凍食品協会*ja,,https://www.reishokukyo.or.jp,,reishokukyo.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200386858828 +,https://ror.org/05wez5a86,Chubu Region Institute for Social and Economic Research*en,active,facility,中部圏社会経済研究所*ja,Chubu Region Institute for Social and Economic Research*en;公益財団法人中部圏社会経済研究所*ja,,https://www.criser.jp,,criser.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nagoya,Japan,1856057,NID201200824130693 +,https://ror.org/02swm2f23,Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association*en,active,nonprofit,東京都公園協会*ja,Tokyo Metropolitan Park Association*en;公益財団法人東京都公園協会*ja,,https://www.tokyo-park.or.jp,,tokyo-park.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200181920720 +,https://ror.org/05qzb2q24,Japanese Olympic Committee*en,active,nonprofit,日本オリンピック委員会*ja,Japanese Olympic Committee*en;公益財団法人日本オリンピック委員会*ja,,https://www.joc.or.jp,,joc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200934766993 +,https://ror.org/004713342,Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities*en,active,nonprofit,日本障害者リハビリテーション協会*ja,Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities*en;公益財団法人日本障害者リハビリテーション協会*ja,,https://www.jsrpd.jp,,jsrpd.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200000560584 +,https://ror.org/04r2hbv78,Japan Pharmacists Education Center*en,active,nonprofit,日本薬剤師研修センター*ja,Japan Pharmacists Education Center*en;公益財団法人日本薬剤師研修センター*ja,,https://www.jpec.or.jp,,jpec.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200534612540 +,https://ror.org/03fmts619,International Economy and Work Research Institute*en,active,facility,,International Economy and Work Research Institute*en;公益社団法人国際経済労働研究所*ja,,https://www.iewri.or.jp,,iewri.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200991372359 +,https://ror.org/04aa21062,Technology Research Association of Highly Efficient Gene Design*en,active,nonprofit,,Technology Research Association of Highly Efficient Gene Design*en;高機能遺伝子デザイン技術研究組合*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200499554545 +,https://ror.org/04ketrr59,Kumamoto City Environmental Research Center*en,active,facility,Kumamotoshi Kankyo Sogo Senta*ja;クマモトシ カンキョウ ソウゴウ センター*ja,Kumamoto City Environmental Research Center*en;熊本市環境総合センター*ja,,https://www.city.kumamoto.jp/hpkiji/pub/detail.aspx?c_id=5&id=1493,,,,,,,,,,,,Kumamoto,Japan,1858421,NID201200684173795 +,https://ror.org/002tq9174,Akashio Research Institute of Kagawa Prefecture*en,active,facility,カガワケン アカシオ ケンキュウジョ*ja;Kagawaken Akashio Kenkyujo*ja,Akashio Research Institute of Kagawa Prefecture*en;香川県赤潮研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.kagawa.lg.jp/suisanshiken/akashiwo-kenkyujo/akashiwo-kfvn.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Takamatsu,Japan,1851100,NID201200624847157 +,https://ror.org/02snrrd92,Mie Prefecture Livestock Research Institute*en,active,facility,ミエケン チクサン ケンキュウジョ*ja;Mieken Chikusan Kenkyujo*ja,Mie Prefecture Livestock Research Institute*en;三重県畜産研究所*ja,,https://www.pref.mie.lg.jp/TIKUKEN/,,,,,,,,,,,,Matsusaka,Japan,11468431,NID201200144519149 +,https://ror.org/02kb86z46,Tajimi City Pottery Design and Technical Center*en,active,facility,,Tajimi City Pottery Design and Technical Center*en;多治見市陶磁器意匠研究所*ja,,https://www.city.tajimi.lg.jp/ishoken/,,,,,,,,,,,,Tajimi,Japan,1851193,NID201200369814562 +,https://ror.org/02ws0hm40,Telecom Engineering Center*en,active,facility,テレコムエンジニアリングセンター*ja,Telecom Engineering Center*en;一般財団法人テレコムエンジニアリングセンター*ja,,https://www.telec.or.jp,,telec.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200154803988 +,https://ror.org/05h2s3g06,Nissenken Quality Evaluation Center*en,active,facility,ニッセンケン品質評価センター*ja,Nissenken Quality Evaluation Center*en;一般財団法人ニッセンケン品質評価センター*ja,,https://nissenken.or.jp,,nissenken.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200189545293 +,https://ror.org/025w3tf57,Research Institute on Building Cost*en,active,facility,建築コスト管理システム研究所*ja,Research Institute on Building Cost*en;一般財団法人建築コスト管理システム研究所*ja,,https://www.ribc.or.jp,,ribc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200852304215 +,https://ror.org/01xerg443,Industrial Property Cooperation Center*en,active,facility,工業所有権協力センター*ja,Industrial Property Cooperation Center*en;一般財団法人工業所有権協力センター*ja,,https://www.ipcc.or.jp,,ipcc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200656011245 +,https://ror.org/032m8jb43,Service Center of Port Engineering*en,active,nonprofit,港湾空港総合技術センター*ja,Service Center of Port Engineering*en;一般財団法人港湾空港総合技術センター*ja,,https://www.scopenet.or.jp,,scopenet.