A toolkit for quick start developing with: twig, rollup.js, sass, foundation.
- brosersync for live reload browser
- rollup javascript module bundler with babel plugin
- gulpfile and tasks written with es6 syntax
- twig template engine
- sass css preprocessor
- gulp-sass-glob Gulp plugin for gulp-sass to use glob imports.
- foundation framework
- image minification
- Install nodeJS and npm
- Install gulp "npm install -g gulp"
- Clone this repo in your work folder
- Move terminal to work folder
- In terminal "npm install"
- In terminal "gulp" for develop environment or "gulp --env production" for production
- webserver - run local webserver
- watch - watch for changes in source files and automatic rebuild
- build:html - compile twig templates to html
- build:js - compile es6 javascript files and make bundle with rollup
-in production additionally minify js - build:js-libs - concat javascript files from directory
and from filesrc/js/libs/import.json
(used for import code from node_modules) - build:style - compile scss to css. gulp-sass-glob configured to ignore files witch started with double underscore
- in production: minify and prefix
- in development: write soursemaps - build:image - simply copy images from pic and img to build folder
- in production: minify images - build:font - symply copy fonts from font folder to build folder
- build - run next tasks
- build:html
- build:js
- build:js-libs
- build:style
- build:font
- build:image
- default - run next tasks
- build
- webserver
- watch