Under View you can pick a theme, set syntax highlighting and much more.
Base shortcuts: alt-z opens Zen-mode, alt-space does autocomplete, in the complete right bottom the small button toggles the console up and down.
To install extensions paste the URL into Tools > Extension Manager
Emmet support: https://raw.github.com/rmariuzzo/cloud9-emmet-ext/master/cloud9-emmet-ext.js
Hitlist: https://github.com/c9/hitlist
Scratchpad: https://github.com/lennartcl/cloud9-scratchpad
Markdown preview: https://raw.github.com/brads-tools/c9ext-mdpreview/master/ext.mdpreview/mdpreview.js
Emmet howto: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/03/26/goodbye-zen-coding-hello-emmet/
Shortcut list:
dl = get latest container ID
dc = get container process / show running containers
dca = show all containers
di = show all images
dip = get container IP
dipl = get last container's IP
dkd = run daemonized container, e.g., $dkd base /bin/echo hello
dki = run interactive container, e.g., $dki base /bin/bash
dsh = run shell in a container or image, e.g., dsh tcnksm/test
dish = run shell in a dind-subcontainer, e.g., dsh tcnksm/test
dind = run docker command inside a dind-subcontainer, e.g., dind tcnksm/test
dcm = commit a container to an image, e.g., dcm some-cont-id tcnksm/test
dstart = start a container, e.g. dstart name/contnr
dstop = stop all containers
drm = remove all containers, except running ones!
drmrf = stop and remove all containers
dri = remove all images, except of running containers!
dhelp = show all aliases
For meteor apps you need to have a mongoDB database, you can create one
for free at f.e. mongohq, or get a docker container (docker search mongodb).
To start a meteor boilerplate run:
/metbp.sh myapp
or a default meteor app:
meteor create myapp
to install dependencies:
mrt install
to run:
or do both at the same time, simply:
##Ruby on Rails
Start a project with:
rails new myapp
install dependencies:
run server:
rails s
- fix rails - done!
- make docker aliases work in c9 & install using non-root user
- emmet snippet adding plugin - https://github.com/sergeche/emmet-sublime
- mithril integration and jade-mithril plugin
- code-sharing plugin(s) (plunkr,mdn css,clker-scg,colourlovers)