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200136686392 +,https://ror.org/03fbas882,Japan Industrial Location Center*en,active,facility,日本立地センター*ja,Japan Industrial Location Center*en;一般財団法人日本立地センター*ja,,https://www.jilc.or.jp,,jilc.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200566808766 +,https://ror.org/04m9r4v66,Masuda Medical Association Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Masuda Medical Association Hospital*en;公益社団法人益田市医師会立益田地域医療センター医師会病院*ja,,https://www.masuda-med.or.jp/ishikai/,,,,,,,,,,,,Masuda,Japan,1857594,NID201200532307426 +,https://ror.org/00j6jx121,Japan Concrete Institute*en,active,facility,,Japan Concrete Institute*en;公益社団法人日本コンクリート工学会*ja,,https://www.jci-net.or.jp,,jci-net.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200438304169 +,https://ror.org/033v6h662,Japan Foundry Engineering Society*en,active,nonprofit,,Japan Foundry Engineering Society*en;公益社団法人日本鋳造工学会*ja,,https://jfs.or.jp,,jfs.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200774365721 +,https://ror.org/0052cym82,Choshi Hospital*en,active,healthcare,Choshi Shiritsu Byoin*ja;チョウシ シリツ ビョウイン*ja,Choshi Hospital*en;銚子市立病院*ja,,https://www.choshi-ik.or.jp,,choshi-ik.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Choshi,Japan,2112996,NID201200419045935 +,https://ror.org/01hked897,Nara Kasuga Hospital*en,active,healthcare,,Nara Kasuga Hospital*en;特定医療法人新仁会奈良春日病院*ja,,https://narakasuga-hospital.or.jp,,narakasuga-hospital.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Nara,Japan,1855612,NID201200564360734 +,https://ror.org/03eb2zp02,Japanese Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer*en,active,nonprofit,,Japanese Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer*en;特定非営利活動法人JORTC*ja,,https://www.jortc.jp,,jortc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200348717235 +,https://ror.org/04g2hr413,Fukui Prefectural Livestock Experimental Station*en,active,facility,Fukuiken Chikusan Shikenjo*ja;フクイケン チクサン シケンジョウ*ja,Fukui Prefectural Livestock Experimental Station*en;福井県畜産試験場*ja,,https://www.pref.fukui.lg.jp/doc/chikushi/,,,,,,,,,,,,Sakai,Japan,1853195,NID201200601996292 +,https://ror.org/02znq2s88,Wakayama City Institute Of Public Health*en,active,facility,ワカヤマシ エイセイ ケンキュウジョ*ja;Wakayamashi Eisei Kenkyujo*ja,Wakayama City Institute Of Public Health*en;和歌山市衛生研究所*ja,,https://www.city.wakayama.wakayama.jp/shisei/1009417/soshiki/1002615/1002639/1006526.html,,,,,,,,,,,,Wakayama,Japan,1926004,NID201200070380491 +,https://ror.org/01n71w067,Biwako Gakuin University Junior College*en,active,education,ビワコガクイン ダイガク タンキ ダイガクブ*ja;Biwako Gakuin Daigaku Tanki Daigakubu*ja;Shiga Bunka College*en,Biwako Gakuin University Junior College*en;びわこ学院大学短期大学部*ja,,https://www.biwakogakuin.ac.jp,,biwakogakuin.ac.jp,,,,,,,,,,Higashiomi,Japan,6822197,NID201200091616935 +,https://ror.org/03p1rmr05,Shiseido General Hospital*en,active,healthcare,至誠堂総合病院*ja,Shiseido General Hospital*en;医療法人社団松柏会至誠堂総合病院*ja,,https://www.shiseido-hp.jp,,shiseido-hp.jp,,,,,,,,,,Yamagata,Japan,2110556,NID201200009751361 +,https://ror.org/02j1as185,Narimasu Kosei Hospital*en,active,healthcare,成増厚生病院*ja,Narimasu Kosei Hospital*en;医療法人社団翠会成増厚生病院*ja,,https://narimasukosei-hospital.jp,,narimasukosei-hospital.jp,,,,,,,,,,Itabashi,Japan,1861321,NID201200110870175 +,https://ror.org/05wthsp76,Policy Study Group*en,active,nonprofit,,Policy Study Group*en;一般社団法人国際経済政策調査会*ja,,http://www.psgtokyo.jp,,psgtokyo.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200960066423 +,https://ror.org/01cprck53,Osaka Pediatric Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Osaka Pediatric Association*en;一般社団法人大阪小児科医会*ja,,https://www.osk-pa.or.jp,,osk-pa.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200925503857 +,https://ror.org/04ehhn480,Japan Building Materials Association*en,active,nonprofit,,Japan Building Materials Association*en;一般社団法人日本建築材料協会*ja,,https://www.kenzai.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,,,Osaka,Japan,1853909,NID201200912903936 +,https://ror.org/03rh1a838,Fukui Industrial Support Center*en,active,facility,ふくい産業支援センター*ja,Fukui Industrial Support Center*en;公益財団法人ふくい産業支援センター*ja,,https://www.fisc.jp,,fisc.jp,,,,,,,,,,Sakai,Japan,1853195,NID201200069726651 +,https://ror.org/00g482e48,Japan Medical Education Foundation*en,active,nonprofit,医学教育振興財団*ja,Japan Medical Education Foundation*en;公益財団法人医学教育振興財団*ja,,https://www.jmef.or.jp,,jmef.or.jp,,,,,,,,,,Tokyo,Japan,1850147,NID201200789071912 +,https://ror.org/01c9b5052,Nagano Techno Foundation*en,inactive,nonprofit,長野県テクノ財団*ja,Nagano Techno Foundation*en;公益財団法人長野県テクノ財団*ja,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Nagano,Japan,1856215,NID201200442666581 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